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<br /> ' DidRABLE POWER OF AZ°1°ORNEY � :
<br /> � � , -- �`-- :
<br /> - - � oF g?-� 1�1619 -. . , — . -
<br /> • . � DAGNY M. 30RGEt�iiSEN " . ��,;.
<br /> ' .. ��� •- _,
<br /> . �' � ..
<br /> :` � KNOW PeLL �7EN HY THESE PRESENTS: --,-. _ _.``-�:..��'
<br />� ± - . ' �4�'�:�__.
<br /> � � That I. Dagny M. 3orgensen, of Grand Island. Hall County. " L�.a.�.��,�
<br /> � Nebraska, have made, consti�uted and appointed, and by these � ��,�„��. _
<br /> � presents do make, constitute and appoint Dean R. Dahlke of �". . `
<br /> � Bertr�nd, Nebraska, my true and lawful attorney for me and in my : `f�_===
<br /> `>� name, place anrd stead, and on my betial.f, to do and execute all or ; �:-' .�-•-�^•
<br /> � sny of th8 Pollowing acts, deeds end things: .< ' -- =�--_'
<br /> ��A- ��ti..-aa.:
<br /> . ��:�i.�i.
<br /> l. To recei.ve debts na�tlnetn�s and pro�ertv To ask, demand, sue ��,�
<br /> recosrer and seceive all sums of money, debts, dues, goods.
<br /> for 4 ���" �—
<br /> �� wares, merchandise, chattels, effects and things o� wttatsoever _ - �-��
<br /> y nature or description which naw are or hereafter shall be or ,,,
<br /> becom� due, owing, paYable, or belonging to me in or by anY right, �� � �� ���
<br /> , ' title, �.�Ys or means �owsoever, and u�an receipt thereof, or of ��, ,� �� ..•''`,:...•
<br /> � any pa� thereofr, to �na�ce, sign, exec�e and deliver syxch • :� . -_
<br /> receipts, releases or other discharges for the same respsctively 'r°•��
<br /> . '-.;.:�.:--�:
<br /> � as my said attorney shall desm advisable.
<br /> ;�
<br /> � 2. To settle accounts. To settle any accaunt or reckoning ' �,�``� ��'�
<br /> , ., `r.swt .�;��:� ,:
<br /> whatsoever whereirt I now am or at any time herea�ter s�all be in �. i°:`�� ` �
<br /> any wise interested or concerned with eny person whomsoever, �snd �t�;�, �
<br /> � e thereof as the case may require. -� ��''�'�L ��.
<br /> to pay or rece1ve �he balanc •
<br /> 3. To satisfv securitv interests end mertaaaes Ta receive every �,,.____
<br /> � sum of money which now �s or hereafter shall be due or belonging ,.�,�,
<br /> •� to me upon the security or by virtue of any secur3ty interest or _ — .
<br /> agreement, or mortgage, and on receipt of the full amount secured �
<br /> � � thereby to execute a good and sufficient release or other ��.�' �__.
<br /> discharge oF sush sec�rity interest, or mortgage by de�d or �?-`. �= .f
<br /> otherwise. _-_�
<br /> � q, �Q c moound submit to ar�itration or otherwise settle or . .n;;.-
<br /> � �diust differences. To compo�and with or ntake allowances to any '�'���. --��-� __
<br /> � '' �� persora for or in respect to eny debt ar demand whatsoever which �-:�''�'�P�::.:�
<br /> � now is or shall at aray time hereaf'ter become due and payeble to �-`'�`�;r
<br /> �� � me, or by me, or upon my account, and to take and rece ive, or to ',,���„F�,.�
<br /> �. p�y and di3charge (as the cese m�y be), enY co:nposition or -•
<br /> �� dividend thereof or thereupon, and to give or receive relesses or ,� `t+:��•�•
<br /> . , :,>� �: .�•
<br /> ' ' ,�:
<br /> .. �' �,;:•, .
<br /> � �tY'-.'�f.-.�•'1
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