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Mar�ritz. husb��.a � - aF as�oint te*+a�r4 . � �.-,_ . �„ � <br /> whoaemailingaddreesie 217 W H St, Hastin�s NE 68901 -- ' • . ,r�- =-"��' <br /> r <br /> ����� Stewart Title Guarant� Com an . , • �-= <br /> • � whoeamnillngaddrnsaisl Kansas C'tv Piace 1'2Q t�a�h{rgto SL+ e 100 tta^n_�G c'i*v r'n F�41nS , �. '�� <br /> ^�1Q Ynrth Wehh P.d • �� ���.-���°` <br /> ea�kuatee.aad l�orwest F�nancial Nebraeka.Inc.,whose mailiug add:esa ie .— -- <br /> PO Bor 1373� Grand Island NB 6880° •���� � '� �' <br /> t b s and coavey w 1}uscee in tivst,w+ih Power of eale,the following deacribed ' ���� <br /> • WI'INE93ETH,TsuaW�hereby irrevocablY.gisn argain� e1�. n ,��'�;�. .. <br /> Ha 1 i Couaty,Nebraska: '�� . <br /> p���� .. . 'r.. <br /> y ���.� �. . <br /> • See Attachment � ' J'. . <br /> � �'`��, <br /> I.f�;��' y'�, � . <br /> `� '� <br /> 1logether with teaements,here'�-'�mente,and appurtenancea thereunw belonging os in enywise aPPertaini�c3 and the iente.iesuee aad `,,��. � <br /> pmfite thareoL � `� _ <br /> � ' `. i.. <br /> This conveyance ie intended fcs tas purpose of securtng the payment to Benefidery of�Yusia�rmmiesorY note of even dato in the amouat ;" �"' �`' <br /> of; 108216.�Q('Ibtal of Papmente).9sid 7bta1 of Paymente ls�p�yable accarding to she terms of eaid note. Payment�ay he rnade ia .''�,;;_;'.�: . +q ' <br /> a d v a n c e i n a a y amount at e A y time. Default in makiag eny paymeat tbe Beaeficiaye option and without nutice or¢��--aaad,nendEr _ , - <br /> the entise napaid balance of eaid loan at once due aad payable.tess eay requued rebate of charg�es. .i . <br /> �=- <br /> . '!b pmtect the sec+vity of this Deed of 75rust,�vsWr covensnte and agrees: ��,:, �� � <br /> -i��- <br /> 1. 1b keep ihe pmperty in gc.�ccndition and i+epair;to permit no waste thereof:to camp]ete anq 6uilding.stnue4nre or improvement being , � �'�F•:.,'` . <br /> • built or u6out w 6e bnilt theieez:�reatore yromDUY eaY buldin8.atrueWre or impmvemeat t�ereon which may be dsmaged or deetroyed; ,. -�ri'�. <br /> and to wmyly witD all Iaws.ozdi�.=xs.regalntions,coveasnta,wnditioas and restrldtone e$ecdag the pmpesty. •.';-�!1,,ky-�'� <br /> _ �.:,;,- <br /> 2. Rb pay before deliaquenL e:l awfiil ta.:�sad asseaemente upon the pmperty;W keep the pmpertY free and c2ear of all other cbasges, . ,t�,� •�..� <br /> . liena or encumbsaaces Impair3ng the secarity c.t�ia Deed of 11rusG -. �'�:. .•�� . . <br /> g, 7y keep al;buildin�now cr he:eafter esected on the pmpeity desen'bed hereia coatinuous�y insure3 against loss by 8�or o2herbazt�rds •`�:w^�`, �` ��.-�-_: <br /> in aa amount not less thaa the t�9 debt aecu�d by thie Deed of 91vst All policaes sLall ba held Dq Lhe Beaeficiary,and be ia sueh wmpanies —�._•°.° ' - <br /> z..—..__ <br /> •- es the Beneficiary may ayDrove aad Lave loss payable first w the Beaeficiary as its intereeL may nppear and ehea w the 1lvstur. The amouat ��!�,'l�!' _ <br /> .. oollected under any�.�,•A^oo pugcy mey be ayplied apoa aqy iadebtedaese hereby secured in euch osder ea the BeaeficiarY ehnU determiae. ,� �, ,.. <br /> Such appUcatton by the BeneSciary ehall aoL cauee 3lscontinuance of aay proceediage w forec2oae t.�is Deed of lyvat or eiue ar waive any �'."�'�'"��- <br /> � _'S�ES�iBf'y�,:: _ <br /> default or notice of default or invaltdate any act doae pu:suent w eueh notice. Ia the event of forecloaure,all dghb of the 1}usWr in iaturanee � <br /> '" pollcics thea in force ahall pass to the purcbases et the foreclosure sala � wd"����" <br /> . , .F <br /> 4_1b obtein the written coaseat of Beneficiary before seWng,conveying or otherwiae trans[erring the property or aqy part tttereof and any z.�:� ' ' <br /> such sale.wnvayaace or Lrannfor without tLa Benefidary�s writteA conaent eLell constltute a defnult undar the terate hereof. � �,�''�,;�'�".'''*�_ <br /> . b.'ib defend any uction or pioceeding purportiag to aftect the security hereo!or tho righte or powe�of Beneficiary or 4Yuetee. • ��� ' _ <br /> • 6.3hould 74uatar fail w pay when due any teus.a�aesamenta inaurance premiums.Uens.encumbrancee or ot�er chargea egainst the _ �;i�'•;;,'. . <br /> .. VmPertY heretnabove deecribed.Bene&ciery may pay the samo.ead the amount eo yaid.with interest et the rste set forW la the aote aecurnd • . . .- . •`:`�:• . _ <br /> . hereby,ehall ba added to and become a part ot the debt secured in ehis Deed of 14uet as permitted by law _ <br /> � IT IS MUTIJALLY A(iREED THAT. • _ <br /> �.. <br /> 1.In the evont any portion of fho property is taken or damaged in an emiaent domein ptoceedln8.the entire emount of the ewatd or sucG <br /> :� p o r t i o n t h e i e o f a s m a y b e a e o e s e s r Y to(nll y eatief y the ob l i g etion aecured hereby,ehnll be paid to BeneBciary to ba ayplled to oaid obUgation. <br /> 2.By aaepting pqymeat of eay aum aecured Aereby after ite due date,Heaefldary does noL waive ite right to requira prompt payrmeat when <br /> .� duo ot ell other sume so secuied or to deel+sre default for failure to eo pqY . • . . <br /> � 3.The'huetee shall reeonvey all or tmy pnrt of the pmperty ca•rered Ey thie Deed of 71wt W the person entiticd thereta oa wrltten iequeat • <br /> � ! of tlie Zlvator aad the Beaefidary.or upoa eaUnfacUoa of the ob9igetlon eeeured and written tequcst for manveyance made Ey the Beneficlary <br /> ! or t�e peteoa eatlsled thereto. .. : . .� 1. <br /> I <br /> � 891 tOID�(NE) <br /> . � . _ t'=- <br /> . . • � . ''. . ���. . , , _ . . , . . - , -- <br /> ' • :�. . . �. . . ��.� ... , . , <br /> ' , . , ' ' ' • :.,.. ' + ` , . � ... <br /> ,a . .r�.+ • - , . _ ' -_ . ,,. ., . , . <br /> _'�'�r� . . . . ,. � . . . . ._ . - ._ - . . . .... �. . . _ . ., , .. . . . . . . . . . <br />