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<br /> �ertlal Reconveyance of'T�ust Deed �
<br /> (N�bre�ka) �
<br /> Know All NA�n By Th�w PnNnt'�Yh�t,Whereete, BTG B, INC., a Nebraska Corporation; T & E
<br /> CATTLE COMPANY, a Nebraska Corporation; LITTLE B'S CORP., a Nebraska Corporation;
<br /> : �r�;: � Thomas Baxter and Flizabeth Baxter, husband end wi e,
<br /> ------------------------------
<br /> �� of the County ot NALL �in the State of NGBRASKA ,by Daed of T�ust dated
<br /> , the 2NA day of JULY ,19 93 ,and duly recorded in the oNice of the Rogister of Deods I .;:
<br /> ' of 4he Caunty of HALL ,in the State of Nebraska,an the 22ND day of JULY � �; :; ,:
<br /> ig 93 , at Document � 93-106192 of the records In safd oifice conveyed to BRUCE I. ���q��=:
<br /> SMITH �e�e Trustee,certain propertyr in ttust to secure the payment of the Indebtedness mentloned `..,�=.-
<br /> - therein; .:.�=•
<br /> �nd,Wh�roas,aeld indebtednesa hae bean partfaliy paid and the purposes of said trust have�een partlally `'�`�=�_
<br /> ;t. F�."�..
<br /> � � sstfsfled. :"�*=��t•:
<br /> � Now,Th�nioro,et the rec�uest of the legal holder oi tha Indebtedness secured by eaid Dead of Trust,and in • •
<br /> `•��ss:..
<br /> conslderation of the premises,and in fu�ther consideratlon ot the sum of One Doliar to me in hand�ald,the .�-�:_T;=
<br /> � recelpt whereof is hereby acknowledged,I,as the lYustee,do hereby remise,release and quitclalm unto tho ._:��'
<br /> � heire,successors and asstgna of sald owner or owners torever,all the right,t(tle end intereat which I,as auch C;;;�4:y:
<br /> ,. Trustee,have in and to only the follawing porilon o}the property,set foAh and described in the aforesald Deed _____
<br /> of'IYust to wit: F�
<br /> � Real estate as described on attached EXHIBIT "A". --- - -. -
<br /> - ,^ _
<br />,,;_.,..... ,w:�..; �
<br /> _:.��;� :.•°, . 7o Heve And To Hold The Seme,Together wfth all and singular the privilege�and appurtenances thereunto
<br />-�-:f�. - ••� belonging forever.And further,that,as to the above do�cribed property only,the said Trust Deed is to be con-
<br /> - `" �� sidered as fully and absolutely released,cancelled and forever discharged.
<br /> �g'-'�-,. rl ty� ` .
<br />-- - , _. Witness my hand and seal this 2 5�h day of Februa�y ,19 97
<br /> ��-�-��-�ab(.r'``��� � , � (SEAL)
<br /> __
<br />