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<br /> � � � { .
<br /> - . . . ' i � . ' . ____.__. '-�_-...
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<br /> p�yn���v inay nn tnnger M;reyu►red,at the opuon of L.ender,if mortgage insurance coverage(in she amount and for the penod ' `.
<br /> . ,,,�
<br /> th.ct lcndcr rrywrcel providrd by an►nsurcr eQprovcd by l.ender again becomes available and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the � , . -.
<br /> ��rrm�ui��v rcyutrcd tn matntaim m�ngagc insurancc m c(fcxt, or tn provide a loss rescrve, until the requirement for mortgage �
<br /> in�uruttce cndy�n acu�rdanca wuh any writtca ngrccmcnt t�ctwecn Borrowcr and L.ender or applicabie taw. • . -_
<br /> V,lasacrii�m. t.endet ett r�v agent moy make reasonat�M entncs upon and inspecnons of the Property.Lender shall give • . .. •�.�.;
<br /> Hu�ro�rcr nnucc nt thr ume ut ur pnor tn an inspecuon spoeifying reasonabte cause far the inspecnon. � . < �:
<br /> 10.f't►ndemn9ttnn. l�c prac:ccdv of any award or clacm tor damagcs,dir�ct or conscqucntial. in conncction with any •, �_
<br /> �und�mn;t4►nn ctt nlficr LtAm�l c►(.my part of thc Pm�rsty,o�for co�svcya�sce in lieu of condemnation,arc hereby assigned and , . � _ '�
<br /> shaill F}c t►ud a�I.cn�}cr • `
<br /> tn thc evrm oi a u�tal�akin�;nf thc Propcny.Ihe procceds shali be applicd tn the sums se�urcd by this Security Instrument, .
<br /> whethrr�u nut thcn duc,w�th any caccss paid to Botrowcr.In 1he event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market .
<br /> valuc al tfie 1'nipcety imme�iiatciy heforc the ta4cing is equal w or greater than the amount of the sums secured by this Security � �T`
<br /> IntiUUnzcot �mmcQiatcly Ne(orc thc takmg, untcss Botrower and Lcndcr otherwise agrce in writin8, tt►c sums secured by this ; . � �
<br /> � Serunty In�uumcnt shall he re�tuccd by the amount of the procecds multiplied by the following fraction:(a)the total amount of ' � • .
<br /> : �hc �u�nv c�.v�urcd immcdiatcly fsefare thc takmg, dividcd by (b) thc fa'u market valuc of�he Propecry immcdia[cly before the ; � -
<br /> tafung.Any halnnce ahall hc paid u�Dorrowcr.In U�e cvent of a partial t�king of the Propertyr in which the fair market value of the •
<br /> .,.-.t._•. �`..
<br /> {'rnperly �mnud�accty Nefurc ihc F:7king �o less than she amount of ihc sums secured immediately beforc thc taking, unless • ' ,-
<br /> liurrowcr nnd l.�ndcr athcrwisc agtcc m wnung or untess npplicable law oihcrwise providcs,the prooeeds shall be applied ro the � , , _ F �.
<br /> ; sums sccured by�his Socunty Inswmcnt whcthcr or not thc sums arc then due. � ��. - -
<br /> '� Ii thc t'raperty �s ubandom3d by Bonower,or if,uftcr n�icc by Lcnder ro Barrower that the condemnor offers cn makc an � � •_
<br /> i award�r scttle a claim tnr darr+ages,Borrawer fails to respond w Lender within 3d days aftcr the date the notice is given,Lender � � . . ' . `�'•::,�-•
<br /> iv aut�otir�ed tn cultcct cutd apply thc proca�ds,at i�s opUOn.cithcr tn resWration or reQair of thc Progerty or to the sums secured i �
<br /> � � , ,
<br /> by th�v Sccurity inswmcnt,whcthcr or not thcn duc. � , �;*�`
<br /> � Unlcs9 l.endct and Bomiwcr othcrwisc ogrce m wri�ng.any epplication of pracc�ds to principal shall not eatcnd or postpone • �>'�� ��
<br /> � the duc dato of thc monthty paymcn�v relcrred to in parngraphs 1 nnd 2 or changc Ihc amount of such payments. � � �:,'� ,
<br /> • il.Dor►owtr Not aeie�sed;horbc�ro�tce Qy l.ender hot a Waivcr. Extension of thc ume for payment or mo�cauon . �'�•� '
<br /> :,.ii�►�l �-
<br /> of umorti�attnn�f Ihc�oms Fccurcd by this Sceurity lnsuument grnnt�d by l.cndcr to any successor in interest of Borrower shaU ,�" � � ' +f;
<br /> � nat operuf.e w rcleasc�he lu�b�luy of Ihe onginal Borrrnva ar Horrower's sacccssors in interest Lender shall not be rcquired to . �
<br /> a�mmcncc pruccadmgs again5t nny cucccssnr in�ntcrest or rcfusc w cxtend timc for payment or otherwis�madify amorm7ation of � ;�
<br /> � the sums secureA Ay thig Secutity Insuument by reason of t�ny demsind made by the original Horrower or Borrower's successors � ��� � �i : r
<br /> A y
<br /> I in intcres�Any[onc�arnncc by L.cndcr in c�c�cising nny right or rcmcdy shall not bc a waiver of or preclude the excrcise of any I �'� '�`�•.� t..-
<br /> ' right or rcmcdy. . �'�±��fa�. .,',� r-
<br /> � lE.Successors end Assfpn9 Onund;Jolnt and Severel Ltnbility; Casignera. 'Ihe covenanis and agreements of this � . � � a
<br /> ; �1
<br /> Sacurity laswment shall bind and !►enefil the auccessare and a�signs of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provisions of � ,,� . s •���
<br /> ; P�S�D� 17. Bunowu's cuvenanGq nnd agrccmcros shall be loint and sevcral. My Borrower who co-signs this Security , . . ' .� �
<br /> lnstrument but does nai escxute the Nu�:: (a) is casigning tAiv Secunty Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey that _ _ _h ,�,. �
<br /> ! Boaowcr's intcrest in 1he Ptoperty un�cr thc tcrmv of this Sccurity lnstrumen�(b) is not personally obligafed to pay the sums ' ' • ;,' •;•�._
<br /> secured by 11i{s Security Inswment;nnd(c)agrees�hat Lcnder und any other Borrower may a�ree to eatend,modify,forbear or •, �;"""`-
<br /> make any occommodaUone with rcgard tu t�c tcrms cif tl�is Sccurity Instrumcnt or thc Notc without that Bocrower's wnsent � • �'"-
<br /> �;:f..,.�. -_°
<br /> 13.Loan Charges. I(thc loan sccurccl hy this Sccunty Inswmcnt is subjcct to a law which scts maximum loan chargcs. ` - ,�'t �_��•�.-
<br /> and that law is finally interpreted sa thai tAe�ntere5t ar other tnan etwrges colicctecl or to be collacted in connection with the loan • � ,,�':
<br /> i : ,.•z• ,
<br /> excACd Iho pern�itted limits,O�en:(n>usiy 6uch loan ch;uge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the charge to the ...�, _�_
<br /> � permitted limit;and(b)any sums ctlteady collecued from Bunowet which eacerQed petmitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. ' �_
<br /> I.cnder may choose to makc �his refund by rcducmg thc principal oweQ undcr thc Notc or by making a direct payment to '" '��
<br /> Hortower. If o rcfund reQures princiQal.thc rcducUOn wil� ho ucutcd a9 n partial prcpaymcnt without any prepayment chargc � �
<br /> u�dcr�hc Notc. . . ' '���`�'—.��
<br /> � ' . _ _ _,�-
<br /> -•- •-
<br /> la.ru�t��: nny nn«rn rn pnrcowcr pruv�RcA fnr m thiy Sccurity Inswmcnt Ahall bc givcn by dclivcring it or by mailing it , �• � , :-�.�
<br /> ` by Crst class mall unlcss applicaAlc I�w rcquuc4 uM ni onuthcr mcthod.Thc noucc shall bc diroctcd to the Property Address or � • :. �.
<br /> any ather addres9 Dorrawcr dc�ignatcs by nuucc u�l�cndcr. Any noticc u� Lcndcr shall bc givea�by C�rst cia5s mail to Lender's •.
<br /> : addtess slated herain ar any othcr oddresv l.cndcr dcs�gnatcs by nnUce u� Bormwer. Any nodce provldcd tor in this Securiry �• . �• � �'�
<br /> InsOrumcnt sholl bc docmcd u�hnvc hccn Etiivrn u►Nnrrowct ur l.cs�dcr whcn givcn as pravidcd in this pazagraph. • . .
<br /> ; 1S.CoveralnR I.ows�leveroblthy. Thty ticcunty Instrumcnl shall ho g��vcmcd by fcderu! law and the law of the �
<br /> � jutisdIcUan in whicA Ne Prap�:rty �y GKUtM. In the cvem tha�nny prnvisi�n or clause of lhis Security Inswment or the Note �
<br /> � caMicts wiih appliwblc luw,such conflut Fhal!not aifcct�►thcr prov�sians of U�iv Sccunty InsVUmcnt or ihc Notc which can be �
<br /> given cifcct withaut Ihc cun(Itcung pmvtsinn.'fo ih�q cnA thc pr�yv�siun9 uf�hw Sccurity Inswmcnt and thc Notc arc dcclarcd to •
<br /> Ac scvcreblc. . �'
<br /> Form aoze s�so . �
<br /> �•sB�NE)co��ti o� ��pe�o�o �nmais �
<br /> . ��
<br /> • � o ..
<br /> . ' � «
<br /> • �.
<br /> ' . ' �
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<br /> --�--�� --�-,-----•. ., -�--�--.—.,..,...,..__...y..�..�.,.�...-.----,- . , � .
<br /> . ' ,' • ' .� ; : � � . ^\` . � ' � . . .. � . . .: . • � . . . . . � ., .
<br /> . � _ . . •. . � . . . •
<br />, .�. .. . . . . ., .. � . , '.. . _ . .. , . •�, �a:..•` . . .. . , :, , ... '�.::'. . . , . � . . ..
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