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<br /> ,� Grand Islb�d��'!E 68�03 � . . �.
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<br /> HOAiBE E�U�T�f���1E DEED�F TRUST _.� �-�:.
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<br /> BOAROWER �a if �. . �:�?�,�`-
<br /> �Reat L Srown Reat L Brovrn, Suabhusbaad an8 mife �\r- : `.'�"'�",�• �H`
<br /> •Patricia J Ss�wn �Patric�a J Bsoaan, , �,
<br /> � ��_
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<br /> . -- ,�4�-
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<br /> I ADDAE.SS _ :..i�&�r�'�"��-
<br /> ADDRESS 1703 Curti6 St
<br /> �1703 Curtis St araad Islaad, HS 68803
<br /> � rand islend, ttE 68803 �pNEN0. �a�r�a�ac+o. � �1����;--'
<br /> T���KO� ���� 308) 384-5925 507-74-3105 • `�
<br /> ,�.. ..
<br /> • (3n8) 384-5425 507-�4-3105 ( :, .,: .°
<br /> 'r•_•.- .. . .�_ •`
<br /> I TF{11gTEE: IIaion Baak Aad Trust Coalasx3 278 68803 _;, �T�'`.�,
<br /> 2008 N Hte1�b Rd. t�re�d Is '
<br /> �.`;�.. �� .;
<br /> whieh may har�eaftsr be'advanced or ncurted and the trosthherreinafteremeMl n d d oU�er good and va�uable consi�eration�thsAreceiPt and �, .'
<br /> . .�':_.
<br /> ' sufficiency ot which are heroby aclmowladged. r herebY irrovocab�l�ymbar9ecns,�setis, anatB �8rat�s.�nv cJ�flBi ns t Tnistee.his :'Y 1.. -
<br /> � ,. --�-.--
<br /> succassots and assigns. in Vust, tor II �_,�a �� �.�,
<br /> Road drastd IBlaad NS 68802 on o tanwr's present an ra astate, ',,,�,,,_ Ri, ..:r,,
<br /> •Len ef, e anefi ary un er e�eed o rusi,w�Power o sale artd g of eotrY an P _� 4
<br /> �Ight,Utle anG interest in and to the real praparty des�.Lad(n Schedute A whlch�s at�hed to this Oaed of Trust and(ncorporated herein by ryis .�•;:rs.
<br /> reterence,togethar wHh aJ1 proaent and tuture impro�re:.r�-�ts and f�tures;alt tanSibla p�.�onal property Inciuding without IimiffiUon ati machine ; ;
<br /> e ui merR,building matsriai�,and gooda of every nat ro(exGtuding consumer goods)r•ow ar heteatter laeated on or usad In cunnecNon wNtf the ;;.,,,
<br /> real propeRy,whather or not affixed to the land;all privi!eges,hatediLemems,and appurtenances;a111eases,Iicenses and ottiet agreamertfs•alil _ -iC . .
<br /> pf•.:' ��,
<br /> . rand�i hoid tho Propertl/�and tha gh'ts h ehY 9rsnted hmtheuse and benefit of Trusiee�h�is su�cceasotpsrePnd i g su u�l paymenti In�tuil ot all : t -'-- _
<br /> .�� ��,
<br /> Obitgatlons secured hereby. ��1�
<br /> Moreover,in turther cansidera�on, Grantor does,�::�ra�ter and GrsMOPs heirs,2�reseMatives.successors.artd assigna,hereby express�y � ' +�=-LL=
<br /> wartant,covenant.and a9ree with Lender and Trusteo�=��e1ant end perform��e�Present and future i�debtadr:zas,liab(i"rt1es,obligaUons and �� ' �'°?��—
<br /> � 1. 08UOATtOHS. This Deed of Trust shall securo the paym - �:."� � � -
<br /> eovenania of Sorrowor or Qrantor(cumulatively'ObiigaUons')to l.ender purauantto: � _';�.
<br /> • (a thfs Oeed of Ttust andthe tollowin N romisso notas and other aAreements: I �=�'�'�`
<br /> CREORtJ1�llT FJ'�IEHTOATH QA'� 1(Uh1�ES1 NWiYrll ,.���.�.E:'t,.
<br /> .�;�'-� FIEED� si6.000.00 f63/01/97 os/oiAcoo aazob sa 133890 �,�_���-`:
<br /> . ;;:,,:_ -��
<br /> ��'�c�.'�=-
<br /> � •-_--�:
<br /> " (b othar present or tuture.written e$reemert�a:th Lender wht refer specifl ty to this Deed ot Trust(wPl�`:ar ex�cuiod 1h��o�► ..�;�.'"+i;,: v._��'':..
<br /> dlN�rer�tpwposasefiantttstot�goinD): . . . . �L;,'
<br /> . (o) any guaranty of obligatlana of other parUes piven to Lunder now or hereafter executed which reters to this Deed ot Trust;
<br />• (d) tuturo advancee,wtiether obiigatory or opUonai,to the same extent as if made coMemporartecusty with the exacution of this Deed of Trust,
<br /> U
<br /> m$d�or extended m or on behaN at Crentor or�ower. Grantor agroes that N ona of the Ohiiga"ons Is a line of credit,the tien o!thla Deed ot
<br /> f. Trust sheil cantlnue untit paymBM ta iull of ali detit due under tho line notw(thstanding the tact tRat from Ume to Ume(bul befa[e tertnination o! . .
<br /> the Iins)no b�lance may ba outstanding. At rto tma shall the Oen of thia Oeed of Trust,not incluC:ng amourt��'vanced to protect ths eecurity
<br /> of this Oeed of Trust,exceed i$�nng 00 ;and �. �
<br /> (e)atl amendmenb,extensiona.renewata,modiNcaUons,replacementa or substltuUons to any of tte forepoing.
<br /> r��
<br /> pq ossd�n this patagraph 1,tha tertna Grantor and Bartower shail includs and also mean eny Grantor or Borro�ver H more than one.
<br /> � 2. REPBESEl1TATtONS,WARRANTIES IWD C�YENA� Grantor representn,warranta and covanants to Lender thax • r..z-:-�
<br /> . (a) Grantor haa tee slmpie mertcetsble UUe to the Property and shall maintain ti�e Property troe ot all Ilens,security lnterests,enwmbrances and • �
<br /> cfalms�xapt for th!�D�d of Truat and those descdbed in Scheduls B whioh la attached to thls Oe�d of Trust and Incorporatad heroin by
<br /> reteronce,whleh(irantor agre�e to pay and pe�form in aUmety manner, . , . ,
<br /> ) Grantar Is in oompllanca In all respecL�witt�all aPA�icabte federai,ctata and lacal laws and regulaUons,incfuding,wlthout lim'rtatlan,thos�
<br /> refatlnp to'Me:ardous MateAals; as definad hareln,and other environmerRel matte�e (the'Envlranmental laws),and neither ths tetleral ,•• �t
<br /> govsmment nor the state whora the roal propariy is loeated m eny other gwemmer�l or quasl govemmeMal enUty has filed a Iten on th� �--
<br /> PropeRy,nor are there any govsmm�ntal,Judicial or adminlstrativo acUons wRh rosport to onvironmentel mattera pendinp,or to ths b�st of th�
<br /> Grantor'e knowJadge,threa4�ned,which imotve the Property. Neither Grantor nor,tv the best of Orantor'e knowieda�,eny other partv has used. ,
<br /> yonerated, reteased, diset�uged. arored, or dispos�d of any Hszardoua Materials as defined herein, in rannection with ths �ropeRy or
<br /> transported any Hazardous MatsNals to or irom ths PropoRy. Orantor shffiI not commR or permit such actlons ta bs taken In tho future. Ths tsrm
<br /> •Haxardous Materlats'sha11 mean any substance.material.or waste which la or Deeomes regulatedby any governmsnfal authorky inctudinp,but
<br /> not Iimited to, () petroteum; (ii)fnabfe or nontrfeble asbestos; (il) potyehlodnated biphenyts; (�v)those 8ubstenoos. motorlala or wasto9 .
<br /> deslgnated as a'hazardous subsmnce'pursuant to Seetlon 311 of the Clean Water Act or listed pursuant to Sectlon 307 of the Clean Weter J�t or .
<br /> any amendmonte or replaeementa to these statutes; (v)those subsffincee. m�te�iats or wasies deflned as e'hazardoua waste'purauartt tc —
<br /> Section 1004 of the Resauroe Consarvation and Recoverr/Act or any amendments or roplaoemenb to that statuto:and M)lhose eubstancea.
<br /> materlals or wastes defined as a'hazardous substnnce'pursuar�t to Soedon 101 of the Comprehensive Envtronmemal Responso.CompensaUon .
<br /> and Llabiiityr Act.or any amendments or replecements to that statutu or any other slmllar state or federal atatute.rute,regulatlon or ordinance now
<br /> or horoafter In oftect Gra�tor shail not lease or permit the subtease of the Property to e tenant or subtenant vfiose aperaUono may resuit In
<br /> 1 contamination ot t1►o PropsAywith Hazardous Materials or toxic substances: •
<br /> 1 (c) NI appticable lavrs and rogulations lnciuding.withaut IimitaUOn. the Americans v�Rh OisabitiUes Act.42 U.S.C. 12107 et seq. (and alf
<br /> � rogu�ation9 promulgated t�ereunder)end atl zoning and building laws and regulations rotaUng to the Proporty by virtuv ot any fodomi.ctato or
<br /> � �iiur�iGp3:au8'.srkS+::tls Isss`=licslon over the Pmperty.Qresentty ere and shall bo observod and camp8od v+ith in all mateHal rospocb.and all � .
<br /> riphta,lieonses.permits.and cerUficatoa of oceupaney(including but not limitod to zoning variencos•speaai exceptions ivr noncwn;ormtng uwo.
<br /> 1 and tinal inspectlon app«a1e)•whether temporary or permanent,whieh are matorial to the use end oeeupancy of the Property.preseMty are and �
<br /> � shatl be obtained.proservad and,where necessary.ronawed: 1 ��.vL1f/
<br /> iPN£�t8 f�FonnAhon totnno:og�as.Inc.f0/8;8� ;800)937�9789 Pag01 0} —._- / .%4�� _ .
<br /> i . ■.
<br /> . f _.
<br /> _ • • ' . , :. ... . . ,�. . . . . . - ; .• ,_ '. '
<br /> -L'l:"y'� . � � •. ' . . . . _ . .." . , . . . ' ' .
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