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<br /> �l�t�y pi0�t_�1ib�t�Yi�Ods��OOptiOa�f I+I�lt•if�0[f��ODCOY�CHjQ(iw�0�WB�I#id f0!�p�i0d
<br /> I�IR � ��R��I�OVOd by«Cr�R��Y�«E�!�Obt11O0d.A0�[10�YPCr fdll�
<br /> . 1`P F1�I��D�d�Ol�t�CE�11 l�Das�[i0 POY�C!•�.t�QAC;�11�lOf�ill,qlq�t0!f�Otf`f�0 .-
<br /> �f�0!E�,���00 wlltl�1�1��(Eqqlpt�C(MICla�1�lt i��+CO�I af�1C��G�ilf1. .. ;
<br /> !.L�iedi�..Lpeaa«it�,�C may.m�be�ea�o�ubk adaies Mpa a.a i�pea;oas cr dk r►ape�cy.Lmd�r si�u�e�
<br /> BorioKr e�ot+oe�t�tima oi or pciar w aia i�poaiaa spaify'�tea�am6le w�e tar We inipeaioo.
<br /> 1�CriiR�rtlrs:,lUe p�on+ods d anp��ra�d ar ci�im iar d�es.diieat or ooamqNaetitl. ut oaonectiao.wid�sry
<br /> ooadd�oa ar aliar .tatiq6 of ae!►prt of d�o Proput!►.or for oonv+e��aeoe in liaQ of caod�ion.�ne iienby aasipred a�d
<br /> ��e pid to�eadet. -. � -- - --- - .
<br /> bt�e trart ot s�ai takiq�of tUe Propaty.tLe pnuooedc sbtU beappliod w We su�sawiodbp�s Sowrity tmtc�e�t,
<br /> ' M6ahee cF aot.t6es due..with any exoess p�id W Huam�wa,Ia tbc evac of a pnii�l taiciag of tbe.gcqpaty in v�Lich t�e fair �.
<br />- awt�oet vstie ot�e P�opdty itamedi�tely betae tLe Wdqg is eqn�l to or a�rater t1Wa.tt�e suouat of ti�e swms seaued by tbis "
<br /> — _ ---�:��iL-�.��-�;5��.,s�: , �L�s��-sa��a�u�+�:rire-�o�by—�.�--
<br /> fbis Sa�rity Ia�emmt alul!be rednoed by tho ao�ownt of d�qnceodt multiplieA by�h folio�riog ttactioa: ta)d�e to1a1
<br /> aimM�t cf Ibe sun�sewt�ed iaa�miediatel�befo�d�e t�l�iag,divided by(6)t6e fait m�rket valot of thc Pmpettg ima�ed�td�r
<br /> 6efaro t�e t�tin�.Aay 6�l�sc�e smlt bt pid W Bonaver.In t6e evmt af a paRial talun�af d�e Poapeny in av��die 6ir
<br /> m�cicet valne of tbe Pmpe�ty immodiatety befo�e t6e hi�tag is kss t6�n t6e aowunt of tbe smns soca�ed imn�edi�Idg.befae tb�
<br /> tiiti�,anleti Hoao�ret aod I.eader a6etwtse ag�ee ia wiiti�ar qnless applic�l�ie 1sw aWe�wise pcovides.tl��"`�fR{{�ieeds tiYll =
<br /> be appliod w the sums sncurod by tbis Seacci�I,�m�t wb�dNa oc not tbo sua►s at�c tt�en due. �:r���;�- .
<br /> If tbe u�b�odoaed oc if a�r notioe by Izoder to Bor�ower�t t6t ,�` . .
<br /> �pMS►�� bY� . modc�narQ�ea's to�si::.,;;:':.
<br /> � a�ra�d or seuk a cta6n for dam�8�o�iii±��fa�s to tespand W I�der widtip 30 days after the date"t� ��ts`��,�_:-;:':-,'.�
<br /> I�eoder is satho�ited to oolkc�,aod�p�r�=�no�aeds.�t its optioo,dtber w resta�tiaa or�+epadr of�e Fmpext�io�.to tbc.6i�zs��:"';":::•.'`
<br /> . � ' swred b!►ttiis Seca�itY I�p�t;,��etber ar mt ttres dae. �: :t � � -?�`.�:� `.-:,.:��: .
<br /> � tTdes�I.mder ad• � �ise in ��; �"" to sAa�E.li�o�t e�uead�"�.�:.�:":��:,;s`
<br /> �. . � �n8. �y aPP�� � P�P� �� '
<br /> ` �pustpoae dra difi�e d�te af di��1'y.'ps�s tderted w ia pm6c�pE�1 aad 2 or c(i�oge"tfie.a�nauot of�cfi ptywwts:..:_ ';,:;�-�+�`.�'
<br /> �i� Rdais�, I.e�der Nat a 1flf�CSr Exuasion of the tieue 6r or ..
<br /> ,2. `.11r � '�'�� payment mod�pi��::;`
<br /> ='{ :��p�;'�$ttn sarms xe�cuned Iiyt�'�c°iitj►Instrument gr�Eed�by la�der w any sucoes�'itr intsnst of�oirower s�JE' .
<br /> ` :�i;i;n�pecste.�v iekise the 1`rfiit�y o�ai"r`'�tiginal Bo�o�er or Bormwer's suvice.�sors�n intuiat.�eader st�f:�`�ie. to
<br /> ,�;`: .�. �N�
<br /> •'�'�P�Ee agxib�anY�r in i�or tsfuse m eatmd time fos paymeat or atba�rlse moKlif�aa�tiatioa ,
<br /> � � :<r;>�i�e suas saaied by this Secyrity�vment by �of any de�ad made by tAo ariginal Boao�e+er or Ba�rnwds
<br /> � __ " �peasots in�t�u.Aay forbe�ianoe.�;�.a�der ia exencising any right or►Ymedy sMll na be a waiver of or proclude tbe
<br />� ;:.: ���Xrorai�p#'p�y'�igbt ornea�y.. �-.,.. �..' . !-:.';�
<br /> '�c.`.�»�����;��Slld S!Y!!v�gi�^�6!�a�• '�lC OOYC� ?�' :: �;� -
<br /> . ;.�. ��t ��mr�d benefit the successots aad assi of �:
<br /> y; �,�� �f' gns Lende��isd Bormwer.subject ta•.`ti4%.�urv���
<br /> � p�.'�i'� '•Sqn,ri�;��.ud agneeo�ents shall be;otnt�d scveral.�ilay Borcuwer.;�v1p co-�.,9��fltr�Se�t��.�
<br /> Tfl5[�Dllip�����'i0f i�11=riI1C NtJiC�:�3)IS OO�S1gR111S��� Y ���+' > : "�
<br /> ' HOINW�f�S 111t�tt5t 1A(�iC�! � 01Sfc�'.,"�'.�t�tCi71I5 O�t�flS$CCIITI �1111L�f1[��n1S� � �:�`��,�.�,�� �f
<br /> �t �,1�=°'.'�y �'.',� :�� AOtQEt�,E�4�'lE�q�ISO;).�3?:"��F��.,.
<br />_ socured by thia Savtity Uts�iimi.�.�k aa�+tek agrrxs that€�...y".der and a�y'ott�er Borrower may agsr�ee i�h+�.i�;,'.ou�fil��i fdrtit;�ii'u�r'
<br /> maice aay acconunodatioas�`regard t�,�e terms 4€d�i.Y Sccuriry tnmument or the Notc witi�ti�iat�Bii��'s consant.
<br /> 13.l.as Che�.If thc[oan s�•6y this Se,�i:i-ity lnstmment is subjxt to a 1aw whicft�i's maximt�m toan charges.
<br /> aad lh�t law Is fittally intetpreted sa th�'�interest or other loan charges coll�or to 6e eot�ertod in oonnxtion witb tLe
<br /> � lom e�ceoed the pem�ittod limits.lhen:(aj any sucb laan chuge sha116e reduced by the anaunt necescary to roduce the ch�rge =
<br />- W the permitted Hmit:and(b)any sums alr�eady callected f'ram Horrower which cxa�ded pemiiued limits wirll be ntundod to '�
<br /> _ Bocrower. l�ender mry d�oix�e to make this refund b�:ieduciag the principal ov��.r�nder the Nato or isy�,�cing s� dl�ect _=
<br /> ��� p�aymeat to Barmwer. If a �tefund reduces principal. the reduction tvill be t� as a partial prc�mt',artthaut�aaS: . —
<br />'��41�� P�Yment c�'�e under the Noce. �.`• ':. ' . : ': ',• _. .,. ,,. , _
<br /> s , 14.N�ii�tae�:-.i�nY npt�cc,4o Horcower provided for in thia S�ii.�fasttumcnt•sha!!be gEa:�;b�+��lf.�.����ricr�it vt by�iq�.',
<br /> .4�'— � :'�`:iCUj fttxi'i�.�it�i1 unlexs�pticable law requires use of,�n�tis�.°�. Td�e notice shall bc�i�i�t���ieFmg�sty Add�
<br /> � `�;��anY uthei�address Bo�designa[es by rwtice �iv'Laa�i`w:�:�Any �otice to Lender shal! br.�r•�.A�*=S�.aLass anil to --
<br /> Lender's address statod herFiir or amr other address i;ro�r��signatcs 6y natice to Borrawer. �ri�;uut�a:,�a�i�ept,ed tor in this
<br /> 5ewdty Instrument sh�ll be da�mod to have been given tiu'Borrowet or Lcn�tcc when givtn s�s�it�a.ui't�ti w�.,�+�;paragr�ph. _
<br /> • 1S.Gov�niu�U�w;fieverabitity. This 5ocurity lnstrument shall bc governcd by.f�ier�i>,��r� the law of the =-
<br /> jurisdiqioe in which t6e Pibp"etty is]ora.ted. In thc event that any pravision or clause of Ih1s 5a�utiity �.i�s?r�t or the Note '�'--
<br />__ wnflkt�wit6 app11ca6te�.jv:;�aeh eaaflic�shall not affect aher pmvistons of this 5ecurity lnsiss:i�±;i o��5;�`_�ic�whieh pa be -
<br /> ; given effect whhout t�n,��t#ii�dng pravision.To this end thc provl�ions of thls Security lnsfr�r�t:���,9s�;t�k are declarcd ��•
<br /> to be severalsl�'. � . . , #�
<br /> li.Bi�q�$�j.T�OffUKC!V3iJ�,��IYCi!A�C COAfpdU"Y�;mp��f thc Notc and of�;fis;�ri�T+'fi�yliv;as.�u.: . ' `�`
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