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<br /> ' g�°������100727 03/11/1997 • . '�. � �•.'�; 2—
<br /> SLIZ318BfiH M PBYTON I�NSTH C PBYTON < ,Y . '`
<br /> 18. Borrawer's Rigtit to Ite7a�te. Notwi�8�B��s acceleiaaoa of the sums sec�ued by this Deed of . _
<br /> � Tn�s�dne to Borrower's bre�acL.Horrower shall have th�AgYu to have aaY Pmceed��°bY Le�der to enforce this : ' _—
<br /> Dexd of T'nist disconsimud at anY t�Prior to the earlia to oaair of Cl� the 6flh day before the sale of the ProPertS' E ,.. _;-'
<br /> pyrsaaat to the power af sale costained in tbis Beed of Trast or('u7 enuy of a jnd�°nt enfarcing tivs Deed of Tnut if:(a) C • -.
<br /> ! �.
<br /> Bflrrawer p�ys Lend�r all snms which would be thea due nnder this Deed of Txust and the Note �no acceleiation . .,
<br /> ocsurred: (b) Borrower cures all breac�s of any ather sovenants or agreezn�ents of BoTrowzr con�°d in ttns Deed of . . .�,
<br /> the coven�nts aud .
<br /> Tn�st: fc) Boirower pays all m.asonable expenses incuaefl by I.ender and Tmstee in enforcin8 .
<br /> agreements of Boaower contained in this Dxd of Tzust and ia enforcin8�.end���s an�Tmstce's reme�ies as provided ia • _
<br /> patagtaph 17 hereof, including. but not limited to. reasanable attomeps' fses: sud (�Hoaowee taYes snch action as .:-�,.
<br /> � Lender may reasonably req�ire to ussute that the lien of this Deed of Tnuc. Lender's interest in the Pcoporty and -s�
<br />_- Bo:ravler's abligatian to pay th�sams se�.vled by tbis Deed of Ttust shall contiIIUe unimPaired. Upou such PaYm�ai a�1 _ ---- ,-- .- —
<br /> cure by Bormwer, this DeEd of Tmst and the obligations saaued herebY sba11 remain in fall fo�e aad e�ce as if uo ,
<br /> acceleiation had accu�d. ` . �
<br /> 19. Assf�me� of R�1s: APPai�m�i of Reoe�ve; I.wider fn Poss�ion. As additional se�uiity here�e�• . . .. . ,
<br /> � �oaower heteby assigns ro I.snder the rents of the ProPenY• Provided that Boaower shail. prior to acceleration uadez . . . .._ . .`,r:
<br /> , paiagiaph 17 hezeof or abandoIImem uf��nc Piuyer:Y,�e the righi�!rlect aed re,t�in snch iears as theY become due and _�_ _;,_�"`_
<br /> payable. a eni or b � ���
<br /> Upon acceleration na�der PaiagiaPh 17 hereof or abandonmeat of ths Pmperty. Lender. in peLSOn, by S Y
<br /> J��Y aPPo�receiver sball be enrided w enter npon.take possessian of anfl m�nage the Pmpeity and to collecc the •�.:u:: .y,:.µ�:"
<br /> rents of the PropertY inc t u d i n 8 tho`e past due. All rents colleaed bY Leuder or tlt��eceiver shall be applied fust to ,-._j�_-•-
<br /> . payarent of the costs of manag�t of the Property aud cAlL�tioa of tents.includin8,bnt not limite�w.receiver's f�es. '..�■�
<br /> p•P•,,;,��on receiver's bonds an.d rea�o�bte attomeys' fees.a�theu w the sams secared by this Deed of Tnu� Lender ,..��.�.
<br /> and the receiver shall be liable to acx�nnt only for those rents actoailY reoeived. . � . �' ,__.
<br /> . 20. Reaonveyanee. Upon pap�a:of all sams �ued bq this Dacl of Tiast. L�eader shall requa't Tn�stee w u __. - ��`
<br /> .. r e c o m e y t h e P r o p e rt Y a n d shall suaender this Deed of Trasc snd all nntes evidencing indebi�ss s�ed by this Deed of -. - -
<br /> wit6out wenantY a n d w i t h o u t c h a r B e t o t h e p e s o n o r p e�s o n s t e g a ll y _ _�--,-"'
<br /> � Trnst to Trastee.TtusSee sl�ali recomrey ths Pmpe�t7+ �--------�•� -� _...
<br /> entitled theieto.Such pesson or pessons sball pay all cosls of recardation,if an.y. . �'`� _
<br /> p y appoint a successor �'.i -`
<br /> 21. S�e Tn�stee.L�ender,at I.ender's o aon.ma from ame tn ti�,:r2mave Trassee and �.
<br /> recorded in the couni9 in wLich this De�d of Tsnst is ^�`
<br /> Ttustee inted heteander by an instmment �� ;����i::
<br /> uuscee w any aPPo .
<br /> recordEd. Withaut conveyance of the PmPertY, the saccessor ts¢..�e shaU sacceecl W all tite dtle, Power . .., � �
<br /> •�� �onfeaed upon the T:ustee htrein aad by agplicable law. °�_• �
<br /> co ies of the nadce of defaalc and nodce of sale be sent to 'l�`��_
<br /> Z2. R�quest for Nottces. Bo$ower reqaests daat P �.�-. °� ,.
<br /> ± BOnOwer'3 8ddres5 whiCh is the Ptoperty p►dOress• :.;� �r� �:�,
<br /> �:,,;'.; storage.or�elease of a:_^FJ
<br /> .r.. �i.Hazar�b�Subs�ances.Bommcer shall not caase or peffiit the piesence,nse,d�spos�• .. �`��, .:.,,�
<br /> Haz�rdons Snbstances oa or in the Prepeicy. Boaower shall not do.nor allow uryone eLse oo do, anythi�8 aff�g� " ; ,.
<br /> , pmperty that is in violadnn of any Hnvironmental Iaw. The precedin8 two set..::�es s�all not aPPly w the p�esence.use. ; �;J',f_•
<br /> of sma114aantit�es of FYa�dous Snbstances t1�at a��er�1Y��tO be�r°Priate�° ' � . ' � . ,�
<br />�. . or stoiage on the ProlxrtS► _.�~. �r:�.
<br /> nom�al nsidendal vses and to maintenanc�of the Pmperty.
<br /> .. .ve Lender writoen nouce of any i,.,-czsdgitlon,claim,demand,lawsait or othes action b-y ';�t' �•;
<br /> - Borrower shall prom�ptlY Sl �y the property and any A�rdoa�s Substance ci
<br /> • .'' any govemmenial or regulatasY aS�Y or Puvate Ducp a��8 •'•f.�"° •�s".,,:'...�
<br /> Srnlro�ew,al Law of which Boaower has actual lcnowledge. If T3omnwer teams.as is nnd�ed by a�►Y Sm'emme°t�l°1 ='�,�,:°.,:_:�n.'��-.�-�•.
<br /> t�g�wry antho�iry, that a�t removal or other remediation of any Ha�d�s Snbst�x ��8 � �� � � �" -
<br /> ••�....:
<br /> remedial aaiong in accordance with 8mimnmental Law. _,�:-�.
<br /> neccssary,Bonower sh�ll pro�P�Y�all necessarY _ -_ s=�T
<br /> As nsed ia this paragraph 23. 'Ha�rclouc Snbsrances" are those sabstances defiaed as toxic or huardoas substances = - -- - �__.
<br /> '� .' lry Emimameatal Law aad the fo�Ning substaaces: gasoline,kerosene, other 8ammable or wxic petroleum produets. .. : �;•:;:-y--_�
<br /> des and herbicides.votaa'te solvent�.materials containin8 asbestas or foimaldel►Yde,and r�oacdve muerials• �y�_ �f.. ��.�
<br /> wAic pesticl ,�,,,,t� f�eial laws and laws of the}urisdtcdon a�ere the PropenY is •"�'°•=
<br /> . /�S�ill tb18 QZTa25+.g+.�s��IIV1fOIlIDCDffi�IdVll�IIIC� �_,..,_'
<br /> safe or em�ironmental protecaon =�.
<br /> � located that relate to 1�ea:�, tY _. :,�''•�'m
<br /> ,,,.�r,•�_
<br /> -°' --
<br /> � � �r ;:
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<br /> I Nebrasb 2b876-3 I ll96 Orig4nal(Reeorded) COpy(HtaIICh) COpy(�/t��� Page 4 of 5 ' . �
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