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<br /> � �,� �� DEED OF TRUS'T WiTH Ftl�'URE/�D�lAMCES . . . t-..°.__
<br /> r 97 . ;. -�'� "..
<br /> � THIS D�D OP TRUST,'ra made as of the 2�� day of F�� , 18 ,by and amonp� --�-�"�' =
<br /> :. .;��.�_:�.
<br /> . , ST31J8 L. P O'd S L L an d D O R I S A F L R N R B P O W B I.L, x O S S A I k'� AI� WIFB �' .``�� , .. . -
<br /> the Trustor. � _•`�`--��=- . •
<br /> ' �� �` ��� :-r-
<br /> ' ',..
<br /> � whcae mailiny ad�resa ie 1611 N HOL�TOi�T GRAiID ZSLAND NS 6880��A�¢�NStor;whether one or morel. : t _-:_ -
<br /> • thet'vusteo. THS OVSRLD�ND NATI023AL SANK OF GRFIND ISI.i11�ID -��,a,+--�—..;--._,�-
<br /> • ` �`�.
<br /> : whosa malmy addreaa ia
<br /> P O BO% 16&8 tiR1�LID ISI,EIDID I3S 68802 O+erem'Trustee'l,end :� ��"`���,:`���-
<br /> � �� ��.
<br /> . � the Baneficisry. T� ��� NATIQII�L BANK OF tiFtAtID ISS.AI�ID - -
<br /> �..t._-- -
<br /> � P O BOX 1688 f3RAND ISLALID NB 68802 Q�erem'Lender'1. � �L�
<br /> � whose mailmy addrass is
<br /> FOA VALilABLE COTlSIDERATION,mctud'mp Lender�axtension of credit ident�ed herein to gTSVg L• p��� Y.�°°
<br /> 'r.
<br /> ��:•- � DORZS A H8NK8 POWBLL j• - .,� - -
<br /> �•�' (herem'Bonower',wherther one ai more)and the tru�t heroin cn+Red,tAe ,, °'-_-
<br /> y�..:�
<br /> � raceipt of which is henby acknowtadpad,Trustor haroby irrevoesbly yranta,trenafero,conveye end�uipns to Trustee.IN YfIUST,YVfTH -x.. �-
<br /> �' pOW�I OF SAiE,for the b�cfiT a:+d security of Lender,under and�ubjeai to the terma end eonditian�herainefter set forth.ths real �
<br /> <. ':`7.:�.�
<br /> proparly,desoribod as followo:
<br /> t,� ..
<br /> ?AT BZC�HT (8). S+�B'S SIIBDIVI3ION. CITS OH dR11ND ISLI1t�ID. d,. �
<br /> fiALL COIIt3TYr NgBFt318KA. ��!'� � --
<br /> �. � ;t °°'_
<br /> �"•,
<br /> pROpBRTY ADDRB38: 1611 N HQSTON G4R�1ND I3L11ND. N8 68803-3042 ' �'°
<br /> ._�_.
<br /> Topotfier with all buildinp�, improvemenU.fixtures,stroet�.alley�.Dawayeway�.eacemen4�,riahU,privilepes�nd�pDuKee�ce� m .� '�'`�-i
<br /> � looatad th�roon ot in anywise pertaininp theroto,and the ranto,iuues and proi'�,tevenions and rsneu�den thareof,and aoh p�nand �.��___._._
<br /> �"+ property that n attachsd to ths imDrovementa oo ai to canstitute a faturo,includ'mp,but not limitad to,he�tinp and wol�p aqutpment; -- _ '
<br /> and topether with ths homeslesd or meritd interost�,H any,whiefi intoreata aro horoby rofeased end waivad; e0 ot wh1cA,includinp _�-- �
<br /> nplaumsnt�and additions therato,ii hereby daalared to be s paR of the real est�te secured tsy the lisn of tfiis Deed of Ysurt�nd all of �.,� -� -
<br /> th�tonpo'v�p befip retarred to herea+as ths'Roperty'. � ���~—
<br /> xr.0
<br /> �� �.-..�, � �. . ,c--
<br /> Thi�DwJ oi Trust�hatl sxun(a)the psyment of the principal sum and 'mterest evidanced by s promiaory not� or or�dZ �!�'-�,�,;•::_
<br /> ��" � apreanent dated Hebs'11�]CY 2A. 1997 ,having e msturity date of ��► 15, 2002 — -
<br /> in the orip�d pretdpal emount of 0 14.325.65 ,�nd any and afl modificatione,extention�and ranewato =-4 5•�- --_- ----'�_�
<br /> thereof or thereto otd ury�nd aU futuro advenae�and readvanee�to Borrowsr(or any of tham A mo»than ons)h�rwmdu punumt to �r.-�
<br /> one or more pramiaory noteo or credit aprsement�lhusin alled'Nots');lb)the p�yment of oth�r�um�advanc�d by L�nder to proteat •���•�r...-�-�'�T
<br /> . the saeurity of th�Note;(o)ths performanea of e0 eavonanto and oproement�oi Tru�to�set forth herein;end ld)�II pra��nt e+d fuwn �,r�•,;p�. • ' ---
<br /> indebtsdnes�md oblipatiom ot Bonowe►lor any of tham if more tfian one)to Lsndsr whothor dtraot,Fndireot,ebaotuto or eonYmgent �"
<br /> and wh�th�r ari�mp by note,pu�ranty,overdrsft or otherwl�e.Th�Note,thi�Deed ot Truct and�y md all othe►documant�that�ecurs ,.�';�• ��
<br /> . ::_ '.�L-:
<br /> ths Note or otherwisa executad in connsotios+tharowith,incfudinp wRhout limit�tion quarantea�,secutity�proement��nd auipnmmt� .,,;�.�: .".,4.;.;,,: .�;
<br /> � � of faaw��nd rent�,dal!be rsferred to herein aa th�'Loan I�strumsnU". � • • � ��
<br /> � Trueto►eovenant��nd aproa�witb Lender w followc: � � ' • • �
<br /> � 1.P�ynw+t o1 Ind�Et�dn�ss•A11 indebtednsss sawrod hereby thall be paid when due. �.�- �� • •-�- �: '�`
<br /> 2.Titf�.Teuator is the owner ot the Property,hn tfie d�,fit and suthority to convey thv ProDerty,and wanant�th�t th�li�n cra�ted '"°'�'°'"r` �
<br /> hereSy ia s tiM and prior lien on ths Property,exeept tor liens and eneumbranea�tet forth by Trurtor in writinp and dolivared to Landar ��� � .•:���q ,�.,
<br /> bsfore execution of thi�Deed of Trust,and the execution and delivary of this De�d of trust doe�not violate eny contaet or othsr - • -.;;,�.;,,�• �
<br /> oblipation to which Trustor is subjeot. �' • `�
<br /> g,T�cp,qsawrtrnta.To pay bafore d�l'mquancy all taxeo,apeciel sncnncmento and all o4her charpeo eaainat tho ProDorty nov�or -
<br /> heruher lavid. �����
<br /> ' 4.Inwnno�.To keep the Roparty insurod apemst detnape by tire,hazard�, ineludad within the tetm'extendsd eovsa9�', �nd . �
<br /> �uch other hazard�as Lender may raquire,in emounta end with companies accepteble to L�er+dar,naminp LonQot ao en additionel mm�ed � '
<br /> • inwred,with loa payabte to the 4ander.In aa�e of lo��under�uch policie�,the Lender n authorised to�diust,colteat md eomprombs, �
<br /> ell claim�thereunder end ahe11 have the option of app7yinp all or part ot the in�uranee proeeeda(i)to any indsbtedneu sscured hereby . ��
<br /> ' end in auch ordor ee Lender may detertnine,(ii)to the Trustor to be uaed for the repair o�restoation of tho Prop�rty or(iii)for any oth�r � - --• _
<br /> purpose or objeot�atiafeatory to Lender without aHeotinp the lien oi thia Oaod of Truat for tho full amount eoeurod hereby beTore eucfi . _ �_
<br /> paymont ever took plaee.Any eppliution of proeeed�to indebtednesa shall not extend or postpone the due date of eny payment�undsr
<br /> the Note,or cure enV detauk thereunder or hereunder. - _� " �
<br /> 6.E�orow.Upon writtan dem�nd by Lander,Truator shall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may deaipnate,euHioient sum�
<br /> � to enable Lendor to peV as they baeome duo one or more of the fotlowir+p: (il e0 texes,as�essment�ond other eharpes aaeinst the . � : _
<br /> Property,(ii)the premium�on tho proporty incuranco roquired hereu�dor,and liii)the premiume on eny mortpspe incuranea�equired by • •
<br /> . Lender. a—
<br /> 9.Malnt�mrrea.Rap�ias snd Co�C�w}th(s�yo.Truetor cha11 kaop tha Proporty in pood condit�on nnd repeir; eha11 promptly .
<br /> repair,or replaee any improvemant whicfi mey be Aamaped or deetroyed;shell not commit or permit eny weste or deterioration of the C �••
<br /> PropertY;ehell not remove,damolish or substentially elter any ot tho improvomente on the Property;ahall not eommit,suffer or permit L—'- � .
<br /> .-_._-: - • - �N_^_P!!!Qa OL � .
<br /> . ony oot to bo done in or upon the Property m vwlation of any iaw,oromanco, or rapulation;ar�d�!!p..�V�d promplfl ------ --- -
<br /> � Truetar's eoet and oxpenoa olt liano,oncumbroneoa ond eharpea leviod,imposad or esseased epeinot tho Property o►eny pert thereot. . .=
<br /> �
<br /> N$C3467A UhnprtNturY De[dl R�v.fW8 . . '-
<br /> - .� 1988 NaNOrW 8ant ol Commsee T.urt W 8+'n�Aaw�uNOn.lMean.N'bneb -.^..... ��:`--.
<br /> - �ea.+a�.:._,... . . _ . - � . . . - " • • ' : , . . • . . . ..
<br /> � � .
<br /> - ., . . . . . '.' . . . .
<br /> .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> �. • ' . t . .. � .. .. p. - . . � . . . - ' . . . . _k_ , .
<br /> -, • r�aywa�-n.'��+r.vecawe. , . . i- , . . . � .. . � .
<br /> . .- .
<br /> • -,—: ...�.,.,j�. .,.� , . . i . - . .. . --. . .- _ ' - .. . .
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