� �
<br /> , �
<br /> � . .. _
<br /> 4. IN�URANCE. Truttor,at k� �xp��,wll �Mi��i�t� npp►ov�d by B�nsficlary, In�urenc�wAh r�sp�ct fo lhe • �
<br /> Improwmsntt and p�nonnl propsrry,conetRuting th�Prop�Ay, apeln�t b��by fln,Ilphtning,torne►do,nnd mhsr padls and hruarde '
<br /> covend by�tendard�xt�nrl�d covuap��ndon�m�nt.In an amount�qunl to nt I�ast or.o hundnd peresnt o1 the full raplec�ment
<br /> vnlu�ihereof and Ineurance agalnet euch other hazerd�nnd In such amounU ee le customarfy cerrled by ownere end operatore of
<br /> elmller propertlae or as Benoficlary may reqWro for 1te protoctfon. Tru�tar will compry with�uch other requuemenle na Boneficiary mny I
<br /> irom time to Ilm�nqusnt for thr protectlon by inourenc�c►}tho Intttsete oi tha retp�ctlw portiee.AII inauranc�po�iclee malntalned
<br /> pursuant to thl�O��d of Trutt thnll name Trwtor end B�n�Aclery��Infund�,ns thdr rsep�ctiva intersete mny appeAr, and provlde I
<br /> that th�n shall ba no canc�llatlon or modificatlon wilhout no Nt�thtn 16 day�prior wrftt�n notlfication to Trutloe and B�n�Aciary.In �
<br /> th��vent nny policy h�nund�r I�not nmwed on or b�ton 16 day�prlor to R��xpiratlan dat�,T►utta�o� 8en�fklary may procur� i
<br /> •uch Inturancv In eceordanc�with Ihe provlebn�oi parnpreph A.A h�rw}.Tru�tor�hall d�i!v�r to B�n�Bclary th�arlpinnl polfal�a oP � -
<br /> . Ineurnnc�nnd r�n�wale thsrsof or momo copl�e of�uch polklew end nnewnl�th�nof.Fnlluro to furnlah such Ineuranco try Truetor,
<br /> or r�n�wnls a�r�qulnd her�undsr�hRll,nt ths opt�on o}B�n�Aciary,cond!tut�a ddauR. I
<br /> I
<br /> 6, TAXEB, A98E88MENT8 AND CHAR(3EE3.Trwtar�h�ll pey a�tax�t, aeteaemente and other charpea, Includinp,wdhaut �
<br /> Ilmitatian, finn and Impo�ftlone aHributabl� to th�Prop�rry, nnd ba��hoid paym�nt�or 0round rente, t}any, b�}or�Ih� eame i
<br /> b�com�d�linquent Truetor�hall promplly turnfeh to B�n�&kry�I notla�ot emounts duo under thb peregraph,and In Ih�ovsnt
<br /> Truetor ahall mnk�paym�n!directy,7rwlor�hnll promptiy lurniah lo Bm�Aclnry nc�lpb evid�nclnp such paymenU. Truttor thall �
<br /> pay ail tax�a and a¢s�sem�nt�which may bs Isvi�d upon Bm�fia�ry'�int�n�t h�aln or upon thi�Da�d oi Truat wnhoul nQnrd to
<br /> any law thnt mny ba enactod impoainp paymont of tha whok or any part Ihorooi upan tha Bonafir.lary. '
<br /> ; 8. ADDITIONAL LIENS AND PROTECTION OF BENEFlCIARY'8 BECURITY.Truetor sheA mak�all pnym�nte of inUreat and j
<br /> principnl and pnyment� of any oth�r charpse, t�a and �xpenn� contract�d to bs pald to�ny�xistinp Ibn hold�n or prlot i
<br /> i b�n�ficlerfet und�r any prbr daed ol tru�t or mortpag�b�fon th�dat�th�y an d�linqu�nt and promptly�a�y�nd dlschnrg�any and �
<br /> ' all oth�r Iiene,ctetim�or chnrget wh{ch mny Jsopardiz�th�t�curity orant�d h�nin.If Truftor faitt So make any�u;h pnyment or fails I
<br /> ! i�p�rlorm any of th�eov�nanh nnd agre�m�ntt contnin�d in thit D��d of Trus�or In any prbr mortpag�or d��d of t►ual,oT M eny
<br /> ' actbn or pracesding I� ccmmencad whlch matsrlatly att�ctt B�n�flclery'�Intsntt In M� Property, Includlnp, but not limfted to, �
<br /> ' ' sminent domeln proceadinga,or prasedings Involvinp a decedent,or H Trustor taib to pey Ttusfar's dsbb generalty at th�y bscome I , '
<br /> dus,then 8eneflclary,et Bansficiary's optbn and wkhout notic�to or d�mand upon Trustor and wkhout rslenefng Trustor hom any R
<br /> oblipatbn henundor, mny maks auch appsarancss, dlsburs� wch�um� snd tnk� �uch �ctbn as is neca�ary to prot�ct � �
<br /> Bsn�ficlary'�Intersat. Includlnp, but not IlmRsd to, dl�burtem�nt ot nasonnbte ettorney'� fess, paymsnt, Furehe�e, eonte�t or .
<br /> compromlee of nny encumbrancs,chargs or tisn,and�ntry upon Ih�Properry to mak�npain.In th��v�nt lhat Trwtor�hail tali to I
<br /> procun Ineurnnae or to pay texea,nesssemsnM,or any oth�r chery�s or to mak�any paym�nb to any sxlating prfot lien holden or , -
<br /> beneftclaries,Bensflclary may proeure such in�urnnce nnd make�uch paymmt Any nmount�dlaburud by Beneflclnry pununnt to
<br /> � this Paragraph A.8 thell become ndditional Indebtsdnss�of Truator��cund by thie D�sd of 7rutt 8uch amounW thall b�payeble °"
<br /> � upon notic� trom Ben�ficiary to Trustor nquestinp paym�nt th�r�oi,and�hall b�ar Int�nst hom th�dat�of dirburs�m�nt at th� � ,,-
<br /> � rats pnyabl�Bom tlms to tim�on owetanding pdnelpal und�r th���ot�unl�w peymmt of Int�n�t at wch ret�wouM b�antrary to � !' �r
<br /> ' . applicabl� lew, In whbh �wnt euch amounts �hall b�ar InbreN at th� hqh�st rat�p�rmk�ibl�und�r �pplicabN Inw.Nolhin9 . �R!
<br /> carstafnsd in thls Pnragraph A.8 ehall requlrs B�n�ficlnry to incur any�xpms�or tak�any actlon hsnund�r. f ` r ��I
<br /> B. IT 18 MUTUALLY ACiREED THAT: ' _� _�I
<br /> t. A881(iNMENT OF REN7S.Bsnefieiary ehall haw th�right,pow�r and euthority during th�eontinunnee of thlt O�ed oi Truet .
<br /> to collact the nnt�,ktusa and profitt of lh�Proporty and of eny p�rconel p�operty bcnted th�rson w�th or w(thout taking pa�a�s�bn , � �
<br /> ot ths propsrry nttectsd hereby, and Truator hereby absolutely and uneondftbnaly eselgne nll euch rente,laauee nnd profits to �+ � ,
<br /> Bemfieiary.Bensflclary,however,hereby coneente to th�Trustor'�coltectlon nnd ret�ntion of�uch rsnt�,lesues and profib ne Ihsy �� �
<br /> .�
<br /> eceru�and b�com�payable so bng ns 1'rustor Is noG at such tim�,In do(aurt with nepat to pnyment of nny Ind�badneu tecured ��� a
<br /> .. h�reby,or in tha pettormanc�ot any agr�ament hsreunder.Upon any such detnult,Ben�flclnry mny nt nny tlm�,�fth�r In p�rson,by _ ��
<br /> ' cgent,or by e recelwr to 6e appolnted by a court, wkhout notla end wdhout r�perd to th�ad�quecy of eny�scuriry tar th� .��{
<br /> `)4
<br /> Ind�bt�dnss�h�r�by sscund,(e)�nt�r upon and tak�poss�esion of th�Prop�rty or any part th�no},nnd In ita own nam�a�tor or ��-�'i�
<br /> oth�rwis�collect�uch r�nb,is�uss and profds,Ineludinp thou pn�t du�and unpeld,and apply th�sams,f�t�coett and�xpent�� ?� � �
<br /> o}op�ration and coll�ction,Ineludinp naeonabl�attorn�y�f�ss,upon nny Indsbbdn�a��cund h�nby,and in�uch ord�r as �,�
<br /> Beneficlery may determinr,(b)peHorm such ncte ot rspeir or prot�cUon n�mey b�n�ceunry or proper to conserw th�velu�of the !:
<br /> Propsrry; (o)leas�th�enms or nny part thsnot tor�uch rmtnl,l�rm,nnd upon�uch condillons as R�Judpmsnt mny dletat�or � �Y "�--_
<br /> t�rminete, or ndJu�t ths t�rms and condilWns nt�xittinp Naf�s. UnNa Truttor and B�nsflclary th�reoi a�n�othorwis�In wriLYip, � �,;; �
<br /> any npplicatbn of ronte, lesuee or profiti to any Indebt�dnett sewrod h�reby shell not extend or poetpon�ths due dab oi ths , =
<br /> Installmsnt pnymsnts e�provided In snid promiasory note or changs the nmount ot �uch inetnllmente. The entering upon and -
<br /> tekinp poase�elon of th�Properry,th�cotlsctbn of auch renh,isews and profite, and the applicntlon thersof ae afonsnid,thnn not :'���
<br /> ' walw or cun nny d�inutt or not��of d�fauR h�rsund�r ot Invalidel�any ad dons purouent to sueh notke.Truator ateo eaelgn�to ' ,
<br /> Bsnsfielary,e�turth�r saeurity for th� pMormanee oi th�obllyatbns acund heroty,all prepald nnb and ep monNs wh�h may �•"
<br />" havs besn or may h�naR�r b�deposft�d wRh sald Truator by eny Mtees of the Properly,to sscuro th� pAymsnt of nny►ent or � �'��
<br /> ' damnpes.or upon defa�ak In the performance of any of th�provtabne hereo},Truelor apreea to delNer�uch ronte and depoaiG to • �:'x.'�'; `
<br /> - B�neficlnry.Deliv�ry o}wrkbn notia of B�n�ficinry's�x�rcln of ths riphts prented henln,to nny t�nent occupyinp�nid pr�ml�e� ' ''
<br />; thall b�tufticMnt to rsquire said tsnant to pay rsnt to th�B�n�fiefary untlllurth�r notic�. -
<br /> ":��:
<br /> , 2, CONDEMNATION,If tftte to nny pert oi th�Prop�rty�hnll b�tnk�n in wnd�mnntian proa�dinye,by rlpht o}om{mnt domain "�•
<br />_ or simllar aetlon,ot thnil b�sold under thnnt of cond�mnRtbn,a11 awnrd�,dmm�g�t nnd procs�ds nn h�nby a:sipned nnd�hnll b� � •
<br />= pnid to Dsneflclary who ahall npply�uch nwerds,damey��and p►oaed�to th�sum recund by thle O�ad ot Tru�t,wfth th��xa�e, `
<br /> ' if any,paid to TruHor.it Trustor realves eny notic�or oth�r Informatbn r�yerdinq�uch actions or proceediny�,Trustor�hall pivs
<br /> prompt wrttten notics thsrsoi to Bsn�ficlery.Bsneflclery�hM b��nlRted,at Ht opUOn,to comm�ncv,appear in and pros�cuts In Rs
<br /> own nnme any such nction or proc��dingt nnd shall be�nt�led to mak�any compromis�or settlemsnt In eonnectlon with nny eueh
<br /> . actlon or proeeedinge.
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCE8.U�aon requoet of Truator,Benefictary nt Beneficiary'e optlon,pHor to reconveynnoa of the Properly to �
<br />— Truator,may maks future ndvaneee to Truator.9uch tuturs advancea,with Interest thereon,ehall be secured by thle Trust Qeed ,
<br /> when evidenc�d by promiasory note�staNng thnt enid notso ere escured hereby;provided that at no tim�shall ths escured principal,
<br /> � i tutun edvancee, not fnctudlnp cume ndvenced to protect the eocuriy, exceed 7wo Hundred percent(200%)01 the original principal !
<br /> nmounta secured hereby. I
<br /> 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Truate� nnd Bsn�Nciary, and each of them, ehall b� �ntitled to �ntorce payment and (
<br /> performance of any fndebtsdnets or oblipntione e�cured h�nby end to exerciee eG rlphb and pow�n under th(s Deed of Tru�or �
<br /> under any other apreeme�t executgd in connectlon herewith or any lawa now or hereaRer in forc�,notwdhetending eome or all oi the �
<br /> such Indebtednoae end obliaaUono ucured hertbv mnv now or h�naftor b�oth�rwit��ncur�d.whsfh�r bv mortona�.d��d of truat.
<br /> pleQge,Iien,eeeignment or othervvlae. Neither the aasptance of thb De�d of T►uet nor Rt�nfareement wheth�r by court aedon or r
<br /> punuant to ths power oi�als or other powort hersln eontNned,�hsll prsJudks or In any mnnner ettect Tnieteo'e or B�neGelary'e I
<br /> right to renlize upon or entorce any other eecurfty now or hereaRer held by Truatee or Beneficinry,n being agreed that Trustoe end �
<br /> Beneficlery, and onch of them,ehali be entitled to enforce thia Dead of Truet end any other securiry n�w ot hereaRer hald by '
<br /> — � Beneficlary or Truetee In euch order nnd mannor ea they or eRh�r oi th�m may in thelr abaoiute discretlon determine. No remedy • �
<br /> ; hereln conterred upon or reeerved to Truatee or Beneficfary is Inlended to be �xclualv�ot any othor romedy hereln or by law
<br /> proWded or permnted, but ench shall be cumulative nnd ehall be in additfon to �very othsr remady given hereunder or now or �
<br /> ' hereaRer exiating nt law or In eqWty or by etatute.Ev�ry power or remedy provided hereund�r this Dsed of Tru�t to Tmsto�or
<br /> Benefidary or to whlch eRher of them may be othNnviae sntdled, mey be exercls�d,concurrsntty or Indspend�ntly,lrom tim�to tlme I
<br /> end ne oRen ea mey bs deemed expedlont by Tructe�or Benoficfary and either of them may punue fnconsiatent rem�dle�.Nothing
<br /> — � herein�hell ba conetrued as prohibRing Beneficfary trom seeking a d�ficimcy�udgmint eflalnst th�Trustor to th�ext�nt euch aclion �
<br /> le permitted by law. '
<br />_ , eoro»N.wnw� ao�a�e.00 i
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