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�—-_--_ � . .. T . -_-_ -- �:.�- <br /> -� . - <br /> '4 �.,� ��o ����'� ' o R ' ' _� �_ <br /> ((Sj ui dtitOi i�Sb 1i 18 figiii m u Yd v{ily 54'Zi1CiZo.'�:6 0..."'�'....S:II.�.C:.'� •�O.. w.� ..w� � _ . . . .-. -' - .. ='! E`-�_ <br /> , �xrtc:r.::_^frlig�or.s:�r.da...,.�ct T.;:st ar:d thaaa acCans da rai acsd o,�lt � •f <br /> not conflict vrkh the provisions of 8rry statute,regulation,ordinanca,rute of law,contract or other agreement which may bs binding on Grentorpt � "` - <br /> , anytlme: ` ' . <br /> (e; Na acdon or proeaeding is or ahell be ponding or threataned which migM materially aHeet the Property:and �;�' <br /> (fl Grantor has not violated end shall not vfolate any sffitute,regulaUon,ordinanCe,ruio of law,eantraa or other agreement which might materialfy <br /> ' aftect the PropeRy(inciuding,but not limited to,those goveming Nazerdous Materlats)or Leader's rigMs or interest in the Fropertyr pursuant to ' ' _ <br /> . this Qeed of TNUt . ��- <br /> � 3. PRlOA DEEDS GF 7WUSY. Grentor reprecents and werrants that thero are no prior deods of trust aNecting any part of the Property except as set . r <br /> torth on Sshedute B aZtnched tc thia Deed o}Trust which 6rantor aarees to pay and psdorm in a timely manner. If there�e any prior Caeda of trust �:`— <br /> • then(3rantor aprees to pay ati amounts owad,and ReAOrtn all obBgaUOn9 raqulred.under euch deeQS of trust and the inGebteEness secure0 thRreby <br /> end turther agrees that a default untler any prior deed of Vust shall De s detault under thia Deed of Yrust and sAat�entiUe Lender to ali rights and <br /> ' remadies eontained hereln or in the ObliQations to whiCh Lender v�ouid bo ontiHod in tho ownt ot any other default. � ° <br /> 4. TAAN�fFAS OF THE PROPFRYY OA BENEFICIAL itiTERE3TS IH GRAPITOA8 OR BOAROVJE6i8. In tho ovent ot n�aie,eoneeyanco.Iease. ' '�� <br /> conVaet for dead ar uanater ta any pereon of el!or any part of the real property dessribed m Schedule A or any Interest there�n,or of all or any . ' <br /> toneticial interost fn BorcCwer or firantor(if Bortower or Grantor Is not e natural p9rson or persons but�s a tiabdity company, -`s <br /> other legal entity�.LSnder its option declare tha oulstsnding�uincipal tral�nco of ttw Qbligatiar�a plus ueaucd ir�icro� � . : <br /> fheroon immediately due and payabte. At Lender's request.(irantor or Borrowar,an ttie case may be,shalt tumish a comptoto awiement setting farth � � - <br /> all of its stocklioldera,membera or appropriate,and tha extent of their respactive ownership interests � <br /> ' 5. ASSIGNMEHT OF REt�1T8. In eonsideration of tho Obiigations.which ara secured by this Deed of Trust,Grantor ebsotuteiy assigne to lsntler alt . <br /> C3rantors es4ate.dpM.UUe.intereat Ualm and demantl now owned or hereafter acquired in atl existing and future leases of the Property(nciuding : �- <br /> extensions,cenawals end subleases),all agreements for use and occupanty of the Property(ali such Ieases and agreements whether written or oral, � : <br /> are hereatter reterred to as the'Leases').and all gueranties of tessees'pertormanee under the Leases.togethor vrith the immediate and corttinuing � - � � . <br /> rigM to collect and recarfe all of the rents,income.receipts,revanues.issues,profits and other incoms of any nature now or hereafter due(ndudirtg <br /> any income of any nature coming dua during any redemption period)under the Leases or from or arising out of the Property including minimum =.. <br /> rents, adtlitional rents. percantage rents,park(ng or common area maintenance eonuibutions, tax and insurance corttributlons,deflciency renta. . .' <br /> u <br /> �� Iiquidated damages foilo�ving default in any Loase,a(I pro�aeds payabie under eny policy of insurance eovering loss of rents resuiting from -' <br /> unte�antability wused 6y destrucUon or damage to the Property,all proeeeds payable as a rosult of a lessee's exercise of an option to purehase the � � <br /> Property all proceeda deri�red from the termination ar reJecUon of any lease in a bankruptcy or other insafvency proceeding,and ail proceeds irom � , .� ,�; <br /> any rlgMs and cisims of any kind wh(ch Grantor may haae agafnst any Iessee under the Lasases or any oecupaMS of the Proparty(atl ot the above are , � • <br /> ; hareafter collecthrety retarred to as the'Rents'). This assignmertt Is subjeei to the righ�power and authority givan to tha Lender to eolleet and appiy � � � • <br /> the Rertts. This assignment is rocorded in axordance with eppNCable state iaw:t118 lien created by thts assignmeM ia(ntended to be specffic. ' � ,.;4�'� <br /> � perfected,and choate upon the recording of this Deed of Trust,all as provided by applicable stale law as amended from time to tFme. As long as <� <br /> ' tharo is no defautt under the ObligaUOns or this Oeed of Trust,Lender grants f3rarnor a revocable license to coilect all Rer►ts from the Leases whan � " • � �i�"' <br /> '� due and to use suefi proceeds in Orantor's business operationa However,Lender may at any time require Grar►tor to deposit alt ReMS into an i • . 'r- o; <br /> - accaur�t malntained by(3raMOr or Lender at Lender's Institution. Upon defauft in the paymeM of,or in the pertormance of,any of the�biigations, j .. � � <br /> Lender may at its option take possession of the Property and hava,hold,manage,lease and oparate tha Praperty on terms and for a perlad of Ume . _ �; - <br /> that Lendar deems proper. Lender may proceed to collect and receive all Rents,irom the pmperty,and Lender shail have full power to pa�(odicaliy • � — <br /> make alteraUons,renavationa, repaira or replacements to the Fropertyr as Lender may deem proper. Lender may apply ali Rents in Lender's sats : � ,� .,_���,�_:. <br /> , disaetion,to paymertt of the Obligation or to the payment of the cost of such aiterations,renovations,repairs and repiaceme�and eny expenses j � <br /> incident to taking and retaining possession of tfie Proparty and the management and operation of the Progarty. Lendar may keep the Property - "� '<<- <br /> , pmperty insured and may discharge any taxes,charges,daims,assessmeMS and other liena which may aecroe. The expense and cost of these � " � . r3 <br /> acdons may be paid Nom the Rants received,and any unpaid amourria shali b��ddad to tha pdnctpal of tha Obtigations. These emaunts,together : �••'�..'�! — <br /> � wfth other eosts,shall beeome part otthe Obligatlons secuted by this Qeed ot I rust � . `.•�;.:.:�t . — <br /> & LEASES AND OTHER A�7tEEMEPiT& Gra.ntnr shaii not take ar tail to take any action which may cause or pertnit the tertnination or the � ' � � .,� ! <br /> wfthholding of any payment in connecdon with any Lease perta(Nng to the Property. In addition,OraMOr,without Lender's priartivritton conseM,shafl � ; � " ' <br /> naC (a)collect any monies payable under any Lease more than one month in sdvance; (b)modHy any Lease; (c)asstgn or allow a Iien,security � ' ` , <br /> interost or other encumbranoe to be placed upon Grantor's righta,title and interest in and to eny Lease or the amounta payabte thereunder,or(d) :a:;:;;;_� � •, <br /> , tarminate or cancel any Lease exCept for the nonpayment of any sum or other material breach by the odter party thereto. ff 6rantor recaives at any .�;;?�;�_:d� ,: <br /> . Ume any�vritten communication asserting a defauR by Grantor under a Lease or purporting to tertninate or cancei any Lease.O�antor shali promptty ,. ''. �, :, :H <br /> forvvard a copy of such communtcation(and any subsequent wmmuNcaUons relating thereto)to lendor. All eueh Leases and the amourna due to � <br /> , GranWrthereunder are here6y assigned to Lsnder as addfional security for the Obtigatlons. . .' �°- '�; ! <br /> 7. COLLECTIOH OF INDEBTiEDNE8S FROM THIRD PAR?Y. Lender ahall be entitled to notity or require GraMor to notNy anythird party pncluding, • � � �,:' ' <br /> but not limited to,lessees,Gcensees,govemmental authorities end insu►ance campanies)to pay lender any indebtedness or obligadon owing to • ' � °t <br /> Oraniar with respect w the Property(cumulativeiy°indebtedness")whethor or not a detautt oxfsts under ffiis Deed ot Trust. Grantor ahafl diligenUy • "'yi . ..�` <br /> collect fie(ndeb2edness owing to Grarttor fram the3e third pardes until the givfng of such notiftcaHon. In the event that Qrar►tor possessee ar roceives <br /> possession of any InstrumeMS or other remittances with respect to the Indebtedness fotlowing the giving of auch notiHcation or M the insVumer�s or .. ;�,[ „,.�_ <br /> ather remitfances consUtute the prepayment of any Indebtedness or the paymeM of any insurance or condemnation proceeds,Cirantor shail hold ` ---•- <br /> • ' su c h instruments an d other ra:nittances in trust for Lender apart trom Its other property,endorse the instrumertts and other remitffinces to Lender, �i�+''�"'�_- <br /> . and immsdiatety provide LenC�r with possassion of the instrumenb end other remittances. Lender shall be eniiUed,but not cequired,to eoliect(by ; '� � <br /> . tegal procaadings or othervuisa�,extend the Ume tor paymant,comprom(se,exchange or releass any obiigor or collateral.or a�erw(se setUe any of : �x�:: •�:':=-:� <br /> the Indebtedness whether or nat an event of dafauit extsts under thts l�qreemsnt Lender shall not be iiable ta prantot for any action.erro�,misfake, � ; ��,- <br /> • omission or detay pertalning to the actlons Crcribed in this paragraph or any damages resulUng thereNom. Notw(thstanding the toregoing,nothing - - <br /> herein shali uv:se Lender to be deemed a mo�gagee-In-possesslon. ' • ::�•. _— <br /> ` 9. USE AHD M/UP,ITENANCE OF PROPERTY. Grantor shall take ail seUons and make any repairs needed to meintai�the Properry in good • � ,i,.r.;,i;� <br /> , condWon. G�antor shall not wmmit or permit any waste ta be commitied with respect to Lha Property GraMor shall w.tha Property solely In <-`r ,��:;,;��`, _- <br /> eompliance with applicable I�ar and insuranca pal�cies. Gra-ar shall not make any alteratia:u,addilions or improvementa to the Property without I <br /> ;i Lender's pdor wririen conser �Ythout BmiUng the forega-a,all alteraflons,addiUona and improvemenm made to the Proparty shaU be subject to :.: .�:`:.�. <br /> the berseflclal interast belong.^.g to Lender,shall not be removed without lander's prior written consent,and s"�11 be made at Grar�tor's sote expanse. ��' ;,�-`°S"'•. °_ <br /> 9. LOSS�A CAMA{iE. GreMOr shall bear the oMlre r(sk of any lass,theft,desVUCUon or damage(cumuta�aiy'Loss or Damage')to the Propetty or � ' � ` .'••'. <br /> .� any portlon thereof from any cause whatsoaver. In the event of any Loss or Oamage,Grantor shaJl,at r*.a opUon of Lender,repair the aHected � . � � <br /> PropeRy to ib prevfous condNon or pay or cause to bo paitl to Lender the deuease in the fair marketvatue of the aNeczed Praperty. _ <br /> ' 10. iHSURAHCE The Pircporty will be icept insured for ite fult insurable value(replacerneat cost)against all hazards inetuding loss or damage ' . � � '�,,, <br /> caused by ftood,earthquaca,tamado and fire,theft or other casuatty to the extent required by lender. Grantor may obfain insuranca on the Property .� ' <br /> Nom sueh campanies�s a-e acceplabte to Lender in its sole discrenon. The Insurance po�.oies ahali requiro the insurance company to provide .. ,�. <br />, . Lsnder with at least____Q—days'written notice beforo such pollcies are al!.red or cancelted in any manner. The inaurance policies ahall neme ,' '• � <br /> � Lender as a loss payee and provide that no act or omisalon ot Grantor or any o�er person shall efteot the right of Lender to be pald the inaurance I � • <br /> proxeds pertelning to the loss or damage of the Property. In the evont Grantor fa(Is to aequire or maintain insuranca,Lender(after providing noUee <br /> • as may be required by law)may in its dlscreUon pracure appropriate insurance coverage upon the Proparty and the insurance oost shall be an � ' � � � <br /> advancs payabie and bearing irnereat as described in Paragraph 23 and secured hereby. Grantor ahall furnish Lender with evidenee of insurance � � <br /> 1ndiCating tha required coverage. Lender may act as attomeyan•tact for Grantor in making and EetUing claims under insurance policies,canceiling • ' _-- <br /> eny pollcy or endarslng Grantor's name on any tlraft or negotlabte insWment drawn by any Insurer. AII such insu�ance poticles shatl be immediately � � � <br /> assigned,ptedged and deliverod to Lender as further securlty for the ObIlgaUona. In the event of toss.Grantor ehall immedi$tely give Lender writtan <br /> notice and Lender is authorited to make proof of loss. Each Insurence company Is dlrected to make payments directty to Lender Instoad of to Lender � � • ��- <br /> 8nd t3tantor. lendsr shafi have fhs righf,at its sole opUon,to appiy such monies toward tho ObtigaUona or toward the cast of robuitdinp and . <br /> restor!ng tho PropeRy. Any amounts may at lsnder's opUon be epplied in the Invarse order of tho due dates thereof. � <br /> H. ZOHINO AND PRIVaTE COYENAHi'S. (irantor shall not iniUate or consont to any changu in the zoning provisions or pflvate covenants aNecting — _ <br /> the use ot the PropeRy with0ut Lender's pdor writt0n consent. M ptaMOr's use ot the Property ia or becomes a nonconforming use under any zoNng ' <br /> provision,(3tantar shall not cause or permit sueh use to bo disconUnued or ebandoned without the prlor written consent of Lender. Grantor wi�l �. <br /> immediatety provide Lender with written notice of any proposed Change9 to the zoning provisions or prlvate covenants aNecting the Property. . F ' <br /> t�. CONDEMNATION. Grentot shall immediatety provida Le�der with written notice of any actual or throatened condemnaUOn or eminent domain � <br /> prooeeding portalNng to the Property. Alt monios payable to(3raMOr hom sueh condemnetion or taking are horeby assigned to Lender and ehall be � �-- <br /> eppUed tiret to the payment of Lendere attorney9' tees, legal expenses and other cost9 pnciuding appttUSai tees) in connection with the . � <br /> cond�mnation or eminent domain proceedings and then,at the opUon o} the payment of ihe Obligationa or the restoretion or repalt of ths � • �,,, <br /> � propeAy, . <br /> 13. LENDER'9 RIOIfT TO COMMEtiCE OR OEFEl�D LEOA1 t1CT10N8. arontor shall ImmoElato+y provldo Lender with written notice o!any eCtuat � <br /> or threatened ecUOn,suit,or other proceeding attecting the Property. Orentor heteby appoints Lender as its attorney�n•fact to commence,intervene • � <br /> � in,and defand such acNons,suits,or other legal proceedinge and to compromise or settte any ctalm or controversy peRalning theroto. Lender shalt ' , <br /> not bo IlaDlo to (3rtmtor fot any action.orror.mistako.omisslon or dolay portalNng to th�acdons described in th�s paragraph or any damagos .�• �� <br /> ; resulting theretrom. Nothing contalned hereln wltt prevent Lender trom tahing the action9 tlescrfbed'm thfs paragraph in ite own name. • ' <br /> _ 14. INOEMHIFtCATtON. Lander shall not assume or be respnnsible for the pertormance of any of f3rantor's obtigatlons with respect to the Property �-�-� <br /> under any clrcumstances. Grantor shell Immodiately provide lender with written noUee of am7 indemnify and hotd Lender end its sAareholdors. - <br /> ' direMOra.offlcers.emptoyea9 and agents harmless trom atl ctalms,damagos,Iiabllitios pneluding attomoys'feos and Iogal expensos},causes of <br /> actlon,actions,suits and othor logal proceedmgs (cumulativoty'Gakns') pertalning to the Property(incluclmg but not Ilmited to,those involving <br /> Hazardous Materials). Grantor,upon iho requost of Lender,shalt hire logal counse�.axoptable to Lender. to dofend Lender from sueh Claims,and � �� <br /> pay the attomoys'fee9.tegal o�cpenses and other cost9 incurted in connaction therewith. In the alternative,Londer shall bo entiUed to employ its ovm ; � <br /> legal counset to defend such Claims at t3rantor'a cost. �rantor's obligation to indemnity Lender under 4his pamgraph shall suroive tfie termination. <br /> �B�AASa�t fprad�qVt�Of thiq�gqr�pf Trqg� , . . <br /> t""` <br /> ; .2, �Q k j . <br /> �1-- <br /> IPNESIBB �FortnAl�on i��nnotog.m.�nc iB�9�981 �80L1�t 3799 Page?ot .�r� t - <br /> . . . • ___ r--�--- ^^�-7'---"'__�. <br />. - .- . . . : _,.�.�-'—..1_._. � � . . . ' - ° - � �. � . � , " . t , ,• <br /> ' _ • • .,r'` `" —�y — —_ - t-.-r._ . . . . , ' . ..'_ . . , _ . '_ � ' . i . ' 1 . <br /> ._..., - - .. .. . . .. . . _ _ . � . _ - . . .. . •_ _ . . ' � . •:� .. <br />