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<br /> � 16.Borrower's Copy. Botrower shall be given one conformed copy of the PIote and of this Scxurity InsrrwnenG : ' . -
<br /> " � 17.Tran.g[er of ihe Prop�or a Senefcial Interese in Borrower. If all or any part of the Property or any interest in it is i �
<br /> � sold or transfeared (or if a bene icial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a nasural person)without •
<br /> ' Lertdet's prior wriuen eonsQnt,Lender may,az its opiion,recluire immediats payment in full of all sums secured by this Security
<br /> ' Instrumea� Nowever,thi.s option shall not be exercised by Lender if eaercise is pmhibited by federal law as of the date of this
<br /> . .� Security Instrument
<br /> � If L.eader eacercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower norn:e of accelerarion.The nouce shall provide a period of not less
<br /> thaa 30 days from the date the aotice is delivered or mailed witfiin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry ,
<br /> Instrument If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the e�cpirarion of this period.Lender may invoke any reme�dies permined
<br /> by this Security Instrument without f�rther Qotice or demand on Borrower.
<br /> 18.Borrower's Rig6t to Remstate. � B��wer meeu �ertain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have , �
<br /> enforcement of this Security Insaumeni discontinaed at any tirae prior w the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other pe,riod as t � ' •.
<br /> applicable law may spacify for reinstatement)before sate of the Pcgpedty pursuant to any power of sate conrdined in this Security F� . . '" .`
<br /> Instmmen�or @)entry of a jndgment enforcing this Security lnshvment Those conditions are that Borrower.(a)pays Lender all E , � . � .
<br /> surns wdic6 ttien would be due under this Security Instrumeni and We Noie as if no acceteration had occurred:(b} cures any � �
<br /> defautt of any o�her wve.nanu or agceement�(c)pays all expeases inc�rred in enforcing this Security Ins�ument,including,but -
<br /> , not limited tn,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action as L.eeder may reasonably require to assure tl�at the lien of this � " .
<br /> a es
<br /> r Security Insuumen� i.enda's rights in the Property and Borrowex's obligarion to pay the sums secured by this Security . ....
<br /> Instrumant shall continue unchanged. Upan reinstatement by Borrower, this Security Instrum�nt and the obGgations secured � •, •
<br /> hereby shall remain fully effecfive as if no accelecarion had accurred.However,this right to reinstate shall noi apply in the case of E: . . ,
<br /> accelera4ion under paragraph 17. � ' . . . � :
<br /> 19.Sate of NoEe;Change af Loan Servicer. The Note or a parpal inte�est in the Notc (tngether with this Security � . . �-
<br /> Insliument)may be sold one or more tunes without prior noiice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the entity(knorm � - —
<br /> as the"I.oan Servicer")that collects montlily payments dae under the Note and this Security Instrument'lbere aiso may be one or �
<br /> more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatPd tn a sale of the Nate.If there is a change of the Laan Servicer.Bonuwer will be . • : �
<br /> given wriuen norice of the change in actordance with paragrdph 14 above and apg&cable law.The notice will state the name and , • . `. �-
<br /> - address of the aew L.oan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any other . ..- ���
<br /> infomiarion requaed by applicable law. �� ' ,1
<br /> 20.Ha7ardons 3ubstances. Borrower shaU not cnuse or permit the presence, use, disposal, stotage, or release of any � • � .��,
<br /> ' Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Boirower shall not do,nor allow anyone else w do,anyihing affect�g tke Propeaty . .`��-`°::�.:t , +
<br /> ' that is in violarion of any Environmental Law.'IIie preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,ase,or scQrage an the � ;� ' i
<br /> ' Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate w normal zes�.dzntial uses � � ` f
<br /> and w maintenance of the Propeaty. :::,�� : ., :.
<br /> Borrower s6all prompUy give Lertder written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other acnwn by any .. -
<br /> • governmental or regulatory agency or private party invoiving the Property and any HaTardous Substance or Environmeatal Law , `
<br /> '� of ahich Borrower hac acp�al knowledge.If Bormwea ieams,or is notified by any govemmental or regulatosy authority,that any �,'•''°� ;
<br /> � removal or oWer remediarion of an y Hazardous Substance affecting the Propert}+is necessary, Borrower shall prompdy taIce all
<br /> necessary remedial acuons in accordance with Environmental Law. ' � �� ..:!# i
<br /> As nsed in ihis paragraph Z0, "Hazardous Substances" are those substances defined as wxic or hazardous substauces by , � .� y�.�
<br /> Envirorunental Law and the foIIowing subsrxnces: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic pe�oleam products, tox�c • � ��"�+�;"'
<br /> . peszicides aud herbicides,valatile solvents,maserials cantaining asbesws or forniaidehyde,and radioastive materials.As used in .__ °•�•�•''�� '
<br /> • this paragraph 20."Environmental Law" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that relate ' � ���•'d.
<br /> . m health.safety or environmental protection. .. ,', �
<br /> ; s` ,i��
<br /> , . NON-UNIFORM COVEYVANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: ��: _;'-:.
<br /> , Sl.Acceleration;tiemedies,Lender s6all give nottce to Borrower prior to acceleratIon Polloweng Borrower's breac6 of ��
<br /> anp covenant or agreemeat in this Security Instrument (but not prior to asceteradon under paragraph 17 anless ���
<br /> ` appt�cabte 1aw provides olherwtse).The notIce shaU spe�dfy:(a)the dPPautt;(b)the actioa required to wre tbe dePau➢t;(c) • . . �� . -
<br /> a ds�te,not tes9�han 30 days trom t6e date t6e notice is given to Borrower,by w6isti the detau[t must be cured;and(d)
<br /> � tha4 talme to care the defaalt on oP before t6e date specif'aed in the notice may result in acceteration ot the sums sccured . .__ . ._
<br /> � by this SecurIty Instrumen!and sale of t6e Property.The notice shall further intorm Borrower ot t6e rig6t to reinstate • : :,F-:".` ' � -
<br /> � after acceleratloa and the rig6t to bring a court acttoa to es5ert the noa-exi�tence ot a dePault or any oWer detense ot � � ' ' .
<br /> Borrower to acceteradon and sale.IP the default L� aot cured on or 6efore the date spec�ied in the notice,Lender,at its ._ .. . :-
<br /> option,may require immediate paymen¢!n full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument without further demand . .
<br /> and a�ay invoke the power of sale aad any other remedics permitted by applicable law.Leader shall be entiYled to collPCt • •
<br /> aa e�enses incurred tn parsuing t@e remedies provided in t6is paragraph 21,including, but aot lim3ted to,reasomable � �=-
<br /> attomeys'tee�and costs of title evidence. .
<br /> If We power of sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a nottce mf default in eac6 county in w6ic6 any part of the � _
<br /> Pro�erty ts located and s6aU mail copies of such notice�the manner prescribed by appUcabte law to Borrower and to t6e � p,
<br /> oimer persans prescrIbed by appIIqble law.Atter the t�E required by applicable taw,Trustee s6ail give p�ablic aotice of . . •
<br /> sale to the persons and �n t6e manner prnscribed by appficable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,sball seil the ' �
<br /> Property at public auct�on to the 6ighest 6id�lzr et the time and pl�ce and under the terms desi�ated in the notice o�sale . -
<br /> h � •
<br /> �
<br /> Form 5028 9190 . � �
<br /> �•BRiNE)(s2t2�.ot Pape 5 018 irrt�aia: t _
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