:�.: : ��..:... �
<br /> :::: . . .. .... .
<br /> _ . ... . .. ,-,.: .- ::_,:--- . . . . . . - --- -.
<br /> _ _. .. . _ ,. -�- �.f�
<br /> _._._ ....._ �:�._-- -- ..
<br /> . ������� ` ���:._.
<br /> ' by this Mor¢g�e. Mo:t�agor shall p�y 4o Mortgagee the amounL of aoy deticioncy behseen the aotual ta=ea,assess- ". ` <: -_
<br /> ments.insnsance pxemiums sad gr8nnd rents snd the deposlta hereunder withia 10 deye af�er alamend in ffisda upon , ,
<br /> Mort�or sequestin8 Payment therenL � '
<br /> ,
<br /> I 8. Repair.H�d�inte�aca and IIas.To pmmPt�y'repair.resto3+e or rebuild any buildAngv or improsamente no�v or . . '�
<br /> ; hereafter on tha Propsx9�:to keeY�the Propara►ia good aoadition and repuir.without waste.aad h+eo�rom meohanfob os ._
<br /> other llens not expressiy snbordinated Eo Ehe lien herec�aoi to mako,suffar or parmit any nuisenae to a�tst,nar to � , � •
<br /> . ��iniah Os lmpatr the valtle oP 4h8 Pa�oFe�9 bY aDY�ox omisstog to tiCtC end to ooffip�with all 1�Bq111r8m�IIU ot la►W _
<br /> .,,�
<br /> with reapeat ta the ProgertY-
<br /> i 7. Condeffinatto�In the eoe�at the Property.or any part thereof. ehall be Eakea by ominent domaia.the � ,
<br /> � Mlort�agee fe empo�vered to colleat and receiw all compenftotion whiah ma,q bo paid fos any progerty taken or for dsffi• � '
<br /> "`� ages to pmger�y not mken.and Moxtgagee shall apply suoh compansation.et its option.either to a redu�tioa af tho �
<br /> `� ladebEedness secsured heretsy or 4o repair and restore the propar�q so damaged. •
<br /> g, pesiorma�nca bc�ffioa4�aQee.Mortgagee may,but shall l�ave no obligatlon,ta do any$at m?�ioh the Moptaago: ,. •
<br /> � 3ias e,�ead but�ils to do,and�liortgagee ms�►aiso do any aot iL deems neaeasary�gmtoot the lien IIereoL MorPg�,.g�r -- - ---_ - �
<br /> } �Sesn to repag. upon denasad, sny anms so eapended bv she Mort�rae for the abova purposee,and �au�co
<br /> � ezpended hy t8e Mortgagee shatl he added to the indebtedaes�seoured h�reby sad beoome aubleaE ta th�Iion�rBOL
<br /> H2ostgagee smsll not inaur any psisonal liabili;y iaecause of anythin8 ii may do or omit to do herauader. !'�
<br /> I . , i--
<br /> • g, Detaui�Assf�ameat oi�ent9.7Yme ie of the easence hereof,and upon Mortgagor's dalault in as�y covenent . . • ' .r::.
<br /> or a�aement ot t2us Aiostga�e,3noluding covenants to Pa,9 when due the aums eaoured by this MortgRge.the Hioi4gagea ,;;^"'wy=_
<br /> sbail be entitied.at its sole opiion amd without notico.to deol�re all sums semusd by thie Mortgage to tLe immediat��► • .
<br /> due aud payable and m�y comraence foreolosnse oi thie Moit�,ge hY f���Praceedinp:and.provlded lartLer.that � � . � ' • .t
<br /> upon saoh dsfauli the Mortg2gas,or a recaiver appointed hy a court,ma,y at ite option and wlfhout re�as+d to the adequw •. � , .� i°�.:
<br /> ay ot tha aeonsif,y.eater ngon aa�Ea�e possession oi the ProgerKy aad colleot the rente.issues anei prnSt9 thereLom sad . . • -
<br /> . aPP�y them S:st 4o the oost of calleotfon and oparaEfon oY the Ptop�rf,g aad thea npoa the indeDtednesa seaured by thts . ,
<br /> Mortgege;eaid sents.iseues aad proiita beiag sss[gned io the Mortgagee as furth9r seourity for the yay�►eat oi fhe . � e-
<br /> ���_
<br /> } lndeb4edaesa seaured herehy. - - - ----
<br />� 10. Ttansier o!Peoperty.If nll or any parY of the Property is em1Q3 or transterred without the eip�written aon• ' � .�'':�+�
<br /> �� saat o!the�Hostgagee.Moxtgagee m�y a!its aoie optlon.deolase all sams seaured by tbie Lloatgnge to be immediate�q ' . ' - ;:�',�� -_ .-
<br /> . due aad D�le. . !�' • ;� i .
<br /> :� ii. H'atoz�AtEvau�sas. Upoa request ef Moxsgagor. Mortgrsg�ea may make additional and tuture advaaoes to � ', g� '' '
<br /> M o r t g a g o n B u o h a d v a u o e s.R r l t h i n t o r e s t t h a r a o n.e h a 1 1 b e e a o u n ed b y th3s Dllo r t g a g e whea evideaced by pmmicisory note� ��,� �' � .
<br /> ststtng that esid notea ora seoured hexeby.At no time ehall the prinaipal araount of the indebtedaese eeou:+ed by Wa •. �
<br /> � ��°� ,
<br /> Mortgaga.no4 inoluding sume edv8uoed to ProLeaE the se�ity of thi8 MostgBge.ezaeed Ehe origlnal Note. , . � . ;. i• -.
<br /> '�. �
<br /> 19. M9iae11aaeon�Provlsdoau . :. � ' ' Y�;�}
<br /> (a) Aqy 4o=ebeasance in eaeroi�ng aRV ifght or remedy eball aot be a waivar t4iereoL - y. • ���
<br /> �'
<br /> N) All remedies provlded herain are distinot aad aumulative to any other righ4 alfo�ed try!aw or equi�9. � � : i'� -
<br /> ed '`-�
<br />� � and mey be eYeraised conaun�ently,iadopeadentiy or suaoessive�y. ,_�, -_
<br /> ..,.,
<br /> (o) The oovenaats and egreements caatained ha�in shall bind.and the righte i�ure to.tha respaotive eu� � .. ����.>� �__�
<br /> . ' ` cessore and assi�ns of the Is�ortgagor aad the Mortgagee. , .-s�=�
<br /> � (d) All aovenaut�and agreement3 oi the MorigaQor nre Joint oud several. .. . __= y,
<br /> . �
<br /> � (s) The headiap of the pasageaDh9 of this Mostgage are for aoavenience on�y and aLsll aot be usad to iatsr . ,,: .,Y;•, - """,�:;,_i
<br /> prat or deflne the provAeions heraoL . � �-
<br /> _ " r�°#`i��;,.,, ,'-'�
<br /> l8.�teleas�e. Uyoa p�yment of all aums secure�by thie Mortga�e.Mortgagee sball disobazge tbie Mortpga and -�--�
<br /> ahall euaut�oad deliver a�atlediotory selease theretar. ����
<br /> �1 . �, .��:_�
<br /> �: �
<br /> IN WITNEBA 1A1�IEREOF.Mortgagor has e�outed e'his Mort�raga oa the 11 th d�y of Ma rc h .is� �. �
<br /> . �.�
<br /> . �` " � ,� .�
<br /> ,.�..� -o.�,..� � � �
<br /> (Evelyn � . Rech) 801� . �� � �� �
<br /> � Eoira�v • .: '• � �
<br /> Btato oi Nebraika, Hd 11 CountY es: . . . --
<br /> Oa tLfo l lth dayo! Md1"Ch _ �18 97 -before me,the undesaigned,e Nosary Publio
<br /> dulyoommfs�ioaedcndqualltledtoreaidaoun�r,peisonal�yoamo �'� yn M Rarh a cinq,l�nwrsnn � _
<br /> _to me]mown to be the .
<br /> ldentioal pe:son(9)whoea namo(t)aro subsorlbed to the fo�going inatrument end aoluiowledged the exeoutLon theseoi � '
<br /> �� her voluatsty riot and deed. � . �
<br /> l . —
<br /> ; Witnee��y haIId and notttial seal at�ra nA I�1 a nd� N hra c;c a in esid oouaty.the . �°
<br /> i dote aforeartd. • . ' —
<br /> i Nfiy Commtasion ospire9: GElIEMI NOIAAY•Sqn at NeGnsh � � --
<br /> 0£V�'u•�ccL.70Y
<br /> i YyCor.EiQ.A�ut25,iBD7 � N�tasg Publlo i ' "--
<br /> � . . �_._ .
<br /> , �
<br /> � !��'li�9 rt+a9 . . .. • �-
<br /> 0 Naunnnl Qanx ot Commarco TNSt an0 6mvuip�As:ocinllon.Llnco:n.Ncflra.kn �--"`
<br /> , . . • _..__ _.._.__._._._____-..�.-.�.- - . .-- . . 1. -�r—�—':�
<br /> .. . .. .. • . , . . . ' . ` . • , 's' • + ' � , ,.. • . . .. • . . �
<br /> ..�, _ . . . .. . _ . , .- . . ,; . . .
<br /> .. ,. . . . • .. • . . ' � ' . � .. . . .. . , .. .�':' .. • �• . . . . . .. . . . � _ .._ .. _.
<br />