,. _
<br /> � ' t
<br /> � � .,
<br /> ---- °-----�--..—W. . � ' L..
<br /> (c) NI appilcablo Inws and rogulallona,InGuding,without Ilmltatlon,iha Ame►Icans wlih Dlsabllltloa Act,42 �Irtuo oSeny fodoralo,elale�ormu dPa�
<br /> rogulatlons•promulgaiod thoroundor)and all toning and bull�ing lawa end rogulatlono rolating to tho Propony by
<br /> � •authorlty with�urisdlctaanol occu ancy�ncl ding but not�limit dfi o81zonengbvar ancor cpoGal loxcop lono Iolr nonconlorming ucos�nldrllnhc�l Incp�c�n
<br /> i pormilc,and cortilica P I T.
<br /> • approvals), whothor tomporary o► pormanonl,whlCh nro matorinl to iho uso and occupancy ol Iho Proporty,►�►o9ontly aro nnd ohnll bo obtnlnod, '
<br /> ! prosorvod and,whoro nocoasary,ronownd: ,
<br /> I (d) (3rantor hea ihe rlght nnd la duly authorizod to oxocuto and porforrrt Ite Obilgatlone undor Ihls Dood ol Trust end Ihoso actlons da not and sh�l nut '
<br /> ' cuntllct wlth�fio provislona ol any stntuto,royulatlon,ordinanco,rulo of law,coniract or othor ngroomont whlch rr►3y bo binding�n dronlor ut nny timo.
<br /> I (e) No actlon or procneding Is or ehall bo pc�nding or�hroatonud whlch mighl rr�torlally afloct 1ho Propony;and rsuanl lo Ihle Dced al,� .= �t?��
<br /> ' (fl arantor hns not vloletod end shall not vlolato any stawte,rogulatlon,ordlnan or Londor's rlghisr or�Intorosirin{tho Pranporty�Ing,but nal Ilmiied to,� � ,
<br /> , thoco govoming Hoterdous Matorials)whlch rright matorlally affoct tho Proporty ,
<br /> � Trust. n of iho Proporty oxcc�pies so�lorih� I • - ---
<br /> � �,.. ,
<br /> ...r:.
<br /> j 3. PRIOR DEEDS OF TRUST. C3rantor represents and warrarns ihat there ere�n�O��r�deed98�Imely�mannore.811ih ro aro eny prior doeds d irua�hen� � ; �,a`��
<br /> � on Schod��le B attachod to thla Doed of Trust,whlch Cirantor egroas to pay -----_
<br /> Orantor agroos io paY ell amounts o�w��a od,NSa��I�e�de�fautt unde r hla Deod o Trust and�shall enU le Lendablo all rlght nd rorradles coma edr
<br /> j agraes that a default undor any prl � _ ,__
<br /> � hareln or In tho Ob��gatlons to whlch Lendc►r would be emlilod In ihe ovom of any ather delaull. __
<br /> , 1, TRAPfIIFERE OF Ti�E PFiOPERTY OR BENEFICIAL INTERESTS IN aRANTORB OR BORROW6R i• In tho ovent of e sele,conveynnca,lease� �
<br /> y rinerahip, imst,o
<br /> comract tor daed or trensgentp`jf B Oower or Orantor Ispn t a natural p�rson or per one but Ia a corporetlon,Ilrrtyiited IIabllityeco'rtpanfi.tpa or any bonotidal
<br /> I INerost In Borronror or Q ( _ --
<br /> other lo al entlry�,Lendor may,at Its optlon dedoro the outstending prin spha�ll b�alm����et stte�emen�6 tt g orlh all of Its�etockholders1emolYmbors,o�r _
<br /> . � payablo At Lendor's requost,orantor or Borrower,as iho cuse may be, I =
<br /> partners,as approprla�e,and the oxtent of their reapoctive ownerehlp Interests.
<br /> J 6. ASSIfiNMENT�OF REo,Tg erest�dalm end defmand�now owned or�he eafte�re�d�iby�t'ns��exist ng ared tuture�leases of ihegP opnny(indud�AI ' '", '
<br /> C i r a n t o r s e s t a t o, g h, o t t h e P ro a l l s uch leases end agraemems whether written or oral. are
<br /> � extenslans,rennw a ls and subleases�,a l l egreemen ts f o r u s e a n d o x u p a n c y P e rt Y�
<br /> h e r e a n er refe�rt�e all of the rentsSenwmetlrecelpts�etvenuesels ues,�o fl ts egndo�h erincome of e�g�al�e now or here lamhe�r due(I n c lud l�ng t a r ry In�t of - --
<br /> I coilect end r rty
<br /> eny nature coming due�du o'�ny�re d emPa�cn�P n'e�l�u��rnt butla n s gtax and Ins u�rano8e cuotributfons,�de fl d ency re ts,I qul d a t d�d a m age�I s t a Y o w i n g
<br /> p orcontage ronts,p a r k i 9 �� o f I n s u r a nce coverin g loss of ranis resulting hom untenanteblllty caused by d estnxdon or
<br /> default in any Lease,a l l p r o c e e d s p a y a b l e u n d e r e n y p o c y
<br /> darr�nge to tho Properry,all proceeds pay p b le as a re su ft o f e lessee's ezordse of en optlon to pur c haso t h e P ro p e rt y.a i l p r o c e e d s d e�v e d fr a n t e
<br /> marty havie a r s�i en�Y le soe nede r he Loase�o►c�yr o�th�sAralms of tha Pro�rty(all of ho abov�e ae horeafter coghecf e�ly reterted o ea t�he'Ao n t 1r Th�s
<br /> paI the Rents. Th ls assignment Is racorded In aaotdance whh
<br /> assignment ls subjoct to the rtght,power and authority glvon to�he Lender to collect and epP�Y
<br /> � appllcahle state law;the Ilen croated by lhis asslgnment Is intended to be specifla,pertected,and choate u ���ons o�r tha9Doed of�r�u t�Lander 9�ants
<br /> prov�ded by appllcable state law as emandod hom timo lo time. As long as Ihere Is no default under the ga
<br /> Girantor a revocable Ilconso to collect all Rents trom the Leases when due end ta use such proceods In Cirentors business operetlone. Howevor,le�der �
<br /> � ofaor In h�e tperfo�mQ�ance of any af the Abllgatlo sntLender rr►ay�at ItBt opion eke posse�ssion of thenPropetty and have,hold,man ge.I�easenand op ete he
<br /> � ProPorty on torms and for a petiod of time ihat Lendor deems proper. Lender ma proceed lo collect end recelve�II Renis from tfie propeny,and Lender
<br /> � n A.,��,wka ciltoratlons,renovatlons,ropairs or replacements to t o Pro as Londer may deem proper. Lender may appy'a1�Aonts In
<br /> - - sha,ha.a fa:.,��_.._ . d
<br /> ' Lender's sole discretlon to payment of tho Obllgationa or to tne paym'n�ori�il'y�wd he�gerr�enl and operatlton oi the Propeny.r LendermaY keap�ne
<br /> � exponsas Inddent to taldng and reteining possesslon of tho Property pe y
<br /> Proparty proPerly Insured and�nts recelvod and any�unpa�d amounts shellgberadded ta the prindpal ofI tl e Obllgat�lone. Th e emou tstltogetlierhwi h
<br /> � actlons may bepaId from the R
<br /> othor costs,shall Yewme part of the Obligatlons secured by thla Deed of Trust.
<br /> � B. LEArB�EmAND�O�ER W�h�yM Qa�Bor other agreement("greement)pertelning to the Properyty.�ln additonmGranto�w hout Lendets��priaw�►itlen
<br /> �v r�y
<br /> consent,shali not:(a)collect enY rnonies payabie under any Agreertwnt more than ono month In advanoe;(b)modi(y eny Agreement;(c)asslgn a a low e
<br /> ' R Ilen,securftY Intorest or other encumbranco te be placed upon Orantor's rlghta, tltle and Interest In and to any Agreement ur the arrqunts payede
<br /> thereunder;or{d)terminate or cancol any Agresmont except for the nonpayrnent of any sum or other materlal breach by ihe olher parly thereio. IIO��o'r
<br /> r e c e N e a a t a n y time an y writtc�n corrmunloatlon assnrting a defauR hy Gremor undor en Agreement w purponing So terminato or cancat airy A�ee
<br /> F Grentor shallpromptly forvverd a copy o f su c h cornrun iea t l o n(a n d e n y s u b s e q u e n t e o r m u n l c a t l o n s r e l a t i n g t hereto)to Londor. All euch Agoen�ents end
<br /> , the emounts due to(3rentor thereunder are hereby assigned to Lender as additlonal security tor the Obligations. _
<br /> �,
<br /> 7. COLLECTION OF INDEBTEDNES9 FROM 7HIR0 PARTY. lender shall be entitled to notlty or require�rantar to notihr any ihird party(Inciu6r►g,but
<br /> not Iimtted to,lessoea.Ilcensees,govemment�l autharfiloa snd insurence companles)to pay Lender any indebtednesa or obllgatbn owing to Grantor wflh -{
<br /> � respect lo ihe Property (cur�latively Incbbtedness') whother or nol a defauft exists under thls Deed of Trust. arantor shail dllgeiuly calect tho
<br /> �� '� �• Indebtedness owlnp to Grentor from thase ihird parties untll ihe giving ot euch notiflcation. In the event that Grentor possessos or�ecelves post,ession of �'M_=—
<br /> any Instrumerrts or othent of eny Indelrti�ednessPor the�payrtientbof�any insure�n�or��dsrmatlon pr�ooeeds�.tc3rentorrshall hold s ch Insirurn�eni�e�d other
<br /> e
<br /> , . �' � � conat►tute the prepenne ° �,^,~^=^
<br /> remitlancas In trust tor Lond:t epsri 1rom Ito other operly.endorse the Instrun�ants end other remlttences to Lender,an���rmiedi�a�e�y�Y���d ho ��±= 4
<br /> • ::.t I � _�_-_.
<br /> -.. . passo�.lon of the Instrt�rrents and other rertittenoes. Lender shail ba ornitted,but not required,to oollect(bY iogal prac �`:_� -_��_
<br /> � �. tlme tor paymeM,compromir,e.exChenge or retease eny obfigor or cdialuiai,u�uihenrisa�olqo tui of lho Indo6tadnesa whetiier or iwi�s svat�t ol e'afauft __�-- _
<br /> % epae18grapt�rp�iSaAn��da�►re9osnre ultlngnohbohabletoNolwHhstending lhie �foregor'rnilgtelnothl^gaslhereln�shall esuseStLendc�r�itog bes dee�medhiR �_ .--• --
<br /> . � � mortpagen•In•possesslon. �-'F
<br /> ' -4:,�.�
<br /> _ � 8. USE AND MAINTENANCH OF PROpEHTl. Qrentor shall tako all nctlons end mako any rQpatre nsedod to malntaln the Proporty in good oond�tion. '� �£•J; rr f ti,;'�;`
<br /> , Cirantor shail not commit or permit any waste to 6e corrMtted wBh respe�t to the Propeny. C3rernar shall use the Properry soloty In carptiance w�th
<br />- � applicahte law end Insurence polides. Orentor�h�ll not rt�iw any altereUons,ad�itlons or Irtp ovemants to lhu Property without Lendefs prbr wdnen �- .+r•�:�?%�°n�
<br /> p bt
<br /> � consent. Without Iimlting the toregoIng,all alteratlons,additlons and Irrprovements made to the PropeRy shall bo subject to the benefldal Interest botonging _,-r.;�tS ''�:.,�'s,
<br /> - to lender,shall nat bo romoved without Lender's prior wr(rien canscnt,and sheil be made at Gramor's sole expense. �•��.`S'
<br /> 9. LOSS OA DAMAGE. Cirentor shall boar the entire risk of eny lou,tho(t,desinicilon or dama�e(aimulatively'Loss or Dartr�ge)to the Propeny or any • �
<br /> ponlon thereof trom eny causo whatsoevera�n�t�e��eevethe docreaso in the feir narlcet valuo of iho effect°d Propertyn�r,repalr iho efloctod Proporty to its ,
<br /> preNous conditlon or pay or cause to be pai
<br />- 10. tN8l1RANCk. The Proporty will bo kept Insurod for its(ulf insurable value(repIecement cost)egainst all hazerds induding loss or damega caused b
<br /> i � � nae has ere aocoptable to Lendor n its sole discrotiion.�fio I surance polldes shAll requiro tho Insurar�ceboompanY to�vlde Lendorwith el lonst�
<br />� ��� days'wr(tton notiee botore such polldos are eltered or cancelled In eny manner. Tho Insurance polldes shall nerr� Londer es a loss
<br /> pyEre—a ��i Ihat no aet or omisslon of Cirantor or any otharporson shall aHeet the right ot Lendor to be pald the insurence prooeeds portalnhA to the
<br /> ' I loss or darmgo of the Property. In the ov�nt(3rantor tails to acqulre or malntaln Insurance.Lender(after providfng notico as m�y bo requUed bY�aw)maY
<br />_ + in its discrntlon procu�r'e aAProarlate Insurence covorago upon tho ProperlY and tho in:,uranco cost shell bc3 en advance payable and be�ing 1Nerest as
<br /> " I dascribed In Para 23 and secured horoby. Grentor shall fumish Lendor with evidonee of insurance Indicating tho requfred eovorage.Lender may act
<br /> - � es attomeyIn•fact for arentor in maFdng and settling dalms undsr Insursnee polides,eanceiling eny pollcy a��d���Q��to Lendoe as lurther cowrity
<br /> •____...___ ._ _.i .,_,.,,.b��„<r���.,o�f drnwn bv anv Insurer. All such Insurance polkles.shell bo Imrwdietoly asslgnod,�plodged e1„���������1 of bss. Eacn
<br /> _ _ ....__ ..-- - � �...,,......_._...___..._.. . . . • •
<br /> for tho Obllgatlons. In the evont o(loss,Grantor shall Imrwciraiory grye�enaer wrmm���+��a��.•w..----.-.--- •- - - = - -
<br /> � Insuranco company�s�iroctod to m�lco payrnonts diroclly to Lender in�toad of to Londer and Grantor.�Lon�rU�Q��y at�Londers ap9on baeppfl d in
<br /> � appty such moNes toward the Obllgations or toward tho cost ot robuilding end restodng the Propc+rty. y
<br /> the Invorse ordur of iho due dates ihereof.
<br /> 11. ZONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. arantor shall not Inillate or consont to any chango In the zoning provislons or privato covonants aNecting tho
<br /> use of the Property without Londer's prior writton consent. If Cirantor's use ol tho Property bocomae a�onconforming use undar eny toningp avislon,
<br /> - Cirantor shall not causo or pomiit such u�s�o�?�g fo th�e zoning provls o s or�P�a ot�v���a8octl�ng tho Proporty.r. C3rantor will fnmediaiely provide
<br /> Lendor with w�itton not�co of any propn
<br /> 12 CONDEMINATiQN. Grentor shall Imrrbd�ntoly provido Londor wilh writlo�notico of eny aclual or throaionod condormatlon or ominom domain
<br /> ocuoding pertalning to iho Proporty. All monles payablo to C3rnntor from such condortnation or taking aro hereby assign3d to Lander and shal ba�ppItod
<br /> I �rert�tonhe�Qa nSO��O'hdor'ge'ho option ot Loncbr,oPhospaymeniof IhoObligat�s�o9lhoProctoratloo or opalr of tho property. ndermetlona emfnont
<br /> P� �9
<br /> �
<br /> aeaesas' _'_�
<br /> � NEDOTO Fw.i1�Ba �
<br />