�� _ _ _ _ _ .
<br /> ;,� �.�� d+ . �'� -'- .. .._ _ __ _ 4' - _ 1 -__
<br /> �3-�" . ' - -.�{. � �......_....�.._,.�....-- _ _.-._ . _._- -•�--- -._
<br /> ._ � `_____.-...-�-j# - _ _ . _,.�,. _' ' _ " . _.. . _ _ . " .
<br /> t...:,
<br /> �r ,�_..- =-��i�i _ . . �. . ' , `>... . . . _ � r�._ ' _ . .
<br /> . , . . -::: � 9� z�oe�s ..._:
<br /> - �7.ilea�ter er�re . . .r:�eiiieid t�lee�ac l�D�.�e�.tt au ar ae4►wet d'tbe Prope�iraa�beaa�e i�it`. -.��;:,,::
<br /> ` � is�oid a�sriQeod(ar iE��dal iaAenK i�Bdi�aNet i��oW gt naiisiasadaad S�onoaa�is mt a a�r�at paroo)�a�ort � .
<br /> . ��de�s�eior�a+are�A. l�aidar m�!►.�t its option, uea�rdi�c p�ymeot ia,fWl of att s�seoaead b1r dds
<br /> Sm�ih►��,Ib�is oplm slwil noe be exacisd�La�der if euinTiso is pduMted by federal4k sa of thr dtie� .
<br /> ` U t�ea�derrsari�t�optioa,Laider s�ll Eirc Ba�ro�rr aot�oe of sasia�b�tia.?he notiac s�ll pmvida a pc�iod atnot-
<br /> ias tY�30 drys fia�t6e d�te tUe mtioe is ddivaed or m�iled.ri�is whic�Bo�t�w+er a�t pay aII sams socu�+ed by�6is �
<br /> Seaui�ty Is�amat.if 8oii�u�cr fWs bpy d�e s�aw�tior to t6e acp�ntian of thia�iod.Leo3er any�mroYa any ranedies .
<br /> _ p�esmit�ed.by d�is.Scoa[�!►I�u�t�ritboot fa�et�md�e or dao�od o4 8a�uwe�: ---
<br /> i�; �tt�i�y lti�t M �tafa tf 8nts�Mapr moets oataiq ooc�tions. Botrow�s�il bave tht�t w b�avo _. __
<br /> mfacva�at ot thia 5aunty I�sttua�aot disoaotiaood it aay fime pria�W tho earlier oF(a)5 da�s tu�sud�ot�r pa�od s __.
<br /> applicabk 1ni►m�Y specit�►for �)6doc�s�le of tbe pursusot to any pow�er of sale aoohinod in Wis --- -
<br /> p��1.l�ose afad�tioas sr�tH�B��m�.'(a!
<br /> 5eaus`ty t�t[am�or tb)at�af a�t tafo�tt"s Se�'t�' QQY� .�._
<br /> ' __.... -- - -- - --- � ' ' ��+n m�ciied:.(b) ----- __
<br /> c�t+a s�iy defa�ii af aay,atber o�vat�ats ot�(�3 P�Ys all eYpeoses io�tuced tn eafoocin,g this Sec+�rity tastmmmt. -- ---
<br /> indu�,6ut uat lnnond w.�onaDie attota�ts`fee�aud(d)nkes such actiare as te�der m�y trsaoa�b�!►nquice m assue� _-�
<br /> t�ot t6e�o[t6is Sewrity Jn�ame�t.Ladec s dgbts ia tbe P�upaty aud Boetn+�+e�s to pay the sums sa:ucod by e----
<br /> - tt�is Se�cmcity imtrseoeat abalt eaatmue �- UPan �ei�t�E �+Y ����+►ritY i�uuaxat and tb� --
<br /> _ �secoted 6ece1�Y sbWl canaiu fnliy effe�►e as if ao ac�odaation had oocnmod.However.this right w t+�ast�te sb�ll =—_-
<br />-= = oqa`1ppty in the case oF aoc+elewtscia ooder p�r�pb 17. _—=-=-
<br /> :;:,:if.S�le oE Net�CYy����iE��rn Se�iar'. 7Ue Dido oc.a pattiat infe�t in t6�Nafe(to�d6e�c�t1►tAi�54a�1► �'�:;1_--
<br /> ° _ � Lisono�aeat)m►Y � �� . :�.�=-a
<br /> bt soW aoe or t�adte:fimes ant6o�prior notia to Batawec A s� t+e�It m a m tiirs�ky(tao�va . - �.
<br /> at
<br /> a�tbe'La�s SGwtaet")dnt o�'eets mooR�y »�a�ts�e under tbe Na�a ap�(fri�Sec�rty Imtnunwt.Thc�e atso msS►6e aue �': -
<br /> ri�
<br /> '.;' � a��cba�s�tbe.Lo�oiS�oe�:�wasateoft6eNate.iftD�eiSi�:aft6eLovnSeivicu�Bonowa�iflbe �" '-
<br /> �rai waittea notiee a f�e c�+u 0�i�a�a o e w i t h p u�p h 1 4 a 6 o r e a d�d p p�'i c i�e�i'►i i v�T h e a d i c e w i l l•s t a t e t b e mme a�` , ,:" ,..-
<br /> ad�as of We nea►Loaa�Sav�r'�st�e add�ess to vrfiicb payments s600ld be al�f�,;�te aoao�svill atso onotria aay otUet ��'i��
<br /> infamriao cie�pited bY�PP��'1i!��� . `''� apr rrkase of � �
<br /> ..,` .` St1.�Si�fai�pri«�1�i1'iixlet sfnll nat cause or pamit tbe pnsmne,�.�c�o.s�i.;�ge. �, . «T}
<br /> =i''< Haracdws Sub��:or.�i:if�::'('�1�ti�: Bor�awer sball not do. nor aUow aaytoae etse.to.du, s�ythins a�ectie8 -
<br /> �� ' �aty tbu is in v�o{ation�bi�,�uriii�Yctual taw.Thc pr�eeoding nvo earceoas sbaD aut �� ��•ror'md �'�';. �
<br /> �oc�q�[e on t6e of s�ti��+?}�Hazacdous Subst�ooes tlnt ate geneeaUy� ��_ , i:�:,;_;���.-
<br /> - . � � �m€'t7�e Praperty. . ... ; , ���:. �;�s.
<br /> . �.��sh�Up�� ' l�ender wntteo Ao6ae�'any inve3tig�tian.clainw��5ein�nd.taxrsort or omer�iiau by aey :'��, '�i�
<br /> ,�attm�tal or n��i17��or priw�te pa�rty involviug tfie Pmpeity aad a�t H�ous Substanoe aF Envs�f�L.�a►..,.- . �f�:;;�`�!;,
<br /> '_.-' �which Banawer Ims act�.v1.-�r�iwtedge.lf Hatmwes leuns,or is+tiooif'eed 6Y u►Y S���`���Y��•�`.':•: � "�f„�;
<br /> �:;�_ _ ' aay�amval uc oWer��of. Harrcilaus Substance affeaing�L�aPatY�s�s.sa�Y.,�izwer sball PrnmptiY:t�,' ,,s•` ,';�,t J- �
<br /> �''�nce wltf�Fnvimama�tal law. � '�- ��:� ' ' �'' ::>�':, r,
<br /> - aiE nooessa�y e�ea'�i.�l�'oioir�:� �;:
<br /> , AS 1lSEa IA tU1S�.�Rm,"HAT�t�OUS SIIhSIatICCS��[C thOSC SU�OOES�l�iS�`�S t07[tC'iEff'�OliS.��Y`` . 4;
<br /> •z .r �llYlI0U111C7M� I.iW yl(I(�Ef:��i�� SI1�11C.CS: $aSOI�fIC. I(CfOSCTlC. OQYf�7�P1�t3f tQ�C' '�OtCUR1�UC[S. t07UC _
<br /> �' �' ' p�estkkks and he�bicides,vof�l�=���e�s;�ia1s cauaining asbestos or fom�TQe't�a�-t�r�tii�m�eriafs.As used in �Y, +--
<br /> ° tlua p�gwph 20,'Envir�l�law"'�ss foderal laws and laws of ttie jaris&�ir�t-.�v�t t��geopeKY is iocatod that �."��y`�`�.:
<br /> ��� .��+`"�.� �'� tel�te.to health,safetY or env�tal pmtatian. ,-':r.�,: ;:': � � -
<br />�';; • :��`�'`•.� NONdJNIFORM COV�i�t�TS.Barrowerand lcnderfnrthercav�aniand��folloR� `' � "�,� ;-�F��F:
<br /> ..;;r � '"{N-
<br /> t:.�t:.<��`��<<:,�.�' 2I.Aeoderatian:Re�s.l.eoder si�ll gWe eotid�w Ban+awa priatt�a�oo foAo Btiiiii�r's be+acM :�j�-`��
<br /> - `'�- • - af asy oove�nwt ar ag,�+ee�r,e�E is tbk Se�veity Im1r�is�t (6at ao4 prior ts"i¢�P�on w� .l�adest .�:.�5�� �--
<br /> " `'`--�, s p p i i c a b i e law'p ti�6des t�wise).Tbe uotice s6a11 specify: (a)tGt.�"C1o#t�e�.xtbb to aii+e tl�e ddsdt; . •_` -
<br />' ���• � �t,. . .. - ;:
<br /> � `�- i, .� (e)s d�e,�ot�t I��$�dsys fran tl�e d�te tbe notke is girm to�v R�'�l d c 6 t 6 e � m a s l 6 e c�s d:a�tl ..,� .,. _�
<br /> " ° - � (�tlrt fails�;i�'quie!�tt defsWt on oe bdae tl�e d�te spectiicd�iie�ie��iiay reso!!�s�daaliea af ttie��s.. ., �;;;f.. ;: .�-
<br /> •-, •=�`"°`� sie�w�td lry ti��oi3�.�'6�9�auneet aad sale ot tbe Phopjcty.'fl�e��e's1'�Lis�t�e�r iatoea�xr'c,a+a�wer ot tre tf�t to ' �"i'����f ' � --
<br /> �s,Fi :,
<br />_ �, �.. � ��R � ,�'�7��;-:.._
<br /> �°.- -� � rei�te atta� �uid tbe to a�C sctias to a9sert U�e riii;�:^rtsteda of�s dKadt ar al�
<br /> ,. ,�'r,:=.�;�; �ielfe�e �q��?r�ao�tba snd stk.it tl�e�l3ui�t is not cand an d�3ids tbe���IasMaaeat� '������'���'�<�'
<br /> . , , �,, o[ d
<br /> . r. �,i i �}. r Cx r �,�ls���5n�A�i0�NQ0�1ti'�111111ld�Y�!�1�c��!B�Ot�5�119 6lCYtl�:�: ��y p�.1,�'��<<�� .;
<br /> ' � � '
<br /> ;, ` . l�rt�a�k�+u�snra�y�b�ce t�e po�er..�Cs�e��iay aher�enea�es pe�mitted by�e la�r.La�aer�aU be �,s��f�!��g,��;:
<br /> :T.� /']7Y,,�:;,rl';i°''y' a�l�n���dL`��tutfld 3��jq�.,1��..{;i�mm11edks proV1ded iO this{j�i'f�apli �«iadad�in�s bat aot�falked ;�'�'��..! ;`
<br /> �1[,�'1l! •�t� ��7"T�;—',�y7'�'i��9vF}��P"��� '� .�f>t �4 .:_
<br /> . .. �i.�t�. "':.. ' ��.'�'�(�C��5�'�t S�,��s�iC S�L���Of�0!0��lO�t�i�cooety�D���:�d�lbl,' `�>,�t��f t �_�
<br /> �`' i�loa�tefi�si �ii oopies of aacb ns�ia%fii�t6e maeeer presc�f.�spplic�bk Isw b�r awd to �
<br /> �v;..
<br /> ����y:,. ; tie�p�+s���ir��ppiicabk law.Afta�hr t"ia�e requind by appIIc,�tsw Trcnter slmU�ine pu�ie.atioe. , `:,�:�: .
<br />--��7 k.�rt� ,i � �?•
<br /> .ry�'i+•''��'.,�: af eak to fie���io�t�e m�ea�perscei6ed by applkabk law.Trostee,wilLont dtaraiM�A�t�r BoROwer.�aY se� .:, ' -
<br /> ` �-. ., .,�.'.� �e ptq�eet�ti1;�uW�c aadlos to tbe 6�bidder At the time suu!p►soe ub aeder tbe tena��ed ir fl�e eotla e� .,> Z�`�. �
<br />•' � '�';.;%�;;, �i ,w�c�oae os�je+r�+oe1s aad in any order Tr�e�•'i1n�2a may��oae awte a�F oe asg�reei of fre ;`
<br /> .,t� ,�f, ' '�If� �Y P���at t6e tine��Sir v!any peie+�ioasty seiia�ir'�d sala�.,maee���,r�ee esr
<br /> � .. � 'r'��ff ;�e tre�e�pa�ty at aey a�ta ,
<br /> .��A,th ' )�c�4F.9"'<<' ,
<br /> ' ����'r�1��� �'��:�4��`��}�� ' . . . .1 . .
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