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.:. "�.{,-��..,.._.._ ._.. _. . � . . . . � .. . ' ' . . . .. . . . . . .... t .-- <br /> . . �.. " � . Fy. <br /> C-" f <br /> � . a�,�.9s�� o��o o�re�u�� 9�� �Oi�4� ��s�a �. . � :��: �� <br /> � . t;oan Mo 43..4481 (ConUnued) . <br /> 5 SE�Yy AC€t£Ekt£QiT;FliQAliG{!ig gTATElAEMTS. TRe faliowinp Drovlsrons retating to th�OBSd ot Trust es n SeGUrity ayreemen!are a pnrt ot ( • �£ <br /> � U�06�d ot Tn�1. '�. <br /> �1 <br /> � g�et�ty AQrMmtnL Thls Ir�stnmient s�ha0 constit:tte a s°curttY aqrearteant to tha extant eny ot the PrcpaAy eonsUh�tes flxtures ar other . ... � ' <br /> � pgrspn8l pro�tmriy.and LenQer shafl hava�11 ot the d9hts ot a secured party under trte Un�torm Comrt�erdal Ccda es amendad tom ttme to , • <br /> . ' � d�- ( ' � <br /> � S�CttARy fdt�n=1. Upon rcqu¢st by Lon�.Tnstar shail execute ftnandng sfatements and take whatover atRa aaton Ra roquested by Lender t ' . <br /> ! to porfeet fsnd cOn9nw I.�nd�a saciaNy intarost in Crte Renis and Personal PropeAyt• In additlon to retordinp iPe13 Oqd of Trt�t in tho real f _ <br /> ` prppuly hccrd�,lendu arry tlme nnd without tuARer nuthori�allon ir�m Trustor,Et�f exocut°d eauntarptrfs.copt�s ar reproducUor+s at - <br /> tt�[s Desd of Trust a�a 8twtsdt►p�tat�m9r�t. Tnt�or sha0 reimbur�..e Lender for ell expsnses incurred in petfectlny ot tonfinuing thls security � - . . • <br /> In�rest U�on datzull.Tn�stCr ShaD a�embla IRe Psrsonai PropaRy tn a manner and at o p�ace reasonably comren�ent to TruSUOr and tsndar <br />. � and mak�it availabS�to Landar withln thre�a(3�days nEer receipt of written demand from Lender. <br /> - AdQrtffea. Th�m�i6np addre558s ot Tnrstor(debtar)and Londer(seCUted PartU)�from whiCh miarmation ConCetninp the securlh interast � . �.__ <.- <br /> . �antad by th:s Desd af?ru5t msy be obtalned(ea�A es required by the Unitam Commerc�at Code),are as stated on the fnst papa of this Desd �, . •t�-` <br /> of Ttust. <br /> �}¢p p�RAPSC�$;ATTaRtdEY-IF�FACT. Ths following provisions relaling to fuRher essurances and att�ornay-a+'�1ect ere a PaA o}this . <br /> Oead of Tnrst ` . � . � <br /> � F�xtt�ps�, /�t any Uma,and irom tlme to tlme,upon request o4 Lender,Ynutor vrill make,execute und detiv2r,ar wiJ cause to be - .; <br /> - rt�td�,�cumd or Landar or W lend6rs desipnee, and when requested by Lender,cause to be fitted,�ed, w . '"�S <br /> re�cr�aQ.4s th�cw may such times and In such off�ces and ptae�s as lsnaer may deem aPDroP�.�Y and all sud►mortyaqes. � : �- <br /> dwda W�w�Y deads.assufiiY asreements.Enandn7 stateme�s.�ontlnuatian staWmsnts.instrumards of fluthar assuranca.eattiftcatas. . , . <br /> and othar docurtwnts s4 th�sdo opinion of nocessary or desUabta in orQar to eitet�uate.anmPlata.Dert�c►.contlnue.or • ..��:. <br /> � pr+�wv� (a)it�obYgai+nns of Tnutor uadar th�Nota.this Deed af Trus1.and the Related Oocumen�.and (b)ti�a i�r�s tnd security trderests . <br /> aaat�d by this Doad at TnBt as�st and pdw W►tis en the ProPeRY.whether now owned or hareaftet flcqu�ed by Yrustar. Untess prohIDfted by , �• <br /> � 'i taw ar aqread to ttw con�ary bY Lsnder ln v�rttlr�y.Tn�stor shati retmburse Lender for aU casts and e�er�ses incurted In conriecUOn with the ( , , • •: _ . <br /> ! rtwtSars�aterted to(n Uw para�ra9h. E , . �• .`�;"' T <br /> , � � :: ;.� <br /> • � Atto��hin-FaeL i!Trustor tai�to do fu►y ot tha tNngs reterted to in the preeeding paragraph,Lende r may do s o f o r a n d i n t n e n a m e of F :- s <br /> •� Ttustor and at Tnutors e�ense. For such purposes.Trustar hereby irrevacahN ePP�n��nder es Trustor's attomey-�r�lact tor the purpose ; •=.,�rt�..�'.. <br />. pf t�t�g�w�cu',ing,depvering,fi8ng,recardng,and Going alf other things as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lenders soie opinion,to � ,`: ;,r; -- <br /> W�c v�,.. <br /> ' a�arr,pYSh tne mattars raterrea to m tno pre�s�irty va►as►avn. ��: — <br /> � F�/.L pEpFppplAN(�. (t Trustor p8ys all the Indebtedness when due,and othervuiss perfarms all Ihe obli tians imposed upon Trwtnr under this . <br /> � __.��_s�:;:— <br /> �t Deod o!Tnst, Lender ShaY execute and delivet to Trustee a request for full reconvayanea and shail e�icecute and detiver�o Trustor suNable r ` � <br /> statertwnb of tartNnaUon of any 8nandng sta�ment on file evidendnp Lenders security interesl in the Rents and the Personai PropeRy. Any ��;�%�j',. <br /> rpconysy�nco tw requfred Ey Iaw shatl be pti�by permitted bY ePP�i�abte law. � • 1�!��r�11 <br /> DEFAlL4. EeGh Of tha fa7mvfiq,et the oytion o1 Lendet,Sha11 constitute an event of detault('Event of OataWl")und¢r tflls O�sd of Trusk . �' `�_';���l±• ' <br /> p�t�f!po lod�pt�drNSS.Faiiure of Tnrstor to maice any payment when due on Me Ind�sbtedness. . ~` � <br /> plT��!pn pther paymertts. Faiture ot Tnistor wiYNn the time requlred by this Deed of Tnut to make any paymer�far taxes a Insurance,ar �'�'.�'.. ?� ��:`.. <br /> an}r oU�er payrtwnt neoossary to prevent fiiinp ot ar to etfect discharge of any Uen. ,•• <br /> , "��. . � <br /> Ostwll tn 6avot of Thlld PaAlea Showx!Barrowet or any Twtor defau(t under arry laan,extension of aedlt,sar�aily tsprESmant,Purchase cr •.'_�.' • <br /> � sates aQe�^�ent,w any other agre�ama:�t,i�favor of eny other creditor or person ih�t may materialiy aNecf any of BoROwer'�propeRy or .;,, � . <br /> e . <br /> Barrower's oc arry Tntstars ab�rry to r�AaY the���or pertortn their rerspecUve obtigaUons under this Qeed o!Tnrst or any of the Re:ated �,.. •t� �� <br /> Y�, <br /> Qocuments. '.' ��� ; , ,.; "{ � <br /> Goplppake Def�IIt Fail,ue of Tnrsta to compty wim arry other term,obugaUon,covanant or cond'�lon contelned In thls oeed of Trust,the ,:.�,;�: � <br /> • t�ota a(n erry af tAe Related Dxuments. °' +�it 1'.' <br /> te � <br /> Fji�g1aMnNnb, My warrarriy,rep�esa�9on a statement mads or tum'shed to Lendar by or on beha,f of Trusta under this Dead oi Ynat, �',Y"'' • <br /> '.�;�-,�'�";�.`.,r. <br /> � i}y yob or th�Rai4tad Documeats is f�a ar miskad�n9 in any material r�paet,either now or at!he time made or turnist�od. �. _, <br /> ,.`�,.s _ <br /> p�e11y��pQ�iiifian, This peed of Trust or ar►Y o}the Retated Documents oeases to be in fW foree and effect(indudtnp fallure ot anyr ���: <br /> coY�Lat Qoqim�nl�to txeate a vaod and peAected secudlY interest a uen)et any time and tor arry reason. _ . `Y`'. <br /> . �°-;r�"'` , %:.'. � <br /> ..{ Nf�pty�,y. Ttp dktotutlpr�or terminaUan otTrustors axistence as a pWnq busina,�,tire tnsotvency of Tnnta.ths appdntnwnl of o recaiwr ff�`ti.. -,�„�;�, <br /> , for ai►Y Gart of Tnista's DroP�N.�Y�nmerd for the benefit o}crediors.any type of credHor workaR w the commencYmerh ai any , <br /> prooMdrp undlr�rry baN�niptcy or Irtsodvancy taws by or 8gainst Trustor. , '�'��`'� - <br /> nr;,r� ._�x,:=ar. <br /> FaKtOitxe��q{Nhus,ete. Commenoement o!forectosure or forteiture proceedinys,whather by judidal praceadny.selt-heip.repossesslo� --• � - <br />' or any ott�v nrry creditor ot Tnesta or by any govemmenml asency ayalnst any ot the PropeAy. How�ver.lhls su6secilon she11 not ."r�_�: , <br /> pppty in ttw�varR pf a paod fellh dispute by Trusta as to the validity or reasonableness of tho ctaim which Is tt�e bas(s of ihe toroctasure or .,:;�_.,_: ... - <br /> •• iproNituro pro�nQ,prcvided that Trustor plves Lender written notke ot such daim end twnishes rese+ves or a s�eSy bond lor th�daim •� -- -. <br /> a�f�ctary to Lendea. ����-� <br /> E�taCH pf OttMt A�aemM� Any braacA by Trusta under the terms o�any other agr6ement between Tn�ta and londx thRt is not remedled . .. . . •'��;;�,:_: <br /> wiWn�rry�ao!pwtaA P�oNded tt�ereln.inetudinp wllhou111mi[atlon any agrsement concerNng any indebtedness u othor oblipaUon o1 Trustor ,.. _�,: ��� _ <br /> • to IanQ�r.wh�ltwr fxlsUnp naw or�aler. - ...; .."•.+. <br /> Ew�t��}�pyt{np G�tYSntor. Any of tho precedlnp events occurs wilh respect to any(ivaranta of any of the Indebtedress u arry Guaranta � "'!;"_ <br /> 6�s pr bacomes incartfas'rnt,or rovakes or disputes the velidity of,or liab�ity under,any Guaranty of the indabtsdness• Lender,at ib opUOn, • __ <br /> ' msy,p�p shpY np/ba ra�uirad to, p�rmH ttw Guarantor's estate to assume uncontlitianally the obligations arislnp under ths qucuanty in a • � .. k ' <br /> mfnnn saUsiactory to►�,In ddnp so,cure the Event ot Oelault. �_ <br /> . AdYU� �np�. A mttdlal adve�se chanQe aoCUrs In Trustors finandal condiUon, or Lender bellevas ttw prospecl ot pa�nt a , . <br /> p�riormance ol Uf�tnd�bteQneas Is Impsi�ed. <br /> � twweumy. lana.r�n poad taftn coams�cse�r tr�ecuc�. . � . <br /> Ri�t b Cur�. If such�Ititure ts c�aDte and N Tnistor has not besn glven a nollce of a broacfi of the same prav�ion ot ihis Deod o1 Trust ! � • <br /> � yvHh,Jn ti�pr�pediny hveNe(12) may be cured(and no Event of OefaNl wi0 have occurred)if Trusta,after Lsn�ar sends wr(tten _ <br /> t1pYC�dNS�Yndrg Curs Of EuCh feNtB�: (a)cure9 the f8iiure within fitteen(15)Oays:or (b)if ihe cure requlres more then fifteen(15)days. , <br />� imrt�dk�ly inri'ates Steps sufflcle�to cure tAe/allure and theretifter co�Unues end compietes ail reasonaEie and neoessary steps suHldeM to • _ <br /> prodtin comDNanos as soan as reasonaDry practica►. � . � <br /> pl(t�Iig ANp iiE�ImIES�i 05FAlLT. Upon ll�occurtence of any Event ot Defau�l and at any time lhareaHer,Tnistae or Lender,at its opUon, . � _ <br /> may�asfdsa any on�or moro of ihe to�owiny rtyhts and romedles,in addition to any other rights w remedies provlded by taw: � <br /> ACCeierttfon uDOn DefOnih,AGQltiOnN Remedlei. It any event ot defaNl oCCUB es per tAe terms of the Note 59CUred hereby,Lender mey i . <br /> dpcfare a9 Indebtednes3 Secured Oy lhis 08ed o!Trust to bw due end payable and lhe Stime shail theteupan beCOme due and peyable withoul , . . <br /> any prasentmor�,demand,ptotest or notlCe of any kind. Thereafter,Lender may: � <br /> � <br /> (�) E(th�r in peison or Dy flgent,wlth or wfthout brinying any action or procaedlnp,or by e tecetver appdrtted by a courl and withoul i , � <br /> repard to Ihe ndequacy of its secuNty,enfer upon and take possesston o!the Property,or any part ita own name or lo tAe name � : <br /> of TruStee,and do cny acts wh{cn i!deems necessary or desirable to preserve the vatue,marketabiiity or rentabuity ot the Property,a peA <br /> of ihe PiroDeAY a interest In the Prnperly;increase tho income hom the P►operhr ar protect tho security of lhe Propedy,and,with or witholA . � <br /> fakiny possosslon ot the Properry,sue for or olherwisa cotlect the rents.issu9s end profits ot Ihe PropeAy,Ir�udirp those p�sl due anG • <br /> � unpald,and tppty the same.less cosis and expenses of operaUon end cotlection,inciuding aHorneys'fios.lo any indebtedness secured — <br /> � by!t�[76ed ot Trusb aif in suct�w�ie�ds i.e��d'cr��by ds�ar-rsma. °tsa ar.!arir.�u�cr.�nd'.�.':ing¢�5!an o!the Prope!4y.lh9�o��artio� _ <br /> at such rents.issues and proflta,and the appl'�cation thereof shall not cure or waive any Qeteult a notice ot deh�dt under Ihls Oeed ot Ttust � . <br /> � a invaliQato any act done In response to such defaull or pursuant to such notice of defautl:end, notwitAStanding the conUnuance in � •. . �' <br /> posse^.�lon of the PraasAy or ihe cGkction,roCeipt and appl:catton of rents. issues or profib,Trvstee a Lender shall be enLUed to � � <br /> � exercfse every tiyM provlded tor In fhe Nota or tho Releted OoCUmenls or by luw upon the oCCUrre�ce of ony ovoM ot Qefttult,including the � , � <br /> riptft to exercise the power ot saie: <br /> e �` <br /> i t <br /> •, 1 , . , • • - . <br /> . }`� <br /> • ______ • . ' . . - � . 7 ..* . � . <br /> . . . <br /> . . .- . . � . . _ . . . . ..._ . . . . . <br /> .. . . ._ . �� .. _y . .. . . � � - . - . . . . <br /> • . • . .y .. . . . . . f. . � _ : . . . • . <br /> . . .. •� ' , .. � ' � ... ' ' :. � . � • ' �t�i. . . •• - . .. � ' • • � ' • . +, . <br /> .. � � . . �.. . t�: •+�, � l.. ' . . <br /> . � _ . .. �I � ' . .. ' • . . . . ._ . . � . . ' ' � .. ` . . - . . .� � . . - . . � ._ i . . . ' . !. <br />