<br /> ,�.,
<br /> +.+�t � „ ... .
<br /> rr�ua �� i,
<br /> `"�..:;_.. . _., �:'`
<br /> - ----- - - -- -------._..._- - � - - - - ----
<br /> .. � - -- ---•-------�- - --- — --- ----
<br /> .. ... _ .- �1':��'-, _ '"'_"____.... . . .. .. _.. _.. . .. - . . . .. . . ..""'"'_ ___'_..,_._'�=:4.i�Y.+rYF���
<br /> �
<br /> �,S:�T�i.."-
<br /> 9a r� �0��� .�_���_.•-
<br /> ..�'iY�i?i"'-�,.-.
<br /> , ,. 7.�min�nt Oomam.lesda le I��»by�wipr+�d�li aomp�ns�tlon;.w�rd�,dwn��nd otha psy�n�►te w r�iiM(hotMn�ttar'proawd�'1 •
<br /> in oonn�otbn wlth oond�mn�tfan o�othar tokinp ot the Praperty or p�rt th�rwl,or for oonv�y�noe 8n il�u a!aondwnnetbn.l�nde sh�ll
<br /> t�k�n or d�rn��d.LmE�r�hdl h�va the optlon fn ite role and�D9oluts dlzore4ton,¢n eppiy ell euch l�rooeodo,a�iter daduottnfl therolram
<br /> sN co�t�end�xp�n�M inaurr�d by It h oonnsation with such Prooad�, upon mV Ind�bt�dn�s�rsaut�d herfby�nd in woh ordK��
<br /> I.�ndN mey d�t�►mfn�,or to�ppN�II�uoh ProouA�,dter such d�:uotlons,to th�n�tontion o1 th�Ptoparly upon�uoh oonditlon�M
<br /> l�nd«m�y d�tKmim.Any�pplb�tfon o}Proawde to Ind�bt�dnM��h�ll not�xHnd or po�tpon�th�du�d�t�of any p�ym�t►t�undM
<br /> tp�Not�,or our��ny dslauit th�nund�t or hureundas.M�y unoppti�d(und��h�ll 6o pald to Tru�tor.
<br /> 8. P«torm.nw Ey L�nd«.Upon th� ocaurreno� of �n �vant o} Dei�ult h�rsund�r, oi if�ny aot b t�k�n or Ip�l proaMdinO
<br /> uomm�na�d whic!►m�t�rl�lly af fwt�Lender'e Interast tn th�Prop�rty,L�ndu may fn it�own Ql�ontlan,but wlthout obUp�tla�to do w.
<br /> Y N�d wkhout notb�to o�d�n��d upon Tru�tor�nd without rd��sinp Yru�tor Qrorn�ny oblly�4lcs+,do cr��c�i rlh!ch TvuKa►An epreed
<br /> qut fa'1�to do end mey eloo do any other ent it deeme neaatsary to proteat th�security hsr�of.Trustor�hdl,knm�d{at�fy upon d�rnand
<br /> IMr�for by Lmder,DW to L�nd���11 coste and�xpem�s Incurr�d�nd eums exp�ndsd by l�nd�r (n oonn�ctfon with th��torols�by
<br /> ",..:�»r'"' L�nd�r o1 th�fonyofng riyht�, topeth�r wtth Intera�t ihereon �t th� d�fwit ret� provid�d fn th� Not�, whioh tha11 b��dQ�d to tho
<br /> _ �•� . '�id�bt�dnes��YOUred hersby.Lands►�hail nat incur My Ifability b�cws�of�nythfnp it m�y do ot omit to do h�rwndM. ,
<br /> 8.H�:ardou�Mat�i�l�.Truetor�hall ks�p the PropRrty In compiiince with sll�pplio�ble I�w�,ordhenos��r►d npulatlont rN�tktp to
<br /> industrid hypbn�a�nvlronm�ntd proteotion lcollsoFlv�ly nt�rtad to h�re{n ss"Environm�ntel L�w�"1.Ttustor�hoH kwp th�Prop�tty
<br /> • frw}rom all�ubst�nc�s d�emed to be hazardoua or toxio under eny Environmentel Law�laolisnttvely rofstnd to h�rain n"H�t�rdow .;,'.;
<br /> M�t�tl�k'1.Truatar h�reby warunte end repreesnts to Lend�r th�t th�ro en no Hnerdous M�taid on or undM th�Prop�rty.Ttu�tov ..:'�"__
<br /> h�nby�prew to Indannity �nd hold hermlaa�Lsnder, its dltentore, offloms, employea�nd�peint�, �nd�ny woaanon to L�ndM'� �n-.=-•-.,'�_��
<br /> � ;� intere�t,(rom siid�Oein�t any end ell olaim�, demepss, loseee and li�bilitlas aristnp In oonn�otlon wfth th� pm�nos,u��,dbposd or • ,•���:._.
<br /> tnnspoel oi�ny Huedou�Matwiah or�,under,from or�bout th�PropKty.THE FaREQO1k0 WARlIANTIE£,/1ND REPIIESENTAYFOPiB, ,;,3.,_
<br /> �, � TRUST. 4.'.;_.
<br /> 10.AsQOnon�t of R�nt�.Trueto►heroby�ssipns to Lender,end p�ante Lsnder e saau�ity Intentt in,ell prN�nt,futun�nd�ftN •,5�,�-��v
<br /> c.,<:r��
<br /> ri�inp tent�,iaues rnd profite of the Proporty;provided thet T►uetor ehnll,until the occurnno�o}�n�vmt ot D�}�uk h�rwnd�r,hw� , _
<br /> �j � � the dpht to ooltsct end rotei� euah rentn, ieeues and profito aa they beaome dus end payabls. Upon the oncutnno�of �n Ev�nt of ��. '.`•
<br /> �� D�tauk,L�d�r m�y,either in peroon or by epent, with or without brinflinp eny aotbn o�proc�dinp,or by ���aivu�ppok►tsd by a f�'ti:,-_
<br /> '��--
<br /> � aourt�nd without ropa�d to the edequauy ot ite eecurity, enter upon end teke pos�eeeion of ths Property,or sny p�rt th�nof,in k�own • �.-t•,.,:
<br /> � name ot in the nams of ths TNRtea, and do�ny ecte which it deems neceaaary or desirebN to pre�srve th�value,m�tk�t�bSiky or -._=L�,,..�.
<br /> rent�biiity of the Property,or eny pan thereof or intereat therek�,or to inareess the inoom�thsnf►om or protsot th�s�ourity h�rwf�nd,
<br /> ,} � with or without tekinp posseselon of the Property, sue for or Atherwiae collsat the rente,itsus9�nd profit�thsnof,i�oludinp those pe�t [::,����.•
<br /> �F'1Zfh��-:-.
<br /> du��nd unp�{Q.by notHyhp t�n�nt�to msk�p�ymmt�to I.�r►d�r. L�nder msy�pPly nnts.Nww�nd profkr�hn�o�t���cM�� �-
<br /> of op�r�tfon�nd ooAwt{on inoludlnq�ttomey�'tee�,to sny indebtednet��ecured hersby,all in�uoh ord�r w L�ndN m�y d�t�rmfn�.Th� E::_.��
<br /> , ',.;�, enterinp upon�nd t�kinp po��e�eion of the Property, the collsotlon of �uah re�ts, io�uN�r►d profft�.and th�spp0o�tbn th�rwf M �.
<br /> �' �for«atd, �h�tl not curs ur w�ivs �ny defwit m�otioe of defwit h�reunder or inwlid�ta�ny wt don�in r«ponw to�uoh d�fwN or 1�%�-�'
<br /> � pureuant to�uch notiee o} deiwit and,notwithst�ndk�p the aontinuanae in poesnaeton of the Propsrty or th�eol{sot{on,r�o�ipt �nd �
<br /> ,� epplioatlon of rente, laaues or profite, Truetee end Lendet�hell be entitled to exercife every �ipht provid�d for in �ny of ffi� Lo�n
<br /> �n.���m.nt�or by lew upon occusrence of eny Event of Defeult,inoludlnq without Iimttation the ripht to �x�rob�th�powN of ��.
<br /> Futthsr,Lendsr's riyhta and remediee under thia pereprsph ehell be cumutetiva w�th,end in no w�y a i'imii�iian vii.i.w��:.:..y'�ti:��'
<br /> r�rnedies undsr any eaeipnment ot leaaea end rente recorded ape(nst the P�operty. Le�dsr,Truetee�nd th�r�cNvar�hdl b�IlabN to
<br /> eoaount only fo►thaae rente eotuelly raoeived.
<br /> � 11.Ev�nt�of O�f�uN.The following ehall conatituto en Event of Oefeult under thie Oeed of Trust:
<br /> ' le)F�ilure to psy�ny imteitmeni of prinoipel or intereet of any other sum secured hersby whan duo;
<br /> (b)A b�each of or default under eny provieion oontained in the Note,thie Deed of Trutt,sny of ths Losn Instrum�nt�,or any
<br /> � other Ilen or encumbrenae upon the Property;
<br /> . ,.�.,,- . ., (ol A w�it of�x�aution or �tt�ohm�t or �y�imil�r proos�s shdl b��nt�r�d�pa(n�t Trustoi whba dt�116�oorn��li�n on tM
<br /> w� , Property ar�y portion thereof or interest therein;
<br /> ..,. (d)ThM��hd�bs fil�d by or�patnst Tru�to►or Borrower en eotton under�ny prs�ent or futun tsderal,�tst�or oths�at�tu�,Nw
<br /> � or repul�tlon reletinp to benkruptoy, inaolvenoy or other relief for debtors;or there shell bs�ppointsd My tru�tse, tec�har or
<br /> � � .�,•' Iiquidator ot 7ruetor or Borrower o�of all or eny pen of the Praperty,or the rents,i�euss or profite thersof,or Trustor or Bottowur
<br />�_��;�"-:� �*, efi�ll m�k�sny pernrol sssiqnment for ths 6enefit of orediton; --
<br /> ,��� (sI Th�sal�,tremtsr,le�ae,eeelynment,conveyance o�turther encumbrsnas of dl or�y p�rt oT or�ny int�rNt In th�Proporty.
<br /> r..�V w�4�" •
<br /> --=� r�•�-. dther voluntarily or fnvolunterily,without the expreee written conaent of Lender;provided that Truetor sh�N be p�rtnitt�d ta ax�outs
<br /> ''���-_�_;= �fase of ths Property thet doee not conte(n an optinn to purchese and the term oi which does not exoNd on�yssr,
<br /> -�{�'�_''.�`:.'= (f) Abendonmentof theProperty:or
<br />-'"`°;?�:�
<br /> �N:: 1 :,; (y) If Truetor is not en individuel, the issuenob, eele, tnntfsr, e�tiynment, oonv�yanc� or�noumbrsno� of mon th�n •
<br />-:�_• . oorpont{on)�totel of peroe�t of ite lasued and outatendinp stook,or(if �p�rtn�nhip) •totd of���p�runs of
<br /> �... :����,.;,•. , p�rtnenhfp intsre�n, or e mitsd liebility camp�nyl e totd of p/� perosnt of th�limit�d ii�bility oomp�ny ht�rMt�or votlnp
<br />` - --.�': righU duriny ths period this ONd o}T�uet renalns�fl�n on the Prope�
<br /> ,��;;p,.; ..� ' 12.R�m�dis�;Aac�iKn�on Upon D�f�uM.In the event of eny Event of Defwit Lendsr may,without notio��xo�pt u nquind by I�w,
<br /> K-�-�_�•-;_ dsalar�dl tndebt�dns�s eecund hareby to be dus�nd p�y�bl��nd the wm� shail thxwpon bscom�du��nd paY�bN without�ny
<br />_���,�,. psa��tm�nt,dsmmd,protest or nottcs of u►y kind.Then�ftsr lender may:
<br /> rY-ae•.: :-_ {�)pemand thet Truetee exeroi�e the PO WER OF SALE prented here(n, end T�uetN �hall therseft�t o�ute Truttor'� iniereat
<br /> '%;�' - -' in th�Proprrty to be�old end the prooeed�to be dietributad,ell M the menner provid�E k►th�Nebr�sk�Tru�t DNds Aot;
<br /> W• .a�......
<br />"i,•. ._ (b)Exeraiw sny snd dl riqhte provided }ar {n any of the Loen Inetrume�ta or by I�w upon 000urrenc� oi �ny Event of
<br /> '"'�`''' . Defeuk;end --
<br /> '.�':...
<br /> � � - (a)Commence en eotion to foreolose this Deed ot Truat os e mortpege, appoint a rxeiver.or�peoifioally�nfora wty ot ths
<br /> covenente hereof.
<br /> � � No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Truetee or Lender la intended to be exolusivs of eny other tanstly hsrekt,in tRs Loen _
<br /> � Inetrumente or by lew provided or permitted,but eech ehell be cumuletive,ehell be in eddition 4o every othe�r�nMy pfv�herwnda,6n -------
<br /> - the Lo�n Inetruments or now or hereefter existinfl at lew or in equity or by etetute,and m�y bs exerolsed oonou�rantiy,k►dependently ot ��y�;N�
<br /> - � WCCQlftYllSl. "'-""=�g''�.
<br /> 13.Truot��.The Tmetee mey resipn et eny time without oeuse,end Lander may�t�r►y time�nd without oww�ppok►t�ouooes�or �'-�.�';�
<br /> � or�ub�tttut�TruttM.Tn�stee�hail not bs lieble to eny perty, inoludfny without limk�tion Lsndsr,Botrows►,Tru�tor or�ny purch�tsr of S.Q,"�`_*'
<br /> � the Prop�rty, for�ny loa or dem�pe unlae due to rsakless or wtlHut mi�conduot, and �fiell not b� rsqutnd to take my �otion in '.;.�'za�
<br /> ' aonn�otton with th�enforasmmt of thi�D�ad of Trust unle�� indsrr►ntffed,in writinp,for ell ao�t�,oomp�n��tion or�xpe�fs�whlcfi may - °
<br /> be�s�ooi�t�cl thK�wkh.In addition, Truste�m�y b�come� purchater�t �ny saN of th�Prop�rtY lk+dbl�l or und�r th�powu of�eN -
<br /> • ' prentad hereinl;po�tpone tha eate of ell or eny portion of the Property,ee provfded by lew;or seli the Property es s whole,or(n seperete -
<br /> _- _____' --___ _ parcel�or bte st Trustee's dleorotion.
<br /> -�-
<br /> ____ _ ,_� . ..�- ---�-�-�-- ---..•�••-
<br /> 14.F�and Exp�HS.In the event Truetee sella the Property by exeroiee oi power or eeia,Trveiee enun o.o��a��.w aNP�1��1�� - __-_ -
<br /> ' proo�eds flnt to payme�t of�II coata�nd expenaeo of exerofainp power of eelo,inoludinp ell Truitee'�fees,M►d Lender'��r►d Trustse'�
<br /> ettomey'�feet, eotuelly G�curred 4o extent permittad by eppliaable lew.In the event Bortowet or Trustot exerolse9 any ripht ptovidsd by
<br /> law to cun an Hveni o}Defsult. Lender ehall be entitled to recovet from T►uetot all ooets end expenes�sotualiy inourced as�ro�ult ot
<br /> _ Trustor'e dsfault,inoludinp without Iimitetfon eil T'rustee'�and ettomey'e feee,to the extent permltted by�ppilo�ble(�w.
<br /> �'' 16. Futun Advano��. Upon requeat of Borrower, Lendor mey,et ita opt(on,make ndditionel end tuture edvancee end rs�dvanoas to
<br /> " '' 8orrower.Such edvenoee end reedvenoes, with intnreet thoroon, ohelt bs eeoursd by this Desd of Trust. At no tim�sfi�tl th�prinoipal '
<br /> emount o}the indebtednese eeaured by thie Deod of Truet,not inoludinp eume sdvenoed to proteot the eeeurity of thie Deed of Truat, „
<br /> • excned the nripinel p�incipal emount eteted herotn,or 4 f12.7_71.00 ,whichever is qro�ter.
<br />_i �`-. ; NIIW�l7E lNrnr,nttaa•MONni0.w.EN6
<br />- � 1 EM NN�onM Dr�t o1 Comman frut rd 6w�ryt Moewuon,l�ned4 N�brMl� — . `- --- ...
<br />