.., , ' .'."` '��: ~
<br /> .. °�.
<br /> aitectln tho Pro rl arantor hereby eppolnte Londer as ita attorno •In•fact to cormwnco.Intorvono In,and
<br /> 1�. LBNDER'8 RIdNT TQ COAAMENCE OR DEFEND LEQAL ACTtON9. arantor ehall Irt�dletsly ovldo Lender wlth wrltton notice of ony actua or
<br /> ihroutonod actbn,auu,4r othor proceedl�8 9 • � y"
<br /> dotpnd auth nciloCilonuorro��matnko�oir�n�lon�ornd4lnynportalnlnPrt�ho cct on I dosc�i�cd In Ih nnparafl oph o a�Ynd�nxigoa rosult�ir�ifl tholr trom�.j fNolhlnp
<br /> Qrnntor lor any a
<br /> wntalnod Goroln wlll provont Londer fram tnk!ng Iho actlona dosc In ihis pazag►apF�in ila own n�mo.
<br /> 1�, INDEMNIFlCATION. Lender�haU nat ae�ume or be reeponsible lor�he porfom�unce of en�ol(3rnntor'o obligetlone wlth roapoct ta ihe Propc3nyundar 4
<br /> any clr�met�na e. �f herrrJeanl Ir m�Nl�clayr u,Vdame88s�,Ilabl itlo�(indudln�gattorney af s a�a o�ae�enaogi�uaea ot ac�tlon.ncleloneBSUls nnd
<br /> otho le0a�Proceed�ing�(currulatively'Cialrm"1 P�rtalnlnq to the proportylindudinp,but not I'0tedt�o�9yaafeea�olgal e�peansea and otheracos�t6 ncurrod In"�+I _:*-
<br /> ender,cF�ull hiro logal counsel to defend Lender from nuch CINme,nnd'PgY��unsol to dotond such Clalms at Qrantor's cost• Cfrentorb ` � �:«.
<br /> I t h e r a q u o s t o l L �
<br /> I connactlan thorowith. In the c+Ilama l N�. L e n d�r c h c+.l l b 3 e N i tl e d i o o m p l oy I I a o w g a _-�^
<br /> oWlgntlon to Indormlh Londar undar this peragreph shell eurvNe the Iemrnat lon,roteaso or loreclosure o l l h lc Dc�d o f T r u�t.
<br /> � 16. TAXE9 AND A89E89MHNTS. arenlor shall pay nll tnr.ehell deBS��w�D�endor�eachPmonlh ono•twelfih 8(1/�t2mo he�eatl n�ed ennualrinsurance Q '•L�.:-:
<br /> . 1 0�paymem c�same.Upon Iha requeat ot l.ender,f3rantor� Po the funds sahetd�o •�v'"
<br /> promfum,texee and nsseeemonte paAalnln to the Property. So long aa lhere le na delault, ihase amounta shall be npp��ed to the pa ment ol taxos, -_
<br /> easensments and Ineuronce ee requlrod on iRe P�o�ny.ia�+�y e��nde�s optlonnbe applladanroverse ordor�of the duolda{eihor�aol• � �:,N
<br /> PaY�Y Isxea or ogakist the Obllgatione. My funda ep�l -
<br /> 14. INSP�Bn�ON�and r�reke o�oples��aRoCOR�Oo�aBNd fpeoEoid ppTenalning to the Pro�peRy Iram timetto timea Oranto ehalRl provldo�y as stan� :-;;-
<br /> and exeml P� pn
<br /> � requlred by LelnrdoQ fo'aheQ��Q�I ollo the axlat nce of Lendar'B�e�lnetldalt nt reat I�n�ltatbooks end 8ecord�Pena ningbto�he Property. Add�nally �{_�.
<br /> complate In N pec
<br /> Cirantor shall repori,In a torm setlafectory to Lendor,such Iniormatlon es Lender may r eat regarding Cirantors Manclal condflion or the Properry. Tho _
<br /> Into�lion tumlahedaby d Porito�l.ender hall be true��accuBee ond compl�ete in all respect�s,rend slgned�by C3rantor�lf Lender r qu ea.�y�signeto. All --
<br /> � Into _
<br /> A 17. EBTOPPEI.CEBi ii-iCATi E8. Wlihin ten(t0)daya niter eny teGuest by Lender.�rantor shell deliver to Lender,or any Intended irensfaree of Lender's t'W
<br /> � rlghtn with raspect to ihe Obligations,a signcd and ackrtowledged statament specltylng(e)lho outstending bolancv on tha Obllgatlons: end(b)whother E_
<br /> ' ��a��Rq qrantor w�lll he a�ncluselvel�bound ny any epresematlon hat Lendermayma�ike teth�Intenided tgrensferee w th resPect toe hase rrett9re In _
<br /> # the event that Oranta fells to provide iho requested staternent in e�irrx3ly mannor. _
<br /> x ,
<br /> � � 18. OEFAULT. erentor shell be In default under ihls Deed of Ttust and the Truatae's power shall become oporative In lhe event lhat Ciranior. ortower or
<br /> any guare►►tor of the Obligatlons:
<br /> (a) taite to pay eny ObI18at�on lo Lender when dus;
<br /> �:.' (b) ��i��la pedam any Obligatlon or Ixeaches eny warranry or covenant to Londer cantelnod In lhis Daed of Trusl or any other preserri a ure
<br /> � agreement:
<br /> � � (a) deslroys,loses or daznaQos Ihe Properry In eny malerfal respeU or uu�y tt�h�n�pertY to selzure,contiscatlon,or condermallon:
<br /> (d) seeks to rcrvoke,temilnate a olherwisa Ilmlt Ite Ilabimy under eiry g
<br /> (e) dies,boGOmos lepally Incompetem,la dissolved or terminatod,becomes InsoNent,makes an asslgnment for the benefil�t aoditor6. talla to pay
<br /> .±o rn a.�hey be�ome due,fllos a putltion under ihe federal ban{wptoY lawa,has an Involuntary petitlon In banfwpicy filed In whlch Gtentor,Borrower
<br /> _ _ _-. - b ,Y......
<br /> or any guarenta Is naired,or has proper►Y ialten unaer eny wrii or piu��o�����.
<br /> ailowa goods to be usad,transponed ur storod on ihe Properry�the passesslon,trensponatlon,or uae of whlch,Is Iilegai•
<br /> , g) allows any party o�her than arantor or Borrower t�ssuma or undeneka any Ob��9atlon withoul t�he'L�ri�en�oo'sarrt°ff�h����y roason,beileves
<br /> t. (h) eauses Lender to doem Itself inaecuro due to a si Iflcant ciodlne In the value ot the Properry: 9�
<br /> that the prospect of payment or perfortnanco�s impalred•
<br /> 19. RKiHTS OF LENDER ON DEFAULT. If there le a detault under this Deed of Trust,Lender shall 6e entitled to exerdse one or mor�e of the following
<br /> ' " remedies wilhout nG�ce or dernand(axeept as required by law):
<br /> (s) to dedarethe Obligations Imne�atety due and payaMe in fuil;
<br /> � (�) to collect the outstending Obligationa wRh a withoul resoning to judidal process; ar Chattels constituting the Property at a plece reaaonably
<br /> (a) to roquira Gran ta to d e l N e r a n d m e k a a v a l�e b l e 1° �-e n d e►e n Y P arsona►p ro p o r t y —
<br /> - conven!ent to arantor end Lsnder; �n tor or obtelnin the Intment of a receiver end,at Lender's option,to
<br /> (t� to enter upon ond teke Pcssession of the Properry witfrout epp1Y 9 9 �°
<br /> . eppoint a receNer withoul bond, wlthout flrst lxinging sufl on the Obligatlons end without atherw ise meating eny statutory condilione regar�in8
<br /> rocolvers,k bahg(rrtended that Lender shell hava this contrectuel dght to appoint a recelver;
<br /> ' :r�• ' (e) to employ e manag►n9 a9ent of the Properry and let tha eama,either In Trustee's own nama,ln the neme of Lender or In the name of f3rerrtor,end v
<br /> �- • �.r reoelve 1M renta,Incanea,Issuea end profita of the Property ertd epply the seme,after paymerrt ot all necessary chargos and axpensee,on ecooum of
<br /> tha Obligationa; _-
<br /> (q to pay eny sums In enY(oTm or manner deertqd ezpediont by Lender to protecl the secudry of this Deed of Trust or to cure eny defauft Wher than -
<br /> payrnent ot Irrerest or prlr.d,nFil on the Obllgations; _
<br /> il
<br />==' _� (g) to taradoss ttds Dcad of Tmst Judidalty a nonJudideily end to direct the sale of�he propsny thraugh vxcrdso of the power of salo cs roferen n k-- -
<br /> ... . � r paragreph 20 hereot In acaordance with epplicable lavr, -
<br /> ' (h) to set�off Orantor's 06ItgaUons agalnst any arnounts aved arantor by Londer Including,bul nol Ilmited to,monies, instrumams, and deposit R
<br />'-"� �� exounta malmalnedwfth Lender or eny arromly existing orhrture aHillate of Londer;end
<br /> .-° :;,kT: ' (I)to exerclse�I other riyhta avellade to Lender under eny mherwritten agreomem or applicsbla law.
<br /> '� Lenders rl�s aro cum�dative and may be exe�dsed together,sep�ately,and in eny order. In the event that Lender Institutes en acUon seekin9 the _
<br /> recovery o eny of the Properry bp way ot a prejudgrtxmt remedy In en action against Cirentor,ararrtor waives the�osting of any bond wNch maht
<br /> •- � ` mhetwiso bo ree�red. Lendor or Lender's deslgnea rr�ay�rchase�he Properry at any sele. ��off theyT stee'e feeseactualty�rred end��tr� _ ----W
<br /> flrst,to the cos[s and expensos af exerdsing the power o sala nnd ot the sale,Indudnt of the Obllgations secured here4y,ihird,to tho payment of junlor
<br /> exceed the amoun�wh�ch rreY be p'ov�de�for In thls Deed oi Trust,second,to payme thereot ma -�
<br /> � � trusl doede,mortgages,a other Ilenholders,end the balance.if any,to the person orpersons Iegaliy entltled thereto. Theproperty or anY P�'t Y _.__- -_
<br /> • be sold in one pFrcel,or In such parcels,manner or order ae Londer In Its sole discratfon may elect.end one or more oxerclses of the power horein gremed �,��,i_V
<br /> � shall not extingulsh or exhaust the power unless the entire propeiry Is scld or tho obligatlons are pald In(ull. _
<br /> i•..���
<br /> � 20. THU9TEE'S FJ(ERCISE OF POWER OF SALE ON OHFAULT;If Londer elecis to sep Grentor's interost in tho Property by exerdse of the powor of �,":'�-�Y.
<br /> • sale herein contolned,Lender shell notliy Trustoe In tho manner then roqulrod by law. _�_-
<br /> Upon recelpt of such�otke of Lendar and at iho dirxtion of Lender,Trusteo shall cause to be recordod,publishod and de3liverad such noticss of defauft -
<br /> and noticos of sale na may then bo requlred by law and by Ihls Deed oi Trust. Truatee shall,oniy at tha dlrectlon of Lender and without demand on Qrantor,
<br /> after such time as may then be requlred by law end efter recordatlon of such notico of defauit end aftor notloe of sale having been given as requlred 6y law, ..
<br /> ' sell tho Propo�y el the timo and plece ot sale flxed by it In cuch notico ot selo,either as whole or In se to lots or parcels or kems es Londc3r shall doem
<br /> � expedleM,and In such erder as it may dotermine,at publlo auetlon to the hlghest bldder for cash In la ul monoy of tho United Stetes payade at the time of ,
<br /> 68�e,or as othenvlsa may ihen be requirod by law. Trusles shall delivar to such purchaser or purchasars tharoof Ns good end suHtclent deed or deeds ,�
<br /> - _ conveYing ihe property so sold. but without.eny eovenan,t.or�warre�ntwy�',��i�rwi��a��teo�r.Trusto OflILUI1fI9f,Rl&�plltChB 8 fli UCFI S81B.�TNStE3B tT13�/
<br /> .._.--.- .-._. _ COOCIUSIV6FNOOi011hQtMnNIna57ineroa`t. nnr o�.�..���„�.:..,�.n. •.._.__....._._ . —°_°°-
<br /> � in tho manner provided by Iaw poslpono sale ot I or any portton of the Property.
<br /> - .-
<br /> 21. REQUESYhoro�to at ho addreso ofrsuch porson set fonh�herein et�the Fameutlm�e and in ihe snema �m3nner equlered ast hougrh ao tpareto rq e 1 .
<br /> " who Is e party
<br /> thoroof hed been Illed by oach such person.
<br /> �
<br /> Pape 3 d 0��7�
<br /> NEDOiC Rav.3190
<br />