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201108442 <br /> co�itinue to pay to Lender the amount of the separately designated�ayinants that were due when the <br /> insurance coverage ceased to Ue in effect. Lencler will accept, use and retain tliese payinents as 1 <br /> iion-refundable loss resei•ve in lieu of Mortgage Insurance. Sucli loss reserve sliall be non-refiuidaUle, <br /> notwithstanding the fact that the Loan is ultimately I�aid it7 fii11, �1�d Lender shall not be reqttired to pay <br /> Borrower aily interest or earniugs on such Ioss reserve. Lender can�lo louger require loss reserve payments <br /> if Mortgage Itlsurance coverage(in the amollnt anc�for the period that Lender requires)provided by an <br /> insurer selected by Lender again becomes availaUle, is obtained, and Lender requires separately designated <br /> payments tow�rd the premiums for Mortgage Insurance, If Lender required Mortgage Insurance as a <br /> cond'rtion of malcing the Loan and Borzower w�s required to inalce separately designated payments towar°d the <br /> pre�nitiui�s for Mortgage Insura�ice; Borrower shall pay the premiuins required to maintain Mortgage <br /> Insurance in effect, or to proviele a non-refitndable loss reserve, until Lender's requirement for Moi•tg�tge <br /> Insurance ends in accordance with 2ny written agreement between Borrower aiid Lender proviciing for such <br /> ter�nination or antil termination is required by Applic�bla Law. Nothing in this Seetion 10 affects <br /> Borrower's oUligation to pay interest at the rate�rovided in the Note. <br /> Mortgage Insurauee reimburses Lender(or any entity t11at purchases the Note) for certain losses it may incux <br /> if Borrower does i7oti repay the Loan as��reed. Bor�ower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance. <br /> Mortigage insYtrers evaluate their total rislc o�1 till such i��surance in force from tiine to time, and may enter <br /> into agreements with other parties that shai-e or modify tlzeir rislc, or reduce losses. These agreements are on <br /> terms and con�litians that are satisfactory to the moi• ins�u•er�nd trle othar party(or parties)to these <br /> �greeinents. These agreeinents inay require t11e mortglge insurer to malce p�yments usin�1ny source of funcls <br /> tliat the mortgage insttrer m�y have available(which inay include funds obtained from Mortgage Tnsurance <br /> premiums). <br /> As�result of these�tgreements, Lender, any purchaser of tlze Note, another insurer, any reinsurer, aiiy otlier <br /> entity, or any afi"iliate of any of the foi•egoiiig, may receive{directly oY•indirectly) amourits that derive from <br /> (or inight be chai•�tcterized as) a portion of Borrower's payments for Mortgage Institranca, in exchange for <br /> shariilg or inodifying the inortgage insurer's rislc, or reducing losses. If such agi•eement provides that an <br /> ai'filiate of Lel7der talces a share of t11e i�lsarer's risk in exchange for a ahare of the premzun�s paid to the <br /> �nsurer, the arr�ugement is often tenned"�aptive reinsurance." Further: <br /> (a) Any such agreeinents will noti Rffect the nmounts tliat BorroweY�h�s �greed to p�y for Mortgnge <br /> Iaisurance, or nny other terms of the Lonn. Such agreemeuts will not increlse the amonnt <br /> Boi�rower will owe for Mortg�ge Insurnnce, �nd tliey will not eutitle I3orrower to �ny refiuid. <br /> (b) Aity such;t�reements will not Rffect tlie ri�lits Borrower li�s-if any-with respect to tlie <br /> Mort�nge Insiu�nnce under the Homeowners Protection Act of 1998 or any otlier law. These rights <br /> mny include�he ri�ht to receive certnin cliscloslu•es, to reqnest ancl oblain caucellRtiou of the <br /> Mort�n�e Lisurnuce, to hnve the Mortg��e Insnrince tei�minated nutomntic111y, and/or to receive <br /> n refund of any Mortg�ge Insurance pi�emiuins tliat were tuieni•ned�t the tinie of such <br /> caucellation or termination. <br /> 11. Assignment of M iseellaneous Proceed�; ForFeituPe. All Miscellaneous Proceeds are hereUy assigned to <br /> and shall Ue paid ta Lender, <br /> If the P�•operty is damaged, such Miscellaneous Proceeds sh�ll l�e ap�lied to restoration or replir oC t11e <br /> Property, if t11�restol2tion or repair is economically feasiUle and Lender's seeurity is not lessenecl. Dm�ing <br /> such repair and restoration�eriod, Lender sh�.11 h�ve the right_�o hold sLich Miscella�leous 1'roceeds Lintil <br /> Lender has had an opportunity to inspect such Property to ensure tlie worlc has been colnpleted to Lender's <br /> 231209 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 302a 1/01 <br /> VM P O VM P6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Services Page 9 of 17 <br />