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, � _ <br /> -• � <br /> � r. <br /> l ' <br /> . �� � ,� ia1�02 :- <br /> � ��� <br /> � 6, 7RANSFF_R OF TH�PROPERTY;A89UMPTION.If all or any paR of tho proparty or lr�4erost theroln lo sold,trantfo�nd or _ <br /> othorwlee conveyed by Trustar without B�n�ficlnry'� prlor writbn conant, �xcludfnp (a)th� creatlon of a Ii�n or oncumbr�nc� <br /> oubordinatu to thiu Daed of Truat, (b)lhe crantion of a purchasa monay aocuriry Intoreot for haueahold appiinncoe, (c)a tranolor by I <br /> d�vise,d�sc�nt or by oparatlon o1 law upon lho dealh oi s J�int lonenl or(d)tho prant ot any Ioaoehoid Intoroot o}throo yoera oi lonu i <br /> not contalninp an option to purchass,euch action b a broach otlhta eg►otmsnt,and Boneficlary may,at B�nsficlary's optlon,d�cla�� <br /> all th��um�i�cund by thfs D�td o4 Trut! to b�Immedlatoy du�nnd pnyable,or causo th�truatoa to fila a notic�ot dalautt � <br /> whom lh p opo'rty�lt to b�wld or trens'forrodnaach agraonA�nt In w•np thAtrlho c�redd of tuch pa eon•e sads ectory to B�ns�clary _ <br /> and thnt ths Int�ntl paynbl�on th�sums iacund by thi�D�sd oi Trutt shnll b�at�uch rata a�B�noficinry�hnll nquost . <br /> 8. ACCELERAI"ION UPON DEFAULT;laEMED1ES;SALE.Tho lnilure hy the Trusto►to mnko eny paymont or to portorm any of <br /> th�t�rm�and condidon�ot th�Net�,or any nnawale,modificatlons or�xten�bn�th�aof,or thn paymant o1 any othor Indobtadn�ss <br /> � securad hornby or in th�p�rformnnc��f eny of th�cov�ncnU or npu�m�nt�honund�r ehail b�a br�ach of thlt npn�mmt and th� <br /> � Bonoficiary may d�clan a dafauR and may doclau ell tumo��cund h�nby Immodiat�ly dua nnd pnynbia and th��nm��hall <br /> thereupon becom�du�and payabis without pressntment,d�mand,prot�st or notica oi any kind.Theranftor,B�neficlnry may ddivor <br /> to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for cau.7runor apraas and heraby granta that the Trustea shnll hav�th� <br /> power of ealo of th�Property and if Beneficlary decidss the Proparty is to b�aold R ahali doposit with Truatea thie Deed o}Trucl and • <br /> I dafauR a d dactlan o cause th�Prop�rty�to b�soklnand Tru�t��eln tu n rshNl pnpnn n Nmllatl nl tia f tho form raquir�d by lawf <br /> i whlch�hall 6�duy filad i4r rocorJ by Truct�o. <br /> ', (a) AR�r th�Inpee of such tims ae may be nquind by tew tollowinp tho rocordetion of Notic�of DetnuR,and Notica of D�fauR <br /> � ; and Not�a of 8at�having b�en pfvan ns nqulrad by Nw.TrustN,without demand on Trustor,ehall s�ll the Property N ona , <br /> ior mon parceb and In such ordor w Truetor may detarmin�on th�date n�nd ths dm�and plttca dasipnnted In said Notic� <br /> � of Salo,at publio auctlon to ths hiQhaK 6kldor,tha purchn��pric�paynbla in caah in lawful monay of th�Unit�d Stel�s at <br /> th�tim�of�ala.Tha p�rson eonductinp tha aal�may,tor�ny caua�ha or ch�deams�xp�dl�nt,postpom th�snN hom , _ <br /> ' tim�to dmo untll it ehall b�completed and,In avcry nucl�eaae,notiee of postponament ahall be givon by pubib deelmation I <br /> t thoroot by such por�on at lho timo nnd plac�last appo{nlod for tho cala�providod,if th�sala Is po�tponod for longar than <br /> � one (1)day bayond th�dny do:ignat�d In th�Notia ot 8a1�,notic�th�nof shNl ba qivan in tha sam�mannor u th� <br /> oripinal NoUca of Sala.Truotos�hall execute and dtliv�r to th�purchneor Ra Dood conveylnp tha Property so sold,but , <br /> i wilhout any covanent or warranry,exprece,or Implisd.Tho ncitals in tho Dood of any mannan or tacts shnll be concluetv� <br /> proof o1 ths truthfuln�se th�raol.Any poreon, Inciudinp wilhout Ilmkstbn Boneficlery or Trutteo,mny purchaso at the tel�. <br /> i (b) Whon Trustau cQtla pursuant to iho powors haroin,Tru�to�chnli apply tho proceeds o}tho eala to peymant of th�cocta ,� <br /> esnd oxponeos of exorciainp tha power of salo and of tho�alo�Inciudiny,wRhout Iimft�don,th�paym�nt of Tru�t��'o Fo�� : <br /> � incurrod,whkh Truotao's F�os shali not In th�aygnpst��xc�od tho followin{�nmounts baeod upon th�amaunt s�cured . <br /> ' � h�nby and nmainfnp unpafd:6 p�rantum on tha balana th�not and thm to tha Items in cubparayraph(a)In th�ordor ' � <br /> I thon�tatad. , � � <br /> I (c) Atlor payiny tha N�ms apsclfi�d In aubparnyr�ph @). N tho sa����by Truetvo,or tha propor wurt nnd othor co�t� ol t'� �Y � 1 <br /> ! foroctooun and wl�H th�cals Is purauent to�ud��tonclaaun,th�proceods of snla ahnit bo npplied in tht ordor�tntod �, -- � <br /> � <br /> � 1 bdow to tho pnymmt ot -- -- <br /> ��,�-- <br /> . (1)Aftorn�ys f��t and cocto of colNctlon; a .� .. � � <br /> . (2 j Cott of t►n y�vldsnc�ot titU procund in conn�dbn with�uch sal�nnd ot eny r�venu�nquind to bo pald; ; , <br /> (3)All obllpntlons ucund by thls Trust daod; : <br /> � (4)Tha romaind�r,if any,to tha pQraon laQally�ntilNd tharoto. •� _;, • + <br /> 7. AODITIONAL 8ECURIN INSTRUMENTS,Trustor,at lu�xpansa,will�xecut�nnd d�liver to the Ban�ficiary,prompty upon �� <br /> ' t <br /> domand, auch ��curity Instrumonte av may b�nqulrsd by Bmoflclary,In form and substanca�aUsfactory to Brmfielary, cowriny ��� ��1' <br /> any o}th�Prop�rty aonv�y�d by thls O��d of TNSt,whleh ncurity Instrum�nU shnll b�addiGonnl e�curiqr for Tru�tor�Itkhtul . � <br /> p�rtormnna ot all tho torm�,rovannnts and condkbnf oi thu D��d ot Trust,tha ptomisaory not�s acund h�roby,and any oth�r � <br /> a�curiry inetrum�nts axecut�d in connoctbn with thl�t�amnctlon•8uch InstrumonU shail b�rocardad or filad nt Truetar's axpont�. : <br /> e. APFOINTMENT OF SUCCE830R TRU9TEE.B�na6clery maY� hom dm�to Um�, by a writt�n Inst►um�nt uncut�d snd ;� � �� <br /> , acknowlsdped by B�noficlauy, mafl�d to Truetar and nco�db in tho counry or countlai in whkh th�Property I�bcarod md by ' ;'�"` <br /> . oth�rvvl��comprylnp with th�provkbns of th�applicabl�law�of th�Stnto of N�braskn substitut�a succ�uor or sucacson to th� .� -.`�; <br /> � Trusto�nam�d ha�fn or nctinp h�rwnde. '-"'��` <br /> 8. INSPECT10N8.B�mficfary,or ft�ayont�,npnf�ntntlu�s or workm�n,an wthorizod to�ntor at any raasonabN tim�upon '�y�.. ��;P <br /> or in�ny put of tho Prop�rty for th�purpos�o}intpoctlny th�tam�and for tha purpos�of p�rforminp any ot th�acts R It aulhoriz�d <br /> ' to pMorm und�rtha brms otth�Deed of Truct '�s:��. <br /> 10. OPTION TO FORECLOSE Upon the occurronca ot uiy braach and upon the daclaradon of deteuft h�reunder,Bsn�ficfary ,`.�•-�:, <br /> `� shall hav�iho optlon to foroclose thla Da�d of Tru�t In th�mnnn�r provld�d by Inw for tha tonclo�uro ot mortqnQos on roal proptrty. , <br /> i t. FOREBEARANCE BY BENEFlCIARY OR TRUSTEE NOT A WAIVER. Any torsboarnnc�by B�n�flclary or Trutl�� In '^� <br /> oxetcltinQ�ny rtyht or rem�dy horound�r,or oth�rvvia��ttord�d by nppNeabl�Iaw,nhall not 1»a waivsr of or pr�clud�th��xvcio� � <br /> of nny such Nyht or nm�dy haround�r.Likawiso,tho weivor by B�n�ficlary or Tru�b�of any dafault of Tructor undor this Oud o1 �,. <br /> Tru�t shall not b�d��m�d to bo e�waivar of any oth�r or�Imll�r dotautts suns�qu�nUy occurriny. .• <br /> 12. TRU8TOR NOT RELEASED.Ext�nelon of th�tlm�kr paym�nt or modfficatlon or amorNZntbn of th�sums sacu��ed by thb " <br /> Dead of Ttuet prantod by B�noficlaryr to any tucutsor In int�nst olTruttor shnll not op�rat�to nl�eu�,in eny mnnnar,th�Ilabflity oi � <br /> tho oripinal Tructor and Trustor'o sucatsor In intrr�at B�n�ficinry sHdl not b�nquind to comm+nc�procasdln8�apain�t auch <br /> suca�sor or ntus�to oxt�nd Um�tot psym�nt or oth�rwit�modHy�mortizatbn of th�sums s�cund by this Doed ot T�ust by <br />- reason of eny d�mand mndi by the orlyinnl Truotor w�d Tructor's�ucc�sson In Intenst <br /> 13. BENEFlCIARY'3 POWERS. Without aNectf�p or nleasinp th� Ilabilily of th�Trustor or any oth�r parson Ilab{s to• th� <br />- paym�nt of nny oblipntion htr�in m�ntionsd,and without afi�ctiny th�Ii�n or chnrp�of this De�d of Truet upan any portion of tho <br />' . � Prop�rty not•th�n or th�ratofor�rol�as�d as o�curity for th�NII amount ot Nt unpn(d oblipaGons,Ben�ficlary mny,hom tim�to tlmo <br />: J nnd without notka nt tho roqw4t of on�or moro Trustoro(�roNace nny p�n�on ao Ilabta,Qq oMOnd or ranaw ths maturity or dl�r any <br /> l of the term�of any such obllyaUone,(IIQ qrant other Indulyonces.(N)nl�es�or raconvey,or cnuss to be nlaasod or nconv�ysd at <br /> any time at B�neficiery's optbns any parcal,portbn or ail of Iho Proparly,(v)ta�k�or r�leaao nny othQr or additlonal sacurity for any <br />- ! obUpation horoln mentbnad, (vq mako composkfons or othe arr�nfl�m�nM with debton tn nlaUon th�roto.All Trusror��halt bo <br /> j jointty end tovaraity obliflntad and bound by tha e+ction�of th�B�n�ficiuy or eny trustor et har�in etnt�d. <br /> ' 14. ATTORNEY FEES,COSTS AND EXPEN8E8.If th�Bsrnficiery of this Da�d of Trust Is a bank aa dafined by Nebraska law, � <br />_. � any ttntomont contnin�d In any othsr socUon of this d�ad noNrRhttandinp,th�B�n�ficfary ahall not b�ontitl�d to tecalvo or Wco and <br /> , � debtor ehall not ba obligetad to pay or plvr,eny eonf�tsion oi Judpment,power of attorney to confest�udpmsnt,power ot adorney to ; <br /> appoer tor a borrowar In e�udlelal procosdinp or agnvmonl lo pay tfia cosb ot coll�ctfon or tha attorney�'teos,unl�ea tha interoat I <br />� ; payablo by tho torma of fhe Note reterred to in thi�d��d le 16% p�r annum or Iess,or th�noto re}errad to in thif deed I�rspayeble In , <br /> two or moro aqual or unaqual Installmenta and over a period ot more than one hundred torty-fivs(146)montht.ProWdsd, howsver, <br /> - that thia aoction does not apply to the trustee tee reterrod to h Paragraph 8.8(b).Provided turther that thl�Paraqraph 8.14 shall not I <br /> apply to thia Doed of Truct,N the Beneficiary herein fs not a benk. <br /> I <br />= i OIII�INAL(1) � <br /> -., , 0pT071 REV.1-05 N�Dr�tk� BORROWER COPV(1) ��xm � <br /> � flETENTION COPY(1) <br /> I <br /> _ _ _. _ -- <br /> _ __ _ _ __t_ _- --- - _ <br />