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<br /> " �.��«�Rf,���EG;e0l1�{t SLII�1�0�IO�fl�10M►�'����'��[0�'��
<br /> . `t.. plqQOl�y iOwlOd�10e�b�►�,',.�i�G�lldl�4�;'1(YI1�d41bC tEfm������91�8i!!'b�is i�e�
<br /> = � tioad�a tloadi�.ta�ich Lader.��;71�i�uanoe sh�il ba mdanaoa�d ie tie�iu�atat�and tart�e periodc
<br /> -' thu I.�det t�eqrir�a.1'�a imwae�oe caiitie�p�q*i�ie�ie Imue�noe adU be chaaen by Aorro�er snbject to I�ader's,�pro�al' -
<br /> wl�icl�s1M11 na be u�om6i�►withbeW- It�arca�wa�fiib a aa�idtaia oover�e de�a�ed above. trcnder a�y.it I�'s
<br /> aption.obqin wvrx,�e w p�n�a�l�eoder•s rijpts io tba Pmpaty in acoo�d�ooe�with p�r�aph.7;
<br /> AR ieaitanoo polida aod s�e�s�t!be aaep�bie to Leadec aed s6�il'n�ch�de s�q�ndatd mongaga rd�use.I�odac
<br /> ---- :---�nlE�retbei�Cio�iddthapoiiciesaoA_�rals.Ifl�eadertriWice�Botm*�s�P�Y�ta�•�der�dirooeiptsat
<br /> -�at�ctvmEefiu�8�— ����-- ---
<br /> �i�ti!!�i6d � -
<br /> — -- ___�� 11'OOR ID�0 HOfiiOiWC!� _ — -
<br /> _L�dec mn►arioo ptnof of las' P�'�PUY l+Y
<br /> � . _. -. , ..wi��d���:•�����s�'+�,B:�D�=shslt-�a,tplis.s�3Q�l�w+�!+_rr�nir_af'�he . _ _
<br /> p�p�t��k+�t��a�t�os or t�1r is eooaomip�llY te�ic aod Lesda's socvrity is oot kasaiod.tf Nr�noia�q a
<br /> - ... ..
<br /> -��3�:;aot eoa�uq��k.:or I.tadei's saauity�auid ba ktiarad.U�t iffiuianoe prooeeda�1W1 be apptied�a tba�oias
<br /> ' � yp�i,�dss Secwu4�"i�bi�,x�er or nat tliea due.wNh a�ty azoess pid to Bonmwer. If Horto��bandani tbe
<br /> �`'� 30 a naioe fmm i.eodrr ttnt dit ituu�aooe caRia t�offaea w satle a daiat.ttia�
<br /> :;� :acdoes�;nioii�iar.?!ri1�1�s d�ya
<br /> �`�'`_ �� �ya I�de� aac the to�ir.ar nstoc�tl�o�.�aty os w pay saws
<br /> � mry►ooi���'iinaaoe.P�000ec�::_ °�tY lx°ce°ds en.
<br /> • . ��by t�a.5�iii.g'��nmmt;,�iar.o�pot tLw due.Tbe 3Q�j►�Od�t 6ie�in�vhen t�:�i��► "
<br /> �:,;'6�hless Le�der�aad Ba�towc�.�tl�iet.a�ee in wcIt�ag.���P�'�m P��_�d[E uo�euad ot �'�'._�
<br /> ��a�ar��a��y�.y��r�a a:�a�� �a z�m���o�c��,e:���.� .
<br /> ridiaat pirspapk�l me fmpQiy is aoquiied bg t�nder.Saiyin�*�a�'s�ik;1�±aolr ir�squ,r�s,a pot'kiec ana pvoee�i€�ag`+�:�<�
<br /> J. � � miiWR.��� �uG �
<br /> �CtB�C, �IO[f0111C�O1�11f�OQ.s�1�.�SS Of atl�SClyllbd bS1 lhLS$EOIti1l�F�n.,';�.i.
<br /> � , .�:, . ,,-., :.•.,-��:,;•`:
<br /> . . . . .. ..��`,�;`:
<br /> .�����' � : ,,: ,. ... .. :. ;.
<br /> ;�'�;�1lltrt���OC�Il 14�RC�p�A�l�e���i���lA� ` `..'.':j�-
<br /> .. ��f:,•.
<br /> HOiLOYIlC� � C�libl�t�1.�fld pLGiLC�������y�y'fS •� {p��j���.j.'IYlt11�5�7[lyl�S�C[�+C7GOCYt�00 Of '. -
<br /> '4�� "'���"I � � l .•"• :."
<br /> �9.Spq�I1ljI! �S�)CD�I�Q df Ii±l1�SCYQSI lll!?��l�t i�9,$O�TQWCl'S�t�51�:{Of 1l ICiSE OQC yt�f A�!�:;; �',�:�,�;
<br /> " 1�lD d�C Of Q�DII�CSS�����h�•��8�00!bG Ii�JOR�jI�..at Y�S.��,4•:,:i�Y.
<br /> O7UlIM1�IIf � .�C�li[ W�1IC�I�_�!i{�`$OT[UWEi'B �9b1�',:�ROWCf S�Ii�� QO[��`�tlm$C Of(tOpllf f�G=�'�;` '
<br /> or uw
<br /> � P�vperty,�1b���Y u►d�erio�G��a�:F?��t va`s�r on the tMnpeity-Botmwer st�ll IiC�;wefauit if any forfeiWte.�,.. .
<br /> actioa ar pronepding,wheff�er civil or criali�zF;;3a�i�7�in I.�de�s good faith�ndgmrnt couW�su1t in fnsfeitaro af the, . �
<br /> ptoperty or othec�Ise n�teri�lly impiur dje 4'�:;�te������ocas"t,���or�nder's sowcity intenest.Bomower m�,;t;:,,.,•.
<br /> � cur�sach a dd�md�ein�tt.as Proeidoci�i:�atsg�pl�`l8;bY��actioo or prooeoAiug ta 5edisai�ssod Mith a tulirt�;;:���,
<br /> �� tb�M.. in I�du'��od faith detenNmtion.ytaeludes fofiatus�t`�(tfire��lfstaower's intenest in��'ioperty ar dher mataiti�';;.'.`"
<br /> , _ ��� '� .
<br /> '� x�,; of���carate¢,�j►this Sacuriry U�ttoiaC4G`u����:`speisrity inter,xst. Borrowa stnU aiso be in def�uit if:
<br /> .,::�� �ps�w�r.dntii�g ttie loan apy�ib�n Prooas.8���ms►, ��"�a�''`,,����}s�?Nii�or�temeMs to l.a�der(ar fi�ilod
<br /> -'r,;• :..it?;�!itle Leader with suiy i�d infarmatlohJ_in�nr�n jr`�qvttii�fiqaa tvidtrf�rsi:�y�'us�'ra5�-�asctuding,6qt ant ttmited
<br /> " •�;.i��„'r�t�ent�tions onaoeming 9orrower's a��cy.��?{'ilaaiF�a;�cty as�jTrincip�l rest�:"fi�1��rity It�uament is on a`�. �
<br /> ,�, ,�,.`.,i',���'noW. Borcowa shalt compty with 3�GC tl�:��a�,=x�3:?�t��the lr�se 1f Bortuwer acq�t�a��`to the Property,Ayr,:;'
<br /> t `�,� �.eaW and the fa titk st�ll�rot merge ut�less i.et�ier�.°-r ia the merger in writing,. ,��.. � ..'� - ;':`%.
<br /> ' tto „., .,.:
<br /> `::�i�;�_'t.`R���of I.ender's Ri�ts in ttre P�opett�..iE H�c�owe�faits to perform the cavenantS���cnt#ained iri
<br /> Ul�sSeicr�rity Inu�vment.or tbene is a fegat praceoding'���ay signif�antty affaq l.eixkr's rig6ts�a;�tx P�Seaip;�i�rch as A
<br /> pibi�i�g in b�nkruptcy.probatc.for condmm�ation oe��feiture or to taforce laws ar regulatiu�ts3.�'!�!���Y���° .
<br /> pay£�.��;�is nooes,s�ry to pratat the value af the Praperty and Lencter's dghts in the Propeity.l.ender's acaaas o��; ..
<br /> it�%i��pt��is�;mry sums saaitad by a lieA whicb l�s,a}riarlry aver this Savrity lic,trument. aypeuing In court. p�yfi�,._ .'
<br /> rca�q!s�i�'s��!?ar9s'fees and�tering oa thc y 5`F?�riiwtce repairs.Althaugh lxtxter may take action�.this_para$+�t�'-':"
<br /> �,iki�1'��' ��ta have to clo�. �� ���; :;-'.,.,� ;;:;�' :; ,:,::.`,, ,
<br /> �:. . 4�'�„.
<br /> .�. ., .,.,: �•
<br /> :°'�`9�n`!�disbursod by l�erbet ma�s�lri�:li�rag?�rJh 7 shafl�borntne aAd:��inal deM q�',�rrower st�red by dri�,,:;:�;.
<br /> Se�iajty Irna�nt. Unless Bomnwer an��atii���l�:tt�;+�71ter t�ss�i�payrnent.these tinounas��1 bea�r iraerest fram tfie '
<br /> ,'�;rs`p disbursemen�at ihe Nae rate a�nd sii�iY b���;i��%,:,e�ch a�r:��,,upon noticc from Let��to Botrower nquesting
<br /> •.,. ...� ., .,.:.. , . ,
<br /> ;::..,�'
<br /> '�`�Mort�e Irrra�oe.it Lender required marlg�`1i�;iicstsce�.�eoadition of malcing the loan sa�red��dus Security
<br /> � :•.::
<br /> fit�ument. Boma+ver stnp pry tbe pnt�ums mquirod to�t�irnain��:.�i;attgage insurance in effect. If: for'ary�acon.tl�q.i,.
<br /> moRg�e inwranoe cavenge ttquirod by Lender lapsos or aases ta be'l�r effect.Borrower st�al�pag tfte prtmiufns rrqulrod�:,;�•.
<br /> ab�n cove�age subslmt�lly equivaleM w the mortga,,se insurance pr�t�iasly in effect.at a cost sabstantialty equivatent to t�e`.:;,:�
<br /> �,to Hart�vwer of thc moRgage insutance previaos{y in ei'fect. fram an altemate mortgage insurer approved b}� Lcnder. C8`�.'� •
<br /> svbktantlalty aptiv�lent mortgage insurgnce coveroge is not availabte.8orrower shall pay to I.ender each month�,sttm equ�i to. ; • .�
<br /> a�alwelRb oi the earl mort e insur�ce remium 6eiu d 8orfawtr when thc insurmiae w�cra e or ceasad ra';;+.:°%':`'�,,_
<br /> Y Y SaE P 8 D� �Y S ��� ,�.
<br /> be in effoce.lr�der will accepl.ase stnd c�etain these paymems as o[ass: re�e in lien oi �nartg,�`iiunrance. l.os.v rese��c�,;:�; '``�-.-_
<br /> � - 6oan�o?�s sr.�D;.;: �- _
<br /> . �3ore , _
<br /> ,T
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