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,. . . <br /> , f _..__.�.�.._.____�. . . �- , , . . -- Y--' - -- -- --- ----- -. -- : --------...._.�y-�/�` ,, ` _ <br /> ` 03--03-1997 DEED OF TRl1ST Page 5 R ,.• . ='_ <br /> Loan No 425694 (Continued) O�I�� ����{�S `� � ��� <br /> � • the Properly a!lho 1'm9 and ptaoe of Sate faed by it in such Hottce of SatB,either as a whole,or in separate lots or paroels ar items as , ��,- <br /> ! Trustee sha0 deam exped:ent,and in such order es N may detemur.e,at pubC�c auction lo the highest b�dder tor cash in Iawfui money of ° . ".,_�: <br /> • � '• the United Sfates payabla at the time af sale. Trustee shail delrver to sucfi purchaser or purehasers thereof its good and su�aent dsed or _ . ' - <br /> i dgeds comeying the proparty So sald,but without any covenant or wartanty,express or impiiad. The recitals in such deed ot any mariers ,.," .�f <br /> i or[aCts shatt b0 canciusive proot of the truthtulness thereaf. Any person,includng wilhout limdation Yrustor,Trus�ee.or Lender,may r• , • <br /> i Purcliase flt such sela. � .'.tf'•=: <br /> ,•� � (b) As may bB pemiitted by law,after deducdng all costs,fees and expanses of Trustee sums fsxpe d d underthe tsrms of lhis Des�ot �t, � r%- <br /> � Btle in connec8on with sa1e,Trustee shall appty the proceeds of sate to payment of , 4 <br /> � Trust or under the 4erms ot the Nofe not fhen repaid,lndudng but not limited to acaued interest and tate charges. C�)e��ather sums then � '�. <br /> secured hereby,and Qf�the remalndar,tf any,to tho person or persons legalty entilled thereto. t <br />::. - (c) Trustse may in Ihe mannsr provlded by law postpane sate of a!!or any portion of ths Propertyr. ,- .. - - �-'� <br /> R3m8dtE8 Hot E�[duslee. Trustee e�d Lender,an�eact�oi them,shail be entitled to enforce payment and peAorman�at eny IndeDtedness � � . - <br /> i or obEpaUons secutsd by this Oeed of Trust and to exercise ali rtghts end powers under thts Deed of Trust,under Ihe�iote,under any oi lhe . <br /> - i Retated Oocum9rtis,ar under any other ayreement or any taws now or hereafter In farce•noNv�thsffirtding,soma or efl ot such IndeDteQness , . � <br /> j flnd obllg89on5 secured by thts Deed of Trust may�ow or hereIIRer be otherwise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,plsdge.��en. • • <br /> � 0.55ignmenl or ott�erwi5e. Nsither fhe axeptance of this Qeed ot Trust nor its entorCement,whether by court aeHon or pwsua�t So 1he power of „� <br /> j sefe or ather powers eoMained In this Deed of Trust,shall prejudice or In any manner aHect Trustees ar Lender's r�8ht lo reatize upon ar , � . • — <br /> enfotce any other sec�udly now or hereafter held by Truste9 or Lsndar,It beinp apreed that Trustee and Lendes,end eacn of IAam,shail be ' <br /> ' enUlled to enforCe thls Oeed of Trust anA an other sectrrtty now or hereetter h9td by Lender or i rusteg In Sueh orQer antl manner is fhpy or • . _ <br /> ' ettttar ai Ihem mey In thel►ebsoluto discrs on determino, No remedy conferred upon a reserved to Trustee or Lender,Is Intendad b be i "'`�.— <br /> � exetuslve of any other remedy In this Deed of Trust or by law provlded or permlfted,bul each shan be cumulathie and 9ha11 bo In add�lton lo . . • .. <br /> ; ev8ry other remedy piven In thls Doed o9 Trust or now or herealler�isting el Iaw or fn equlty or by stelute. Every power or romedy qtven by Ih9 ; . - <br /> '•; Note ar eny ot the Related Oxuments lo Trustee cr Lender or ta whlch efther ot Ihem may De olherwlse enfitted, may 6e exerdsed, �„�,�: " <br /> concurtenity or Indapendentfy,from tlme to time and as oflen as may be Qeemed expedienl by Trustee or Lender,and e�ther ol tAem may ,. ; <br /> pursue InCOnStStent remedles. Nothing In fhis Oead of Trusl shall be Construed as prohibiGng Lender hom seekfng 8 de(iClenCy Judgmt�nt _ <br /> � agalnst U�0 Trustor to if�e exteat such actlon Is permitted by law. � •� ' : � <br /> . Request For Nollee. Trustor,on behelf of Trustor and Lender,hereby reques4s Ihat a copy of any Notice of Defaull and a copy ol any Not�ce . •, ;� �, = <br /> ' 04 Sele under lhls Oeed of Trust be mailed to ihem at the addres5e5 set lorth in lhe first paragraph of th�s Deed of Trust. ' . ��_. <br /> � Walver;Qeclfon ot Remedles. A waiver by any porly of a breach of a provision of this Deed of Trusf shati not consUtute a wa►ver of or � s���••� • -- � -- <br /> ' prejudiCe ihe partyrs�[ghts otherwlse to demand sMct compl"�ance with that Drovision or any other provision. Election by Lender to pursue any , , '�' <br /> �1 remedy provlded In thts Daed of Tnist,the Note,in any Retaled Oocument,or provided by Iaw ahail not exGude pursuit o1 any other remedy. • '�''`�r�.. <br /> � ..�'-- <br /> • and an etactlon to make expenditures or to lake acUon to pertorm an obliga8on ot Trustor under this Deed of Trust after failure of Trustor to < '�'�,:�•'•�'-' <br /> pBAorm shali not aNect Londer'S dght io dedare a defaull and to exerdse any o1 i1s remedies. .� ' <br /> - Attome e'Fee�Expen�e�. U 4-eader�ns�tates any suit or action to enforce any of the terms o!this Deed of Trust,Lender shail be entiUed to "`'�.��� • ��� <br /> Y '. ' .� <br /> • recovet such sum as the couA may adjudga reasonabie as attorneys'fees at tdat and on any appeal. Whether w not any couA action is <br /> Inval+Bd,a0 reasonable bxpenses incurred by Lender which In Lenders opinion are necessary a1 any tima far the protection of its Interest or Ihe � , <br /> enforCeme�t of fis�ights shali become a part of the InEebtedness payabie on demand and sha��bear int��l at the Notg rate t►om the date of . . .. ' <br /> expenditute unQl repatd Er.�enses covered by this p&ragraph indude,wiihout fimitation, however subjed�o any Gmits under applicable�aw. ��',°� �.�: "; ' � <br /> Lender's attomeys'Tees w5ai7�r cr not there Is a lawsuit.InGuding attorneys'fees for bankn:ptcy proceedings(nCiuding eHOrts to modily or - , <br /> � vacate any sutomatic stay ar injuncli�n),appeals and any anticipated post-judgment eo,;ection services, the cost of searching records, #�_�_ .:' ; �:.�. <br /> abtaining 6tla reports (Indudng foreclosure reporls),surveyors'reports,appraisal fe�,titla insurance,and fees for the Trustee,to the exte�i • • ,a. . _; �.. <br /> permlttad by applicable 18w. Trustor a�so will pay eny court costs,in addition to sIi other sums provided by taw. •. ����,.;r' <br /> Rl�1ta o!T�us2eE.Trusie9 shall ha+re all of the dghts and dulies of lender as set forth in this section. ' ,'�:•:",�':'� _ � <br /> � POWERS AHD OBL[tiATtONS OF TRUSTt'E. The toltowing provisions rela6ng to the pawers and obligations ot Trustee ara part of this Deed ot . � •� x�''-y�I�' <br /> Trusl. ,a1� <br /> ' Powers of T�ustee. In addiUon to all powe+s of Trustee adsing as a matter of Iaw,Trustee shall have the power to take fhe foflowing acHons „T� <br /> w(th respect to the Propedy upon the wri:ien requ6s4 ot Lender and Trustor. (a)join in preparing and fifing a map or ptat of ihe Real Properly, '�' `� � <br /> f;',�.4g_��,.. <br /> Inctudinp the dedk�Uon o}sheets ar olhar Aphts to the public; (b)join in grartting any easement or aea5np any resMction on the Reat Property: �,d,�. <br /> ' end (c)Jotn In any subor�naUon or other agreement aHecflnp this Oeed ot Trus!or the interest of Lender rnder this Deed of Trust. � �`,.r•''�°� <br /> TrustCO.Trustea sha0 meat a9 qu&fiflcations required for Trustee under applicable law. l�addition to the dghts and remedies set(orth above, ''��='�"••� <br /> with ra3peCt to all Or any p�.�t cf the Praperty,the Truste9 shall have lha dght to torectose hy notice and sale,and Lender SAali have the dght to '!�m-�•-= <br /> foreclose by judkial torectosura,in ei:har eese in accOrdence wHh and to the fuil ex18n1 prowded by applicabie taw. � -� <br /> Sueeeasor Truatee. Lender,et Lendafs option,may trom Ume to Ume appoint a successor Trustee to a^y 7rustee appointed hereunder by an ��`�; -: _ <br /> ' instrument executed and aetcnowfedged by Lender and recorded lo the ot�ce o!the recorder of HALL Cc::�iy.Nebraska. The instrument shall �;,. `��;�`T <br /> - contaln,In addiUon to 80 c".'�er mattars requlred by state taw,the names o!the odginal Lender,Trus►ee,and Trustor,the book end page(or - <br /> computer system refetenpa�wh9re this Oeed of Trust is recorded,and Ihe name and address of the suCCessor Irusi88,and Ihe instrument shall � -i— <br /> � be 6xectRed and aCknowledged by alt the beneficiaries under the Deed of Trust or their successors in interest. The succeuor Nustee,withoW , ��• �°�' _ <br /> _ .- conveyance of ihe P►opeAy,sha11 succeed to all Ihe tiUe.fDOwer,and dulies confened upon ihe T�ustee 1n this Dead of Trust and by appli�abie -������.;.. _ <br /> . i law. ThIS proCOdure tor substilution of trustae sha�l govern lo the exGusion of all othar provlsions for substitution. . � '�- <br /> .x*�lA�`":: <br /> + NGTICE9 TO TuillSTOR AHD OTHER PAR4iES. Any noUce unAer this Deed ot 7nis1 shall be in wrNing,may Oe be senl by teletacsimiiie,anC s'�ail � ..�; =-�4�- <br /> I be eHecUve when aduairy deCti�r3d,or wt�=:z deposfled wlih a n8tione�ry recognized overrtight Couder,or,n:�aited,sha0 be deemed eftective when .,�F1- :: ..�. <br /> deposited in the United Sta'�r.r.::l P.rst cass,corttflsd w regislered msil,postage prepaid,C:-ected to Ine addre�ses shown noar the beglnning of • . <br /> ,� � this Deed Of Tnist. Any paP.�_:.ay cRa^ga its addrsss for notices under this Oeed of Tr�� hy giving lormal writteo notiee lo Ihe other paAles. ' '�'�'�. �; <br /> � . '. I speCifytnp that the purpose ot ihe notiCe�s to chsnge the party's address. All copies of no�o=s ot lorectosure hom the hoider o1 any Iien which has �, , � �- <br /> � : j pAodty ove►this Doed o1 Tnut shall be ssnt to Lsnders addrass,as shown near the beginn�ng of this Oeed o!Trust. For notice puryoses,Tnrtar •,,� <br /> � &grees to keep Lender and Trustee Infarr2d et a�l times of Trustors current address. <br /> � ; <br /> IAI8CELJ.ANEOUS PROVISIOHS.The fonowing miscettaneous provisions are a paA of this Deetl of Trust: � � <br /> AmM�dments. Th�S Deed of Trust,logether with any Retated Documenb,cons6lutes the enlire understanding and agraement ot Ihe paAies es <br /> to the mntt�xs set torfh In this Deed ot Trust. No alterellon of or emendment to lhls Oeed of Trust 5ha11 be eftective untess glven In wriling end „ - <br />• siprNd by the paAy or pertles sought to b0 charqed or bourtd by the alteratlon or emendment. . <br /> ° AppikaMa L.�w. Tht�Deed nt Truat has Ceen dsflvared to Lender nnd secepted by Lender tn the State o!Nebraska. This Deed of Trost � -- <br /> atatl b�povamed dy criA eonstrued fn occordance with tho lawa of the State o!Nebrasko. � . • <br /> � •, CepUOn Fiaadlnpl. CapUOn headinas In Ihis Deed ol Trust are tor convenienc9 purposes only and are not to be used to Interpret or define Ihe ' _ � <br /> . provtsions of this Oaed o}Trusl. _ <br /> , MerQ3I.There S�a11 be no merger ol tAe Interesl or estate created by thls Oeed of Trusl wilh eny other intarest or estete In!he Property at any . . . � <br /> tlme A61d by or fat lhe benefit ot Lendev In any eapaGty,wlthoul the wditen consent ol Londer. . �- <br /> MutUpii Psites. Ati obitgatlons o}Trustor under thh,Oeed ol T�ust shall be joiM and several,and an reterences to Trustor shall mean eaeh and • _�- <br /> , every Trustor. This meens lhai oach of ihe Bortowers signtng below is responsibte for ail obngatfons In this Deed of Trust. !�- <br /> � Sevelebtlity. It e CouA of competanl jurisdiction flods any provis�on ol Ihis Oeed of Trusl lo be lnvnlid or unenlorccrabte as to any person or . , <br /> ClroUinStAnce,SuCh flnding Sheil nol render that provislon InvaBd or unenTorceab!e as fo any other porsons or circumstances. If}easibte,eny - <br /> � suCh ofl8nding provislon Sha116e d0emed to be moQifled to b9 wBhin Ihe fimits 01 ontorceeb���ty or vaiidity:however,H Iha oNending provls+on �� <br /> eannot be so modi8ed.H sheli be stricken and all other proNslons o!1hls Oeed ol Trust In a11 olher respects shall remain vulid and entorceable. <br /> , � � , SUCCEeSOrJ Md Asslpn9. Subjeci to the limitations sfated in Ihis Deed o}Trust on hansler of lrustor's interest,th�5 Deed of Trust Shall be �': <br /> binding upon and Inute to the benefil of the parties,Iheir SuCCessors and ess�gns. If ownership ol the Property becomes vesled in e person <br /> ' oih0r IAan TruStor, Lender, withoul �otice to Trustor, may deal wdh Trustor's successors with reterence to this Oeed ot Trust end Ihe <br /> Indebtedness by wey of torbearance or extension withoul releasing Trustor trom Ihe obhgations of Inis Deed of Trust or Iiabiiity unde�Ihe � �, <br /> - .. !st$.^,�S�st..^�'. � . . . �- <br /> � j , r.. . , <br /> ,� : ` _� <br /> f . , . . � �- - <br /> {' ----- <br /> . � <br /> - - -;r--��a �....e..q . - - '--+._.,.�...,._�_:,.z _c.^^�", - , — - — . .. <br /> - . -� . � . , . . _ . . . � . , , . �i. " � .. � ?: " .. . � <br />-�. _.,. .... . . . . .. <br />.�.'.� -� � ..• •� :�, ':. • . -� . .. �_. . ' � t ' _ � ' . . . . ' . � � ' • ' . � <br />- � ' ..�. . ' � - - � � ' - �. - ' . <br /> . . � ;i , <br />, , ._. ... . ' . . . - .. . , . , , . � ._. - . r. . .- . . � . _ . ` � � . . . . .. . .. . .. . a m . . . .. <br />