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.. . . . . , <br /> ---=--�---- . , , �, —. -- � . ,"� _- . i �� <br /> , • fF . ' L . . � . - ' �_ r, _ <br /> . , . ��.�.'�QS�,��� � - .--.�,_ _-. _-� _ __ <br /> � My amaunts disbursQd by Lendst unCsr this�'atc�retph shnQ bacome an add�lonel debt of Boaowar end Ce 5oeurod by . . . . <br /> : ;-� <br /> this Securtty inswrt►ent Thsse amounis shall Doar Intaiest bom the date of dtsbursement at tl�e Nate race.and at the optbe of I ' �_ <br /> � �� Lend�.shc�b0 immediatoTy due and paY�te. , ;.'-- <br /> � � BoROwer shafl prompLy df3chnr6e anY `� cvhleh �fls Prto+M over thb SecurRY lastrument unless Bortowar: (n)aaroe9 h , , `� <br /> h <br /> � wrlt�sp to the paytr�ent of tQio oblipatfan SeCUrad by tt��tion in Q mannat aecQD�b ho L�er��s oPfi ongoperato t prevent the , !' <br /> �� DY. or defands apahst entorCentent of the Ben in. � P�d � t sAttstBCtory t0 LBttder subordinatinp the 66�to °. <br /> ' 2 entorcement ot ttie 9en: or(c) seCU�as from ths haldet ot tha Iler►an eq�eeme� ` - <br /> this S�curftY ���Eer ma pks Bo ower a notice Ider►tHyin9 Me Uen. 8orrower haU satisty the Gen or mice o�n or�more of � . . ` � <br /> I Securny instru � ' • ' <br /> -. the aCUons set forth above wdhh 10 d�ays ot tho gtmtp of notice. : -- <br /> ' 8. Fgp.s,Lgnder tnay ColleCt fee5 e�d Cha�ges&uthOri�d Dy tha Sec�etarY• i • .�<, <br /> 9. Grounds tor Acceleratton o4 Debt k � .` — <br /> (S) Ia@}BUIL I.enEer maY. �Pt���by���ns Cssued by the SecretarY � the case of paym9nt delauRs, k. — <br /> wQuire immediate payment in fuU o!ell sums secured by th(s SecurnYt��t��t y this SecurtY InsUument DrWr to or on � � . �•4i•� <br /> (i�Borrower defauRs by fa��'np to PaY��U�y monthry paymsn Q k- _ <br /> � the due data at the ne�d manthry paYman�or -'' , . . <br /> . (�Bortower defau�a by fa1IIn9.for a P�d of thktY daYa�to P�ortn a.�y oMer oblipauons contshed h this SecurxY �. <br /> InSitumOn� . ^ v <br /> � ` (b) Sate Wittaut Credit ApProval. lender ShBR d D��d by aQP�� �w(inCludinp Sectlon 341(�ot the ��., <br /> f! '.. .:.:.=r. . <br /> t �,g�Q�gTn Deposftory InstiWtlons Act of 1982. 12 US.C. 1701}3(dl) and wRh tAe P�r aPD��i af the Secre?ArY+ �. . �����-, <br /> ����i¢ta Payment In fuU of aY the sums secured bY����Instrument if: -� <br /> . t� Ali or Part ot Me PropeRY. or a hsneflcW �terest in a trust owntng aB or P� o!the PropeAY� is sotd or . . .:; <br /> otherwise transferted(other then bY Qevise or desCent).enE . �. ,.,t .—. <br /> . (�The Propertfr Is not ocwPied by tha Du�haser or qrantee as his or her Principal �esidence.or the purehaser or , , -.., <br /> rowd in scCOrdance wdh the .: zp►,�.�',• <br />, ' grantee does so occupy the Property, but his or her credit has not been app .' � • <br /> - requYC3rt�ents Ot the Secrelsry• �',�,��-- _ <br /> �� t (c) No Waiver. If circums�nces occur thai would Pe�3 Lender to require tnsnediats DgY�t in fu0. but Lender �, - . �.�,�r_�• <br /> ;�. �:� does not require such paymants.Lsnder does rtot waive�s dGhts wAh rasR�ta subsequent events. •_�� . �. <br /> ' (d) Regutatlons of HUD Secreta�y. �n mar►y c�umsrances rea+��cwns �sue� �y u�e secremnr � umx ���,;;�. � <br /> t b fun and forecbse H not Pald. Thts � _c'�. !;f <br /> ' Lende+'s dDhts. h the ease ot payment detauRs. to re4ut� immedtate 08Y� �ns of the Secretary• ;_: i ' <br /> ' Secu r i t y Instrument does not authorixe�cceteration or forecbsure ff not pe�'m�d by repu •; � <br /> � {e� M o r t g a g e N o t i n�c r e d. B o r ro w e r a g r e e.s that U this Se�u r�l y In s 4 n:�e n t a n d t h e N o t e are noi determhed to � t � <br /> �e a�gble for in5u►ance under the National Housfnp Act w3hh# Of dsStB(9U� i°�menL�A wr@ten staterttent --•.�.+' `+�'[�,. ± <br /> t i n f u t l o f a 1 1 s u m s s a c u r e d b y t h i s �Y �' � <br /> '•'�.�.St itS C�ti0t1 requife ifn t f t 9 d i fl te P S Y m e n '• ', '� `'''''� <br /> � 07 any authorhed ayent of the 3eCretery Q3ted subsequent to� 04 d�YB(90D �m �s �� h����di�np .:,� ��• �.y��� � � <br /> .:.::i,�,... <br /> • � to hsure this Secur�y �nstrume�t and N8 Noba. sheU be deert�ed conelusl�o Dfaof o}such inelipb iryl• ,'ti_s�.. � �;�,_!8� <br /> . . � . <br /> � �.3 foreSoing, Mis option maY not be exerc�ed by Lender when the unavs�hTAY of lnsurance is solely dt:3 to Lenders '.. � <br /> - �.� inSUrance premlum Io Me SecreterY• .`"'- ` <br /> t=w�to rem�a mortgage -:'i �. <br /> � ted irnmedtz.."�payment in 1u9 beea�+sa of . . p, <br /> � 10. R@I11�1II�@I�1@fl1. BORO w e t hes 8 t1Dht to be reinsffited B Lender h8s te�N a'�!. _.. <br /> Borrowers teiWre to pay an ert�ourtt due under the Note or thTS SecuritY In�trument-ThIs rqht apP�s � � forocbsure ^_� �'r�_� <br /> proceecRrgs are hstRuted. To reinstate the Securiry Instrument. Borrower sha0 tende► h a Wmp sum a0 emounta requtred to . ���_: „ <br /> (nstrumenL ��.`;"•. � .- <br /> • brhg Cv�wera acco�nt eurtent i no W d i np. t o t h s e�d s n t t h e Y a r e o b O p n t b n�s BOrrowerassoctated wkh tha foraciosuro <br /> ... forrcbsua tosta end re�ssonaDi� and custonw►Y attort�lnstrumer.c�d tfi bae Rp4tWns tt�at k securee ahe9 ra�h �eH�t as _ ' -��'.�� <br /> . p r o C�d i np.U p o n�e h s t a W m e n t b y B o r r o w a r.t h i s S e c u r U y Ro .�ri� `` <br />. :� a^_'=� ��, <br /> N Lender had not reQuL^d irtxnedlete PaY+�t in tu0.However.Lender is not required to permk retnstatert��t tl: (i)L s n Q a r h a s r.�._ <br /> accepted relnstatemeat efter the commencement ct toreclosure Proceedings wxhin lwo yeara irtuns�laleN P�hp the _ < <br /> •-:..r.�:.�,;. <br /> commertcu-Tent ot a curt6nt totecbsca praeeedin8. (�rehst6tet►�ent Wi��p�ecM���o�bsure on d�Hetent grounCs tn the fi�te, _ <br /> r?`/•��� +•�e P�MY of the 1'ien Creeted by thls SeCUtdy Insbumen:. �'F. `�3—�. <br /> -.-'.�;-,'..a`.: ot(�renstatement wi0 8dverseN a�x ,''. ':r� <br /> ��,p•�. <br /> �'`a 11. Borrower Not Releaaed. Forbearanee By Lender Not e Weiver.�a�:s:rsR of ine tme ot vayrneni w , .���;, <br /> ' matldicatton of amortiratbn of the sums secured by thls Security �nsbument 9ra^ted by �-e��to eny suecessor In hierest ot • • � <br /> � Borrower shaa not operate to retense tho B�b�ty of the orlpinBl Borrowe►or Boaowors suCCesscr tn�tece��Lender shafl not be . : .�. ,,+,�., -- <br /> ' �equirod ta commence DroceedinSs a�st eny successor In hterest or reiuse to mRend th�e tar�SCyment or otherw(sa modify • ��. <br /> amorUs�llcn ot the sums securad by th� Sscur�y msUUmeet Gy rtaason of any demand mede by the oflptnal Borrower cc �^�• <br /> Bortaw�3 sucxesoors b intersst My torbeaiance bY Lender In exercfslnp anY �iDht or remedY shau not be a vraker of c� _ . _ <br /> precWdo the exer�lse ot anY ripl►t or remeAY. ,_ — <br /> ,r:�. t�. Successors and Asstsna Bound; Joint and Several LJabttlty; Co-siQ,ners. 'rne covenanes ana <br /> gg�n��q p1 tryb$ecutdy Instrument shaB bad and benefit the su�sors a�d essl�g of���d Bortower,subJect to the • - ___ <br /> ' prcus:cns of Parapraph 4(b)- Bortowers eovenants end agreements shatl be Joinl and several. Ar+y Borrower who i�10nonvey • � — <br /> '. $gcurlty Instrument Dut does not execute the Note:(a) b co-slgning thb Securily Instrume�t onty to moRynOe.G+e� . . <br /> that 8orrowers hterest in the Property under the ta�ms of thls Security Instrumenk (b) is�o= D�fln� ob6pated to pay the <br /> sums seeured by this Soeu�RY Instrument; end (e) asrees <br /> that Lender end eny other Bortower rt�ay aprea to exten0. modsyr. , �� <br /> � forbeor or mako anY eocommodatbns wilh reyerd to the tem� of thb Security �ostrurt�ent or the Note without that Bortowefs . <br /> � + conseot. _ <br />