� BLIZABHTF� M PBYTCN KBNNBTH C PSYTQN 9� n 100727 03/11/1997 , � � . ^ f.
<br /> . �,li ��s . . . �`. � . .. .
<br /> 9.Condesnu�tton. The proceeds of any award or claim�"or da�mages,dimct oz wnsequenual.m connecaon with any � . _
<br /> condemnation or other taking of the Propeny, or part thereof, or for comeyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby � �=
<br /> assigned and shall6e paid to I.ender.subject w ttce terms of any mortgagt.deed of m�st or other securiry agreement with a •. .. � s�
<br /> , Gen which has priority over this Deed of TnLSt. . �
<br /> 10. �orrower Noi Retaa�ed; Forbearanre �y Lendes' Not a Weilver. Extension of the time for payment or . "� �
<br /> wodification of amorriracion of the�vms secured by this Deed of Tnut gtaated by Lender w any successor in interest of ' � -
<br /> Borrower shalt net operate to release, in any manner,the liability of the original Borrower aad Horrower's successois in � , � - _
<br /> interest. Lender shall unt be required to commence pmceedings against such successor or refase w extend dme for paymeni ' , ' :
<br /> � � or otherwise modify amortization of the sv�s secured by this Deed of Tcust by reason of any deman�made by the original f ` . • . -
<br /> ��t 9orrovrer and Borrower's successors in interest.Any forbeazauce by Lender in exercising any right or remedy heTeunder. > ,
<br /> i or oiherwise afforded by applicable law,shall not be a waiver of or preclude the eaercise of any sach right or mmedy. � • ,•. �-
<br />= -, 11.�ucoes�o�a�d A�ig�Eouad;Jaint s�Seve�a!L�abit#f;Co�e�. Tt�e covenams and agreemems heiein � - - --.. - - -= ---
<br /> .{ conrainefl shall bin4.and the rights heieunder sl�aall imire tn.the iespecm+e successors and assigns of IBnder and Borrower. , :
<br /> subject to the provisions of garagraph 16 hereof. All cavenanss an�agreements of Horrower shall be joint and several. �.t�
<br /> I� Any Bor�ower who co-signc this Daed of Tnist,bnt dces not execute the Note,(a)is co-sgning this D e e d o f Tn�st o n ly co . �_;
<br /> g�ant aad com+ey that Borrower's interese in the Property to Tnutee under the te�s of this Deed of Tmst. (b) is not y-
<br /> peisonally 1'rable on the Note or under this Deed of Tmst.ansi i�)��diat Ixndrr ansi auY other Soiro�vei herEUnde� -- -. �-=.• .
<br /> may agree w extend.modify,forbear.or make any other accommodations with iegard to the terms of this Deed of Tn�st or ,��-,�.
<br /> the Note,without that Borcower's conse�and without releasing that Borrower or modifying this Dced of Tmst as to tbat ' �' �'• - �
<br /> <
<br /> � Borrower's interest in the Prnperty. � � . :•:�°:-,.`-�` -
<br /> 12. Notice. Except for aay notice required under applicable law oo be given in another manner. (a)anY nodce to � . , i�--�"-
<br /> �-:;:-.._
<br /> Borrower pmvided for in this Beed of Trast shall be given by delivering it or by m�iling such nodce by certifced mail � i -�---�---=
<br /> ', addressed co Borro�er at the Property Address or as such other address as Bormwea may desigffite by notice to Lender as � , ��-.-.�-r:
<br /> pmvided herein.and(b)any nodce w Lender shall be given� certified mail to Lender's address stated hereia or to sach . . °•-.
<br /> . other address as Lender may desgnate by n+otice to B�aower as provided here�n.Anp norice pmvided for in tLis Deed of � ' •. :'4.r�'' :,-��
<br /> Trast shall be deemed to have beea given to Botrower or Lender�hen given in the manner designated herein. � ' ��_�"`�.��
<br /> 13.Goveruiag Law;Sevesability.'The state and local laws agplicable to this Deed of Ttact shall be the laws of the � , . _�•
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Praperty is located.. The foregoing sentence shall nnt limit the applirability of Federal law w this � '
<br /> De�d of Tn�st. In the event that any provision or clause of this Deed of Tnut or the Note con8icts with applicable law. { . �����"�����
<br /> s;.
<br /> such co�licc shaU not affect other provisions of tbis Deed of Tcast or the Note whieh can be given effect without the !• . $_r
<br />' con8icung provision.and w this ersl the provisions of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declared w be severable.As _ :�:�,�,���`.. ._-.
<br /> used herein, "costs". "expenses"and °attorntys' fees'inciude all sums w the extent nnt p:ohibited by applicable law or .i�,.'"j; '_
<br /> limited herein. . � ; '��.� `: :. �s
<br /> 14. Bor+rower`s Copy. Borrower shaU be fu�nished a confarmed copy of che Note and of this Deed of Tnist at the • _ � �,�,.� : ,
<br /> ame of execation or after recordarion hereof. • ,
<br /> � LS. ReLabili4ation Loan Ageememt. Bornower sball fiilfill all of Boaower's obligatians under any Cc� • . .� �� _
<br /> mdabili�on.improvemeni. repair or other loan agrcement whicti Botrower eniers into with Lender.Lender,ai Len�..�i s . ,� . "�'s :
<br /> � opdon. may reqnire B�uower w execute and deliver to Lender, in a form accepiable to Lender. an assignment of any _ � t -'J �,
<br /> rights,claims or defenses which Borrower may have against parties viho snpply labor, materials or services in conaec6on _ �?.lt ,.•
<br /> with i�r�vements made to the Property. �'', --- ' . a�.•.
<br /> ' 16.�'�aasPer of t6e Property or a Beaetic[al Interest in Borrower. If all or anp patt of the Property or any inter�s ,
<br /> in it is sold or aansferred(or if a beneScial inierest in Borrower is sold or uansferred and Bormwer is nnt a natural � � ' ' '`' '�"
<br /> .� •i�.�:y: . .
<br /> rson)witiwut Lender's rior wriuen conseut. I.ender ma .at its aption,reqnire immediate payment in fnll of all sums •`"'`: ,
<br /> • �ured by this Deetl of Tn�st. However.this option shall nnt be exercised by I.ender if exercise is pmhibit�d by feilecal .���' ��---
<br /> �' •.A -
<br /> law as of the date of this De�d of Tn�sc. :.��";' 6-'-�'!,,.
<br /> If Lender exercises this opdon.Lender shall gime Borrower no6ce of acceleisuon.The nottce shall provide a peaf�d • --_���
<br /> .•i� ��. '�.���.,.
<br /> `. of not less than 30 days from the date the nouce is delivered or mailed witLin wlnch Barrower must pay all s�s sec�c3 ,.�,.
<br /> ; by this Deed of Tnut. If Bomnwer fails to pay these sums p:ior w the expir�sion of this periud. Leader may involce a.,ry :. .�.
<br /> �� remedies petmiued by this Deed of Ttnst without futther notice or dema9d o�]�orrawer. - =�.; ---�-
<br /> NoN-UMFORM CovBNwNTS. Borrowet and Lender fiuiher cavenant a:�agree as follows: .::�„�;c:�r:
<br />� 17. Acce4ersilon; Remed�es. Except a9 provtded in para�raph 16 hereaf, upon Borrnwct's breac6 of� � .<�;:�.: .
<br /> • wvenas�or ap�eauao!of�orrawer in Wls�eed of'�'n�st,tcriudlnE Borrower's faid�.�e to PaY, by the end��Il� . . �� . ...
<br /> catendu days att�theY ere dne,any s�mm9 seciu+ed by thls Deed of Tnasi,I.cuder prtar to accel�a4lon sball gfve ,..:�.:��,;,:�. .
<br /> notice W Borrower es pmvtded In jwragraph 12 6ereof spedfying: (1)the breach3 (Z)t6e actlom�to aae . - �
<br /> sued breach;(3)a date,uat les9 tLan?A daya from the daie the uotice ls malted to Borrovver,by w69cb sus6 breach '. . '�" . r:'--
<br /> m�t lt�cured;and(4)thai faitare to e�re suc6 breacli on or before the date spediied In t6e nottce may resdi in .
<br /> � accd�ation of the eluns sec�ued bp thls Dced of Trust tind sale of the property. The nattce s6stU furiher iafc� . .
<br /> Borrawer of the dQ6t to rdn�tate�P'ter aoceler�tton aad the ei�ht to 6rin$a cowt acdon to�rt the noaeglstenee o? � `.
<br /> a delautt or eny oih2r defea�¢of Borrov,rer to accelere�tlon and ssife. If t�e breacb is not cured on or before the daze - . . �_
<br /> sp�dtied in thP notice.Lend�,at I..�aad�'s og2to»,msy d¢riare all of t�s�s secured by¢61s Deed of Tn�st to be � _
<br /> tmme�lately due and p�able wit6o�Eurther demand and may invoke t6e power ot sate aad suy mther rcme�as � � .
<br /> pcam[tted by appllcabie Ia�v. I.ender shaU be entided to wlled all e�easonnbte co�s and eapea5es tncarred tn , -
<br /> puisutnQ the r�e��provlded In thiv pazs�aph 17.inelu�iny,6ut not llmtted to.reasonable attorneys'fees. . .
<br /> It t6e pawer of sale Is invoked,Tr�a sdatl reoord a nodce of defAUlt in each coimty in wWc6 t6e proper¢y or �
<br /> some part th�reof is located and s�aU �aSl coples o�sue6 aottce in the manner prescrtbed by appliesbie law to . ' --
<br /> Borrower and to the otl�er persoffi prescniDed by appllra6le I�w.Attier the la�e ot such ttme as may be requUed by �
<br /> appHatble IAw,Tnbtee staatl Q1ve publlc noUce of sate to the personv and In the manner prescr3bed by appitcable . �.
<br /> lsw.Trustce,wIthoi&damand on Borrower,sh$!1 sell t6e Property at pnblle austton to the hlghest bidder at the tfine R
<br /> � an�d ptace aad�mder t6e¢erm9 dcslgoated In the no2lee of sale in one or more parcels and in sucb order as TnLStee ..���
<br /> ; may determine.Tn�stee mnq postpone sale oP all or eny pazoel of the Pmperty by publlc anno�mcement at the time
<br /> iand place of aay pmvlousty scheduled sale.Lender or Lender's designee may p�chasP the Property at anq sale. ; ' f--K-
<br /> Upon ra.eipt of payme�t of the prlce Dtd. Tn�ee shall dellver to t6e piurlaasYr Trtulee's de¢d conveyinQ the � � .
<br /> Propertq sold.7'he recttaL9 in tAe Tnatee's dee�shail be prima iac4e evideaot o�iiie i�oY t�e sts�c�urm�n made � �_
<br /> � therein.Tntstee sh�l1 apply t6e procecds of the�ale in the followin�orQer:(a)to all rea.sonable casts and expensc�v�f . � �
<br />� { thQ sale,lneludln$,birt no!limited to,Tn�stee•s fces aetually ineurred of noi more Wan S�of the gross sele price, . �
<br /> freusonable nitomeys' fer� and cos�s of title evfd2nt� (b) to all s�s secured by this DeBd of�nisl; and (c) t�e '
<br /> , aeces�.if anv.to t6e nersan or pe�sons te�ally entitled tder�to. �
<br /> � • - - _ , �
<br /> . } .
<br /> NeDrasYa 26816-3 iu9a Origiaal(R�eord�d) Copy(Szaaehl Copy(Cuatom�rl va¢e 3�rs �' ; �'
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