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<br /> ,�,' � * . 97�-i��.5�36� -
<br /> , i-1. Mlscellanaous Pra�isione. -__
<br /> � (o)(inrr y�r NnLRcln�ar�l, EMlenaloe o1 Ihe Ilme for paymanl a modiliaallan ol a�7oAlzatlon ol Ihe aunia eesurod by Ihis Decd ol '-
<br /> Truel �nnted by Lencler to �ny auce�aaor In Intereel ol Dorrower �ii�fl no1 operate Io releaee, In any menner, ttio 1lablilty ot iho
<br /> � oriqinal �orrowcK �nd Uortowxr'a succaa�ors In Interest. Lenda ehstl not be requlred lo commence proceedln4e �palnot euch
<br /> ` auccesaor or rofuee lo exten�f tkne foi poyment or athennlse madly amortlzation o1 tho eums eecured by this Detd ot Truet by
<br /> �. ��. re�eon ot�ny demand mad�by th�alpinel DarowK end DorrovrN'��uceusai I� IntNeat.
<br /> (U) ►,ender• o e . ��lhoul a(tacilnp ii�c I1a�91ty ol t;ny othcr person !!abla lar Ihe prymml oi eny obfln�tlon heretn montloned,
<br /> •^�.- , and wflhout �Hectinfl Iho Hen or oherpe a1 Ihis�eed o1 Truel upon �ny portlon of the Property not thm or theretotors releeeed ie
<br /> escurity lor tho tuM �mounl 01 etl unp�id obliflnlom, Lender m�y, from time lo lime�nd withoul notice (q releaea any potaon ao
<br />`�`==' Ilable, (Iq extend Ihe m�turily or nitar�ny ol the lartna o1 my nuch oblipallona,(NI) prent othar hdulpe�cea, (N)teto�ss or raconvey,
<br /> _ ..---r
<br /> �� a►cauae to be �etcased or reconveyed�l�ny tlme�l Lendot'e opllona any parcd, ponlon or�N of Ihe Properly, (vj Inka or releea�
<br /> . �.
<br /> ° �� nny other or eddiUonal eecurily(or nny obllpRtlon heroln mentloned,or (vf)m�ke cort�paslllona nr othet�rrangm�enta wllh deblora h r=:
<br /> vc
<br /> � releUon Ihereto, -
<br /> (cJ For�eerance bv I.ender_Not_s WeNer, Any (orbeannce by Lende► In exacleing eny flpht or remedy hereunder, or otherwiae _^
<br /> qtlorded by eppllcable law, aheA not be e wekef at or prectuda ths exorclae oi �ny auch dght or rcmedy. The procuremerl of �
<br />:;,.,:�;`�',` Insurance ot tho p�ymrnt o1 I�xea or otha Ilena or ch�rpee b�l LMdEf 011at nol be• w�Na ol Lander'e dght to accelerate the
<br /> - - maturtty ot the indebtedness eecured by lhis Deed ol Trusl.
<br /> �
<br />'`'���:?.r��. (c��ccessors end A�alQn� 8ound• Jotnl a�d Several LlabUilv: Ceotl_ona. The covmente �nd ag�tements he�ein contaMed ah�y �
<br /> � bind, and the dghts hereunder ehaN Inure to, Ihe respecUvo euccessoro and aealpns of Lendet �nd 8ortowet, aubJect to lhe �
<br />`�":,'�'*�?` provislons ol pamgreph e(e) hereof. AN covenants ��d �qraemente ut Borrower �hol! b� JoM►t md tewnl. fie capilans and
<br /> r headtngs ol the p�r�graphs o1 this Deed o1 Trual are lot convenlence onry and aro not to be uszd lo k►terpret a deMa Ihe -
<br />-.�:�,:�.,,�
<br />..;;ur�ae:r provisions hereof.
<br /> ...;_
<br />;::'`;::"�'er�
<br /> __ew.n (e�B�est lor No�ices. The partles hereby request that e copy o1 any notke of detault her�eunder and a capy oi my not�e of
<br /> -�=�'�'���� sele hereunder be melied to each p�rty to lhte Deed ot Tn�st�l tha�ddross aN foAh below In the rrwnna prescd.hed by�ppMcaMe
<br /> �:;�Y`�� law. Except tor any other notica roqulred under applicable!aw to be givm fn�nother mennar,�ny notice provided tor k�thla Oeed
<br /> ,-��r_:`:"±±�±g�� ot Trusl shoM 6a gNm by mellinp auch notks by cerlifled rtwll nddreesed aa foNowa, w �t auct► oiha �dcxea� �s aiu�s i»
<br /> � ' �— desl�n�ted In w►iting to lhs olhc�paAles,ta provided hercf�:
<br /> iz;'�ul��
<br /> -__^ — Barower S�yj9tka HomeS IAC. pL� crarnatk� Home� InC --
<br /> °-�;��� c/o Blauhorn Farn► Inc. 807 Weat 4th S�.xeet
<br /> _.__,����,� 686 ��u�� �d Is ,
<br /> --,..w.�
<br /> _= Palmer, NE 68869
<br /> — - �cnder Archer Cooperative Credit Union
<br /> PO Box ?48
<br /> - Archex, NE 68816
<br /> Trustae p�� p�p�ative cre.dit Union
<br /> PO Box 248
<br /> Archer l�iE 68816
<br /> _ - . .., �� '
<br /> _ ' � E�:, . . �� �
<br /> - - �� `� s'?.il��: ,.��,,�:,...,�, .�. �
<br /> �..�..,._�.�_. ... . .. _. ..., 1
<br /> My notice provlded for In lht� Deed ot Truol she0 be deemod to have been ghren to Bortower or Lender when gNen In lhe maoner
<br /> -- desigmted haein.
<br /> _ ._ - —� (Q na ecU . Lender may make ar cause to be made reaaonabla entdea upon �nd k►specl(ona of the Property, provlded th+�t
<br /> �� Lmdn ahad phre 8orrawer nollce pdor lo eny such Inapectian apecilyinp reesonabte cause theretoro related�to Lender's Interesf fn
<br /> --R���� , tAe Propetty.
<br /> y-:�Y��_
<br />`:,:�x�;��;�.�
<br /> ___=�� ��. (p) iieconvevnnce. Upon paymrnt oi ail aume eec�ued by lhis deed ot Truat,lender shap requestYrustee to reconvay the i'�apaty
<br /> �_-����'"�� ond shetl aurrcnder ihis Doad ot Trust end ee notes avldencing indebtednesa secured by thls Doed o1 Trusl to Tnistea Trustee
<br /> -.:�_,�.:%r�
<br /> -;_:.`';,+;,�x. shatl recnnvey Ihe Pruperty Miithout wartanty�nd without chargs to lhe person or perROns legepy enqtled thereto. Such poroon or
<br /> -'"'�=%�;'���' persone shali pay aq costs ol recordatton,fi eny.
<br /> --;_;_�
<br /> �=�j•.-�
<br /> fh1 PYfMGI P/N�MU Conudlu Anre�rnanl 6u adAfilnnd eanidN!n� !he MvIn1Nt1 U1 (hB Note all lixlurea. eaulnmmt, and other
<br />:- :--..�-'_= --�°,' �..� '_'-..... ..---••'• --°.... ..�.--•.._.._ ._ __-__..- -----•-• --- -- � •
<br />„;,.;b,;;�,3 pasonal property used In conn�ctlon wilh ihe real estale or improvementa lacaled,lheraon, and nnt otherwtso dedared or deemed .
<br /> `��� lo ba e pad oi ihe real estalo securecl hereby. ahall bo subJecl to a eecudty fnterest in �avor o1 the Lendtr under lhe Nobraske
<br /> - ' •,.,, Untlorm Commcrciai Code. 1'his Inetro�ment ehatl be conatrued as e Secudry Agrecmenl under nald Code, and tha Lcndar shnll
<br /> - "?' �{�'� heve nn lha dphta and remedles of u secu►ad party under sald Coda in addltlon to lha dghts and remedlo� crEated and aceorded
<br /> �. � ; � Ihe Lmder pursuont to thls Deed o1 Tn�at.
<br /> �
<br />� .. �
<br /> + 'v�" F11�tl.LM4 (0/95) P�p�J of�
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