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<br /> ��s , . � � . .
<br /> �..s. �_---- - ---- — —_ .. - - . .. ..... __ - - -
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<br /> �� �v"wMW�A - - ��' � h • .... .. . ._ '___.aL�IX�IbIlrA . '
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<br />� ._,.,.�,.�ar:i�r,u..n . ... ......... .. . ..
<br /> . L•..�_:-.:
<br /> �� :
<br /> A ������►1 �':'i;,
<br /> S. MalntonAneo Ftopai�s und Compllanco wlth Law�s. Borrowcr ehall keep lhe Proparry I�qood cenditlao�3�rep�x;
<br /> ahall promplly repalr, ov repinca nny Improvement tivhlch may bo dar�iapsd or dostroyed; ahnll not rcmavo, dcmo;lah or oub�tantlnlly alte►uny
<br /> � ot the Improvcmenle on lho Propehy; ahell not commll, autler ar perm(t any ncl ta bo dona In or upon Ihe Proporty In vlotatlon ol any law, •
<br /> ordMence, or raputetlan; nnd ehell pey �nd prom�ty diechuqe at Dnrtower'o co�t and expense ell ilene, encurtiDronces nnd chufle� lovlod,
<br /> Imposed or aasossed nqnlndl Iho f'roperly or eny paA Ihefaol.
<br /> 6. Eminnnt Domc�in. lcndor Is hercby �selpned ell compensstlon, awards, dartuqes �nd other paymenta or reilet (haeinaRe
<br /> °Proceeda") In conneclion wilh condemnntion or other tc�hing or the Proparty or peA Ihe►eo1, or tor conveyance in tleu ol condemrtatlon.
<br /> •� Lende+ehall bo entitled al Ils optton to commence, nppEar In and prosecute in Ite own name any actlon or proceedinga,and aheN tlso b•
<br /> " . ' entitled 10 make any compromise or sottlement in connection wlth such lakinfl or damape. In Ihe event any portlon ot the Property la eo
<br /> ,;�;,�,,:+� � leken or demaped, Lender ahaP.hove tho optlon, In Ile eole end absotute dlscrelion,to eppry ell auch Proceeda,dter deduclinp therotrom�N
<br /> . "w► coste end e�pensea Incurrod by Il In connectlon wllh cueh�roceeds, upon any Indebtednese eecured hereby end In nuch order na Lender
<br /> • may determine, or to apply all such Proceeds,atter auch deduatlona,to Ihe rastoratlon ol the PropeRy upon auch conditlons ee Lender may
<br /> determine. Any appilcallon of Proceeds to indebtednese sha�not extend or postpone the due date of eny paymonls under the Note,or cure
<br /> any dnlauil lhereunde►or hereundcsr. -• -
<br /> L3,1t:
<br /> # ?, Pe��formance by Londer. In lhe nvent ot Borrower's lailuro to pedortn any o1 Ihe covmenis harein or make any peyments "�__
<br /> •'( required horeby,or 11 any act Is taken or legal proceedinp commenced whlch materinly aitects Lender's Inlerest In the PropeAy,Lenda mey In _
<br /> � its own dlacrettan,but wlthoul obllgation ta do so,and without nolice to or demand upan Bortower and without reteaaing Bortower Irom eny ___
<br /> '� � obliqallon, do any acl whleh Ihe 8onower hns epreed bul lails lo do and may also do r�ny other act II doema necesaary lo protecl the -°-
<br /> � securily i�ereot. Datrawer eheB, lmmedlateiy upon demnvsd IhereMrs by Lender, pay to Lendet ap costa and exprnses Ineurted end suma ==.
<br /> � �:.,:.
<br /> expended by Lmde► In connecllon wllh lhe exercise by Lender ot the foregoing�Ights,togelher wlth Intaest thereon et the tate provided h -_ry
<br /> lhe Nole,whlch shatl ba added to Ihe Indebtednese secured hereby. Lendor shall nol Incur any peraone) NabiNty because of enylhinp ll mey ;c�:
<br /> ;.,�.
<br /> do or omtt lo do horeunder. -
<br /> 8. Events oi DefaulL 7he tollowtng shall canstllule an mYenl ot delautt under thls Deed ot Truat: R,
<br /> (a)F�Aure to pay any inst�lment o1 pdncipal or Intereat or any other sum secured hereby when due,or faVluro to pny when duo any _--
<br /> ,
<br /> olhcr Indebtadness ol Bartower to Lender, ___
<br /> (b) A breach oi or deiauM under any provlston contalned in Ihe Note, thia Deed of Truat,any document which secures tRe Nole, —
<br /> and eny other encumbrance upon the PropcKty;
<br /> ' . (a) A wdl ol execulion ar ettechment or any aknllar procesa ehall bo entered a�elnst Bortowor w11ch aha8 become a Hm on the -
<br /> Properry or any poAlon thereol or Intereat lherein;
<br /> (�There shall be fiicd by or agalnst Bortower en�ctlon under my preo�nt or luture tedmt,et�te or olher etatute,law or regu�lion
<br /> ,,'*' reiatfng to benlwptcy, Insolvency or other rellet for debtore; or there ehali be eppotnted any Iruatee, recalver or Hquidator ot
<br /> „ : Borrower or ot ell or any pari ot the Property,or Ihe �ent�.isaues or prollte thercoL or Bortower shaU maka any general�eelgnment
<br /> • •'""':.��t"• lor the benefit oi creditore;
<br /> ;,.t .
<br /> -- ° ;':+"'
<br /> ±=�':ti!� � (e) 7he sete, transfer, eadpnment, conveyance or(urther encumbrancn ol afl or any patt of or any Mteres! in lhe Property, clther
<br /> - " �'-�';�• volunterfly or involuntadly,wlthout the express writim conaent ol Lender.
<br /> = ��`` . �. 9. Relnedies; ACCOleratfon Upon D810u1t. in the etient ol any Evenl ot Default Lender may decl�re a!1 Indebtedmrsa �
<br /> �u�.
<br /> •:`'�fo;iu_ securcd hcreby to be due n�d payeble end the aeme shall Ihereupon become due end payabte without�ny presentment,dernand,proteat or
<br /> ` ` notice of eny kind. Thereafter lenda mny:
<br /> _��_e�...�
<br /> —'����-•" (a) Demand that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALH grented hmein, and TNStee ehntl therearier cause dorrowe�a Intaest tn tha
<br />- ' -���''' PropMy lo be soid and the proceeds to be distdbuted,aU tn the manner provided In the Nebraska Truat Deeds Act;
<br />� .�.,,,., •,
<br />_;,_._,�:-:•.,...
<br /> �'^ ` � (b) Ellher in person or by a�ent, wiih or without bringing eny acUan or pvaceedJng, or by a rectivor appolnted by n couri and -
<br />'`"'��- � �� wllhout repard to tha adequacy o1 it security, onter upon and take passosston ot the Property, or tny part lhereot,In ftn own mme
<br /> - ��,?���'' or In the name o1 Trustee,and do any acta which it deems necessary or deskabte to preserve ihe vafue,market�bfMty or rent�bNity
<br /> - �Y` � oi tha Prope�ty, or paA iheroot ot Interest therein,Inerease the Income thereirom or protect the eacutiry hercot�nd,wkh or wilhout _
<br />- .Nf�=�.,� laktng possnsslon of the Property, suo lor or otherwise collect the rents,Issuas and profita tt�eraol, Incbading those paet due�nd -
<br /> -'=r±�:.`.�",�• , unpaid, and eppiy the sane. less costs and expenaes ot operatlon and coltectlon IncludMg�ttomeye'faea,upon �ny indeblednea�
<br /> ��'��� securcd hereby, ah in eucf� order as Lrnder may dele►mine. The entering upon end tnidng poasesal�n af the Property, the
<br /> .. collectton of such rents,hsuos and profits and the appYcatlon thoreol as etoraaeid,shall not cure or w�iver�ny det�utt or noUce of
<br />'.�,.. �. � . dolault hcrounder or InvaCdnte any acl dono In responae to cuch dalauft or pursuanl to auch notice of dclsufl and,nalwiihstending
<br /> �� tho continuunce in possesslon ot the Property or Ihe coqeclion,recelpt and appitcntlon ol rents,Issue�or profits,TNStee or Lendet
<br /> • ahaA be enUqed to exetdse cvery dght provlded tor In any ol lho Loan InaWmenta or by Inw upun occurtmce ol any evenl ol --
<br />_� • defauil,incNdlnfl Ihe dghl tn oxerclsa the power ol salo;nnd �
<br />_ ' _„ '� (c} Commence nn nctlon to torecioso lhls Oeed of Trust as a mortflage, eppoinl a tacoNer, or spaciticaty enlorco any of lhe `
<br /> �'r�.
<br /> covenanls hereof, `�""��
<br /> , v_.__.
<br /> � f„ �';....
<br /> ;. : � e No remedy her�ln confcrred upon or roscrved to Truateo ol lendtr Is(nlendad lo be excluslvo of eny olher remedy hereln or by lew provfded
<br /> ---u1-t-4`"`, ---+-'� _ .......,,,m� h�d nar.h ahau he cumulathre. shell be in eddiilon to averv other remedy given haeunder or now ar harealter existlnfl ot law�r �,,.
<br /> _._ , �. �. �_......--• --- T �
<br /> ' In equity or by stnlulo,and rmy bo oxerGsed concurrentty,Independentry or auccosahrey. •
<br /> • t0. Trustue. The T�uslem m�y ro�i4n jt any time vv�tho�l ca�ao, ond Lender may et eny IMe end without cauao appoint a �
<br /> . successor or subslltute Tn�stee. Trustee slja�l not ba uablo f�r any loss or damage unless due to actienable napligence or willful ,
<br /> s; misconduct, nnd shatl not bo roqulrad to(tako nny acflon h conne�tlon with the entorcemcnt vt lhis Deed ot Trust untoss
<br /> " Indomnitied, in w�tpag. Ix atl co�ts, compe�sation ar�xpen3as whleP! may be essaclaled thaewith. tn additlon, Trustee may
<br /> t� become o pui�chaser nt eny snle Q1 the PropRAyr Qudidal ot under the pOwer ol sale grented hcKefn); postpone lho salQ ol etl or eny '
<br /> � . partlon ol tho PropeAy. es pravlded by lew; or eep the Property ea p whale, ar In aeparate parcel�or lote. . •
<br /> ;
<br /> , � F11]GE.LMO (OAS) PiQo 1 0!�
<br />. .
<br /> � 1
<br /> _ ,.
<br /> ' • _....----_-„�,�-—----..._...,_- - —
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