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<br /> JSSUS
<br /> R ROMSRO 100�19 03/10/1997 � �, � + -_
<br /> � UN[FORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lxttder covgnant and agtee as foQows: 97+ ���°�� f � . ' • '
<br /> • 1. Payaneni of PrIas7pal an� Initrast. Bo:rov;ea s4a1] pmmpdy pay whea dae the principal and interesc : � .,. ;_
<br /> ,. � indr�tedness evidenced by the Note ar.d late charges as pmvid�d in the Not�. . .. --
<br /> . 2.Faad�for Taxes an�I�urance. Subject ta applicable law or a written�vaiver by Lemdsr,Hosrower shall pay to . . � . _
<br /> L.ender on the day mnntlilY payments of priacipa!and interest are QayAble under�he Note.until the Note is paid in full.a ' ' -
<br /> sum(herenn 'Funds')c9ua1 to one-nvelCth af the yearly taxes and assessments(including candominiu�m and planned unit ; .. � . .
<br /> { development assess�ents. if any)which may auain prioriry over this Deed of Ttust.and ground reats on the Property, if � . . .. . ,;,,�.
<br /> � any.plus oIIe-twelfth of yesTly pTemium in�rallmenrc fo�h3�8Id iaSU[ense.plus one-twelfth of yeuly premium iattallments � , -�
<br /> ` � fOT II1Di[g3$E inc�innce, if�ny, all as reasonably estimated iaitiaZly and fros►dme to dtae by l�nder on the basis of f '," _-
<br /> i assesssn+ents s�c!bills and reasonable estimates thrreof. Ho:rower s�all uot be obligated to m�lce such paymeats of Funds ; . . .
<br />. � to Ixnder co[he eatent t6at Bonowet makes such payments to the holder of a prior mortgage or deed of mist if sush hoider .
<br /> :� is an ins�irutional lender. ; —- -. : :',� �
<br /> � If Horrower gays Fvnds to Lender. tLe Funds s4a1! be held in an emtitation the deposits or accounts of wtuch are � ��
<br /> insvretl or guaranteed by a Federal or state agency(inctudinS Lender if Lxndee is such an institution)- Lender shall apply _
<br /> •, � the Fwffis to pay said taxes.asse�ems.insusance premiums and ground rents.Lender may not charge for so holding aud }�.,.- - . _��'
<br /> applying the Funds. analyzin� said account or verifying and wnapilin8 said assessments an+d tiilLs. unless Leader paYs � �'' ..�� `
<br /> ._:. . . _
<br /> : y.�
<br /> ' Borrowu interest on the Fnnds and app l i c a b le l aw petmits I.e n d er t o m a k e s u c h a c h a r g e.B o r m w e r a a s t L e n�e n�a y a�r e e -_-;- ; - �:`;�--
<br /> in writing ac the time of execudon of this Deed of Tmst that interesc on the Funds s�all be paid W Baaower,aud tmless • :�', �•;.•:��•
<br /> ing
<br />- � such agreement is made or applicabl�law�such intetest to be paid,Lender si�all not b e�q u i r e d to pay Eorrower ' . . ;�';;. _�..
<br /> r�-
<br /> � any interest or earnings on the Funds. I.ender s6all give to Hormwer.avithaut charge.an aam�al accounting of the Funds ��
<br /> ' showing credits and debits to the Fnnds and the pucpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fwnds are ..;-�=_��---_
<br /> � pledged as additiomsl security for the sunos secured by this Deed of Tmst. �-.-�
<br /> � If the amoant of the Funds held by Lender.wgetb.er with the fuwre monthly installmeuLS of Funds payable prior to .. .� ,_ ._�.-�-
<br /> j rhe due dates of taxes.asses�nents. in�,.�n�premiums and ground rents. shall excced the amounc re�ui�ed w PaY said •-. .�
<br /> taxes. assessments. insvrance Premiums and ground rents as they faU due, such eascess st�all be.at Borrower's option, �;�`"..--
<br /> � . ;; � either pmmpdy repaid to Bonower or credited to Bomnwer on monthly installments of Funds. If the amnunt af the Funds '. ��=---
<br /> � held by L.eIIdei stt211 noi be SuffiCien[Lo p3y iexes.2SSes�+e"r°� j�iSVt'd�CE prPm�nr ��grpii�IeIIis 1S[hey f3I!due. ._�6=.
<br /> .. i Borrower shall pa y to Lender any amount ne�ssarp to make aP the defiaency in one or mnre payments as Lender may . : ,�. .
<br /> require. , ,::r`: -
<br />. Upon payment in full of all sams seta�d by this Deed of Tcast,Lendez shall pcompdy refund to Borrower any Funds j:,
<br /> Lender . � - . �.,t.�^ ..
<br /> � het�1 by Lender.If ander pazagraph 17 hereof the Pmperty is sold or tbe Property is otherwise ac:c�uired bY Len�'. _ .-. ;�-- . :��,•
<br />' ' , shall apply.no later than immediatelp prior to the sale of the Prope�ty or its acquisition by Ixnder. any B�ds held by . • sV 1. ;
<br /> . Lender at the ta�e of applicadon as a cnedit a�inM che svffic secured by this Deesl of Tmst. , �.
<br /> 3.Apptic��n of Paym�ts. Unless applicable law provides otheiwise.all Payments received by Lender under the ; •�. �• —
<br /> ` No:and patagrapl�s I and Z�.�eof shail be agplied by Lender fusc in payment of amounts payable to Ixnder by Boriower ` —
<br /> � under paiagcaph 2 hereof,then to interest payable on the Note,and then w the grincipal of the Note. . '�`�..'} ' _ _
<br /> :n_ �''¢.t�•r.:: .
<br /> � 4. Pr�or Nd�artQagcs and Deedv o8 Trust; Char�es. 1-1ens. Hoa+awer s h a ll p e s fomn a l l o f B o s r o w e r's o b li g a t i o n s � �. .�
<br /> ,`� under any mortgage, dced of avsc or o�,.°r sec�uity a�nt with a lien wLicL has p�iority aver this Deed of Tmst, �""' . Y�s ; �.
<br /> ._ .. iflcludin�;Botrower's covenarus to make payments when due.Bo:rower shall gay or cause to be paid all taxes,A�sme"-*� '-.��_'_ . • �. ' .
<br /> , and other charges. 6nes and impostdons atuibntable to the Propeny which may attain a priority over this Deed of Trnst. "`-- :; �;` ..:
<br /> � and leasehnld payments or gmand rents. if RnY• :.`-r'•:ti*•,'• --�
<br /> . .��•• .
<br /> 5. H�rd Insurance. Borrower shall keep the impmvements nflw existing or hereafter erected on the ProPertY �,,,;, —` _—".
<br /> insured againsc loss by 5re.6azards included within the te�"extended coverage'.and svch other haTards as I.ender may : '�� y
<br /> - reguire and in sac3�amounts and for sach periods as I.ender may require. .;:�`;. �!�'�'
<br /> • The insutance carrier p:anlding the ins�rance shall be chosen by Horrower sublect to appmval by Lender;Provided. . ��F_:-.-�
<br /> � : t�as such appraval shall nnt be nnreasonably withheld. AIl�l+���*�� policies and renewals thereof shall be ia a fo:m �._:. , �:
<br /> . . acce�table w L.ender and shall include a standard mortgage clause in favor of and in a fom�acceptable to Lender. Lender
<br /> sha11 have the ae�,ht to hold the po!lcies and renewals thereof.subject to the te�s of any mortgage.dced of trust or other �� .. ..�:n�>.-�
<br /> . � ..,.�:�. ��,.j.. .
<br /> security agreEa�e�with a lien which has priosity over this Ueed of Tn�st. ;•�.�.. .�`�,.._;., .
<br /> . , In ths event of loss.Bo:rower sfiaU give prompt nodce to the insvrance casiea a�d Lender. Lender may make praof .. � . �
<br /> � of 3oss if aot�ade prompdy by Borrower. •��'�'�'�°..`�'-_�'—•
<br /> � If the Froperty is abandoned by Borrower.or if Boaower fails to respoad to Leader wItLin 30 days fror.�the date - . R. .''�
<br /> � notice is mailed by Lender to Borrower that the insucance caaier offc�s to settle a claim for+n��*�n�e benefiu. Lender is ��:.' : � ,�.�'
<br /> . � suthorized ro collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of the Property or • �
<br /> to the su�s secared by this Dced of Trnst. ° • � . . �
<br /> ' b. Presearvatlon aad Mainienance of Pe+ope�tyt Leasetioids; Condominiams: Fl�nued Unft Devei��.vraita. '' • '.
<br /> Boaower shall keep the Prapertl+in good rePair and shall not wmmit waste or peimit impaizment or deteriora��n of the ...'�` �.
<br /> � ;! propertyr a4d shall wmply with the provisions of any lease if this Deed of?mst is on a leasehold.Lf this D�e.d of Ttust is �
<br />� ';��� on a unit in a condominium or a planned unit development.Borrower shall perfoun all of Bozrower's obligations under the . . •
<br /> � declaraaon or r.ovenants creatiug or gaveming the wndominium or plaamed unit development.the by-laws and regulations . .
<br /> ' of[he condominium or planned unit development.aad consdtuent documents. ' --..
<br /> 7. Protertion of Lender's Serurity. If Bormwer faals to perform the covenants and agreements contained in this :
<br /> Deed of Tmst.or if any acdon or proceeding is commencetl wlrich matetially affects l.ender's interest in the Property.then ---
<br /> I.ender. at txnder's opdon, upoa notice to Borrower, may m�ice such appezrancea. disbnese such sams. including � . _
<br /> � reasonable attomeys' fees. and take such acdon as is necessary to pmtect I.ender's interest. If I.ender required mortgage �.
<br /> ins�zance as a condidon of matcing the loan secured by this Deed of Tiust. Horrower shall pay the pr�miums required w
<br /> maintain such insurance in effect unW such rime as the requirement for sucb in.��urance terminates in accordance with . ' �—
<br /> • Borrower's and Lender's vmtten agteemem or applicable law. . •�
<br /> : Any amounts disbwrsed by Lender pursuaat to this paragraph 7.with interest thereon.at the Note rate.shall become , �-=:.°
<br /> additional indebtedness of Borrovrer secured by this Deed of Trust. L'nless Borrower and Leader agree to other terms of • ���"
<br />� paymenc. such amounts shall be payable upon nodce from Leader to Borrower r�,quesring payment thereof. NotLing � .
<br /> con�n�in this paragaph 7 shall rcqaire Le�c.'er so iacur xny exp=�e or ta�any acrinn hereuuder. `_
<br /> � 8. Insp�ctton. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable enMes upoa and in.specdons of the Property. �_,,_
<br /> provided that Ixnder sbal!give Borrower notice prior to any such inspecdon specifying reasonable cause therefor mlated to � ---
<br /> Lender's interest in the Property. I . . �-�•-
<br /> f ..
<br /> --. ' - r' . _... ._ . .._ ..
<br /> t �.:.
<br /> NeAraskn 26875-3 I 1/96 Origiaa�l(Reeordsd) COpy(HI�1Ch) COpy{C�1�tOm�=) Page 2 of 5 � '
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