--'-°--'— � --���_ �..�.._�w_ __... T� _..^. � .. _�-_�_Y'— . •—_'_.:—�_�_---.= . `z=�,
<br /> �5�� � �: - � �� �- .� ..����-
<br /> ` T.Etrr'a�ant Qo�tr:n.4cnde►ia horoby as3:.;,�6d ell compcnswt�on,uwardo.6emagoa eno o4na pay��wz:s cr zc:ief(h�c's!after'Proeeed�l _�_____ - -�
<br /> Y��_
<br /> m eonnection with condemnation or other takinp oi the Pro6erty or paK tharoof,or 4or convoyeneo in Ifeu of co�domnation•Ler�dor afiall � • • ';y�
<br /> �s-z;.<-,---f
<br /> � t�k�n or damaQtd,Lsndar d�all hasve tho opRion�ita coA3 and abcoluto diaerotion,to appty ell sueh P roccs da,e f ter da ductin y therof►om , • � ':=- `
<br /> �` ' ,. . ,.. _.�''
<br /> ' � all eoato end expenass mcurtad by it in conneotion with ash Prncaedo. uDmn a�Y indebtedneeo cecured horrsby end in cudi ordor am , . .
<br /> � � L�nds�may detartnins,or to apply all Quch Procsede,oftor euefi doduotions,to tho ra�to�ation of tho Property upon aveh eonditions aa . ',�_ti�'
<br /> � Lendet mR/determins.Atsy ayplication of P►oeaeds to indebtedness thall not exlend or pottpone tho due data of anY Pa�manta undcr '��
<br /> � the Note,or cun�ny defsut4 4haaunder or horaun8er.01rsy unepplied tund�tl+all bs pa�d to Trustor. •
<br /> � g, p��{p��;e� py L�tt�sr. Upon the occurte4tee of an Event af Oofault horoundor,or d eny act io taken or legal proeeedmp • . . •�=•-.
<br /> � eommen�od�vhiefi materially affeats Lenders intereot in the Property,Lendor may in ite own dicerotion,but without oblipaUOn to do�o, ,,`
<br /> end without notice to or demand upon Truator and without reSe3sinp Truetar from any obligation,do any ect which Yruatet hao eyraed � •', ,
<br /> ' ^but tails W do and mey elso do eny othor aet it dowr+a neee3sary to protact the aecurily heroof_Yrustor al�all,onmediatoly upon damend > , �•
<br /> �thmetor by Lender,pay to Lcndor ell coaw and oupanoea ineurred and cuma expended by Lender in connaction with the exercia0 by . � ,�_
<br />--- Lcr�dm of tho feregoing riphte,topethor with intoreat thoreon at the defauk rato providad in the Noto, whid+ shall ba addad to tho - :�ti
<br /> indebtednew seeutad heroby.Leader of+ell not incur any liablity bacause ot anythinp it may do or omit to do bereunder. - - - �- -
<br /> 8.Huardous Msta�t�ts.Trustor ehall keep tfie Property in complianoe with alI applioabla lawe,ordmances and ropulationa rolatiny to
<br /> induatrial hyp�ene or environmentel protection(�Ilectively tefer.ed to herort+ es'Environmentat len+o').Tructor shafl keep the Propercy L-
<br /> � free from all substanceo deemed to be heznrdoua ar toxio under any Environmental laws(colteetivety referred to harein at'Hozardoua •� _ , _ _
<br /> Mater.ala'1.Trustor hmeby warranri and representa to Lender that there sre no Haiardou�Materiel on or under the Praperty.Trustor . -0.
<br /> . heroby eQreaa to indamn'rfy and hold hermle:a Lendar, ite diroctore,oHicera,employeea end apants,and any eueeeasors to Lendor's •4 iv�_J�
<br />• intarart,from and a9einst eny and all cla'uns,damapea,losses and liabil'dies arisiny in aonnection with tho presenee, use,disposal or �a _-(_'a4:::FS.;�-- �
<br /> trarssport of any Hazsrdous Materiala on,under,from or ebout the Property.7HE FOREGaINti WARNANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, .}�
<br /> ' TRUST. '. . ,�• . ���•. \
<br /> :i `�=�F�,�.`_��
<br /> 1 O./laiQnt�tn af R�nb.Truttor hereby aaiyns to Lertdor,end Qranto Lender a sacurity intereat in,all prasent,futuro end after : ���.'���,
<br /> ri�inp rent�,iswe�m�d profiU of the Property;provided that T�.-stor ad�all,until the oceurtenee of an Event o!Dafeult herwnder,have c;�.': �� • ` "� ��+`�.;.��'�
<br /> tfie ripht to wlleet end ratain a:eh ranU,isauea ami Profitg as they bxome duo md ble. Upon the occunanee of an Event of ��"�= ` "�'!`'�'�__
<br /> P�lfa f;.:1•: • ,i%• .
<br /> Default,Lender may,oitfier in parson or by ayent,with or withaut 6rmyinp any nctian or procaedinp,or by a receivar eppointad by a � 4 ,•"„• . -,•R
<br /> ' ' court and without repard to the nda{uaey of it�security, enter upon and take pocaeaion of the Property.or eny part thereof,in ita own :�� .e1�s�'�r` ' •-
<br /> '' o:,ss;,.,-•._._�
<br /> name or in the name of the Tn.:atse, and do any ncte wfiieh it deema neeeaary or desirable to preserve the value, merketebility►or <� �- :._ ..�_s-
<br /> rentabitity of tfie Property,or a�pari thereof or intorost therou+,or to inc�esse the income tSsarofrom or proteat the aecurity heroof and, ��,; . .. .?;. ����;:
<br /> ;,.'•� with or without tekinp possesr:ar of the Property,sue tor or ot!►erwise colled the reMe,im+aa end profito thereof,indudinp those Past - -- -.r.,.,` :��
<br /> due and unpaid,by notifymp tenanta to make paymente to Lendar. Lender may epply rante,uxueo and profib,leas wsis�nd expense� ^,; '•":v.�;,.r-.
<br /> of oporation�d collection inelud'my attomeye'tee�,to any indebtedness seeured heroby,ell'm aucfi arder as Lender msy detormmo.The �` ,r,;,.,,,;�;L=�-
<br />_-�,?. sntetinp upon end tatdnp poaescion of the Property, the eolteetion of suefi rents,iecueo and profits, end the appfi�ation theseof es , -�,
<br /> eforasaid,�hall not eure or waive any default or notice of default herevnder or uwalidate any ect done in response to eueh dofauk or , � � .
<br /> puteuent to eucfi notice of defauk and,notwdhstand'mp tfia wntmuance in poaseaaion of the Ptoparty or the collaetion,receipt and ' . ,�,y; �,,..
<br /> appGeation of ront�, issuea or profite, Tmatee and Lender ehell be entftled to exeroise every dpht provided fo► a+ m+y of the loan ,. . . •.�r. ""
<br /> ` (rtotrumento ar by taw upon oceurtence of any Event of Default,e�cludinp without limitation the ripht to exeroiaa tho powor of eato. � —
<br /> Further,Lander'a riphts end remadies under this pnrop►eAh sheSl be cumulative with,end in na way�limit�tion on,Lendtr's riphts md ��•� , ;
<br /> remedies under aJS� auipnment of lea�es end rents recorded apainat the Property.Lender, Trustee nnd the reoaiver sfisll be Iiable to . ::,�•�� �; �:;
<br /> neeount only for thoae rants netually receivad. •-� -%.;i � -_ -
<br /> 11.Hv�n4a of Qat�it.Tha follow'v�p afia11 conatituto an Evont of Defauft under this Qeed of Trurt: � ''��=�'�
<br /> . �'�
<br /> (a)Failure to pay any installmsnt of principal or intereat of any other eum sawred hereby when due; ���r% ��S .,=
<br /> (b)A breech of or dafauft undor any proviaion eontomed in the Nota,this Doed of Truat,eny of the Loen Inatruments,or eny �"'�"�" • • f�_
<br /> r � other lien or�cumbrance upon the Roperty; � ~ � • �
<br /> . . �: .. ;ff.:,-_.,; .
<br /> ;�'�' (e)A writ of exewtion or ettnehment or eny similar proeese si�a(1 be entered opainot Trustor which d�all beeome e lien on the
<br /> Ptoporty or any portion thereof or interaat thorein; •� �
<br /> Id)There diall be fiiad by or apainst Tru�tor or Borrower an eation under any presenc or futura federal,stete or other stetue,law .�_. . .__-
<br /> � ' or r�pul�tion rotatmq to bmlwptey, ineolvancy ot other veliet for debtors;o� thero efiall be appointed any tru�tee, recaivsr or �•- • �
<br /> liquidator of Tru�tor or Bovowar o�of a11 or any paK of the Property,or the ranta,isates or prof'�U thareot,or Trustor or Borrower `�� _; ~ � --_
<br /> ; d+all make any psneal aaipament for the benefit of croditois; w' ,:�� �.._�_
<br /> (e)The sela,ttanafer,lease,�ssipnment,eonvayance or further enewnbranee of all or any part of or�ny mtarast in the Property. �s�'�_
<br /> oither votuntarity or involunten'ly,without the exprew writton con�ent af Lander;provided that Trustor�hall be pertnitted to execute � 'i-�
<br /> ' e tease ot tt�e Property ffiet dae�not wntein en option to purchase and t'he term of�vhieh doas not exceed one year; _�.��.-
<br /> (� Abu+donment of the Pro�erty;o� g.�-`�y
<br /> ., (y)If Truator is not en mdividud, the iaauanco, aa1o,trancfor,aaaipnment, eonvayoneo or ancumbranee of more tfien (� e ` r�.,,�.-;.:
<br /> caryorationl a tot�l of pere�t of iU iaued and outstm�d'mp stock,or (ii s pertnenhip) e total ot �i� percent of I��'•_j�c-�-_
<br /> partnarehtp inte:e�t�, or a mnited liebility companyl a total of p/p percant of the limited liebitrty company intere�ts or votfip '-..+-��_ -
<br /> ripht�durinp tt+e pe�iod this Desd oi 7ru�t remams s lien on the Property. N �
<br /> 12.R�m�:Aoosrratbn Upon D�fa+dt.!n the went of any Event of Qefault lender may,without notice axcept a�tsquired by law, y
<br /> decfsro sll indebtednass sacured heroby to ba due and payaSle�nd the �ame sh�ll thereupon become due�nd payable without�y � -�- ' "'• '"-
<br /> � presentment,demand,prote�t o�notice of any kind.Thereaftcr Lander mey: • � � �; .
<br /> ��_��'
<br /> ld Oemand that Trartee axercite the POYVER QF SAl.E prantad horoin, and Tru�tee ah�ll therea'fter cause Trunor'� interest ` y;�,�,,,-�*��
<br /> ' " in the Ptoyarty to be eold and the proceeds to be diatributed,all in the manner providad in the Nebra�ke Trust Deedo Act; �'�"'�`
<br /> (b)Exere+se eny mid all riphts provided for in any of the Loan Inatruments or by law upon oeeurtenee af eny Event of ' 's.`.`�'�� ';'�`'�,M
<br /> Defauk:md �•.,::, �.,,.s�:. _...
<br /> (oI Commencs an�otion to foroctose this Dead of Trust es a mortyape, �ppoint a roceivar,or apac�cally eniorca any of the , '•�•�� r
<br /> .. . ' •�c•..:ic��-•�-. -
<br /> ' eovenmts hsraot. .�� ,.-,;.� .
<br /> No ram�dy hanin conferted upon or ra�ervad to Trustae or Lender is mtanded to be exc!usive of eny other ramsdy h�r�in, in th�Loan -
<br /> Instn►meni�or by law proviG�d or permitted,but eacfi sha0 be eumu►ative,shsll be in addition to evary other remndy piven hereunder,in *�.;t,.;
<br />� ths Lom Instruments or now or hereafter axi�tmp at law or in oquity or by etetute,end may bs oxarr.�ad concurtentty,indepandantly or • , jy;;?
<br /> °;;•, —.
<br /> �� wccN�ivsty. . �
<br /> � 13.TnrstN.The Trustes mry resipn st any tims without oau�s,and Lender m�y et eny time and without eause eppomt e�uceessor . • . : �
<br /> •s or wbstRut�Tru�tes.Truste�st++ll not be Iiable to any party,includ�Q without timitetian l,ender,Borrower,Trustor or ury purch�ser of . • .
<br /> tfie Ptoporty, lor any ioes or dama�e unle��due to rock:aas m willlul misconduot, erid ehelt not be required to take eny ection in , _
<br /> conn�ction with the entorcemer�t of thi�Deed of Tru�t unlese indannitied, in writinq,for atl costo,compensation or expenses which may , .
<br /> be essocittad therewith. In eddition, Ttustee mey bacome a purehaaer et any�ale of the P►opariy(judieial or under the powor of sale • . : � j
<br /> prantod horeinl;poatpone the eale of all of any portion ot the Property,ee Drovided by law;or sell the Property as e vihole,or in teparete ' . �
<br /> � pareets or lots et Trustee'�di�eretion. �
<br /> 14.fw��nd Exp�nws.In the went Trustee�ells the Property by exereise o!power of�ale,Truotee ehall ba antitled!o apply any oale . . _
<br /> , proeaedt first to payment o}ell eosts end expense�of exereiainq power of eale, includinp ell Trustee'�faae,and Lender's end Trustee'e � • �
<br /> attomey'�fees,ectuslty incurred to extent permitted by applicable law.In the ovent Botrowet or Trustor exercises eny ripht provided by . . . �^'
<br /> • t�v+to cuto an Cwent of Deteutt,lender sfiall be entitled to recover from Trustor ell co�t�end expenseo aotualty ineurrod oa e raault of .
<br /> Trustor'�default,includ'mp without limitation ell Truetee'e and attomay'e foaa,to tho extent permitted by app�iceble lew. • , , r
<br /> � dvarw��.U on ro uast of 8onower,Lender mey,et ite option,make additional and future advanees and readvencea to �
<br /> 16.Futun A v 4
<br /> Banowe►.Sueh edvanees end reedvance�, with interest thereon,ehall be eeeurod bV thia Deed of Trurt.At no t�me choll 4ho prineipal . . ' � '��-
<br /> emount o}ths indabtadnass s�cured by thie Oeed of Truat,not mcludinp oume advanced to protect the aeeurity o!thi�Deed ot Trust, I ,
<br /> exceed ths ori mal rinei el emount steted heroin,or e ,whicfiever i� ro�tsr. � ` �
<br /> A p p f0.00 _ 0 �
<br /> �. . � �. �
<br /> ;
<br /> l . � _
<br /> I . ' �
<br /> --.- I-.�- -°_-- : - ��
<br /> L�l
<br /> r+scsaa�e aor�o.K�n.r wd��.eros .
<br /> w
<br />.� tOBB NNarrl 6a+1�of Canmaroo Tnat Quu 6i+uQs AsadatASn Irrco�a NeDreu . . ^�_' . .
<br /> . . . . . . . . 1. _ .�. .
<br /> ' •� _ ' � . _ _' . .. . . . ' . . .. . . , i, . ' ' ' . ' " . . _ - . . . . . . . . •
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