{ _ � . .....- .----�—`- . , ; --,-. _ , . _ .: - � - ° .. , ... . - .. ..__��. .� . .. . _.' ; _
<br /> _ � �7� �.G1����t t�� -= -_--� --
<br /> Lsnder may.a! anY thsie. cotlect ar�� Aotd unouata tor EBCrow Items h�n�9p+e8ate emount nat to e�xaed the ma�num . . ,.
<br /> .' nmount t�at rrUy De r3quted to►Banrovr3fs eserow eccaunt under tt�e Reei Estete 3eteiemas�t Pr°cedu�s�t of 1974,t2 US.C. i . , -
<br /> ! .'
<br /> � e and imP�rt�ntinp r�pu1aYbns. 24 CFR PeR 3500� ns theY maY be amended irom time to thne ('F�.SPA'),excapt , '
<br /> §26ot �� �. � . . _ �:
<br /> F�SPA for unr.rUe$►stsd disbursemenls or dEsbursEments Cstore 1he Borrowe�s � .
<br />• that the cushbn or re33erve 0��� �y .
<br /> e
<br /> pay�tg�av�b in the a&eaunt cnay not he 0asod on amounts due tor the mortgaya bsurance p��m. .. . • _
<br /> tt tM amcunta hoid by landar tor Esuow Items�a the ar^6unts a�mdted w Oe Refd by FiESPA.Le^der s�a�l°uount ;
<br /> `1 to Borrower tor Uie e�rcass Nnds as�fed bY FES�0.B tAe amourtts of tunds hetd by Lender at enY�e�not suftieient to , , , _
<br /> � pay the Escrow Items wh$n due.Lender mny no t i(y Me Borrower end require Bartower to mske up Ne shorta88 as Germnted by ' `
<br /> � RESP0. � �
<br /> . The Escrow Funds are Piadged as add�bna►s�curMY tor ao sums secured by th(s Secu�lf' instrumen� It Barrowar 4enders
<br /> to I.endet tt�e fu�paYment ot a0 such sums. Borrowei's eCCAUr�t s3u1!!Ce c�ed�ed vritfi thfl hai8nee cemsinh��or ell inst8ttrtant �
<br /> aems (e). tb), end (c) and any mort9aQo�surnnce P��m instalimant that Landar hns nat become obApated to pay to the ( . .
<br /> 3ecretary�end L.ender sha�o���u t 5�be aeddsd with any balance�eremahhgtfoea0rnsffif6ne�►Ls for�$ems I� � . •
<br /> or Rs acqutsRton by Lendsr. .
<br /> , and(c)• � . ; �. :
<br /> $•ApPI1Ca4i0Q O?PIIyP�IEfItB.A!I PaY��under Parayraphs t end 2 shaD be appGed bY Lend�es taliaws: ,
<br /> ' Flfitr to ths mortQaQe hsurance pramium to bs P�bY Lender to the Secretu!► or to the monthM char+�e bY Uie SecretarY . ..
<br /> . '
<br /> ' hstead of the monthN mcrt�pe bswance p�emh+m: • • .
<br /> � SECOftdr to anY �s. sD�� �Sments. tease7+old PaY�^ts or ground rents. end fre. tiood and other hesard .
<br /> insurrince Premwms,as requted: 4 ;:'�4"�'�-:.
<br /> Thtrd�W htetest due under the NoieC k� r.,. -..�' ;"�
<br />.: � �eurfh,tp amort�ratton of the ptfr�cipal ot the Note;ano , � .
<br /> Flfth.to mte cdar0eg due under tne Note. - :` � �:
<br /> 4. Flre. Flood and Other Haza�d Insaranee. BortowBr ShaH h5ure ae imaroYemenss on u���ovany.w�,sme� . , ,:.�. �� �
<br /> st any ha�tds.cesuaki�s� and conth�+afes, includinp f�e.tor wh(ch Lsndar . -��: _
<br /> now b oxtstence or SubsequentN erecte0. � . ';� `"�;;
<br /> � requftes insurance.This tnsurance sha0 bo mafntahed h the amaunts and for the peAods that Lender re��y ft0ods tosthe ' _:; < --
<br /> ' a L s o i n s u r e a U t n Arovea�^ts on tt�e PropeRy�whetrier now h mdstenco ar subrsque�uY erected.esain .�,-''
<br /> . AO insuranee stw�l be carrisd w�h compan3es eDAro v e d by L e n d e r-Th e b s u ro n c e p o 0 cies end . .��',..;,s
<br /> e�Gent�quted by Ne SeC�etary-
<br /> eny rsnesrrals Shail be haW by Lender and SheD tnC�de bss pa�ebla c l a u s e s h t a v o r o f.e n d h a f ortn a c c e 0tebie t0.Lender. ,. . ..;.S;.
<br /> i�,.
<br /> In the euent of bsa Bottower shaB give Lender tnrt�ediate notice by mal. Lender may mak9 p�oof af bss N not made . _._.�'._a:�L{ � .
<br /> . promptry bY Bort�¢wer. Each insutance comDu�Y eoncemed!s hereby aAhortxad end directed to make Dayrt�►t for sucA bss . _Y'�;: ,,
<br /> d i r e c t i y t o L e n d e r. I n s t e a d o f t o Bortower and to L.enQer johUy.M or anY e:�t of the insurance P�maY be aAp�bY .
<br /> iender,at Rs oPtEOn. eR1:er (a)to the redu�t(on of the indebtednass under th� Note end this SecurftY Instrum�►t,ft r s t W 8 n y
<br /> .�,- . CeGnquent amounts apP�d In the order�Paragtapfi 3,and then to D�AaY�t of pnc��al or(0)to the restoration ot repatr ot
<br /> the demnyed Propetty. M9 aPA��n of the D�ds to the pnc�ipal sha0 no! e�erid cr postaone the due ��surance 1�
<br /> .,_. �
<br /> " �pn�N payrt�ents wh�h ere reierted to n Pa�aprapb 2. or chanQe the amaunt of such RaYme�ts- A�Y �s . .
<br /> G�.�ument BhaY ba Pa1d ��' `.��
<br /> � prp�dg pygr an amount requY+ad to PaY n8 outstandinp indebtedness under the Note ead thts SeWrEtY . t ��t
<br /> to ttte enttY 1��Y�d dses�a• -. --�.:�� � .
<br /> � In tha event of forecbs�::o af thts Secunty Instrumesa or other transter of tdle to �:a Property thst eodln�►�has Nw . • r, +
<br /> hdobtodness.a9 ct�h�tYwi and i►tersst of Borrower in end to insurance po�ies b broe sha9 pass to ths purctu�ser. t.. �;; r•_
<br /> � c�•;...... .- ��a.
<br /> � Preservstlon, Malntent�ee and Rrotectlan of the Property; �orrowar a Loan .�u�.. . --
<br /> � �s 6. Occu��ay. '
<br /> ApPlieatlon; �easeholds.eorrower snaa oc�ucv.es�esn.end use the PropeRy as eorrowers pnc�lpal res�wYhh � �:�;,..� �
<br /> .�"�":� '��:'
<br /> • s�daYs efter tha wrecut(on ot this Securihi Instrument(or wiNh s6dY daYs ot a fater saFe�tho QaOte of oceuPencS►. uniess � :��r't�b.
<br /> ccc.3nue w occupy tAe PropertY as Borrowefs princpal rosidence for at taast orsa Y='— �st whlch ore �°`��'" °`��_.
<br /> Lertder detertnines Mat requkament wi�cause un�e hardsh�for Borrowe►. or uniess�u�ny cteumstances � r.t . " .°�;_--
<br /> treyond Borrowsrs controL Borrowsr sha0 not�Jy Lender of anY mdenuath9�twmst��•BORON� � not eomm�wasta or - '� ' •�L
<br /> .�suoY. dart�0a or subatat�tle9Y chanYa the ProDeRY or alow trie PropertY W deiertorate.raeson�9e aasr�nd tear ae�Pbd. �..';,'°'�` _._ �
<br /> h�r,der may insPect the ProDertY Y ths ProDenY b v�cant cr nbandoned or tho loar►is in dafauR.Lender m�y uks reason�b � �_
<br /> ban
<br /> Bartower she8 aiso be tn deltuit tf Bortowe.durh0 tha ta� • , a '
<br /> a�'3on to protect ond presrw�eh vacant or abandoned RrsAertY• .���� -- `
<br /> apPACation process.Wve mata�flY tsLse or hazcurate intormaUon or staterr�ents to Lender(cr iaYad to provide LenQar xr�h any .,� -:.�r���,,...�
<br /> �__5,�, -
<br /> nyt�rYf intomntion) fn connectlon wRh tAe ban evidanced bY�o Nota,incbdlny. but nat linited W.re0����ns cancamhp `.-��_ .�
<br /> , BCr�awers occuP�Y ot tfie PropeRY �� P�� ��& If thb S�ecurRY tnswmEnt b on a Wasahoid. Bortow�r shaY . ....�.,_: �. ,�
<br /> cx�N wYh ths Orovhbns o1 tM teaae. It Bortowu�eWtes iee tit1� to th�Property. the besshoid end fe0 tRie sheH not be '' ..3�r.'r'
<br /> �. marpW undss Lende►aynss to the rt�4�h�9• : .
<br /> 8. Condemnatlon. Ths ptoCeeds Of any awatd Ot CD1Yn t0s demaODS. did6Ct or COnsequ9�'ttiel.in CO���n w��Y . .
<br /> `. i ca�d�rtnation or other tikhy o1 any Put of tl�a Properql.or tor comrey�ncs b plac�of eonQerrtnatbn.ar�herebY as�4►��►d ' ' •
<br /> ; shal be pa�d W LenAer to the a�Rent o!the N� amount of Ne hdaDtadnes� thot remnlns unp4ld �:Cer the Nota and this .
<br /> " � Seeufdy Instrument Lender sha0 apDh sueh procaaQS to the redue'�ion o1 trie hdebtedrtess undor tNe Note and thls SeeuriY �
<br /> ' InstrumanA f�st to any defn�tent amounts apD�ied b the otder providYd b PerQ�aph 3.and then to PteDaY�ffi,�P��
<br /> iqny ppp5eat►on of the D�Q��to tt�e pmcipal sha!noi s�dend or po9tAane the due da go�f����^�� to pay al! .
<br /> � , ro�rtsd to h paraQraph 2. or cAengo the nmount ot sueh pay�nents. AnY �cess a�� ����, .
<br /> outstandtrtg hdebtedeess undw the NotO eed thb Sxurdy InStrumant ShaU b0 P�to the entRy tepa�Y • • �,
<br /> �, Ch�rQes to BoROwer and Protectlan ot Lmnder'� Rlghts tn the P►operty. Borrower sha9 pay eA `
<br /> • povemmenut or muniepal chWBS. t�nes es�d trpos�a►s thu uB not included In Pa�ayraph 2. Bortower sha9 paY U�ese � .
<br /> ' ob9ptt�ons an t�n�CIncUY to tti0 CntdY which Is cwe6 !hs GsY+��- If ta�re to piY woub aQverSeb atfea Lendefs htero5t In
<br /> the ProD�Y.uyon Lend�a nqws�Bortow�r ahd P�omDW iumBh to Lender rscaipts avlfF..r�ainp tnc�so PnYmcnb. 1
<br /> II 8ortowe►fatt�to make thBS9 OgY�u or the paymants re�irod bY Paraptsph 2.or fai�to peAorm inY oth6r cov�enb i .
<br /> ' and A�ree�n�tS eantalnad in lhb Setutlty InStrument.or lheta�a 1�1 ProCetldirt�that may sign(fiCenty aSeCt Lendels ripht5 1n , —
<br /> the PraWrtY(��°p ���ro�Me vatss of trie ProA�f��nd oL9nders �i7hts In the ProD�h�g„Vd D Y�^t at ta�ces, �;
<br /> pey wt►etsver esae�!► �
<br /> . hazatd'nsurartce and other itums rt�ontioned i�Pareyrap�2. � :
<br /> . t i . .
<br />. • Pept Z of S II . � � �
<br /> . . Fsei:.i�.�=•'==S � - " . ' --''
<br />- . f �
<br /> � —
<br /> , {
<br /> (
<br /> . � .. �
<br /> 9tE `
<br /> ... � �,.-,._. - -._._ -� . ...... ' .. _ . �- .
<br /> �_ ... ;—.-�..., ...rT---���... �--.—•- �
<br /> - -�— . . - . • �. .. . _ .. � u_. . �~�. � . #).. * � � . i_ ' ..
<br />- , .� , " . .. . . � •�' _. . .� ' � _ �` ' .. . _ , -' -. . - . .l. . . "' . u . ' . , .� . � . . . .
<br />