:_. �._.-- --. : � , ... . . � . , -,,
<br /> i �
<br /> ' o3-t4-�9s� DEED OF'�FiUST �:. .���1O��;� �e��s � � -. ��._��
<br /> t � � �
<br /> � . ioar+Wo 435081 (Continued) _ � . , _
<br /> . ,
<br /> . @? �qss�menpe gn ectlon t0 icredase this Deed ot Trust as 8 mortgaga.apAOlnt a recehcsr or spec�P.Cdlty en!aroe any ot IR9 cavananta � • � ' r
<br /> ; t�eteOi;8nd ; `
<br /> (C) OWve�t0 7ntStGO be aa.�whtCh notCe Trustee shell c8use!0 b9�duJy fi:ed for recard in the}apDroDrtat o�fficeg o�►�e��"�'�^ f
<br /> iniatest tn the PropertY , . •
<br /> ' wThch tRe ProPertY IS Iocated:and � "
<br /> � i (d) ylf�th tg5p8Ct tp 8ll ot any piA ot iRe PetSOnei R'opEUlY.Lentler Shell haw 81�1Ae nghts and remedies o1 8 ssevrpd paAy undor th� � ;
<br /> f�te5ka Unitorm CommerCa]Cods. . ,
<br /> ; FOr6Ciosuro by Powet af Sete. U Lender ereats to foredase by exerqse ot the Powet ot Sae here{n conffifned,Lender SAali nOUfy Tru3teo and •
<br /> shafl daposit vfith Tntste9 tAis Dead of Trust and the Note and such reee�pts a�d evidence pf enpenddures maEe an9 socured by Ims OnQd ot �
<br /> Trust as Trustee may reaulre.
<br /> (a) Upon reCeipt ot such nottce hom lender,T�ustes shall cause to De recorded,publtst�ed and d�Svered lo Trustot such Nat�q ot Qafeeslt °--
<br /> and Notice of Sa(e as then�Wred by taw end Dy this OeeC ot Trusl. Trustee shali,without demsnd on Trustor,efter such�mo ns may
<br /> then De requ'ted by taw and after�rQatton of such Notioe ot Default and atter Notice of Saie having been given as requtred by taw,ss�� •
<br /> ttp prppgrty at the tlme and piace of sale faed by it�n such Notice of Sti119,either as a whole,or in sepa�aR�tots a paroets or Rem3 es , �
<br /> Trustee shap d9em e�emen�end fn sueh ordar es it maY determina,at pubGe auetion to th9 hiphesl bitlQer�o►cash��tawhfl money of
<br /> the UNied States p8y8d1e 8t the tlme of sale. Tntsiee shall deii+rer to such purChaser or purehasers thereof its good and StAttciartt daad Or ` _ • ,,.-.
<br /> •� deads comeytnp the property so sofd,bui witflout any covenant or warranry,e�ress or impiied. The recitats in such deed of any mattars � ,---
<br />,•;i or f8cis shall be Condusive proof of the truthiu�ness thereof. Any pesson,induding withoul�imitaUOn Trustor,Trustee,or Lender, may ;�,. �
<br /> � pu(Ch3.re 8t StfGN SY19. "-
<br /> :{ (b) 0.s may be P���by�w,aft�dedudinp a11 costs.fc�as and e�enses ot Trust�e and of this Tnat,ineludinp costs of ev�dence of
<br /> tifio in connxtlon w(th sal�.Tnut6e st�¢0 eppry the pror.eeds of sale to payment ct ()a0 sums expendad under the terms ot tNs Oee4 ot f ' ==-�= �"
<br /> Trust or unA6�tho terms Ot the Note no!lhen rapeid��dudmg but not limdsd to aaxued interest and late chaz9&5, (�i)all other sums then .•T�f^�"
<br /> sectped heteby.and (i'fi)the rema�nder�it ar►y.to the person or persons legalry entitled thereto. �� � '�� .� ..
<br /> .�r�
<br /> (c) Trt�t6e maY in ihe manner ptovlded bY Iaw D�9ona x'e ot all or any portion ot the Properry. � ;,.,��1�.
<br /> � � Rarcisslks Not Otdusttra Trustea nnd Lander,and each of them,shan be entitled to enfor�e payment and peAormance of eny indebtedness � . _-__
<br /> I or obUgnticns g�cired by this Oeed ot Tmst and to euerdse a�l dghts and powers undet thi�Oeed of Trust,under the[�fote,undat any o1 the � �:�
<br /> ��I Relaffid Documents,a urtder enY other ayreemant a any laws now or hereafter in foroe:natwithstandinQ,same or atl Of such ind9btedness .� �
<br /> � and ohApa@ons seCUred by thls Daed of TnG!may now or hereafter be otherwise secwad.whether by mortpeqB.dead of trus1,VledOe•Iien. .. ��,
<br /> � �nrtM�a otherwiss. NeffRe*4tie accePlance of thls Deed of Tru51 nor its entor�ement,whe:her by court acdon a p�xsuant to the power of + ��
<br /> x
<br /> :� � sale or other poweis conleined in thls Oeed o!Tnui, shail prelu�or in any manner ef.zc4 trustee's or Lendars rlpht b r82I(ze upan ar . �;•�_
<br /> • ! er�force any other secur(ty now or hereafter hsld by Trustee or Lender,it 6eing agreed that Tnwtae and Lender.and each o1 them,she11 Ee , ;
<br /> � � eM(ti�ed to enforoo th�Daed of Trusl and any other securitY now or hereafter held by Lender er Trustee in such orQer aad mantNr as theY or • . r#
<br /> d �t�L
<br /> efther of them may in their ebsolute dlscretion datermine. No remedy conferted upon or reserved to Trustee a Lender,Is intended to he _
<br /> " exc(usiw of any Other remedy in tMs Deed of Trusl a by�aw provided or permitted but each shafl be c�uialive and shall be in addUon to :� �.'�i '� -_
<br /> � evary other remedY 9�ven in this Deed of Tnuc or now or hereafter exisGng at taw or in equiry ar by statute. Everyr power o►remedY 9iven bY�he �.�}pt
<br /> Note 0►enY Ot the Related Docum9nts to Truslae Or LBnder or to whiCh eRher of them may be Oth8rwL5e entitletl, may be ecerGised. � "��"��"#.,j
<br /> ���,-., .., t..� l,!..,`1�
<br /> concurtenUy or independently,from tlma to time and as oRen as may be deemed exped:ent by Trustee or Lender,and either of ihem may � �t
<br /> pwgup i�pns(slent remedles. NotAinp in this Oeed of Trusx sha11 be canstrued es protub�ng Lender from sesking a defiCiancy judgmant .
<br /> asak�tt the Trwtor to the exterd such action is D�tted by law. .� '.� —
<br /> ReQuest For HoUCe. Trustor,on behelf of Tnistor anO Lender,hereby requ�ts that a cop�¢f any NO�ce oP DeiaWt and a eopy ot any Notks ' � ;'� � ,
<br /> of Sete under Uds Deed of Tnut he maited to tlsem at the addresses set roRh�n the first paragraAh of this Oeed ol Trust. S ' '
<br /> t :. �.
<br /> WalVar.Elettlon of RemWka. A weiwr by 8ny paAy of a breach ol a provlsion ot this Deed oi Trus1 ShuO not constitute a wahrer o}or � .t . _J
<br /> p���q��p�t(yrg rfyh}s pthgrwl5g to demand strkt complianCe with that provfsion or any dler provfslon. Efectlon by Lender to pursue any , •J� •
<br /> ' r�mady provided in thb OeaC ot Tnut,the Note,in any Retatad Dxument,or provided by I�w shall not eucdude pursuit ot arry other remedy. �� _
<br /> and en eiection ta make e�end�tures or to take aCUOn to pertorm an obiigation of Tnistor under this Qeed of Trust after fa�lure at Trustor to „��,. .:
<br /> �•"+ pot(Ortn SheU not aRect L�sd�s ripht to deCtare a defautt and 4o exerdse any ot its remed�es. �--_`-�-- �`. ,...
<br /> y A4�pmeya'Fee�Espenses. I}Lender institutes any suii or adion to entoroe any of the terms o1 this Ooed of Tn�.st.Lender shall be entitted to ,,7.,: ,�r�:��
<br /> . ,� �COtrx such 6um as ttie Court may adjuds0 reasonabla es ariomeys'fees at trlal and on arry a�ppeal. WheUwr a rtot any couA acilon Is _ N��-�-
<br /> � Invoiva4 ail rwSOnab�e a�enSes 1�CUt�ed by Lender whlcn in Lenders opinion are nacesserY e1 any time for the ptotocttOn ot its IntYrest a fAe � �-:�
<br /> ontp�p�¢M pp11 ib rIp}�S aryay pacome a PaA ot the Indebtedness payabte on demand and shall bear intorest at the Note rate from the date ot ,.� _
<br /> : � ����1D�Epel�, E�anses Covc�re0 by thls D�9►aPh inCtude,withoul UmltaUOn,however subject to any Amils under eppllCabie law. ,1�,,,{�„'.�_°-
<br /> LenQef9 flttornays'f�es wh�thar or not thete ts a InwsuB,indudinp ettorneys'fees tor bankru�tcy proceedmps psxludlrp aftorts to mod+ty ar
<br /> ,� yacay�ny autprt�atic sfay or lnjuncUon),appaels and any anGClpated post-�uEgment collection setvlces. fhs cost ot saarcAlnp teeor�, � ' �� .���
<br /> � �by�ppflcabb t4w.�s�w�rPay nny eo coststen e di�ont o a�ll ther sucr�si provlded by faw�s fot tho Trustee.to the extertt �=. ,�.� __ .._
<br /> "''T•t� f��l:.-_
<br /> � ��_ '
<br /> q1�Yts pf Trust�e.Trustee ShaU have sll of the riphb nnd duties of lender os set forth in tt:s sactlon. �-Y�=•
<br /> �-'�. �"'�---�,�,='; _-.
<br /> •.i ppyyEpg NJp pBLIpATIpNS pF'fR{�,TEF. Tha f000wlny Orovfsions tetaUng to the powers ancl obllpaUons ot Trustas ate paA of tMS Dead of . •�.�..Si� :: ::'.
<br /> , Trust . -
<br /> RowKS of Trusts�. In eQdiUOn to aU powws ot Tnistee erlsing as a matter of law,Tnutee shati have the powsr to taks the fWowing actlorts �'�� _
<br /> Mfi(A respecQ to th0 Properly upon the wrlrien request ot Lender and Trustor. (a)Joln In preparing and fiang a maA ar D1at nf ttw Fies!P�aAe�Y� , ,.��
<br /> ; Incitsdlrp the Qe�cation of streets or other rlyhts to the publtc; (b)Jo1n in granting any easement or creaUnp eny restrk:lion on the Roal Properly� � ,� �,_
<br /> • and (c)Join ln any subotdlnaUon or other a�eemo�aHecUng thls Oeed of Trust or the IrAecest ot Lender under thts Oeed ot Trust. ..
<br /> TrOStN.Trust9e sh�l meet alI QuaGflcatloes requUed for Trustee under applicable taw. In addition to the dghts 8nd remedles sot foRh above. •.
<br /> wlth nspect to a0 or arry paA of ttw Properhr,the Trustee shatl have the rigM to toreclose by notiee and sa:e.and Lender shall have the ripht ta , •
<br /> fpnctose�y judidal toractosure,tn etthw case In eocadance with and to tha.y extent provlded by$ppslc�.9 law• ,
<br /> � gu�s�Tntstee. UnQsr,af Lender's opllon,may hom tlme to tlme appc:�t a suCCe�.,sor TruStee to erry Trusta�oppdntaA hereunda�by en •
<br /> , tnstrttm�nt axuted and tcknowledped Oy Lender and recorded In trie offtCe ot the recaG�ot HAII County,Nebraska The Insbument sAatl • . :
<br /> cor�in,In ad�+Uon to a0 other matters requlred by state law,the names of the ar►p:na1 l�der,Trustee,anA Tnista,the book and page(or
<br /> ' compuLr systom roterance)where f1�ls Oeed o}Trust ts recorded,and the name and aC6ress o1 the successor trustee,nnd the Instrumer�t sha11 •,
<br /> bg�caCUted and aCknowqdyad by a111ne be^efkl�rles under the OoeO o!Trost or their successors In taterest. The successor trustee,wilhoul
<br /> oprMeytnce o!the Piroperly,sha11 sueCee�t�atl the UUe,Dower,and dWes centerted upon the Trustee in tAls Oeed of Trust end by appucabfe T�•
<br /> Isw, ltds proCedure for sub5titul}on of tru5:3e shell povem b the exclusion ot all other provlslons for SubstituUOn. �' :';
<br /> NOTICES TO TRItSTOR AMD OTFfEA PAATIES. Any no'•lce under this Deed of Trus!shatl be 1n wriUng,msy be bo sont by teletacsimilie,and shall . •
<br /> ba�(tc�t[w r�R�n nctunity dsflvered,or�vhon deposited vdtA a nat�onalty recognized overnlgh!courler,a,if malled,shall be deemed eHoctive whert . -
<br /> depoSiSod in ttN Unitad Stttes meil first class,certifled or roglsterod mail,postage prepeid,Cirected to ihe addresscts shaw�near the bepinning of ;
<br /> th19 Qeed o1 TnesL My pfuly may ehanqe ib address tor notices under thls Ueed of Trust by giving formal wdN.en noUos to the olhor PaAies. ; .
<br /> spedlylnp that the ptxpos�of 11w notloe b to change the OaMs address. All coA�es oi noticas o1(orectosure hom tha Aolder of uny lion which has i _
<br /> 8�g 88 t k6pp Lendar end T�rustee Intarmed at atl timees ot T�rus�tor's current addresse b�nning o1 this Ooed ot Trust. Fa noUoe purposes.Trusta _
<br /> . �-
<br /> . • :-_
<br /> MfSCF]J.AHECi1S Pit0Y1S10H8. The following misCellaneous promsions are a paA of ttus Deed of Tnuh ' � _
<br /> Art�ndm�ntf. Thls Died Of Tntst,topetAer wlth eny Rel�ted Documents,conslituies!�e enUre undersffindlnp and ayreYment of lh9 p8rtes es � —'
<br /> i�tiA ratt:T wt lr,�tA!n t!=b C�a!?n.."t. S:o�13=8on af�s.^.!sndmer.!!o Ih�n pgpe)nl Trust ehatl Oe 6HeeUve unWsa glvon In wrltlng and [ . �_
<br /> ; sl4ned by ihs par9y ar partles sougM to be eharged ar bound by the altera6on w amendmenl � . `�-
<br /> MnuN Reports. It the PropeAy Is used(or puryos�otAOr tAan Trustor's residence.Trustor shall turnlsh to Lendar,upon reques�a oor�fiod f
<br /> � sfatement o1 net operatin9 income re�Ived hom tAe ProperN duMg Trustors previous Hscal Year m such form and detsil as Lender shell � � �"
<br /> requlrA. 'Ttet operating inCOme'shaU mean alt Cash reCeipts hOm the PropeAy Isss ell Cas�e�end�tures made in ConnecUOn vrilh Ihe operetion �:__
<br /> � ot the Property. � . -
<br /> � � Apptteahto Lca. Thls Oeed oi Tru�t hns baen dellvere0 to LenAer ana accepte�try�ender in me,3iiei�o?�i pr.�a. Tt'�S��d+'s!Tru� ; .
<br /> �
<br /> .; � •-�`� ;
<br /> � --
<br /> ��1�.
<br /> .'.' • G . . . ' . .. , . .. ,, , �,: � � � �'� . . `�. � : , . � ; . � .
<br /> � . ... . .. ,� . , ., .: • . . • � � . . •
<br /> . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . - . .,. ,. . �..::.. . . . . ..
<br />