, i `.
<br /> ;
<br /> i ; ,.. �,
<br /> • . • • ' �IHIBIT ����� ��� i��.a�� :_.
<br /> i .
<br /> j ' ! ,
<br /> i �
<br /> � Part of the Southwe�c QuaFtes (SW�) of Section Thirteen
<br /> (13), Townahip Bleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) Weat of �
<br /> the 6th P. M., HaYl County� Nebraska more partfcularly `
<br /> described as follows: �
<br /> Beginning at the northwest corner of th� Southwese Quarter(SW�/) '
<br /> of Section Thirteen(13), "Pownship Eleven(11) North, Range Ten �
<br /> (10)West of the 6th P.hQ.; thtnce south along the west line of said ��
<br /> Southwest Quarter (SW'/), a distance of Four Hundred Thirty
<br /> (430.0) feet to the Actual Point of Beginning: thence East One
<br /> Thousand One Hundred Furry Four and Fifty One Hundredths -
<br /> (1144.51) feet more or less along a lin� Four Hundred Thirry I .:f_��
<br /> {a30.0)feet south of and Par�11e1 ta the north line of the Southwest .r�--�-
<br /> Quarter (SWS4) of Section Thiruen (13), Township Eleven (11) � `'�.i�" �;,��``'=-;
<br /> ::,,. ,�_--
<br /> North, Range Ten(10) West to a point beginning a Nine Hundred * �.
<br /> Sixry (960.0)faot radius deflectin8 northeast with a chord distance • "�--�•
<br /> ,-,,
<br /> of Six Hundrai Sixty One and Forty Nine Hundredths(661.49)feet � �:"��'r�•;°�:�;__
<br /> more or less to a point b�ginning a Oae Thousand Forry (1040.0) �.:
<br /> foot radius deflecting easc with a chord distance of Two Hundred ,;:�::
<br /> t1 'Thirteen and Thirry Two Hundredths (213.32)feet more or less to �`�
<br /> a point oa a line Sixty (60.0)fat south of and parallel to the not�th � P
<br /> line of the Southwest Quarcer (SW lk) of Secuon Thirteen (13), .�.
<br />- ' -� z'ownship �Ieven �i i) FJoriu, &angc i cu t10} `:'.:st; :�encs =�t � . �°�_=
<br /> along the line Sixry(60.0)feet south of and parallel to the north line t.^��.
<br /> of the Southwest Quarter (SW�k) af Secdon Thirteen (13), ,�,
<br /> Township �leven(11) North, Range Ten(10) West, a distance of ��
<br /> One Hundred Eighry 3ix and Ninrery Eight Hundredths(186.98)feet � ,: .
<br /> more or less w a point beginnin8 a Nine Hundred Sixty(960.0)foot . _
<br /> radius deflecung southwest with a chord distance of Three Hundred '��
<br /> " � Fifry Seven and Sevenry'I�vo Hundr�dths(357.72)fat more or less '.'
<br /> � � to a poiat beginning a Ona Tttousaad Forty (L040.0) foot radius -=-- -
<br /> ' �', � defle�ting west with a chord distance of Seven Hundnd Sixteen and �"�
<br /> s �
<br /> ,;.. Sixty Two Hundredths (716.62) fat mon or less to a poiat Five ���•�`-�`� �=.�
<br /> -� FYundred Ten(510.0)feet so u t h o f t h e no rt h l i ne o f t he S o u t h w e s t '-;.����.
<br /> ,t:_Ciyil.:
<br /> � - �,� ± Quarter (SW'k) of Section,Thirtetn (13), Towaship Eleven (11) ..:ti�� --------
<br /> � North,Rango Tca(10)West;thence west along a liue Five Hundred � --
<br /> .:,:�.:.�--
<br /> .., . .'•�-
<br /> Ten (510.0) feet south,of'and paralIel to the aorth line of the ;;-���`?;__-_�
<br /> . Southwest Quarter (S'W�k) of Section 'Thirteen (13), Township � `�::��'-
<br /> r,r�
<br /> Eleven (11) North, RanBe Ten (10) West� a distance of One .�••�• -
<br /> .. � s:....
<br /> Thousand Uae Huadred Forty Five and Thirty Three Hundredths "'"'�``��'�°
<br /> . . .�'a.i� i.
<br /> (1145.33)fat to a point Five Hundred Ten(510.0) feet south of the : � �,
<br /> northwest comer of tb.e Southwest Quarter of Secdon Thirteen(13), '
<br /> Township Eleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) West; thence
<br /> ' � deflecting north along the west line of said Southwest Quarter
<br /> (SW 1/) a distance of Eighty (80.0) f�et more or less to the actual
<br /> point of beginning; containing 3.91 acres more or less.
<br /> _ _--_ _
<br /> . _.. � .._....—._._---
<br /> ,- - _ . ... , .. . .. ... . .. . . ...... ..._.._ .__ --,.. _...__._.._,�:--------- _._. . ._. ... _. _ .. , ...
<br /> � :... ..
<br /> ,
<br /> . �
<br /> --� _ __ - _
<br />