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<br /> , . , . : ... , ; . �- 4. ., . .
<br /> � L. Nutwi sta�dig��3'f�f 12n�uago e�tttiined in this Deed of Tcust to[he cantrary,the tettns of ttris section shall , .�
<br /> � : sutv�v vf��OYsatt�fasttan�of this Drxd of Trust regardless of any passage of title to Lender or any � • �
<br /> i dispositioa by l.ender of any a�r alI 6fthe Properry. Any claitn�and defenses ta the conuary are hereby waived. �;� =
<br /> i �„ ,
<br /> { 2�.CONDEMI+IA'I'[ON. Grantor will give Lender prompt notice of any action, real or thmatened, by private or public ; , ��t�
<br /> enaties to purchase or take any or a11 of the Properry.including any easements.througb wademnation, eminent domain, �
<br /> '� or any other means. Grantor funher agn�es to noafy Lender of any proceedings instimte� for the establishment of any k < � � �•
<br /> sewer. water, conservatian, diYCh, drainage, or other district relating to or binding upon the Property or any part of it. i
<br /> Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in any of the above descnbad actions or claims and to collect f, _
<br /> ' 1 and receive all sams ressWting 1Fmm the action or claim.Grantor assigns to Lender the procxeds of any award or claim for
<br /> W
<br />-` � damages connected with a condemnarion or other taking of ali or any pazt of the Property. Such proceeds shall be �. . . {_
<br /> considered paywents and will be applied as provided in this Deed of Tmst.'Ihis assignmaut of proceeds is subject to the t
<br /> , t e r m s o f a n y p ri o r s e c u r i ry a g r e e m e a 2. ,; F . , . , ,
<br /> . � + _ � ' � . ' • .
<br /> Zl.I1VSlJRANCE.Gtan[or a to main;ain�yraace as fol�ows• t' - -
<br /> � A. Grantor shall keep�impmvetnents now ex:..�ting or hereafter built on the Progerty insured agaizut loss by fire, , '__, _ _
<br /> hazards included within the term "extended coverage" and any other hazards, inctuding floods or flooding, for � � --
<br /> ahich Lender reqares insurance.This in-,�ur�nce sha11 be maintained in the amounu and for the periods that Lender _
<br />' requir2s. 'I1ie insurance carrier providing the insuaaace shall be chosea by Grantor subject to I.eader's approval, � � . -,:._
<br /> ` arhich shall not be unrea:onably withheld. If Grantor fails to maintain the coverage described above,Lender may, ---�,
<br /> at I.ender's opEion,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Propert}+according to the terms of ttris Dced of � . y�° �
<br /> „� • r>-
<br /> r�. � , - . _
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall incl�de a standard "mortgage clause" - '�.�_�-�-
<br /> and, where applicable, "lender loss payee clause." Granwr shall immediately na6fy Lender of caucella�on or `� � `F�_
<br /> ' termination of the insurance. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies aad renewals. If Leuder re�uires. �� �_
<br /> Grantor shall promptly give to Leader all receipts of paid premiums and renewal noaces.Upon loss,Grantor shall . .•.;,..��
<br /> give pmmpt notice to the insurance c�rrier and Lender. L.ender may make pmof of loss if not made pmmpdy by . ° —
<br /> s.. Grantor. . •.�_r. -
<br /> Unless Lender and Grantor otherwise agree in writing, �nc��ranrp plpceeds sh2U be applied�o testoral:on or repair . �.�r �
<br /> .- of the Property damaged if the restoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's security is not lessened. , , ��� '
<br /> � If the restora6on or repair is not economically feasible or Lender's securiry would be lessened,the �n��*AnCC , '�; . j;, .~_
<br /> � proceeds shall be applied to the Se�ured Debt, wheiher or not the�due.with any excess paid to Grantor.If Grantor . . :: _ —�-
<br /> • : abandons the Property, or does not answer within 30 days a notice frnm Lender that the insurance carrier has � '•�.. ,• �...� �
<br /> offered to settle a claim.then Lender may collea the+���*ance proceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to re�air or ( • ':�. . -' =__
<br /> . restore the Property or to pay the Serured Debt w�et�er or not then due. The 30-day period will begin a��the ( � ��=-��T °•` ��' �'_
<br /> notice is given. f � �''� ��j --
<br /> ��. 'P�• y, :*.�i_.
<br /> Unless L�nd�T and Grantor othern+ise agree in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall aat extend or ~f '.. � `.
<br /> . postpone the due date of schedule�payments or change the amount of the paymenu.If the Property is acquire�by �` '��'.'�. �.. .'� ., ��
<br />. [.ender. Grantor's right to any msurance policies and proceeds resulting from damage to the Property before the ��� '*� �? � � ,
<br /> "�� acquisition shall pass w I.ender to the extent of the Sac:ured Debi immediately before the acquisition. �- ;,���. ,.�
<br /> • B. Grantor agrees to maintain comprehensive generel liability insorance naming Lender as an additional insured in an .-.:r;; ��_�___,_
<br /> � amnunt a�ceptable w Lender,insuring against claims arising from any accident or oaurrence in or on the Propeny. •,:r,��'�,� ,�
<br /> C. Grantor a�s to mainiain rental loss or business interruption insurance,as r�quired by Lender,in an aznouut equal -.�. ,.., ..v�; ,
<br /> to at least wverage of one year's debt service,and required escrow account deposits (if agreed w separately in - +�= �''==�"�"-� _
<br /> � writing),under a form of policy acceptable w Lender. ���+:
<br /> � ,'..��-`� -
<br /> . 2Z.NO FSCROW FOR TAJ�S AND INSURANCE. Unless otherwise provided ia a separate agre�ment, Granwr a�ill not .. �r• -.�..
<br /> .! be required to pay to Lender funds for taxes and insurance in escrow. �: ' --._..: -----L-
<br /> 23.FINANCIAL REYORTS AND ADDTi'IONAL DOCCJMGNTS. Grantor will rovide to Lender u n r uest. an �"'�'`=�.
<br /> P i� e9 Y --�';.
<br /> fin��s�ial statement or information Lender may deem neoessary. Grantor warrants that all financial statements and � .:: .�.J;,�Y.:.,'
<br />� infor^�,:,�tion Grantor provides to Lender are or will be accurate.wrrect,and wmplete.Grantor agtees to siga,deliver.and . -
<br /> �. file as Lender may reasoaably request any additional documents or certifications that L.eader may consider necessary to ' � :��
<br /> perfect,wntinue,and preserve Grantor's obligations uader this Daed of Tn�st and Lender's lien status on the Property.If •. „ �
<br /> Granwr fails w do so, Lender may sign, deliver, and file such documeuts or certificates in Grantor's name and Grantor � �� �..•.:��
<br /> her�y urevocably appoints Lender or Lender's agent as attorney in fact to do the ihings necessary to comply with this ' . • ' —
<br /> serzic�. ' � •
<br /> .� : - .---,.,- --: �.'
<br /> this Deed of Trust are joini and individual. If Graneor sigas this Dced of Trust but does not sign the Evidence of Debt, � . : . _
<br /> Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's interest in the Property to secvre payment of the Secured Debt and Grantor t �
<br /> does not agree to be personally liable on the Secured Debi.Grantor agrees that Lender and any party to this Deed of Trust
<br /> may extend, modify or make any change in the terms of this Deed of Tn�st or th�e Evideace of Debt without Giantor's �..ti�
<br /> conseat.Such a change will not retease Granwr from the teims of this Dced of Tcust.The duties ansi benefits of this Deed ' _
<br /> of Tmst shall bind and 6enefit the successo�s and assigns of Grantor and Lender. ' '.
<br /> + . � : ----
<br /> If this Deed of Trust secures a guaranty betweea�Lendet and Grantor and does not directly secwe the obligation which is ' --�-
<br /> guarantied.Grantor a�rees to waive any rights that may prevent Lender from bringing any action or claim against Grantor �� �.
<br /> or any party+indebtad under the obligauon including.but aot limited to,anti-deficIency or oae-action laws. � • . : �"_.
<br /> ?S.APPLICABLE LAW; SEVERABILITY: IN'!'ERPRE'B'ATION. This Deed of Trust is govemad by the laws of�e � � � _
<br /> jurisdiction in which Lender is locataf.except to the extent otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where the
<br /> � Property is located. This Deed of Tcust is wmplete aud fully intesrated. This Deed of Trust may not be amended or �. •
<br /> � modiSed by oral a�ment. Any s+ection or clause in!his Deed of Trust, attachments. or any agreement related to the _ y
<br /> Secured Debt that wnflicts with applicable law will not be effective. unless that law expressly or impliedly pemrits the ' , . . , . —
<br /> . •'� variations by written ageement.lf any section or clause of this Deed of Trust cannot be enfvrced according to its terms, ; . , "'--
<br />_ : that �tian ar claase x7!! �:, oCVei"cd Stld wi11 not affect the enforceabi;ity oi tne rrmainder vf this Dexd of Trusi. - � _-
<br /> � W6enever used,tAe singular shall include the plural and the plural the singular.The captions and headings of the sections ! � • _-
<br /> • of this Deed of Trust are for convenience only and aze not to be used to intecpret or define the terms of this Deed of Trust.
<br /> � Time is of the essence in this Deed of Trust. .
<br /> : . � aa: :�paqe 5 0l 6 !
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