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' I , . " ..�.�---- �--__ � :, , , ; . , . ._ !. ` ,. 03110/1997 t<, , � r �,. ;.� <br /> JBSIIS R ROMSRO 9`ls �Ag��� 100719 . <br /> ' ' 9.GondaunaEion.'lhe proceeds of any award or cL�im for damages.ditect or coaset�e� connection with any ` '";,4;,� <br /> � condemnation or ather caking of the Property. or pan thereof. or for comeyance in lieu of condeffin3uon. are hereby , �._ r,__ <br /> � assiBned and shall be paid to I.eader.subjecc w the tecros of azry nnortgage.deed of tmst or osher security agreement with a � � -: <br /> ` �� lieu w6ich has priority over this Deed of TnLSt. ` ' '= <br /> 10. Borev�er Nai l�et�ed. Foa6earance BY Leuder Piot a Walv�. Extension of the time for paymeat or ; :"' :�.. <br /> ' modificarion of amortizadon of the sums secured by this De�d of Tc�st granted by Lender to any success°r in interest of - <br /> Borrower shall not oFeiate to release. in any manner. the liabilih'of the original Bortower aad Horrower's successois u► ; � <br /> • interest. Len�er shall noc be required to ce^,t„�^,p p�aSain�c such succ�s�r or refuse to excend rim�for paymeuc F , � .; . <br /> � or otheswise motify amottir�don of the sums s�ured bY�his D�d of Ttust by reason of a�+demwd made bY the original ` - <br /> Borrower ansl Borrower's successois in inseresL AnY forbearance by I.en�Per in ea�ercising anY right or remedy hereunder. <br /> . ` � or otherwise afforded by applicable law.shall not be a waiver of or prectude rhe exercise of any such right or reme�iyherein � ' 'b� <br /> '� 11.Stx�ofs ea�d���dolai and Sev�ral I�ability.Co-sig�s- The covenants and ag��s • <br /> � contained shall bind.and tt�rights hereunder s}�all itmte tn.the respactive suocessals and assigns of L.ender and Borrawer. - - , ' -: . - � <br /> . , � subject co[he provisions of paragraph 16 hereof. All covenants and agreemeffis of Bo�ower shall be joint and several. , <br /> Any Bosower who co-signs this Deed of Tmst.but daes not execute dae Note. (a)is co�ssSning this D�d of Tnist only to f � <br /> . ,.•� grant and com+ey that Borrower's ivteresY in the Properry to Tmstee under the terms of this Dexd of Tmst. N) is nnt .��' <br /> - personally liable on the Note or under dvs Deed of Trusc.and(c)aSc�s t�t Lender and any other Boaower here�nader � .-----I'--_-- --^ .. _- <br /> may agree w extend,modify.fotbear,Qr make any other accom�dations with regard w t�e tetms of dus Deed of Tmst or , ' - <br /> this Deed of Trust as to that �. <br /> the Note,withaut that Borrower's consent aad without re1P�C�d�at Borrower or mod�fjrin8 , , -4`. <br /> , Hoirow�r's interest in the PcopertY• ' • �' � <br /> 12.Notice. Except for any nntice requimi nnder applicable L3w w be given in another manner. (a) anY not�ce[o ' _ - <br /> such notice b ce�ified mail :�"�''- <br /> � � Borrower provided for ia this Deed of Tmst shaU�e given by deiiveung it or by �nS b nnu'ce to Lender as • .. ; � , �•�- <br /> �. �.� addressed to Borrower at the Propeit}r Addmss or as snch ather addcess as Bornnwer may desig�ate Y ... <br /> provided herein.and N)�Y notice[o Lender sball be given by certified mail w I.ender's addr�ss stated herein or co such � � ���,� <br /> ' '� other address as Lender maY desiSaate bY notice to Boxrower as gac�.:�ed herein.Any notice piuvided for in thas Deed of . . <br /> � -• �, G�. <br /> T:ust shall be deemed w have been given to Horrower or I.ender��given in the manner designated 1�crein- '� � � ..- <br />' ' 13.Governing Law;Scwe�rability.The stace assd loral laws�+-,rscable to this Dced of Tmst shall be the laws of the . :�;{y;:,_�_ " <br />� ".,� nnt limit d►e ]isability of Federal law to t6is , -.'i�` <br /> � jurisdiction in arhich the Property is located. The foregoing semence shall aPP . _ <br /> •.��I Deed of Tnist. In the event that any provision or c'�se of dus Deecl of Tmst or the Note conflicts with applicable law. ,' t ,� ,��'_ � <br /> such conflict sha11 not affect other pmvisions of[:�s Deed of Tmst or the Note whiciz can be 8iven effect withnut the . . ."{.�, �• <br /> � conSicting provision, and to this end the proviss��s of this Deed of Trust and the Note are declated w be severable. As �, `•�.�+�►�� :. �-- <br /> used herein, °costs". •expenses• a� •�°�ys� �' �lude ail soms to the eatent not pa��.'bited by applicable law or .,-- . � �r,�` i'� �.t:--- <br /> limited herein. of[t►: Note and of this Deed of Tiast at dze ! :� �,� <br /> Borrower sball be fumished a confonned capy e • � ';: '. �`��: <br /> � 14. Borrower's Copy. : s, � <br /> • time of eaxution or after recordation�x�f. -. � -� � <br /> / D5. Rehabilitation Loan A�eat• Boaower shall fidS�U all of Boma�es's oLiigarions under any home _ , ., .,r,.,; <br /> . � rehabilitation.improvemant.repaitr or otber loan agreemenc wluc���sower enters into wiih I.ender's , ��`'� : '�:- <br /> • option, maY reclu�r� Boaower to exewte and deliver w a form accePtable to Lender. an assignment of any , , � -� <br /> • rights,claims or defenses wLich Barrower may have against parties who suPPly labor.materiaLs or seivices in connection ;�� . � <br /> ... with impmvemenu made w the Property. x s> — <br /> y or aay interest �r .�t: � i'" <br /> `_�' 16.Tr�asPer of the Property or a Beaefidal Iat�est in Borrawer. If all or an part of the Pcoperty :-:-;_,: ,_ <br /> . ;,. . <br /> in it is sold or uansferred(or if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or nansfeued and Borrowe��of sU sums ' ._�''°'�- <br /> .. ��pa��. .�.,.,.,.: � <br /> : peison)�vithaut Lender's prior wriuen consent.Le�er its aprion.require �°�5�;::: �.�''-: <br /> � secure�by this Deed of Ttust. However,this oprion shall not be eaercised by Lerder if eaerciss is protu'bited by fedeial ��;.-..;� <br /> law as of the date of this Deed of Ttusc. �� � <br /> If I.ender exercises this optian. I.ender sha118i"e Boirower antice of acceletarion. 'T�modce sha11 Provide a period <br /> `..,. of aot less thw 30 days from the date the norice is deHveied or mailed witLin wLich Bo:rawer mnst pay aU sums secvred `: � <br /> ' by this De�d of Tiust.If Boaower fails ta pay these sams prior to the expiradoa of thia pe�Fod,Lender may imroke any ..,�� - �,�;:�,.��. <br /> remedies permiued by this Deed of Tmst withont fmrther notice or demand oa Boirower. ,;��--- <br /> " NoN-UIV�ORM CovENANTS. Borrower aa��.2nder further cavenant and agree as follows: �:�r� t;•c�-- <br /> � 17. Acceleratton3 R�edtes. Escept as �,�vided in para�raph 16 6sreof. upon Horeower's brr�cb of any _ ' � <br /> .. ' coveaant or��t of Boaraw�r in t61s IDced of Teast,inciudin�Bormw�r's[alltu�to psy,by the md of 10 .�° ..-. _. <br /> t s �°—m <br /> :.�..� <br /> cal�dAr days att�t6ey are due,s�y sums s�by this Deed of Tn�st,Lmde*Ddor to accelerattoa�shaYl�ive �.�"�� --- <br /> h IlZ�ereof specifyln�: (1) the br�xch, (E)t6e actloa reqWred to cure '�•. y... .: .:�. <br /> � aotice to�orrower ns pmvtded in p�raYaaP : •`",.. ..�"� <br /> • suc6 brtac63(3)a dat�.aaa les9 t�n 1A days fram t6e date We nottac is maited to Bormwer,by which surh breach 'A--�- � , <br /> 9 <br /> m u s t b e aa�ed 3 and(4)tbat fa11�to cune such 6reach on or before the dnte��no4ic�s h a l l f t n t h w r i n f o i m � ., ' � ._ . <br /> ,. secda�a!!on of t6e s�s secured�y tWs Dee�of Tnc4t and sa2e of the Prop�tY• �.. <br /> Borrow�of tbe ri�ht to rd�tate at4er acceleietian and the dght to brin�a cowt acUon to a�st the none�te�e of . . � .. • <br /> a defstult or aay ot�ei dePense of Borrower to acceleratlon and sale.If t6e breach is not c�ue8 aa or belore the date ': . . �"�_"`.- <br /> spec[fied in t6e noRice, Les►der's optlon,m�y declare all of t6e su�s secured by thls Deed of Taust to be _ . <br /> immediaidy due and papabte witho�furt6er d�and an�mey invoke the power of saie and an1 othn'r�edies • t__ <br /> an <br /> peimitte�l by appficable law. �dtr shall be�eat[tl�ctudinS,�b�t ao Wn(ted toe reasonab e att�o�mey�f� in : � — <br /> pnrsuing the ranedles provided ia u^�1s paraSraP � '. ' _.� , <br /> IP the power ot sWe is lavoked,Tnistee s�l record a nodce of defaWt in each co��b �t��IeUtw to . <br /> . some part t6ereof i�tapted and s5aI1 mail a1Ffe9 of such notice in t4ee manner p Y aPP � -- <br /> Borrowv and to ttze ather�ns pr�crf6ed by appllcabYe law.Atter the lti�se of such tlme a�mny be required�9 . �: <br />� appllcable law,Trutitee shall{{ive publlc noitce of saYe to t6e pe�son9 and!n We maoner Presaribed by appi3cable . . <br /> law.Trustee.wiWout demsnd on Borrower,ahall sefl the Pro�erty at public audion to the 6lghcst b�dder at t6e time . ___ <br /> and place and�under the terms desl�sated in ttie notice oP sate in one or more pane�and in suc6 order t�s Tnzstee _ <br /> may dete�lne.Trustee may postpone sale of a11 or any parcel of t6e Propeaty by publls ennouaaemeat at the ttme • �G- <br /> and plstce of any previo�ly scheduled sale.LendPr or LeadPr's desiIInee may purcha�e the P�roperty at any sate. . • f, <br /> Upon reoeipt of payment of th2 pr�ce bid.Tn�stee shaU dffiver to t6e pwcbase�r Tru�ce's deed wnveytn$the �" <br /> F;op�.� �o�d.:�2 r��..-'t�l.�tc t�s Tru�w's�+�t1 sb�il be prima Pade evideace of the tnrt6 of t6e statements made - - - - ---- <br /> therein.Trustee 6ha11 apply the pmcee�of the sele in the following order:(a)to a➢1 reasonable cosTs and�p�s�of (. . <br /> � the sale,iacluding,birt nnt limited to,Trustee's Pces a�ually insurred of not more t6nn 5°�b of the gross sale prtce, l � <br /> rea�on3bls attomey9' fees and costs of title evidence; (b) to all sums secured by this Dted of Tnc54; and (c) the � � . E_ <br /> �"_ <br /> � a►ce�.iP anY,to tP�e person or persoag legallq e�ti3led t6ereto. i , _ <br />-- . :l <br /> ���3�r s �. . .- - . :---.. � <br /> Nebteska 266763 11/96 Original(Racorded) COpS►�BldIIC}3) COQjr�C11Bt0IIt9=') � - , _ <br /> I • . <br /> `•-`- <br /> . �� <br /> ----�.r. ----.. ._ __. _.�,... .. .. <br /> �--.-e=;-�_•...._�... s..—r-.--:......_-r.-- - . . <br /> ..- � -`- -__ ,.__ . . . . . . � . . . _ . � � .. � .. ._ , . . • � - _ . . � <br /> . .-, ,. .. ._. . . ,., . � . � • .. " . •- . . . . . _ _ � . �.�'.. , <br /> r <br /> . 't . <br /> ' .- . • , • • . ' ' ' ' . l:' . . . �t.� , . ' . .., ' _ <br />` • . _ . . . . .. . �.. . . .. _ . • . i� . . • - -' • � . . .. ' ` • • . _ <br /> �' . .. � • . . . . .. • ...,� ' �r . . .n � _ ' • .... � ... . . . � .. . .� .� . � • �. ., - • . 1. • . , . .. . ... . <br />