--�.�. , - .
<br /> .� , .
<br /> '�.•..�. � � ..�.,,:"�''�+r• �
<br /> -------�--�— .Slearrar�,. - -- - - -°•-._.__ .. .�. '' - - ----
<br /> -�-— � - - '- --- ----•---' -'—'----.—`—'�_'�_'
<br /> __:._�.�r!�n�w` 'o�-�- ._�._�.._. - -- '.�_._-----... ._ _....._.. .� _._.---� . . . .. _ _. ... __..- �--_--
<br /> . �.��s_
<br /> • . E' �.-
<br /> —�i;.,.
<br /> � �7� �0��3� ��: ::;
<br /> 10.�Alsoo!!eneoum Provbiona
<br /> i (d Eortowe Not R�NaNd.Ext�nNon of iho tY»e(or paVment or modifioation of tho aumo oaaurod by thio Deod oi Truet prcn+Lod
<br /> iby Und�r to �ny�uoaN�or{n Interest ot Borrower ohell not operete to relenea,in any menne►, the Iiebiiity of tha oripinal Borrower
<br /> { �nd Bo►aow�s'��Mioo��i,rn in�;intN��t.L�nde► ehd)not be requlnd to oommenos proc�edinp� �poin�t cuch euocesaor or refu�m to
<br /> �xt�nd tim�4ot pryrm�nt o►othmrwl��modify �nortii�tlon of th�aumc secured by thia Da�d ot Trust by reaton of sny demMd�
<br /> � m�d�by th� orlpki�l Borrowa�nd Borrowsr's �uccea�ot�in inter�st.
<br /> � (p)6�nd�e•�pow�,W�lhout�ffwt{np ths Ii�bility of�ny othst pereon Ileble for ths psym�nt of sny oblip�tlon herein mentionsd,
<br /> � �nd w�thout etleotinA th�Ikn or ah�rp�of thls Deed of Truet upon any portion of tha Prnperty not then or therstoforo rele�eed u
<br /> Ileob(�)�xt�nd th�m�tu►1tY or�Ita y f the t'u►ms of�ny uch oblipati n��Ilii)Mprant�other(ndulyencCa`ilivl ta!ea�e or reconvey, .
<br /> or oaus�to b�r�teo��d o►e�convey�d et��sy tkn�et Lender'o option�ny peresl,portion or eil of the Property,(v)t�ke or nleua eny
<br /> othN�dditloml ��ourlty tor �ny obliy�tlon henlic mentioned, o� {vi) make oompoeition�or othsr�rnnpemaits w(th d�btor� In
<br /> .
<br /> ,r,,,.e„ rolatlon thKeto.
<br /> (c)Ferb�wnna by L�nd�r Not�W�I��r. Any forbesronos by 4endor In exeraieinp any rlpht or remedy hereunder, or otherwl�e
<br /> efford�d by appliaabl�I�w,�hall not b�� walvsr of or preolude the exerolse of eriy such ripht or remady. The procutement of
<br /> `:'� h9unnc�or the p�ymK►t of taxN or other liens or cherQea by l.endor shell not ba e weivor of Londor'a ripht to eccelernte the -
<br /> m�turity o}ttu kid�bt�dnsn s�cured by thla Deed of Truet. ---
<br /> (d) iupoe�wr��nd/lsdqn�lound;Jolet and S��wal ltab(Iity;Captton�.The Qovnnante end epreements hero(n aontained ehall __
<br /> ,4* 6ind, �nd th�ri9hb h�t�und�► eh�ll Inuro to,the roapoative euaoessors end eeei�ns of I.ender and Tru�tor. All aovane�te and __-
<br /> ' prNm�nt� ot 7�u�tor �h�ll be Joint end eeverel. The oaptions and head(np� of the penpraphe of thia Deed of Truat ere for ;:v
<br /> �� eonv�ni�nc� only and�n not to b�used to Interpret ar de f i ns t he prov le tom hersof. :^
<br />' (d R�quNt for Not1oN.The partie�hureby requeat thst a copy o}eny notiae of defeuit hereunder snd a copy of any notice of a;- .
<br /> � �ste hsreund�r bs meilsd to�ach psrty to thia Deed of Truet et the addreae eet forth ebove in the menner ptesa�ibed by applicahle �r,..
<br /> :-....:
<br /> law.Excpt for�ny otka notiae required under applicable law to ba piven in enother mennsr,any notieo provided for{n thi��esd ot . j�t..
<br /> • �` Tru�t�h�N b�piv�n by maflhp such notice by oertified meil �ddreased to the other psttie�, at the eddrsae set forth �bove. My .-=
<br /> not��providsd for fn thfs Deed of Trust�heil be effentive upon meilinp in the manner deaiyneted herein.If T�u�tor is mors then one
<br /> ponon,notic���nt ta the addre�s set forth above ehell be notioe to sll euch peraone. _
<br /> . • � (f) Inp�otion.Land�r m�y m�ke or aauae to be mede reeaoneble entriea upon end i�epeotione of the Property, providod thet
<br /> Lends► ehd) pive Trueto�notioe prlo►to eny such inapeotion epeoifyinp reasoneble oeuse therefor reiated to Lender'e interest in the ,_
<br /> ' Prop�rty. "`:^�`
<br /> • 'sti �Q� pwonv�y�nc�, Upon payment of ell sums secured by this Deed of T�vet, Lender ehdt requeat Truotae to nconwy the
<br /> prop�rty�nd�h�li�urrend�t thb Deed of T�u�t end ell note9 evidencinp indebtedneee secured by thfs Oeed of Truat to Trustee. �,v•
<br /> Trutt»�hail nconwy th�Property w(thout werranty end without charpe to the pereon or peroone lepelly entitied theroto.Truator �•__
<br /> � Yh�ll p�y dl oost�of rwwrd�tion,if�ny. `__-�_�
<br /> ' - (h)Pware�Ptop�ety:S�c�dty Ay���m�nt.Af edditional secutity for the peyment of the Note,True4or heroby pnnts Lender under _
<br /> th�Nsbrnle�Uniform Commeroial Cods�security fnterest in all fixtutee,equipment,end othe►pereonal property u�sd in conneatlon _
<br /> - with th�r�i»tat�ot improvama�i.iu�o�� tha:r,an.�d not otttar"•'!�s'!`-'^�"r��nr deemed to be a qart of the real cet�te�enured �=
<br /> � h�r�br.Thi�hstnun�r►t thall be construsd aa�Security Aynsment under s�id Code,end the Lander ehall have�II th�ripht� �nd =-
<br /> - ;'•• " r�m�diN of ���our�d p+rtY und�r oatd Cod� in�dd(tion to th�ripht��nd rom�di�t o»�tsd und�r�nd�coorded th�Le�der pursux�t
<br /> • to this OMd of Trust;provided that Lendar'e riphte snd remedfes under this parepreph eheil bs cumulative with,and(n no wey s
<br /> --.;=__„�,�� 1'wnitstfan on.Lend�r'�ri�hte end rartediee under any other eecurity�praement eipned by Borrowo►or Truator. -
<br />�i�;��.� (i) Llw�s rtd Ena+mbrane�9. Tru�tor henby werrs�te end roproeenta thst thero ie no def�uit under the provielons of ny
<br /> .;_�,�;�� mortp�pb dMd of tnaet, late or purch�te oontraot daecribinp ell ot eny pert of the Property, or othe► contnot, inetnxnent or
<br /> �prwmmt con�titutinp�If�n or encumbnnoe eyainst ell or eny pan of the Property Icolleotive. "Lfene'1,exi�4infl ae of th�dste of
<br /> _V7G�!.� thM O«d of Tni�t, end that any and �fl exbtinp Lisns remek� unmodMled except as diacloeed to Lender in Tru�tor'� written
<br /> - di�obsun of li�nt �nd �ncumbr�noes provided for herein. Trustor �hall timely perform ell of Truator's oblipetion�, cove�anb, _
<br /> . �,,;_:z.� rptaw�nt�tiom md warnntiss under�ny Md�II existinp end tutun Liens,shdl promptly forwsrd to Lender oopiee of all noticN of
<br /> �'',_�� d�fwtt wnt h connwtior► with any snd ell existiny o►futuro Liens, ertd ehell not without Lender's prior writtsn con��t i� �nY
<br /> _- m�rw��r modify th�provi�fons of or alhw�ny tuture edvances undsr any exiatinp or future Liens. —
<br /> -�= . Ijl �lio�tion of P�ymw�t�. UnIM� oth�rwi�e requlnd by law, �um� paid to Lender hereundsr, inoludinp without 1'xnit�tla�
<br /> ,,,:,.- paym�nu of ptinripd�nd fnt�net,in�unno�proc�sd�,cond�rnmtbn prooMds and nnt��nd protit�,shall be�pplisd by L�nd�r to
<br /> -�a� ' th�enounts du�rid owinp from Twtor�nd bonowa in woh ord�r�s L�nd«in it��ole dhorotion dsems dN(rabie.
<br /> (K� i�y�wbMity. I} �r►y prov{sion of thi� Dw�d of Ttust conflict� with �pplicable lew or is dealered invaiid or othsrwiee
<br /> -��`"� unu►foto�sbM,woh confl{ot or k►v�l'�dity rhell not�ffsnt ths other providane of thia Daed of Truet or t6e itVots which oen be pivM ____
<br /> ef}�ot wkheut th� eonfNothp proviolon, wsd to thi� er►d the proviaions of thts Oeed of Tn�et end the Mote are declared ta be
<br /> "--— rw�r�bM.
<br /> - -- lq T+nn�.Th�t�rtro'T�ustor'�nd'Borrower'ehall ino{ude both einputn Md plurol, and when the Truetor and Borrower a►e ths
<br /> �am��oe�onld,thos�t�rms��us�d h thb Dsed of Trust ehall be interchenpable. �
<br /> -- (m)Oov�minp I.�w.Thi�Dead of Truet sfiall bs povemed by the Isw�of ths Stete of Nebreeke.
<br /> Trustor ho�xecutsd thi�Ds�d uf Truot aa of the dete written ebove.
<br /> _��� ` f� � /��
<br /> --.-_w�,�;:. L/i'lJ��..� - 7ru�tor __.
<br />°; DONNl1 EHL�KB Trustor _
<br />-�'„ii.;�4• =--
<br /> ,�,h, ..Y'S., _ -- T►wro► �;,
<br /> =_;�., Ttuetor
<br /> - •.;:i4t. s;:_-
<br />_±:�.����:Y.... _._.
<br />-.-!.'� -.. :1..... Trl.l6tOt �`.::
<br /> ,;y_�, Ttuator
<br /> � '�
<br /> _..r„�. -:,;
<br /> . - ,,- -
<br /> �t-'r�r`., .
<br /> �
<br /> � NOC 3467C (Nanafldculturd D�ad1 Rev.Gf86 �
<br /> 19Q�8 N�n�l�+Ic ot Comm4rce Tn,a aM 8�vfna�Auoa{mtbn,tMcoM,NeGnrk� �
<br /> . j j
<br />