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<br /> Thig Mort�ge ie�=t�rei into betwe� r---- .__ .. - --"
<br /> �. �� (haxain�Sortgago�sad�' .., . - --
<br /> ': � � . ' S :;,I',, . _'(_ _'
<br /> � Five Points Bank a Nebraska Coroorarion _ (herein°naosc�es�. \C `. .� :-
<br /> � MortgFSgor is indebfed to Mortgagee in the pslaoipal euns o1 S 6_060_50 .evidenaed by Mortgagoi's note �• , ".��._.,.�,�;_:
<br /> ' �� tAa rr h 11_ 1997 (hereia°Note'�prov1d1n8 tor pqq�enta ot pslaolpal and interest.with 4he batanae oi the • . _ _
<br /> ..�
<br /> indehLednesa,if not soonar paid,due and ps,yable on ���rrh ��_ �nn� . , � ;;.::,:��;:, :
<br /> ..�;?�•'r,.��:,';:v w;
<br /> To sec�u+�the p�yment of tha Note.with interest as provided therein.the p�►nnent of all oEher snms.wtffi inter -
<br /> . ': '�, est.advanoed by Mortgagee to proteat tho aeourlfv oi this Most�aQe,and the yestormanae of the covanants aad egree� _ , ::"�..:�;.
<br /> menta o3 tha Mort�agor aoutained herein,Mort�os does hereby mostgage ond ooavey to Mortgagae ttie following _ , <•���-"�
<br /> ��
<br /> _ .� desaribed . � ' �'r= ;,�.
<br /> . proper�looated ia Hdl l County.Neb�►s}ra � . . `:�--
<br /> • ��.�
<br /> Lot Twe7ve (12), Block One (1), Knicicrehm 5th Addition to Grand Island, Hall County, : � ;��j;� �
<br /> � - Nebraska. � � �
<br /> ,. . y �
<br /> • �.t:�� .
<br />' �� 'j. :4: (
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<br /> Together wlth all buildinge.impmvemente 11Yturee.atree4n.ollepe.Dt�ne�a�va�y��o�ementa rlghta.P�ivt1e888 . ' �. , �„
<br /> � and appurtenanoea looated thereoa or in wnywt�a pe:tvinia�thereto,�nd the reato.latue�and pro8ts.reves�ons end . ,'°�s;-ti
<br /> � remain8ors thereo�;iuoluding.but nut limite d to.hea t i n g on d ao o l i u g e y u i p m e n t o n d�u o h p e r�o n a l p r o p e r R y t b a t ie •���. ,�'.--
<br /> attaohed to the impmvemento ao ae to aonstitute a fi�ure;all o!wbiob.laoludlf�rsplaoement��nd addittona thereto.is . . ._��.:
<br /> heneby deolared to be e past o!the real esmte aeoured by the liea of tLis Marigage�snd all o!the Loregaing being referred _' . �..•_�
<br /> ' to L8rB31t a8 the°PtOper�y". �"• ��~
<br /> . � :-.:.�•� �:—
<br /> . Mortgagor furt,her oovanaats aad egreee.wlth MoNgagae.as foIIos�: � �'�.:- -
<br /> f. P�ymenf.To p�y tha indabLednese and the iaterert theseoa as proviQed in this MostQa�e 4ad the Note. �:'' `�=�---
<br /> .7='�.�\;'� '.-r_
<br /> ,4�,,,�,.. .
<br /> � . 2. �Ytls.Mort$agor fe tha owae:oi the Peopar4y.hae the sl�ht and authorlty to mostQ�e ths Praper4r.and war , . -�•_- _
<br /> : *:.��.�.II_
<br /> . rants tLet tha liea oreated herby ie a II:at and prior 13ea ou We proyerty.e�eyf a�mqy othe=wUe be�ef forih hereia. � • . �•=
<br /> . O 4'he Pro�serty is eubleot to a Mortgage wharei*+ — � . . . - ,
<br /> • tha Mort�ev.reaorded at Book ,Pq3e___oithe Mortgego Reoorde of ; . -
<br /> � County.Nebraska,�vhiah Mortgage 18 a lien prtor to the lien oreated hereby. � � . : • .
<br />' 0 Other prto:Iiens or eaoumbranaeo: -
<br /> 9 T�en.�'►�ses�menti.To pqy wheu due sll ta=os,speofel asseagmonW ond all othor ahurgon agolnet the
<br /> Propert,y and.upoa wrstten damsnd by MortSagee,to add to the p�}mtants requlred under tha Note teaured tiereby.auoh , _
<br /> amount as ma�q be suSloiont to enable the Mortgagee to yay suoh taaes,as�eesmente os oiher oharges aa the3►boaome � . •
<br /> due. �,. .
<br /> . ! :
<br /> 4. iasa:aace.To keap the impmvemente aow o:harenfter looaled on tha real estate deso�lbed�erein insured
<br /> against damage by tire und suob oiher ha7arttu as Mori�i3os ms;{reRuira.in e�toun!�BnA wltb oomnaniea aaaeptable W � � � -
<br /> the Mortgogee.snd with loes payabla to the Mortgagee.In aase of loN uader suoL poliotos tho Mortgu�eo te authosfzed
<br /> to edJust.oolleot and aompsaffiise.ia ite disa=etloa.all olaima thereuade:at 1ts w1A opston.sut�oslred to elthes s9gly the _
<br /> proceeds to the restozation of the Propesly or sspon the Indebtsdaeas aeoured hesaby,but pqymenb hereundes�h�il aon• � .
<br /> tinue until the gums seoured hesabq aro are puid in fnll.
<br /> . ; 5. ❑ E�osow Por'i'�ur�nsi Intarauae.iJoiwithstaading e�ytuing cariBuized i„ y3.-a�r�t���.:,5 G hartsat ta � .
<br /> � the aontrnry,Mortgago:ehall pqy to the Mortgcsgao at thv tiano oi Deying the moatDly lastallmoats ot prlaofyd�n9 lat�r � .
<br /> i est,onaEwelith of the yearly t�es.asseasmsnte,hc;rard insu�anas Dromiume.and grouttd rontn(U nny)mhtoh mqy attsln ;
<br /> � a priority uver thia Mortgage,all as reasonob�y eatimsted from time to time by Eho Mortgagoo.Tho omounto co pul6 ohnll ; -
<br /> � be held bq the Mort�gee wlthout iatesest and uppHed to fhe Daytnent o4 tho itv�e fn ragpoot to whtob euah nmounte , _
<br /> � wsre dagasil:r2•T!z$�ums Fa!d�4 MQ--*�OA�°se here��ndor nre pled�ed�additlonal eaourtty for tho Indabtednaso aaourad i _
<br /> , ..
<br /> i n h Dr � ; � . -
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