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<br /> s ,
<br /> � 1d���� - � , :
<br /> � 97— �. � . , . .
<br /> i ! � '
<br /> < At the option of Lender, all or any part of the agreed fces and charges, accnted interest and principal shall become ' �
<br /> : imnte�iately due and payahle,after giving notice if required by law,upou the accurreace of a defautt or anytirne thereafter. !
<br /> � In addition, Lender shall be entitied to a[1 tha reraedies provided fi�y law, the Secund Debt, this Deed nf Trusc and any
<br /> related docum�nis inclading without limitation,the power tu sell the Property. -
<br /> � if there is a default,Tmstee shall, in addidon to aay other permitted remedy.at the request of the Lender, advertise and sell -
<br />' the Froperty as a whole or in separate parcels at public auctian to the bighest bidder for cash and convey absolnre title free �
<br /> � and clear of all right, dde and interest of Grantor at such time and place as Trustee designates.Tnistee shall give notice of �
<br /> sale iacluding the time,tem�s and place of sale and a description of the property to be sold as required by the applicable law ' •
<br /> - in effect at the time of the progased sale. � - _
<br /> Upon sale of the property and to the exten[not prohibited by law,Trustee shall make and deliver a deed to the Property sold � '
<br /> which oonveys absolute atle to the purc6aser, and after fitst paying all fees, charges and costs, shall pay to Lender all � , ' `
<br /> moneys advanced for repairs, taxes, ins�rance, lieas, asse�ents and prior encumbrances and interest Werean, and the ' "
<br /> ; principal and interest on the Secured Debt,paying the surplus, if any, to Grantor. Lender may purchase We Property. The , :
<br /> . recitals in any deed of conveyance shall be prima facie evideuce of the facts set forth therein. ' -" _ : . � ___
<br /> � pii remedi¢s are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive,aud the Lender is eutitled to all remedies pmvided at law or equity, ,
<br /> whether expressly set forth or not.'Il�e acceptance by Lender of azry sum in paytnent or partial payment on the Secured Debt
<br /> after the balance is due or is accelerated or after foreclosure proceedings are filed shaU not constitute a waiver of Lender's . : �� . _�" �' '�•
<br /> ' right to require full and wmqvlete care of any existing default. By not exe�ising any remedy oa Grantor's default, I.ender � . . �
<br /> � does not waive Lender's right w later consider the event a default if it coatinues or happens again. E ,;� • . _
<br /> . '� ' �..: —
<br /> .,. 18.ERPENSFS;ADVANCES ON COVENANTS;A'ITORNEYS'FEES;COLI,ECTION CO.STS.Exceps when prohibited �, . � � _
<br /> , by law,Grintor agtees to pay all of Lender's expenses if Grantor breaches any covenant in this Deed of Tivst. Grantor will � • °:�. ��'-
<br />� � also pay on demaud all of Lender's expenses incurred in collecting.insuring,Preserving or pmtecting the Property or in any . _. - ��' `
<br /> inventories,audits.inspeaions or ather examination by Lender in respecx to the Property. Grantor agrees ro pay all costs . ��
<br /> �`' ` and expenses incurred by Lender iu enforcing or protecdng Lender's rights and remedies under this Deed of Trnst, �.. ���_ -
<br /> including,but not limited to,atiomeys'fees,paralegal fees,court casts.and other lega!expenses.Once the Secured Debt is r{�:
<br /> fully and fuiaUy paid, Lender agees to release this Dced of Tn�st and Granwr agree,c w pay for any recordation costs.All ��'._����z• "
<br /> such amounts are due on demand and will bear interest from the time of the advance at the highest rate in effe�t,from t'sme _ " �
<br /> to time.as provided in the Evidence of Debt and as pem►itted by law. ,��:,.,� '�''�'
<br /> � _ . �
<br />� .� 19.ENVIItON1VIENTAL LA�VS AleiD BAZ�OUS SU�SSTTANCES. As used i� this secaon, (1) "Envixonmental Law" . .,.,•:��: , ;:`� �
<br />., � means, without limitation, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compz�sation and Liability Act iCERCI.A. 42 ;` :�. _ :
<br /> . s U.S.C.9501 et seq.),all other fedeial.state and locat laws,regulations,ordinanc�,court orders,attomey general opinions ` '.��� '...•-Y',. .,Y� •
<br /> • or inteipredve letters concerning the public health, safety, welfare, environment or a haaardous substance; and (2) • ' ,
<br /> s "Hazardous Substance" means any toxic, radioactive or hazardous material, waste, polluia�►i o� wntAminan; arhical ]�s � :
<br /> • characteristics which render the subs�ance dangerous or potentially dangerous to the public health, safety, welfare or ;
<br /> environment. The term inciudes, without limitation, any substances defined as "hazardous material," "toxic substances," � ���• �
<br /> "hazardous waste"or "hazardous substance" under any Environmental Law. Giantor represents.warrants and agrces that, : �e ,., .
<br /> except as previoasly disclosed and aclmowledged in writing: . t ��E�<
<br /> � A. No Hazardous Substance has been. is,or will be located.nansported.manufacdued,ueaied,refined,or handled by • • _�'��--
<br /> � any person on,under or abovt 2�e Property, except ia the ordinary course of business and in strict compliance w'►'� -. -��
<br /> .�, all aPPUcable Environmental Iaw. .:
<br /> � B. Granwr has not a�d wiU not cause,contribute to,or permit the release of an}+Hazardous S�bstance on t�se Property. ,_�
<br /> � C. Grantor will immediateiy noafy Lender if(1)a release or threatened release of Ha�ardoas S�b�� oocurs on, • � ,�.''���
<br /> ' under or about the Propeny o:migrates or threatens to migrate from nearby property; or(2)there is a violation of `'�t�- " '�" —
<br /> • any Environmental Law concer�ing the Property.In such an event,Grantor will take a11 neressary remedial acxion in . ' ` ;�"'�`= —
<br /> ar.cordance with Environmental Law. - . �.
<br /> .;. �.•:.
<br /> . D. Grantor has no Imowledge of or reason w believe there is any pen�ing or threatened investigation, claim, or � • � . ;.�- —
<br /> proceeding of any klnd relating to(1)any Hazardous Substance locate�c�, uader or about the Property;or(2)any . _,._ ._
<br /> violaiion by Granior or any tenant of any Environmental Law.Grantor c.ill immediately notify Leader in writing as , . .,
<br /> , soc�as Grantor has reason to believe there is any such pending oz threa2ened investigation.claim, or praceeding.In �' •
<br /> sucb an event,Lender has the right,but not the obligation,to participate in any such proceeding including the right . • �.-
<br /> �� to receive copies of any documents relating to such proceedings. �;�. j:- .y���'�.�
<br /> E. Grantor and even tenant have been.are and shall remain in fuU complia::q;with any applicable Environmental Law. _
<br /> � F. There are no ua�'�ground storage tanks,private dumps or open wells located on or under the Pro�erry and no such � . • —
<br /> � tank,dwnp or well will be added unless Lender first consents in writing. � � �'� �
<br /> � G. Grantor will regularly inspect the Property,monitor the activities and operations on the Property. and confirm that . .
<br /> ; all permits,licenses or approvals required by any applicable Environmental Law are obtained and complied with. � �
<br /> '. H. Crantor will peimit.or cause any tenant to permit, I.ender or Lender's agent to enter and inspecx the Property and .
<br /> review all reoords at any reasonable time to determine (1)the existence, locatioa and nature of any Ha7atdous
<br /> Stibstance on, under or about the Property: (2) the existence. location, nature. and magnitude of any Hazazdous : _..
<br /> Substance that has bcen released on,under or about the Properry;or(3)whether or not Grantor and any tenant are in ' � �
<br /> compliance with applicable Environmental Law. . . �
<br /> I. Upon Lender's request and at any time, Grantor agrees, at Grantor's expense,to engage a quali�ed environn�ental
<br /> engineer to prepare an eaviroiunental audit of the Property and to submit the results of such audit to Lender. The � ' -
<br /> choice of the environmental engineer who will perfoan such sudit is subject to Lender's appmval. ` � '
<br /> J. Lender has the right,but not tfie obligstion,to perfocm any of Grantor's obligations under this section at Grantor's � , • _
<br /> �
<br /> eapense. � � _
<br /> K. As a consequence of any breach of any representation. warranty or promise made in this section. (I) Grantor will � � "
<br /> . indemnlfy and hold Lender and Lender's successors or assi�ns harmless from and against all losses, claims. � �'
<br /> demands, liabilities, damages, cleanup, response and remediation costs, penalties and expenses, including without � •
<br /> limitation�ll casts of utigation and attomeys' faes.which Lender and Lender's successors or assigns may sustain: � • � •
<br /> and(2)at Lender's discretion.Lender may retease thic neecl of Trnst and in mturn f_:.r�r_to!will F*ovidP Lecder�i.h ' =-
<br /> collateral of at least equal value to the Property seevred by this DePd of Trust without prejudice to any of Lender's ' .
<br /> rights under this Deed oi Trust. � � —
<br /> . �
<br /> . � '��.i A,y! Page 4 0!6 , _
<br />� � p+993 Ban►aro Svstomy,inc.St CiwO.�AN 1�806797 Z3at 1 to�m nG�CO DT NE a�593
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