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201108442 <br /> for Ihe repairs and restoration in a single p�yinent oi°in a series of progress payments as the worlc is <br /> completed. If the insurance or�co�idamn�tiarl proceeds are not stiffieient to repair or restore the Property, <br /> Borrower is nat relieveci of Borrower's obligation for the oonlpletion of such repair or restoration, <br /> Lender or its agent may m�tice reasonaUle entries upon and inspections of the Property. If it has reasonable <br /> cause, Lender ma�inspect the inti�rior of the im�rovements oil the Propartiy. Lender shall give Borrower <br /> notice at tl�e tiine of or prior to such�i1 interior inspection sp�cifying such reasoriable�c�use. <br /> $. Borrower's Loan Applieation. Borrower sha11 be iii defaLilt if, during the Loa11 applicatiion process, <br /> Borrower or any peisons or entities�etiiig at the direction of Borrowei or with Borrower's lcnowleclge or <br /> consent gave inaterially false, inisleading, or iiiaccurate information or stateinents to Lender(or rail�d to <br /> provide Leiider wi�h ina.terial information)in coruiection with 617e Loan. Matarial representations inchide, but <br /> are no't liinited to, representiations concersiing Bors•owar's occupancy of tlle Property as Borrowei°'s principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. Protection of Lender'� Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Instrument. If(a) <br /> Borrower fails to perform the covenants aiid agreements containecl in this Security Instrum�nt, (b)tliere is a <br /> lega.l proceeding that miglit signii"icantly affect Lender's interest in the Propes•ty and/or rights under�lus <br /> Security Instruinent(such 1s a�roceeding in Uanlc�uptcy, probate, for condemnation or forfeiture, for <br /> enfoicemant of a lien wllicli��ay atta�in pxiority over tlus Security Instruinent or to�enforce laws or <br /> regulations), or(c)Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay for whatever is <br /> reasonable or appropriate to protect Lender's ii7terest in the Property and riglits under t17is Seourity <br /> Instrtullent, inclut�ing pz�otecti�ig ancl/or�sses�ing tlie value of the Property, and securing aud/or repairiiig <br /> the Property. Lender's actio�ls ca�1 include, l�ut are not liinited to: (a)paying a1�y suins secured by a lien <br /> whiah lias priority over tl�is Sectu•ity Instrulnent, (b) appearing in court; and(c)p�ying reasonlble attorneys' <br /> fees to protect its interes�in the Property and/or rights Linder this Security Tnstrument, including its secured <br /> posi'tion in a U�nlcruptcy proceedii�g: Securiiig the Property inchides, Utrt is not liinited to, enteriiig tha <br /> Propai ty to malce repairs, cllange locics, replace or Uo1rd Ltp doors and windows, draiii w�ter from pipes, <br /> eli�ninate building or other code violatio�is or dangerous conditions, and 17ave utilities tzuned on or off <br /> Although I�ender n�ay talce�ction under this Section 9, Lendei•does not have to do so a�1d is not under any <br /> duEy or obligation to do so. It is�greed t1�at Lender ineurs no liability for not talcing 2ny or a11 actions <br /> authorized under this Section 9. <br /> Any amounts disUursed Uy Lender under tlus Section 9 shall becoine additional debt of I3orrower secured by <br /> this Security Irlstruinent. These amoLints sha11�ear interest at the Note rate from tihe date of disbursement <br /> a�1c�shall be payable, with such interast, upon i7otice froln Leiider to Borrower reqLtesting payment. <br /> �f this Securi�ty Instrumenti is on a leaseliold, Borrower shall coinply witli a11 the provisions�of the 1e�se. If <br /> Borrower acquir�s fee title tio the Property, ihe leasehold flnd the fee title sha11 not tnei•ge unless Lenc�er <br /> agrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 10. M ortgage Insurance. If Lender i•ec�uired IVlortgage Insur�nce as 1 condition of inaking the Loan, Borrower <br /> shall pay the preiniums required to inaintaiii the Mortgage InsLirance in effect, If, £or aliy reason, the <br /> Mortgage Insurauce coverage rec�uired by Lender ceasas tio be availaUle fi•om the i�.zortgage insurer that <br /> previously�rovided sucli insur�iice and Borrower w�ts z•equirecl to in�lce sep�rately elesigiiated payments <br /> tow�rd the preiniums for Mortga�e Insurance, Borrower sha11�ay t11e preinimz7s required to oUtain coverage <br /> substaritially equiv�lont to tha Mortgage Insurance previously in�Lfect, at a cost substantially equivalent to <br /> the cost to Borrower of the Mortgage InsLirai�ca previoLtsly in effect, From as�alternate mortgagE iilsu��er <br /> selectecl Uy Lender. If suUst�ntially equivalent Mortgage Insura�ice coverlge is i7ot avail�ble, Borrower sI7a1I <br /> 231209 <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fam Ily-Fannie M ae/Freddie M ac UNIFORM INSTRUM ENT Form 3028 1/01 <br /> VMP O VMP6(NE)(1105) <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financlal Services Page II of 17 <br />