_". Y , f-'�`j ',a + t . . .,%Lf e�
<br /> .�-", , !i f _ ' _ . . . ,_
<br /> �,i 37sr,�t�}t.t� .� '� ' . - ` � . '�--�. _
<br /> .v> t ' t 4 4.��, � .7.: -.-
<br /> _..-G. . �y (. r �,�Y -...... ....,.. ... .....�-.�. — . .
<br /> �.aG � t�i��r-�<? .� . ._' "_ ' _'__ . _ . . - . � ;
<br /> - �'-. - tiL�'r.-`Y�. _ —'. - _ ' _. _-----. ..— ..— — _— - .. ... . ._ _ " ___'-- —'__
<br />._. ... .- ' ��, a �`t � . . �. t . . ?c . c � . . . _. F{R{L-'"YO� . . . '
<br /> � . � . � 92��- � _
<br /> . � .A �.< ,� �` I Imwst
<br /> � ;-��, If�rri�iaawwse�eCa�wersian+Opeipn.lmaufl�stmeaoenaiaoaaditions.Tftisrddadiaahs�roth�t:(1
<br /> aivatbaN61eAo1deraoticethatlwaett�odoso:Cd)ast6eCanv�rsioaO�t�#ewstdoteeia�defaukid�ibertho�ToteortLe .
<br /> ' � Sea�rity ia�mes� w �r s Qat�spaeiGed AY ti�e Note HoWer.!naw�pag tt�e Note lblder a sariersion fae of U.S.
<br /> _ . s 100.40 : .. :snd C�v)1 must se�a arod pte the Ncx�e Ebidtc an�docua�ts the Nate i�idet
<br /> �bs�etttl�r�sioa: �- �. • .' �
<br /> ` (s���tEtaoei�ite - . .. `.
<br /> - - - ll�iyr new.�fix�d intenst tate will be�qual to the Fs3eral Nuiomil Mottg�ge'Associ�►tion's[iqaira3 nct yieid-- --� - -
<br /> �s of a date aod time of dry s�Clfied bY the Note I�ioWer fa til if t6e origita►1 term of this Nate is�eater tban 15_ , _- - --
<br />_ _ — - _._�e��..ip.�ear fixed rate mnrteartes cnvered bY�1Rp1iC�b1e 60-��m�adat�deiiccr�r rammitmrnts:plu��i�--� - - --
<br /> , ei�hs d c+a�peroeatage Puint(�-6?396�.mun�ed�to t�i�u+est onae� ol'one pe painiif����°ar
<br /> (ti)if tb,�original teme of this Note is IS years ar less.IS-yeu fixed.rate mortgages caYe[ed by�pWicabk 60�daY
<br /> , msqdadacy delivery oommitments,pins t`ive-eighths of oae percentage point(0.6255b).rounded to tbe aearest
<br /> ..;:::�.nf��ett�eeeaUge point t0.12596).If this requir�net yieM caauot ba detenaiaed becauso the appli-
<br /> -_ ,��1<<�:::�,'�ommim�eats u�;aot s�vaitab[e.the Note Holder will determine my interest rate by�sing eompara5le
<br /> snfptm�oe.MYnewnu�odwidttthisSectioa5(B)w�inot6tgrtatertbaetheMaxLnuntRater�taudinSe�ctioa
<br /> - �:��;�-r����'�-y4(D}abavt MY INTEtiEBT RATE WILJ. NEVER BE.6REATER THAN �O.?SO PERCENT. . �
<br /> (�Newlr��atA�tatlF.RecttteDrte '
<br /> ����'�'4`r �If I c600se to�xeiciss tbe Conve�sioo Oqtion.the Note Hoider+�ti deurrnine tLc amotRnt af t6e monthly --
<br /> ,;:,:. —
<br /> x
<br /> - - "`'� pi�nnent tb�t wauW be su�'icient m rsQay tha:+mpaid Principa!I a,aa;�ti��ected to ative on tbe Con�re�ion Dau in _---
<br /> _ '•`� full oia`ttl�e maturity date at ary new fixed�adtttest tate in��'�W�!��-T�resa[c of this ca1�u- . . —
<br /> �:ii m fixst en�onchl nt aftt�kbte
<br /> amountof m � nt��-�gin Y Y WY� ;,.
<br /> ��pate.l wiq.pay t6e sew araoun�E my���ayment�7 tbe Maturitjr'tl�te. " ' - `:''`,;:' ---_—
<br />- ;.�'.' � �. OIt�A 6ENEFICIAI.IN�'EftEST 1N BUAROV�►Ea s� '``�',.'�`' �;��--
<br /> .. `. ;, TRANSFOtOFTflEPfEQPER'i'Y _ __, . ', erns�'-
<br /> �<<'•..�.::
<br /> :t ;�;�: '' 1.Undl 8orrower eaercises the Cpniversion Optlon under the conditions statad in Seet�o��±�f this Adjnst- z 4�"-`�,���;�-
<br /> '�'�� abk Raoa Rider.Uniform Cotier�+a�17 of tt�e Security Inst:ument is amended to tead as folWws: ���'-
<br /> t e ,�..�----
<br /> . ` '`",;: � oran interest �� g��:_
<br /> ' � 7lra�sfa oltAe prapa[�?��1Beattfcia�Iaterest ia Barearex lf all or aay part.of the PropenY Y _ �i:,=,=e1,__--
<br /> �"��'� in i.j is sold or tr�s�rsed E����:�beneficial interest i�Barrower;is�;sotd or traa��"erced t�:��rower is not a : :>_;��;_-
<br /> �����` � �isa,t�R?1,Petson�,r�i t�i c l.e i 4"�`P,iior w�itten consen t,L e n des m a�.��'s fi�1;�i�p t t o n;re�,u i r� ,..��,; f p a y m�n t i n ;
<br />_ ,•1�t-� ` ���f�3,+T,�ums g;�.''td,by��s�rtit�i�trument.Hau�ever.tlt�op�-�Jn shaj�.ek�t�e�����y Len¢er.'.�� ,r _
<br /> �.;° '� �'�.•�tohi6ia,i1 bY�frd���9��siir���c,e of ti�Seaitity�i�'suutne „�'a` � `., ' `" _,
<br /> , �, r � nl.E.a 1 d�' s�s 1�t 7�E h A S.
<br /> i�`ia)Bonoarercaases:t��4a�sx�c�3`np��ai��ii�ationreqoiredbj�qE�'+i:stoeva�t�=..`.��� ��;--
<br /> �''`+�` t�at�s�n:e as if a aew toaa w��r:.,�3��:a���e trari's f�tee:a n d l b�L e n d e r r e a s i s s a a b l y d e t c�"�e s,t h a t�:e n d- �
<br /> �� '�`•y:;� � ��� �. .
<br /> `• +' t: ; �.�.•"` er's seaurity will not be impsEeti+�',Qr�'4.��?�n assumpuon and that the risk of a breacb of:asty cavenant or .. .
<br /> .;t�'�=:.�: �-
<br /> " ��:�.`�: �� ageement in this Security Ins�carr��is ararpta6le to Lender. ". ,-�>•�_-
<br /> �; :,. ��,' .. r�
<br /> �'�'�` ' To the eatend permitted b}r applicabte taw.l.ender may charge a reasonabte fec.as a condition to Lender s •. .
<br />... �ti� �� . .
<br /> ��• ' consent to the ban assumption.Lender aiso may require the transferee ta�ign an assumption ugreement that is
<br /> - acceptabte to Lenckr a�cd that obligates the uansferee to keep all the pramises and agreements,aaade in the Note
<br />-- , '.`,�' and in this Secur'�Mstrument.Borrower will continue to be obligated under the Natc and t�raisS'ecurity lnstru- �.-::=�
<br /> `ti` ment unless iendeti�eases Borr�uver in writing. :;�`:• � ` ..
<br /> ctir. ' , . . � , . .�rdr� ;
<br />- �r .:� �fP:��der exercises the apR�C ta require immedia�.:�a�ment�r�UcrEi;Len3�c�s��3�¢iue��t�aax���of ,f;;�,�`-,�_,
<br /> ' ar�fn.The notire s�,s.�:���ito�ide a Qerlod of not t�a�than 3Q!�.+-'����te�m iivc���;�a�:1;In��u�'im��:y��br �`��;r z .
<br /> • . ,= crn
<br /> . " �� �;`'in�ile�'wlthin a�b`i�4"i:.�sr�og±+�s'iis��st pay aif`�ms secured by this Si�w.riiy lnstra�r'r.�.tf�l3meraa�►�s��t:5 ta pay ''�� „"_
<br /> _ �,����` ' tlkse sums pr'tu�irr�rkt�=4�epi�.>ton'of thi�{�e�iod.Lender may invofi�c�ny remedie�pertni.'t,'ted�f:�`�is Securiry _ � �?�+��
<br />_ ,``'`•,�`� Instrumentwitho�at�yr�taer�ardemandonBonow•er. ���� ;' ,.�'. �
<br /> ::��' . �t .t�-.
<br />- ,.� � 2.if Horrawer.g�er,.,i�#9ie�onversian Optian under the condi�ions stated.in,�ctur�4�+�r�lyis Adjust�ble ".,�`� :_
<br /> '� Rate Rider.the a�ir.���1�,�r'a s��;�iParm Covena�t 17 of the Security Inctrume�[;�ann�;;ra3:e�'i�r 5ra:tion C 1:s�rove - ' ;-
<br />_ ��: � .
<br /> ;"'��> shaU then cease:ia.li���ri,i�+i:?��. and�he provisions of Uniform Cavenam i7 a�',tl�{:�.;.�rst�'�atrument shall �:.�
<br /> .L- v �'�� ' 111$tCd��7C tA f��$A't�!S��I�ri . . .� ,; .. ' �.� '.� ; ;. ...
<br /> ,.. - r ��, ..� , r..,
<br /> �:,�'�;k�r. :,: .`• '�Ms»�Qerottbe P�o�a�es:Benetklallnic�est C�13�usxawea 1f al1 or any p�r.t:�ai.�i�.?rog�rcc�or any intetest ;
<br /> , ��xo,t. ;ti� . .
<br /> ,�4�}����:. ��., in it'i'�r�sid vr transferrecti"t;a�u�i�-3bene�cial interesti r.���srnwer ic s�ld ar tr.e;n�fenrird ard Borrower is e�ot a , �,!�,�,,;,
<br /> f f'��•� ,. � ` '�-
<br /> �.,�f w��;�:;' , .,,-; . natural person)without i:r��;,priar written cans4atti."Cxnder may.at its a�tion.per�ii+itt 2utt��ctiate payment in �. ,.:j'�j��,�t}{.'.
<br /> � �.�;a�;���k f�� " :. full ot all sums secured by��tc��ecuri¢�,I»Y�'r�meot. Hrnvecer.this uption sh:�li�►�x�r��a.x�rciarxi by Lender ii' �y;� �.���
<br /> •�:�; � ��:��:�, eaercise is prohibited b}federa���;�as af�p:�d�tie nf this 5ecurity Irtstrurnent. ` �.::± � ` %;���,s
<br /> �,��,��f4�,:;•��,: ,,�,• , :. . . '�. . ,.� �
<br /> s��"�'�tt'' � [f Lender eaercises ih�x �I�uU. LRader�hall �v��rtsn«�er notice of accetr�atio��.�4'tte ito4'i`�;e sha�i provide � �;�; ;
<br /> F� 4,�°�5:•. . �p, �
<br /> �:,s�:,���;;`�,. �.pe�iod af nat less th�n 30'±3a�s'.from the date the n�ti±c��3 delivered�r maitecf��I�s��t;vvhich.8ucrawer must pay �s,��n.:
<br /> -:s ,.. .. � �, �;:.
<br /> �s: � � �,� , atf sums seeured by_tbirs S�u�rty Instrumenr. 1�B�rso�e�fait�tc►pa�these s�m,s��3riot to Eh��W7i�ation of this
<br /> � - � ° �� � period.Lender ut�i}?h�voke any remedies permiued hy lhis 5ecuii�}Ei��truraent��ridiuut furtheruaaee or demand .
<br /> Y ''� '�"r . . . ,
<br />- _,;�'" o►i Barrawer. .,
<br /> ���'��` '� `�'� 1�'L'"SIGNTNG 6ELOW.Bnrrower accepts and agrees ta Ihe terms and crnentutt�contained in ihi�AJjustablr �
<br /> �. .v.�,-._.....,�-.: . . Rate Ride� � � � � . .
<br /> ': . ' . .... .l5ealt . ..... �!�..�"��i'' ... .. .,s���► E ... .
<br /> , •r� .. . � .................................. . .Hiafnn�ct �^� -IS��r�ouC� : .
<br /> '1����'
<br /> ''`��:� � � , OEOROE P IAHN - ,
<br /> � _ �'�= _�' � ..... . �SeaU '.. .�.�.w. . .. .. tSeab . - i . ...
<br /> .
<br /> �. . .. �
<br /> - -'- ---'�—,--- -- .. . . • it[�F ------ �
<br /> .-- : � . . ._ _.. . . '-' '- - ....- ' .'-. . . ..-- - . . .. ., $Ak,� . ._. . _ . _ . . _ . . -�--------
<br /> ,� � •• _ :
<br /> .�,�;.-;: ��: A�TEC� REG��i4�l�.�a�rc���, -ro: ��ma �. �n�N �,�,.�� ;
<br /> - 'Y` �r'{L:;3;"•, ��fi►� 'ert--, �. . �A�c�:.f2'tuA�tt r ..
<br /> . +-• .!�,:.�_t� i�Y...
<br /> ,
<br /> ��,�r C. _�.:;':a _r����::Ln:'„['t+G't:r�;ea+?�f!rs� - - - -- ._ . __.. . _ __. . - - -- _. '
<br /> ,� , .. -
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<br /> 1,�. �c e �`� .. e r t:lLc:�.d��
<br /> _ ._� • -�:..Ft'.. �,rr�.F�,-• 5 -- --- ---- -- ---- -- __-- -- -- - -- - - -- - -- � . :.
<br /> . � . ,{ .M�.�. . •s� . .
<br /> . . �Y:�If1i.iJ�U'I� � i . . �
<br /> r., N �. P,��J a54?z
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