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<br /> ��---- „ c uncier h�ci]and
<br /> Thie Mortgage ie entered into betweer►,Q�,}Lj� n�+�C� dnd K�thrv
<br /> Nn i�u W�f E� _(119lH1II'�Mortgagor'�and Q
<br /> ���� Pni nts Bank. a�Pbr�^�a Co�nration _ (herein"Mortgageey. �C
<br /> - -- �-
<br /> Mort�dor 1e indebted to Mortgsgee in the prinoipal aum of i 4,?5'-•�4 ,evidenoed by Mortgego�'e note ,�_ ..��
<br /> dated ��a rr h 1 _ lg 97 (herein"Note'�providinS for paymente of prinoipal and interest,with the balanae ot the •�.."'�a"�f•
<br /> _ ° `_ — ,. �' �
<br /> }, igdebtednese.lfnotsoonerpaid,duestadpayttbleon •���na � �nn6 �� '
<br /> . �. .:,., .:. ..
<br /> � To eeoure She peyment of tbe Note,wlth intoreet se provided tl►.erein,the payment of all othar aume,with inter , �`�•�� �"-"� ,
<br /> ' eat,advanoed by Mortgagee to proteoL tha seourlty of this Mortgage,snd the perlormanoe of tha aovenants and agree- �'•; '��
<br /> ; I � , ;�,.,
<br /> mante ot the Mortgagor oontalned herein, Mortgngor does hereby raortgsge snd oonvey to Mortgegee the foilowing ��[
<br /> ` ; dasoribed -
<br /> '�� properl,ylaoated iu Hal l County,Nebraska. ;.T.� �'_ ••
<br /> ' The Ilesterly Six (6) Feet of Lot Four (4) and the Easterly Fifty-One (51) Feet of ^���'� � ' '`-'
<br /> _� �ot Three (3) , in 61ock T►ro (2) , in I�lesterhaff's lst Subdivision, in the City of Grand , L;��,�r�
<br /> � Island, excepting therefrom the North Thirty (30) Feet heretotore conveyed to ine Ciiy oT __-
<br /> } Grand Island for Street purposes. - —
<br /> �, -
<br /> . . � �-
<br /> �3
<br /> s::
<br /> - . s.
<br /> . �
<br /> Togother with sll buildinge,improvements fixturee,streete,Nleye,pasasgew�ye,easamenta, rlghts,privllegee =
<br /> and sppurienaaoee looated thereon or in a�ywise pertaining thoreto, and the rente,lesues and profite,reversione�►ud r�_
<br /> remeindere thereof; inoluding,but not limited to,heating snd 000ling equipment and suoh peisonwl pmperty Bh�t is
<br /> ettaohed to tha impxoveraeate so sa to ooneYAtute a Szturot a110!whioh.iaoluding replsoements wd additions thereto,fa E-°�1°�"�
<br /> , hereby deoU�red to be s part ot¢he real eetate seoured by the lian oi thie Moxtgage and aU nf thd foregoing be1n8 reterrad �.-'�'''""-
<br /> .��
<br /> to herefn ae the"Proparty" `�"' -
<br /> �lIN�Ji[�d
<br /> ° 1Viortgagor turther oovenante and agrees,wtth Mortgagee,e�s foAows: � •'�_��=-
<br /> ";':r�:t�'; :
<br /> �•.rrr��:`-.-._
<br /> i, Paymon�To pey the indebtodnase aad the interesc thereoa se pmvided in this Mortgaga and tho Note. � :�5. �;_
<br />� ``��. � /� -�
<br /> a. Title.2Rortgagor ie tha owner of the Froper►q,has the right snd authorlty to mortgage Lhe Property,and war = - -
<br />_ raate that the Ilea oreated herby!e s liret and prior liea on the proper1y,azoepL se mqy ofheiwlee be set larth herein. 'ti_��,`��;�,��
<br /> ��b`.
<br /> "� � �^a^�°' Savi nas & Loan A_ccn,_ is �� '-'"'�-"••
<br /> ' 7�'J The Properly is subjeot to a Mortgage wherein nuiTi ��.._�a� `r-s'�:.�,
<br /> �� the Mortgagee,r000rded st Sook .Pege of tha Mortgage Reoorcie of Hal 1 ,
<br /> Couaty,iYebraalia,whioh Mortgesge ie e Uan prlor to the lien oreated heraby. .
<br /> C] Ofher prior lione or enoumbraaoen: „ •
<br /> 3 T�es,Aise��meats.To pay when due all taxea, speoie►1 assesemente snd oll other ohsrgeB agaiaet the �
<br />— Property end,upon writtsn demsnd by Mortgagee,to add to the paymeate required under the Note eeoured hereby,euoh
<br /> cunount sa mqy be euttiaient to easble the Mortgagoe to pe,q euoh tazea,aseessmentr►or other aharges so they beoomo
<br /> �� due.
<br />- 4. Ineuraaoe.To keep the improvemeats now or heroaLter l000ted on the roal ostate aeaonoed aemia ineured `- -------
<br /> � ogvinet dnmoge by fire and ouoB other ha�ards as Mort�agen mey requlra.in an'►ounts and with aompanios aooeptable to
<br /> � the Mortgageo.and with losa payable to the Mortgagea.In oase of losa uader euoh poliaiea the MorSgegee!e Buthorized
<br /> to ac�ueL,oolleoi and oompromiae,!n its disorotion,e�ll olsime thereunder st ita sole option,auShorized to either app�V the
<br /> •� prooeede W the reatormtion of tho Propor4y or upon the indebtedneae seoured hereby,but payments heseuaider eliall aon•
<br /> tinue untll tho sums�seoured hereby are sra pnid in full.
<br /> 6. O E�aro�v Eor Tauee 4nd Icsurance.Notwithetunding a�ythln8'oontained in paz�agrephs 3 and 8 hereo!to
<br /> the oontraty.Mortgagor 4ha1!pay to the Mortgagee et the timv o!pqyiag tho month�y iaetallmeaLe of prinoipal nnd inter
<br /> eat,ono-twelith of the yoar�y t�ee,asaesamonts.ha�ard iaeursnoe premiume,and ground rente(if eqy)whioh may ottain
<br /> a priori�r over thia Mortgage,all as ressoaab�y estimsted irom time to time by the Mortgagoe.The amounts so paid ehall
<br /> - be held by thc� Mortgagae without lnternet and applied to the pa,ymenL of the items in respeoi to whiah euoh amounte
<br /> were depoeited.The eume paid to Mortgagee hereunder are pledged sa additional eeaurity for the iadabtedneae seoured
<br />� 1 �� ..
<br />