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. ; . � . .. . . .. . . .. . . . _ . . ._ . ._ . . . ,. _. . , _`:... .0 .�. <br /> .e . ,� ' . .. - - . , .. _ . C. ' ` . T .t .. g.:— <br /> . .' .. •. . . . , � _ ; �. `...�, _� _._..1�..__._..��4� _._._.—_.._.y'f.'"_"'�"'___I _ ' ..�4....1!_:..,' � , i . . <br /> .�___.�._�___._ <-• _ .� r�•� <br /> .• t r • r � . . �'�r <br /> � <br /> . � `��_ ���I�� ower and authori d tha coutiausnea of � ': `. � • `s.� - <br /> •� 4.As additional szcunty,Tl�uetor hereby�vPS w and confers upon BeneSaary the right,P LY �g , . . <br /> � these Zlrusie to collect the rent0.iaeues and pzofits of eaid pmperty,reserving uato�ustOt the right,prior to any defa�lf by�in paymBnL r�r ' <br /> of any indehtedncsa aecured hereby or in performA*+�of any s�eement hereunder,to eollect end retain euch eenss.isau8a end pmfits as they -- <br /> .° .i become dua and payah2e Upon any such defanit,&eae6ciarY maY at any time without notiae.either in peison.bY agenR or by a rPCeiver fo be . , , . <;�-s_- <br /> ` appointed by a wns6,and without rngard w the adequscy of any sQCUrity for the indeb4edness heretry secured,enter uPon and taku pcssesaion , <br /> -�r,�� of eaid pmperty or aay oert thereof,ia hia oam aame sue for or otherarise collect such:+ants.iasues and prefite,includin�those past due and , c • <br /> uapaid and apply the same upon any indebtedaeas aewsed he:eby,aad in such order ae Beneficiary may determine. 4'he eatering uyon aatl <br />.— �eking posseasioa af eaid prog„rtX th�rnllectioa of auch rents,isaues end pmfits ead the appliratinn thereof ea afosesaid,ehall not cu:a or _ _ _ �=�. <br />.� � waive any default or notice of default hsrnunder or invelidats any nct done p+usuant W such notice. _ _� <br /> b. Upon detault by 7Yustor in the paymexit of any indebtednees secured hereby or ia the performence of nay a�eement wntained kerein, ,. <br />� oll sume secured herxby ehell immediaWly become dun and payuble ctt the option of the Heaeficiury. In euch aveat aad upoa�mittea request . , <br /> ' of Benoficinry�'l�ustee ehall sell Lhe trust exordance with ehe Nebraeka'l�usi Deeds Ack at public uuctEon to the 6igheat bidder. - '� �.: '... .��. <br /> - �Y Penon oscPpt 7tustee may bld uS 7tustcah eela 'ilruatee eholl aPD�Y�e proceeds of tha eale ss[ollowe: fl)W the espeaie of the eate. `.. _ ���:�,..- '�`. <br /> . '� including n rcasonnDle'1}ustee's fea;(21 W the obiigadon sccured by this Dced of T�ust;(9)thc+eurpiun.if riny,ehell be dieMbuted to tho pefsous `. _ • '� � <br /> entitledthQmW. "� . �: •, �+ <br /> ' ,�':� :..�•�-.,.: <br /> � 8, 1�ustco ehafl deliver to the purckeaer nt the e�le ite deed,withouE waaanty,aflieh�hall convey to the Durtt�er tbe interest la We - <br /> h <br /> , ptoyesty whicb 4lvewr had or had the power to coawy at ehe Ume of hia execution of this Deed oY 1�t:at,and euch as ha tasy dave acqul�ed t " �:��aF�_"� <br /> themaiter. 7lvateo's dsod ekall tecite the facts ehowing tlu�t ehe�alo wae canducted in complianca vvtth all ths requiremenW of iaw and atthie . °-�~- <br /> . IIeed of 7Y�uat,wMch recitel ehnll 6n pxlma facEo evidenw of such complinnco nrid wnclusive ovEdence thereof la favos oYbona f ds purthtteera � ' � '�'�-"_- <br /> oad oacumbsaaa:e for valua. - �.'�s_�'r°�"'�— <br /> 7. The qawer of sele conforred try fthis Deed of Z1uat fe uot ea e:clueive remedy,Beaefidarq mey cause thia Deed of Rtuat t�be foseclosed � �"�.�- <br /> es a mortgnga .. ,:°-` <br /> 8. In the eveat of the deatb,incapadty.dieability or realgnatdon of'I�ustee.Beneficiary may appofat in writIng a ewxe�saz truetee,aad -;�, <br /> u the secordiag of ench a mLmeut in the mertgege reoorde of the county in wtrich this Deed nf Yfust is secnsded.the sucoeeaor trnstee �.`.: <br /> • _ aL]1 be vested wit3i all powere�of the orlgtaal Lrustea 'I�e trastee is aot obliged W notify aay part9 he:eW of pending rale nnder aay ather :�_��° • — <br />, • Deed of 1�uat oz of eny adion or praceeding in which Tcustor,Rtiustee or Beaefic[ary ehaD be a partY ssnless ench adiva or psoceedingis Drought --�� -_:�`�, <br /> by the 1}ustee. . .� �_::�t:• — <br /> 9. T6is Deed of Z1vst appliea w,inurne to the benefit of,and ia binding not only on the pertiea hereW.but on their heire,desfsees,Yegiteea, ; ; �, `��`t`.� �-_, <br /> - miniacrAGltB�ez¢euto7s.suecessol9 sad ae&ig¢e. The temt BeACfiCiAry shell meelte the h01dES and owaEr Of the Aote eeeured hel+Cby�WLCtheT ��;.�t ;'� ' .r ;�' j..� <br /> - or not named ee Beaa&cfary herein. --w�, .. ,. >:,... � <br /> � 10.Request fos Not[ce oYDefault or Notice of Sale. It ia eequested that a copy oteay Hotice of Default or NotIce oYSale be mailed to each ' •S'� "" : . <br /> . ry�a�r. � p=,.'�. � <br /> petson wha ia named in this'ilvst Beed at the mait „inv addreas of such persnn es eet out abova , <br /> � NOTIC�TO CONSUMER. 1.Do aot sign thi8 paper before yon a�ead i� 2.You are enHtled to a copy oi ' •"�' s '- "°` _�: : <br /> thle�naPe� 3.You moy prepay the wnpaid balaace at any time withont penslty and may be entitled to ,:�� '�,� ,i,� �;` <br /> reeeive a refuad of�anearned charg�a ia accor�nce with law _--..=-� :�; :_°. a <br /> ti'. <br />' . Si�edShie�QdaYof Marnh ,AD.19_2Z.. � !,�; ' �-' <br /> ��,� • r . <br /> � STATE OF NESRASRA ) ;� ` '� <br /> : <br />._. . )sa � �� �;_ <br /> Hall tSDIINTY ) _ <br /> , �-� .._ <br /> pn this 10 day af rlarch ,AD.19_91,before me,tbe •-v�:�aigaed,a Notary c,duly wmmi�eioned aad � —�1°��-`- <br /> ' 'i�� QUB�I�CQ foT 8Dd if`ffi�i9 881d COLtII�pPSBO��y CAIIIB Tim l' Na r&ri r� fi. M-�ro A 1�S na �r � 1�i�al�an�1C �.,�Fn � <br /> . + as ioint tenants LOIDB�OWIIWVtl4lle�C�i�'�41pCISOII�WUUSBI�IIIBy�fLLWGdLOW181OIC8OW8{f1C�lI1RIPi1t �� <br /> ; ��as s aad acknowlzd3ed the eame W be the r _ ��-..-�� <br /> .- , <br /> volnntary ad and deed. , � <br /> . � Witcess my�and an,a IC�arlal Seal the deq ased year lass above avdttea �--°- - <br /> k. . _ __ <br /> .' .�i� My Commission espiiee the detv ' x= ' • <br /> �.�:-...:..s.« <br /> ' of •19. N Public <br /> utary �`�—�_'� <br /> • _�;.�y�,,,�.� <br /> STAT'E OF ) "` "� •. : <br />' ,� )88. �� ,i°- . <br /> . '�" ��. <br /> - .,�,tC.:.:.. .. . . �. <br /> r+DUNTY) <br />. . .M�YiI•••.i . . <br /> • Entered in 1�Iumerlcal L-�es and filed for record in the oflice of the Regiater of Deeds of eaid oouary,the ���`'� �-_ <br /> dny of .19 ,at o'clock end minutes M.. '�°'�"*°'�"'"""'•"'"'- <br /> F'` • . <br /> • snd duly recorded in Book of Mortgagea pago '��---_ _ <br /> ..�;�;�''��`�„''`.- <br /> S Rf$i6tCT O!D!!dd ��^.�:r,� �rs�,• <br /> .:1 _ .�,t.., ' <br /> . Deyuty ' . �s� <br /> : , .� ' , �� <br /> 891 tQ184(NE1 . . - <br /> .��' ._.�.�._...____._.... -- - . ... . - , , .. •--.- , - ..._...��.. . __ . . �, <br /> . . , . . . � . � � .. . . . � . ., . . : i - <br /> . . . .' . . � . • , . . , . ' . � • �^. <br /> . _ . . . . � .. � . . _. . . .. � .. ._... .... -- - : <br /> . � ' � � . . . • . � �-� <br /> � � . , ' . - � '. ..., .� ' �. . : .'. . '�"' <br /> . . , . • . • . . . . . . . A"--„ <br /> • , ,� � • . . 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