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<br /> - other discharges �or thQ uhole of such debts or demands, or to E _
<br /> settle, compromise, nr suiomit to arbitration everY such debt or 4 �� . . _
<br /> demand and every other right, matter, and thing due to or • �:_,
<br /> concerning me as my atto�ney shall think best, and fo� that , : � , :
<br /> l purpose to enter into and execute and deliver such bonds of . ���� -.:'.-.1.•` _
<br /> ; � arbitration or other instruments as my attorneys may deem advisable . :�?��; :�„r
<br /> ` � in the Premises. �-_ -�'`��,.`-='° �_-
<br /> `.�� 5. To nrosecute and defend� To commenae, prosecute, discontinue, ��� �' �:a�,,;.� _
<br /> ' � _..���=- _
<br /> or defend a11 actions or other lega� proceedings touching mY ,, '
<br /> estate or anY P� thereaf, or touct:3nB �Y �tter in which I or my • ��'��
<br /> estate may be in any way concerned. ,�•„--�•
<br /> . r,����.
<br /> '. 6. �o rp�gq rPni patate. To ente. into and upon all and or any .: •��zu.
<br /> , psrt thereof, and to repair or otherwise improve the satne oz anY � > -
<br /> ' '. ��=—°�� --
<br /> : part thereof, and to repair or otherwise 4mprove, alter, or �;�_.F,_,�.__ . -
<br /> ����s
<br /> '�`' reconstruct, and to insure, anY buYldirigs or structures 'ther�on, ;.i,. .• �
<br /> � and further to cantract with others for the management of such •� � ��_ -
<br /> .�„_.
<br /> ,f; '
<br /> ;:�;. �°-.- -
<br /> ,.£. real estate, and to grant to such o��h�rs all the PmKers with
<br /> respect to such real estate usual i�a real estate management . '- :• .n•:
<br /> contracts, and granted to my said a�torneys herein. ::� ' •= ,}� �
<br /> t `
<br /> .. -: .. --...
<br /> 7. To arant leases receive r nts and otherwise deal witkn =.,�� �• ; � .
<br />� �enants an� �°n�e P T38I'tY To corr�ract with anY Aerson for .•- :.�:���_..��! `
<br /> leasing for such pericds, including periods longer than mY life, ;; -,.
<br /> � and without regard to the termination of this power of attorney. ;, ,� �;�
<br /> '�� 'r`; at such rents and sub�ect to such conditions as my attorne� shall ����.'
<br /> ..x .i -.� �i?".
<br /> see fit, all or any of my said real estate, end to let any such = '�, :
<br /> .t, �.• ?: •.
<br /> person into possession thereo�, and to execute all such leases and _
<br /> contracts as shall be necessasy or proper in that behalf, and to - =' �:
<br /> � - it to an tenant or occupier thereof. end to . ��.,f. __ _
<br />� give notice to ciu !P
<br /> � receive and recover from all tenants and occup iers t Y�e r e o f o r o f ����._
<br /> . � any part thereof all rents, arrears of rent, and sums of money '��._
<br /> which now are or shall hereafter become due and paYeble in respect . ''_'.�_,�:,: `'
<br /> thereof. and also on nonp�yment thereof or of anY Pa� thereof to � .�.��_
<br /> take ell necessary or pmper mear►S an8 P�ceedings for terminating � ,��,�:_
<br /> the tenancy or occuAation of such tenants or occupiers, and for -:.���=��_
<br /> ejectin9 t�e tereants or o��upiers and recovering the possessian �=�'
<br /> r _•
<br /> ' thereof. `y�'�'-�N
<br /> :�; ;.-_ �'-�"�-'.�' -
<br /> �� 8. To �ell or exch�nae real or a�rsanal estate, To sell, either .:����.�;':
<br /> $t pub�ic or private sale, or excharige anY Pe� o� mY real estate =���.��.�
<br /> or personal property for such con9lderation, paY�►le immedietely � ,..
<br /> �� � or upon such terms as my attorney shall think fit, and to execute _• � �,.
<br /> � and deliver good and sufficien�t deeds, bills of sale, "�.:�-;.•,� _-- ;. _. ,
<br /> endorsements, assignments. or other instnunents for the conveyance ;�,i; :;•¢� '.' .
<br /> ' or transfer of the 9ame. with such covenants of werra�n�y or : : : �
<br /> � otherwise as my attorney shall see Fit, and to give good and � �_; , . •
<br /> effectual receipts for all or any Pert of the purchaae price or _ ..;,� _
<br /> � � other consideration. �
<br /> � .
<br /> ; � -2- . � � . —
<br /> . - • . ' .
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