- �„ _ - -- __ _ -- - - _ . - -- --_-- _
<br /> . -..- —-.. -- =- -.__ --.- _._.:.;:- - _- - . , '�_-.
<br /> -.�.: � . � � - :_ ,- -=`'.:,.".:;. . ��i�i .,,,,ti ,
<br /> � Y10�.�''i�a111�i�ltd�i■�proreeie��aw!t�ie+�aAeFee�c�adu�depnopaty, or.� � r�
<br /> - � i�lw�er���lidiliilkr �p�t ot die popen,r 1►1�-`�oanwls:a��dditio� �II �bu be oo��od b,�t.�is�ihC � r _,-
<br /> �_: � �iiw�ert.Ar d�fiefae�oi�i��1'arod ta l�d�is Sea�Riqr�itiw�t�de•Pivpaty.' . ._ `��.: -_
<br /> � . - �0l�dly!OOVRNANI'5,�;8b�ra+�qr is lnirlhliy ad�al ot tl�at�le 1�e�Y aaMeYed ad 6�n tba ti�t I;�:�ait atl .
<br /> � � xoiu�e�t ie�ope�q►srd dirt�YMo�aig:is tiaara�.Gcapt tor�oi�o�a�.Ba�m+�irt.�c±t�aiie�ad Mri� _
<br /> :�ider�piiaYh►�e,itl�w tic�eetr�rwt a1t c�rim��oa amn�nds.s�ejea a�►y�6�a+o�or,aabra.: �. �
<br /> ' • ',..�1QS 38LURtPf(li�S[$UMEI�Tr�+c�ioa mUona ooveoMts�ar aMloo�l we aed ane�+aita�u cor�a��idr�ai�led
<br /> _ ':.;+�ii�tjo�t b�r jwit�iaioalo ca�wi�ie i a�ifa�s�e�ity�e�t co��a6 ra�p'oP��Y� , ' -
<br /> _- ,: -
<br /> - _'-___-__t3Krt�ttM QDI�@IAN1t'S..�ctpaie+rsod_I.a�deFmra�t sa�e as followa: . -. -.�,._ _.;:
<br /> --..
<br /> _ - 1.�aM�f�l�1 a��Ma+[et3.�!!�as!I� _. a�._Aiaim�ec — ;--=P�► . .__---�__.._=-
<br /> princ�pN ot�d i�taeu cs the debt avld�r�ced by tho Nateiod as�p�epg�nant aod f�to c6�a dne nodes tbe-Dia1e. . � _
<br /> __ _2.lA�i fr Tim f■t Lwel�.or,�.�L.�,�-�ta a arr;ts�-a�•rr!+�Lsr�e:.�,•••,•�•+-�t�;�.-- -
<br /> t�r aa tre diq►moell�lY P�Y�aro duo�uder tm Nai�'wib'I�be Nato i�p�icl ia tWl,a wm("Fuads'!foa:ts)ya�fy t�a
<br /> ad araa�a�a�ts+ifiic�mry�ie priority ava�ddc Seauity inqnunait ss a liea on`tl�e Pmp�ny:(b))rei�iy iei�ebo�rl Ph'�+
<br /> or ynoM.a�ts a me r�cpaty.�f�ny;co)srac►r�d ar prup�aty iniu�ooe pra�w�:cfi Y�!►nooa insu�«ioe p�.
<br /> if�r.(e�y�puir moetaa�;o�,�ooe pcamiutn�,if�ay;aaa c4 ny s�a7��►��*w Latder,in�ooc�na.noe�th
<br /> dra provkiaaR af p�rapi��.pt lia�of".1he P�D������P��.7�tao ttans ue callad'Fscnow Ituu�.•
<br /> tsades mh►;'at my timw ooltax�liqid Fuads in an anowit aot to ezc8ed t6e m�ximua�smount a knde�fa�a fadEt�it�r
<br /> .�ei�ai aorfp�e fo�a aog►eequirc tor Bomn�er'�_esc�ow aooauk undu tbe fadeai�Rad Fst�t�Scttipooeat��lrbadu'tr�Act'isf
<br /> , �,
<br /> , :•._ 19?4 ss sne�ded fnom fi�.a��u time.l2.U.S.C..$t+i�`dnt,-2601 et ac�t`RF.SPA"�:.istdess anotT�artiw►t�applia w tbe Faads
<br /> aees�a Msrer aieow�-:�3oq�,isedet e�r�t�',t,�a�:�oollect od LaW Fi�ads,i�i�ie`amiwmt oi'it w ex�eed tbe ksar am�aaat. -
<br /> Ls�det�asy��'; '�p�`wiiit,o�';�f1�1s dae ns�13e 6is�doE qiu��iC.d�ts�d'i�saowblR,c�lo�tes of e+cpeadioues of fowt�e
<br /> F�c�vw Leas ar a�ar►e�E ia a000�i�ii��iritb�peiic�bi�laar- '` -: ;` .: . �..'. ;�. • , � �� . .
<br /> . 7Ue Fiidt tb�bc�;6dd 'm$ia�lioa+wrboise depoats m iaimed.�ry,<:s faderal �en�y�:i�m�xY•a�Y'.: -
<br /> Cuido�dina�<adec.if I�t.ris acb�a ioqitwion}�iiii any palaal Har�e Laiin Ha�k.Laider ari�U�pply the Fauds w pry the '_� _
<br /> Fscnav Ikms.l.eader c�i�mt d�e Bo�m+va for iioldiaa aod appfying tJie Funds,ananity amtjr�i�tbe esaoW aa�aont.or
<br /> . vaaifyi�g�Sscauw�,a�lmder psya Ba�anwes iotetest aa ttie Tautdt:md�lica6le tsr�'Pemuts Lender w m�tc such ..
<br /> s�Howetrer•I.e�der mry�equice BormRa w psy a o�natane charge far�an indepadent ral estate tax reportitig savia
<br /> usod ty I�etde�in ooanection rvi�h this 1oaw. unTa.+appliabk laar pmv1�ls atherwise. Unkcs an apeecient is mde or
<br /> ,'���.��upplicabb law noquins i4tesest w be paid.l�,T sMl!not be n+q�qrrd to pry Ha�sower ucY iatenest a aminas on the�cwds. - ' -
<br /> ���:`,'8a=o�va�aod I eader�:�ree in writiag.however.that irxe�est ahatt 6e p�ict ia�n thc Fu�ds. l�ender sd�ri give w Boimwer.
<br /> witbout�:�p:�''a¢ulir�:;�qouq4i�;q€.the Funds.�crodits aed:ik6it��o tbe Fads snd the purpos�e for wfik�h ach
<br /> debit w�:�i�,h'tq�i�a�sa's..'�riW;:7?1���4 P�E'��ad�itioa�l savrity,for ali smas secuned by t6is Socuriry irat�uma�t.
<br /> tr�`r� t �. .,k�a�'r,�ida�b�va,ri�e a�ua��ts pa�nitt�w ne beta by a�bk t�►.t�naa�na��aarount cu eomower
<br /> for t6e '. :' `,Fw�s:i��duios Mith tbe raqu�ia�.S of applic�Ma laM.I€�e amour�of tNe Funds hdd by l�drr at ary ;.,1'
<br /> time is nqQ��tf,�ji iLe Bccmw Itema wliat�.I+rnder may,so aotify�wiuwer in writing.and.in sw�case Bo�mwer . ;,:,;�
<br /> , .,,-..:. � .�,
<br /> s�H poqi.-l�t:Tr�drr�ic'aanw�t neas.suy to make up the defrcfe±ts.y.HarmarSr st�ll m�lce up t6e deficieocy ia no mone thart •�°�.
<br /> twelve c�i�dlfiii+���y�ymaits.at[.mdePs sole discntion. � `�,"
<br /> Upna�6iyraen�;�;�p vf�ll sums sowrod by this Socuaty tnstiumeru.��-ender shall pcamply refund to Bartower a�ry ,;
<br /> : ' �.Funds held by!�».}�'.c ra�der puagraph 2�.1reMer shall acquire or sel)tUe i!�aperty.Leoder.priar w tbe aaNisitian or sale
<br /> �'.
<br /> `f o€the Pmpc�tyf st�A':a�1�,anY Funds held by l.ender at the Gme af xqtiisitiots nr sate as a credit ag�iast the sums sownd by .
<br /> ` `this Soalris,#?�hua�>;._ :: ..,
<br /> 3.J1 jyl�tiw�uf�li��a�"t�a1e�;aPPlicable law provldes otherwise.alt payments reaived by I.erder under pAragraphs
<br /> t aod 2 shat)be appliai:f�st.to srky'qrepaymmt charges due under the Nate:s000nd.ta arraurxs payabk uridtr parag�ap6 x:,
<br /> tAird.to intercse due:fadiiL.to principal due:and tasi.to anyr late chargeg duc��der the Nae.
<br /> 4.CIMe�es;i3e�:8�rrower sh�ll pry all laxes.assessments.charges.,6�ar�d lmpasitions attribntable to the Propetty
<br /> wi�icl�mwy attain pribiit.y ovet this Securiey InstrumenR a�d 1�ahn1A p�yri�fs or ground rents. if a�ry.Borrower shall paY .
<br /> Uxse obligatiom in the manner providod in par�graph Z.or if aar�eii,t i�.tf�a,i�ner.Borrower shall pay them on time d�a�cily ,
<br /> to the person awod payrnent.Bomoxer st�ll promptly tumish to fi�ide:aal�i�;�r:zs of amourrts to be paid uftdet this pau�►.' ` `' .
<br /> . 4.,.:, If Bormwer maka these payments directty.Bonower sd�alt prnmptly fumi�i��i�'#�dcr receipts evidencing the payments. � ` � :
<br /> �,-;:;;�, Barrawer shall ye+nmptiy dischargc any lien w6ii�I��riority.over,�h�5�cu�i3y lastrnmeM uldess Bbrti�wer.(a)agrecs in
<br /> ;; writing,w the'payn�e�f�c:f the abllgatiaa securad by�fisi�'Sren itt a�:ta��et acc��tr�ta l.ender.(b)caetests in gaod faith the lien
<br /> � , ,
<br /> ' . by. or:4r��Ss api�iit:en�rcem�_a��#�e liea in,tegal p�e�i��: whi�4a�ihe l.cnderf�spinion operate ro provenc the . _
<br /> enfor+�e�:it�3����e.�i.t,.or(c)servres�fi�am the hatder of the�;an;ogrec�t�atisfactory r;�i�.ender suborAinadng the lien to
<br /> ,.�.. ,,. i , . .
<br /> this Sa�ii�;:i5�+�t,:��'Leixler determines t3�at any paA of`��t;c's���p,�}��s,s,,�bJcrt to a fiea which snay atta�n pdority over
<br /> t,, - .� :.:,:. , ,
<br /> this Soc�?���tn�:-C�:nder may 81ve Horrawer a nodce iQe�iify i���r,�?r�Gt� t3orrower�hall satisfy the lien or take one oe , ';�:;' -
<br /> mone of�:;;i����i�;:�k fi��th above within IU day�nf the giving n1=i�is�. .,, .., •� .
<br /> ��� . . . • T �•;Fi •• ,�'y.,,,,� f
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