. „ ���
<br /> . ..... _.._._. . .. . � �
<br /> 1 .... . .. � ?.� 1��� - _
<br /> J by thie Mortgage.Mortgagor flhall pay to Mortgagee the amount of any detioienoy between�e acstual tszee, aeseas-
<br /> i •
<br /> � mont�,!x►anm[noo promiume nnd 6round ronte c�nd tho dop�nits he�vundor wl4hin 10 deye ctitar domaud ie m e uron
<br /> MortBngor raquesting p�ymea8 theteof.
<br /> r
<br /> 1 8. Rspwis�M�iaten�aoe uad Use�To prompt�y xapalr. reatore or rebuild wny buildinge or iinpravemente now or , .
<br /> � herealter oa the PropeNy;w kaep the Proporty in good oondition and repatr.wlthout wnste,and iroe irom meohanio'e or
<br /> �
<br /> 1 o�her lieae not eYpresely eubordlil.ated to the lien hereoi; aot to mske.eulfer or permit any nuieunae to e�et. nor to
<br /> � diminieh or inapair the value of tha Property by anyr aot or omiesion to uot; and to aomp�y with all requiremenia of lsw
<br /> . � with reopeotto the Property. � _
<br /> 7. Qonde$tnstioa.In the avent the Property,or any part thereof,ehall be tsken Uy eminont domain, the
<br /> 1 Mortgagee i�empawered to oolleot aad reaeive all oompensstion whioh may be paid for auy►pmperly takan or for dam-
<br /> ; sges to property noE taken,and Martgagee ehall apgly euoh oompeneation, st ite optlon, oither to a reduadon of the
<br /> 1 lndebtedaeee sesoured hereby or to repair aad reatore tha properiy eo damagad.
<br /> H. Pertormsaae by Mort�ee.Mortgagee may,but shaU have no obligation,to do edny aot whioh tho Mortgagor
<br /> hae sgreed but intle to do,and Mortgagee mqy e3eo do aqy sot it deems neoeaesry to proteot the lic+a horeoL Mortgagor
<br /> agreee to repe�y,upon demnnd,an�y eume so ezpeaded by the Mortgagee tor tho sbove purpoaee, an�l Rny awne eo
<br /> ezpendsd by the Mortgagee ahall�e added to che indeLtednes�seourud hereby and b000me eub�eot to the lieu hasmoL •
<br /> Mortgxgev ehwll not inour sny pareom►1 liability beoeuee oi sqqWing it ma,y do or omit ta do here�under. „ .
<br /> 9. Dotat�lt;AsiiQnment of Aeat�.Tima!e of the essenoe hereof,and upon Mortgagur'8 CIOfARllit�II 8I�}�60V8A0AL , --��.�_
<br /> ar agreemeat of this Mortg�ige.inoluding aovenante to pqy whbn due the eume seaured by thin Niortgage,thc�Mort{�egeo � � �.
<br /> ehall be entitled,st ite eole option snd without aotioe,to deolare all eume seourad by thie Mortgago W the immediste�y .n,�,,,
<br /> due and psyable and mqy oommeaoe ioreoloeure oII thfe Mortgage by fudioial prooeedings; and,provided lurttaer,that k�� _
<br /> upon euoh defeult tha Mor¢gagee,or a reoaiver appointed by a oourt,me,y at ite option�nd without regard fo the adsqua- +,,�..
<br /> oq oi the seourity,entsr upoa aad tnke poeseneion of She Propeii,y and aoIIooi the rente,issuea end proSta therelrom aud � ��+,-":,;.
<br /> apply thom Hrst to the oost oi oollaotion aud operation oi the Ptoperty and than upon tho indebtednose seaured by thls „ ''�
<br /> Mortgage;eald rente,isaues and pmfiLs being eaeigned W the 1Vlortgwgee se further eoourlt,y for the payment o!Lha „ k`' "
<br /> n '��,�
<br /> indebtedntese eeoured hereby.
<br /> �
<br /> �• 10. �'raatfer of Property.I!sU or any part of the Proper4y ie eold ar transferred wlthout the e�rnae wrltten aon-
<br /> ' sent of th0 Mortg4gee,Mortgagee m�y at ite role option. deolare all�um�seourod by tlhis Mortgage W be lmmedistely ,
<br /> due end paynble. '
<br /> —_ � —_ --
<br /> 1 ii. Futnrs Ad�saoe�. Upon requesf oi Mortgagor,Mortgagea may make additional and luLure advanoee to . ;
<br /> Mortgsgor.Buoh sdvono eB,wlth interest thereon.ehatl be seouxed by this Mortgage when evldenoed by promiewry notee �,, '�
<br /> stc�ting thst eaid aotes ara eooured hareby. At no time shaU the prinoipal amoun.t of the iadobtednees sea�ued by thfi A�,;.� '
<br /> I Mortgage.not inoluding sume adva�naed to proSeot the seourt�r of thie Mortgage,e=oeed tha origtasl N�te. �;.;'�:. ;
<br /> ���•• �;
<br /> . .� i
<br /> � 18. Mlsoellaaeous PtovLiont.
<br /> ;: .;
<br /> � s �° 1�',.
<br /> � � (a) A:;y forebearanoe in axeroieing aRq rlght or ramsdy ehall not be�waJver We.aoL ;v�•, t
<br /> � _
<br /> (b) All remedies provided harein are dietinot and oumulative to aqq other righi aftorded by luw ar equit�r,
<br /> � and mqy ba ezeroised coaourrently.independeatly or euaoasaive�y. : �
<br /> H
<br /> �a�
<br /> �, (o) Tha aovenanLe snd sgreementa aoatsfned herefa ehsll bind.end the righte inure W,the respeotive euo- �,.,_�°� __�•�
<br /> t aessors and aselgae of the Mortgagor nnd the Mortgagee. ;..��_,.-
<br /> i:ILTaa�c:.
<br /> � (d) All covenants and agraemente oi the MortAsgor are loiat and eaveral. ��
<br /> �
<br /> i'a:�r�,"t,
<br /> •t:-�,�:-
<br /> -n.�:.
<br />_� . } (e) The headingB of the paragraphe of thie Mortga�e are tor oonvenienoe oaly an�Y ehall not be ueed to lnter �'.�''�r'_
<br /> ...._.,,,�_._
<br /> ' . � � Pref or define the pmvisiona hereo� , ,3���`:"" ,,
<br /> ' - i 13.Rele�te. Upon payment of all eume seoured by thie Mortgage,Mortgagee ehall dinoherge this Mortgsge and � �z�
<br />_ �. !c.�r,�i,t�-
<br /> eLoll ezeaute and daliver s�atinfaotory relesse therefor. ,.. s;%'
<br /> 'y�j`������lt
<br /> ' � >'�` +� .
<br /> , . . � � .. �
<br /> : IN WITNE88 WI�REOF,Mort�agor has ezeouted thia Mortgage on the 1 s t_dely o! Ma rch .19�.L. �
<br /> _ EY ,
<br /> v sier s��*+= • ..
<br /> �
<br /> . r e��,�
<br /> Btate of Nebrsska,��1� CountY s .
<br /> pn t� 1 S t dqy of P1a rch .is 97 .before me,the undetsi�ed,a Notary Publio
<br /> � duly oommisgioned and quuliHed for effid oounty,pereonsl�y oame fla v i d F }�n5 i a r a nd K a thry n S •
<br /> - . —� _L_�L�
<br /> . :-. .-. -_- � —� t(OC1PY` nucoand d[I^ Yl7TE .wauo'auv�.u`wwuao --- --'�. .
<br /> • I identiaal porson(s)whose nomo(e) are subsorlbod to 4he fore�oing instrumenL and aoknowledged th�ezooution thoreof
<br /> � to be thei r voluntary sat and deed. �
<br /> ' wituoss my t�ona ana no�Beat ac G rand I s 1 and, Nebra ska in�ata aounsy.tne "
<br /> daW aiorosaid.
<br /> !ul,y CommiseYon ozpS��ea: ��_�� �` �
<br /> ����Md�� Notaiy Publia
<br /> wmlM����
<br /> NBC 1088 8/85 ,
<br /> — O N8OOf1i11 Ballk 0�C+OIilrtiPfCB TNSI Blid SBVinps AssociaUOn,Una�ln,Nebmska
<br /> ' �
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> —
<br /> � _ ._� .. . .. . . ,;..
<br />