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<br /> �. � . . � .. �_-_
<br /> � , 03-03-1997 DEED OF TRU�T P�9g� . " .. '� .. �t�'"°
<br /> ? Loan No 62fi694 (Contfnued) �f'm���.(�QDc� ! ' . ;_`
<br /> , . .
<br /> , ,
<br /> ` pr0yerty rOCOrds,6ander may,at any tlme and wfthoul4urther authortza6on hom Trustor,fite executed counterparts,cnples or reproductions of � ' . , >:-
<br /> ` thfs Daed of Ttus!as a Ilnsr�sfnp statemeni Trustor shali refmburse Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecttny a conBnuing this secudty � � '�'
<br /> tntetest Upon detault,Tnts4or sfiall esssmble the Persor�l Property in a manner and at a ptate reasonabry convenleni to Tnutor and Lender f '�
<br /> end rteke lt avBl�db�e to Londer withln three(3)dsys 8ftet receipt ot written dem8nd from Lender.
<br /> � , ,._
<br /> �
<br /> • Addtefsef. The malltny 8ddres5s5 of Trustor(debtor)and LBMer (seCUred party),hom which mformation coneemi�g the security interest � , ' _�
<br /> gianted by UUUS Oeed o}Trust may be obtained(each es requfred by ihe Unttortn Commerstel Code),ere as stated on t�e first page of this Deed ' � `
<br /> of Tnat . .��
<br /> . Fl{RTF�i ASSUSiANCES;A7TOSiNE1f-IN-FACT. The tollowing provisions relating to further assurances and attomey-in-fact are a pad of this . . ' ?�--
<br /> Oeed of Tn�sl • .--
<br /> f. � .
<br /> FuAhBr Assurt3lsaa. At any tlme,and from dme to Ume,uQOn request ot Lendar.Trustor will make,execute and deliver,or wilt cause to be '
<br /> mado,exeCUtod or d�OverEttd,to Leadet or to Lendst's d�ignge,and when requested by Lender,cause to be fited, recordad,retited,or k �:�••--
<br /> r
<br />_ rerecorded,as the cese may be,at such Umes and in such oiflces end places as Lender may deem appropriate,eny and all such martgages, � -• - __�-
<br /> , deeds of trust,secitr(iy deeds,sectnity flgteemar.is.`'tandag slatements,contlnuaUon sffitements,instrum8nts o1 h:�'�assurance,cerCicates, � � .;. �
<br /> and othsr docurnsnts�s may,tn the so3e opirtio�:�e�s�ar,be necessary or desirabte i�order to eHectuate,ecmp?ete,Dacfect.ce:wnna.ar • . .."�_
<br /> . presenre (a)the obligallons of Tntstor under the Na3,'�.��ead of Trust,and the Reiated Documents,and (b)Lhe taa:u an�security intarests � " . 'w
<br /> created b thts Oeed of Trust es first and rior tiens on t ia Pra e y Y � '.��"
<br /> y p p rly,whethsr now owned or hsreafter acquire0 b TntsYar. UrnBss proh�hited b
<br /> law or agreed to the conhery by Londar in rrtiEng,Tnistor shail reimbwss Lender[or aU costs a�d expansas incurted in connection with the , • . '
<br /> mattars referted to in this paragraph. � �, . �
<br /> Attomey-In-FSCI. It Tnutor fals to do any of ihe ihings referred ta in the pre�eding paragraph,lsnder may do so tar and in the name ot �._-___.___ ___ _ �_�-
<br /> - " � Trustat a�td a1 Trustors e�ense. For such purposes,Trustor hereby inevccably eppoinls Lender as Tnistor s attomey-irr�fact far the purpose ' ''
<br /> ' ' � ot malcinD,arecutlny,deGvedng,fiting,racording,and domg ell other lhirtgs es may be neCessary or de5irabig,in Lenders sote apinion,lo , -
<br /> � flccompOsh the matters referred to tn the preceding paragraph. , '. . _ , _�•�
<br /> . FULL PERFOfiMIUIt.E. I}Trustor pays all the Indebtedness when due,terminates the line ot creQit,end o�herwise p9dorms eil Ihe obtigaUOns .�ti.,,w-�".
<br /> . Impps�0 upon TrWtOI und�r tMs De9d ot Trust,Lende►sna11 execute and do�iver to Trusteg e reQuest for full roconveysnce and shall execute end ( .- - '��•�
<br /> dellvw to Ttusla sulfabla statemenls af terminaUOn of eny 8nandng statement on fi!e evldenGnp Lenders secuAty Interest In lhe Rents and lhe [ ';
<br /> - Psrsonai Proparfy. My raeonvayanoe fe9 rsquUeC by law shall be petd by Trustor,If permittad by appucabte iaw. ` �" " ��-,
<br /> , D£FAtLT. Each o1 lh�(dlowlrp,�t the opllon o1 Lender,shnll conslitute en event o1 detaufl('Evbnl of Delault")under ihls Dead ot Trusfi , � • ; -
<br /> Mtault On tn0B8tedn9tt�. Fa�turo ot Tru3tor to make any paymenl when duo on lhe Indebte0ness. ,Y'
<br /> � DftMAt On CIAp Psy1alnts. Feilure ot Trustor wlthin th9lime r0qu�rod by thls Oeed nt Trost fo make any payment for laxes or lnsurance,or -� � --Y �-'�
<br /> ony ott�er payment rtecessary to prevoni fiMg of or to eHect discharge of eny Ilen. �r . �-�
<br /> • � COmpllfrtC�DOtatti� Felture ot Trustar fo compiy with any other tarm,oblipetlon,covenant or candihon cantalned In ihks Deed of Trus4 ihv • }-'�,st'��
<br /> � • 1 Nota a in any of Ih�Ratated Oocuments. �:.,,iv�, ��L�
<br /> �. �iiN Sht�tnenU. My wartanty.reyresentation ar statement made or tumished to Lender by or on behell of Yrustor under this DeeO ot Tn�st, ��• -"Y
<br /> � tt�No�or the Refated Oocuments Is talse a mtsteaQnp ia any material�espect,efthar now or at the time meds or tumished. �1� �
<br /> �•' �.
<br /> �� OefettiVa Collateatiution. This Oeed of Trust or arty of the ReSated Dxuments ceases to be in tuli force and ettect pncluding failure of any . �` , �
<br /> 1 co(tatMel doCUments to cteate a vafid and peAected Securiry interest or lien)at any Qme and for any reason. �• . � ,
<br /> Daifh o►Insotvenry. Th9 death of Trustor,the insolveecy Of Trustor,ihe appointmenl 01 a receiver tor any paA of Tnutors property,any •r;°;. :x,' �i1
<br /> ' ess{pnrtsent ta the benefit of creditors,ec�t;aa c`Creditor workout,or the commencement of eny proceeding under any bunkruptcy or ��' ;�,"�y;;�;:
<br /> : � Insolvency laws by or agatnst Trustor. .. ����•` :'�. ; '•�::.
<br /> Fort2lfiite,etc. Commencemen4 of foreclosure or toAeiture rotzedin s whether by ju�dal pracesdin setf-het re assesslon � � 1� `4
<br /> � I Foredosure. P 9 . e, D. A .: • • f:
<br /> or any other me�od,by any Creditor ot trustor or by any govemmental egency against any of ihe Praperly. Howovar,this subsecUon shatl not '?!C�. a
<br /> ; appty in the eveM ol s good fa(tb dispute by Trustor as to ihe valtdiiy or reasonabteness of the claim wtilch ts tha b3sis of the foreGosure or - - ��=� �,f�� �
<br /> � btetelture proceeding,Qrovtded lhat Tnutor gives Lender wmtten notice ot such ctaim and(urnishes reserves ar a surety bond for th�Gaim ,. ;�•`S "
<br /> . saustactory to lender. . ,• s ��
<br /> ' ��;;.. '�.
<br /> Bre1�Ct1 of Othe►Agrl�men4. My breach by Trwtor under the terms of eny other agreement between Trustor and Lender ihat is not remedied , . ' i, � _
<br /> �. •f. within any�ece pa�lod provlded therein,InGuding vrfthout Omilaflon any egreement concerNng any Indebtedness or other obtigaUOn ot Trostor : „�.: �` �r_-=
<br /> ; to Lender,whetfier existinp now or tater. '� -i_�•--
<br /> . s's,�',t� .
<br /> • `I 4 EYentC AHeCUnp Guf+tatftor. Any of tha preceding evenls occurs with respect to amr Guaranbr of any of lfie In�?.,'^�dness or any Quatantor T'-=-'
<br /> dies or b6COmes tncompetent,or revokes or dispatas the validity of,or liabitiry under,any Guaranty of the Indebte�-zss. Lender.at its option, . ..• ��___�
<br /> . . ; may.but shafl not be requtred to, permit ihe Guzra�tor's estate to essume unconditionaliy ths obllgations asis:-�,;under the guaranty in a ,
<br /> � ma�:�a►saUSfactory to Lender,and,in doing so,cure the Event ot Qe:a�IG „ '�'-;LL�,��"`"'
<br /> fnse�.vrity. Lander I�good fatth deems itsetf insecure. �''� -'r _ _ —
<br /> ,.:; _ 's;.—
<br /> � , iiiaht to Cure. If such a httura is curobb and M Trustor has not baen piven a nottce ot a breach ol the same arc.��ion of this Oeed of Trust °��;;
<br /> � witPUn ths prsceQtnp lweMe(12)mOnths,(1 may be cured(end no Evant of Detac.�':�;II hare occurred)if Trus'cr,aRer Lender senQs wr(flen . . - .��.
<br /> � notdce demanmrp cure of such faflura (a)cures the tailure wtthln fifteen (15)da>>s;�r (b)If the cure requhes mare than fifteen(15)days, ,;.,,•.•,. -
<br /> � ��� , f tmmediatety inlUates steps sufficier►1'a cure the faifure and ihereafter continues and rampletes a0 reasonable end aeoessary steps sufftdent to � ..: 's�""� �,,
<br /> produce compilance aa soon as reasr.r•�Iy prectiral. �"'-r -';";' '_ .�.-,
<br /> , RtGHTB A{�iD REPAEDfES ON D£FAULY. Upon the occurrence of any Evenl of Defautt and et any tlme therearter,Trustee or Lender.at lts optlon, ��; �r
<br /> • ' may e�a9tdsa any one or more ot the fo(tawing�ights and remodies,In Bd�Uon to any other rights or rernedies provlded ty taw: � �-��-��
<br /> •�.. �: �'':
<br /> � AceetenHon upon Oetautt;AddlUonal Remediea If any event ot Cefautt occurs as per the terms ot the Note sc:n,:ed hereby.Lender may � .`� ���� �-=
<br /> ' dectare a0lndebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and payable end lhe same shall thereupon bec:-�Cue and payable wiNoul � . ���,:,__,-
<br />. _ any�resentment,demand,protest w noUce of any kind. Thereafter,Lender may: . . :
<br /> (e) Elther In person or by apent,wlth or withou!bdnging any aetion or proceeding,or by a reooiver appalrtted by a CouA end vrHhoul '
<br /> ' re{�erd to the adequaCy o1 Ib securtly,enter upon and take possesslon of the Propedyr,or any paA thereot,in i�own name or in the name � --
<br /> . of TNSt99,and do any etts whkh 11 desms necessery or desl;abte to preserve the va�ue,marketab0iry or renEatiDry ot ihe Property,or paA �
<br /> o!the Properfy a Interest in the ProDerty;In(xeasg the income hom ihe Prope�ty or protect the seCUrily of ihe P►operty;end,with or withoul � '. ""'=
<br /> . teicinp possession of the Properly,sue for or olherwise coilecl!he rents,issues and profits of ihe Fkoperty,inGuding fhose past due and �
<br /> urtpeld,end appty the same,less costs end exponses of operation and collecUon,including attorneys'fees,to any indebtedness secured . �
<br /> by ihis Oeed of Tn1st,a0 In SuCh Orde�aS Lende�mey determin9. The eniartng upon end taking pass055ion ot th9 Property,the CoIleClion �
<br /> o!Such renb.Lssues and profits,and the applicaUOn thereof shall not cure or waive any de1su11 or natice o!detautl under this Des!of Trust .
<br /> � Or Invelidet0 eny aC)don0 in re5pon59(o Sueh Cetautt or pursuent to SuCh notiCe of defaull;end,notwithStending the ContlnuanCe In � - -
<br /> possessl0n o!tAe Properly o►the C011ecllon,receipl end eppitcallon o1 rents,is5ues or profils,Trustee or Lender Shall be entilled to . • � ' ��'�'
<br /> exerClSe 0very tipht ptovld9d to�In fhe Nota or Ihe Related DoCUments or by law upon ihe occurrence o18ny evenl of defaiAl.Inctuding Ihe � ,
<br /> � ripht t0 exercise Ihe powet o}Sale; � --
<br /> (b) CommenCe en actlon lo forectose lhis Deed of Trusf ss a mortgage,appolnt e reCeiver or spedfiCaBy 8nlorCe 8ny of Iho covertents •
<br /> � i hareoh.8nd ���y
<br /> (c) DelN6►to Truste9 a written dec�aretion oi defaull and Qemand lo►SatO end a writton notice o1 default and etecGon to cause Trustor's � � � .�,'• �,;
<br /> . InLer�st In th9 Praperly to 6e sold,whieh notice Trustee shnll�euse to bo duty fited tor record�n Ih9 oppropriete oNiees of tho County In �._
<br /> wNch tho Property Is tocated;and � � •
<br /> . (d) Wilh rospeci to aA or eny part ot thp Person�l Prope�t}r.Lender shntl have a11 the r�ghts and remedies of a secured party under tha �
<br /> Nebrasks Untlorm Commerc�al Codo. , �
<br /> ' ForeCiattr�by Powar of Sate. If Lendgr slects to torectose by exerclse of the Powar o1 Sa►e herem contained,Lender shail noUry Trustee and � . �
<br /> shall deposii with Truste9lhis Dsed of Trust and ih0 Note and such recelpts and evidenoe ot oxpenditures made and secured by this Oeed oT � � • .
<br />• Trust�a Tnutae may require.
<br /> � (a) Upon recelpt of such no8t;e from Lendar,Trustea shail cause to be recorded,published and dollvered to Trustor suCh Notice of Defaufi . ' �
<br /> Bnd Notice o1 Sel9 es than requlrod�y law ttnd by lhis Oeod ol Trust. Trustee shali,wtlhout demand on Trustor,after such time as may
<br /> , then ba requtred by Ibw end after reCOrdeUOn of such Notice of Delauit and attQr Nollce o1 Sate having been given es required by lav�,so�l
<br /> _ , , . . r _ .: .. -- --
<br /> . _
<br /> . - �.
<br /> � ��
<br /> , .. . . . . , . _ ---,..r _ _. . . . .. . ,A;-,.:
<br /> -�- . . ,....�...� �.--.,
<br /> . ,, . . . . . � � . . � � � �, ,
<br /> .. . . , . . �. � . ,. �� . � � � . � . . . �. . � .... � . • � � .
<br /> .. '-. . . . �. . . . . . . . . . �:: � . � . . _ ., . . . . . . , . . .. .. ..� . . � � . : :. ��t ... . : _ . . . � �.. . ..-
<br />