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<br /> by owner's and opereYOrs of slrnller propertlea and ea Beneficlary mey roqulre for its protectlon. Truetor wlll comply
<br /> wlth auch other requiremente as Boneficiary mey irom tlme to tlme request for the protectlon by Insure�ce ot tha
<br /> Intorest of the respective partles. All ineurenco policles maintalned purauent to thie Dead of Truet ehall namo Truator ::.
<br /> end Beneficlery as Insured, es thelr re�pectivo Intereat moy appeer and provlde thot thore shall bo no cancolletion nr ��,r
<br /> modlflcetion wlthout tlfteen (16) daya prlor wrltten natiflcetlon to Trustee nnd Beneficlary. IN tho event eny pollcy i �;;�_
<br /> ihoroundor la not ranownd on or befor�fNt�An (16)deys prlor to Ite oxpiretlon dete, Trusteo or Ben6flclary may procuro f '. "
<br /> i euch Ineurance In eccordance with the provislone of Paregraph 7. Trustor ehell deHver to Beneticlery the orlglnel ,T��;i
<br /> 1 policlea of Inaurence and renewals thereof or coplea of suah pollcles and renewals thereof. Failure to furnleh such �:'�
<br /> 1 Insurence by Trustor, or renewals ae requlred horeunder,ehall, et the optlon of Beneficfary,conatitute a defeuft. All ��
<br /> Iunearned premlume ere hereby aesigned ta Truotee as eddltional security, end e sele and canvoyence of the Property ':ri�'
<br /> by tho Truatee shall operate to convey to the purchasor the Trustor's Interest In and to ail pollcles of insurance upon �
<br /> �k:--
<br /> thu Trust Property. '�-'��-
<br /> � 6. Taxss end As�essments. Trustor shall pay all taxes end speclal assesements levfed or easessed agafnst, or -i�'�
<br /> � due upon, the Property bef�re dellnquency end wlll deliver to Beneffclery copfes of recelpts showi ng payment of such ----
<br /> � taxes and epecial a8sessments. T
<br /> 8. Addltione)Llena. Trustor shall make ell peymenta of fnterest and principal,and payments of any other charges,
<br /> fees, and expenses contracted to be paid to any existing lien hoiders or prlor beneficiarfes under any prior Deed of •-
<br /> Trust, Mortgege or other security egreement, before the date they ere delfnquent and to pay any other claim which "
<br /> jeopardizes the security {�vented herein.
<br /> 7. Protectlon of Be�eflciery'a 5ecurity. Should'1'ruator fall to make eny peyment, f�ll to da dny act as herein -
<br /> provided or if any ectfon or proceeding is commenced which meterially effects Beneficiery's Intereat in the Property, _
<br /> IncludUg, but no Iimlted to, eminent domain. Inaolvency, arrengements or proceedings Involving n bankrupt or __=-
<br /> decedent, then Beneficiery or Truatee,but without obligation to do so,bnd without notice to or demand upon Trustor, ��:�
<br /> and without releasing Trustor from eny oblfgation hereunder, mey make or do the same, and mey pay, purchase, �:
<br /> contest ar compromise andy encumbrance, cherge or Iten, which in the judgement of either appears to affect eaid
<br /> � ; Property;in exercising eny such powers,the Beneficiary ar Yrustee may incur e Ilebility and expend whatever emounts, `��
<br /> �,:�, Including disburaements of reasonable ettorney's fees, which(n their absolute discretion may be necessery. In the ���=z
<br /> ' 4 event thet Trustor ahall fall to procure insurence, fail to pay taxes and special assessments or fail to make eny r��3
<br /> , ��• � p�yments to existing or prior Ilen holders or beneficiaries,the Beneficiary may procure such Inaurance and meke such
<br /> _ - - = �a�rmanis. A!I ourns Incurr�d ar�x�sndsd b�9anaflc4sr�O�Tttls2�!n 8��4��lenr.a yu�th ths+nmvialnns of ths Deed of ..�'=.+
<br /> Trust are secured hereby end,without demand,shall be immediately due ond payable by Trustor and ahell beer Interest „� -•
<br /> at the rate provided for advences under the Loan Agreement;provided,however, thet et the option of the Beneficiary '�
<br /> or Trustee,auch 3ums may be added to this principal balence of any indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear the • "
<br /> ` seme interest as such IndebtedneES and sheli be payable ratably over the remaintng term thereof. �
<br /> . 8. Aaatgnment oi Renta. Benef(ciary shall have the right,power end authority during the continuance of this Deed
<br /> � of Trust to cvllect the rents, isaues end profits of the Property and of eny personal property loceted thereon wlth or r �
<br /> `� without taking possesslon of the Proporty affected hereby, end Trustor hereby absolutely end unconditlonelly assigns �•
<br /> q all such rento,issues end profits to Beneficlery. Beneficiary, however,hereby consents to 4he TrusYOr's c�llection and
<br /> { retentlon of such rents,issues end profits as they accrue and become payable so long as Trustor is not,at such time, - — .
<br /> in defeult wfth reapect to payment of eny Indebtedness secured hereby or In the performence of eny egreement �-��
<br /> ,: ,�; hereunder. Upon any such defeult. Beneficiary may at eny time, either in person, by agen4 or by e receive�to be �-���.�
<br /> �X eppointed by e court,without notice end without regard to the adequacy of any security for the indebtednees hereby �
<br /> ¢� secured: (a) enter upon end take posaossion pf the Property or any pert thereof and in Its own neme sue for or ----------
<br /> .,� :.,�.•-
<br />- � � otherwise collect such rents, issues end profits, (ncluding those past duo snd unpaid,an apply the seme, less costs _' --_-
<br /> end expenses of operatlo�and collection,lncluding rea�onable ettorney fees,upon any Indebtedness �ecurod hereby ,i :�
<br /> ..,� and in such ordor as Bonoflciary may determine: (b)perform such ecta of repafr or protection as may be necessary or ;.;,�; -
<br /> _ - ''��"' pr��er tn conserve the value of tho Praperty:Ic)!ease the seme or eny part hereef fer such rentet term enc� upon such ;�4�,l��
<br /> " ''� conditlons es Its judgmant mey d(ctate. Unless Trustor end geneffciary egreo otherwise in writing,eny eppllcetlon of =-=-_ -- _=-
<br /> - • •�� f�, rents,fssues or proflts to eny indebtedness secured hereby shall nAt extend or postpone the due date of the insteliment ---_-�
<br /> �' payments as provided in the Loan Agreement, and the applfce4lon thoroof es aforesaid shell not weive or cure any ��;'�F'�"�"-""".: ,_,,..
<br />_ � default or notice of defeult hereunder or Invelidate eny act done pursuent to such notfce. Trustor also assigns to , ', , �.ji�t_
<br />, Beneficlary, as further security for the porformance of the obtlgetions secured hereby,ell prepeid rents and all rnonies 4��: ���. •.
<br /> ��:;�...�`,�� -a�
<br />- .. which may have been or may hereafter be deposfted with said Trustor by any lessee of the Property,to secure the -;;��!,.:�•�.,-:•��__
<br />_ peyment of any rent,and upon default in the performance of eny of the provislons hereof,Trustor agrees to deliver '":� � �'�'�'s�•":'
<br /> -_ such rents end depos(ts to the Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of Beneficfery's exercise of the dghts grented � .'. : '
<br /> _ ` herein to nny tenant occupyfng said premtses shell be sufficient to require said tenent to pay said rent to the �� '
<br /> � Beneflctary untll further noUce.
<br />_ 8. Condemnetion. If title to any pert of the Property shell be taken in condemnetion proceedings, by right of . �
<br /> � � eminont domein or similer ection, or shall be sold under threat of condemnetion, ell awords, damages end proceeds
<br /> are heret�y asalgned and ahell be paid to Beneficiary who shall epply such award,dumnges and proceeds to the sums
<br /> secured by the Deed of Trust, with the excess, if eny, peid to the Trustor.
<br /> -- 70. Futun Advances. The Loen Agreement provides for advences from time to time to T�ustor by Beneficiery
<br />= as provfded theroin. In addition,upon request of Trustor, Beneficiary, et 9eneficiery's optfon, prior to reconveyance
<br /> - ..s ��� 0......�.e. �.. �I.e T...e�... ... mnLu url.ifHnnel i�n�.►c n.1••nnnno �i. fi�n T�uet�r C��nh f��turn cdunnroo wifh
<br /> .____ .. v• u�v � •vrv.�� �v ..w ..v...v.� �.wj .......v ................ ... —
<br /> Interest thereon, shall be aecurod by this Deed o4 Trust when ovidenced by promissory notes stating that eaid notes � �
<br /> aro secured hereby; provided that at no time shell the secured principal end 4uture edvencea, not including sums �
<br /> T advanced to protect the security, axceed one hundred Rercent (100°r6) of the original principal ornounte secured i
<br /> haraby.
<br /> - 11. Remediee Cumulettve. All remedios provided in this Deed of Trust ere distinct and curnu�etiv�to I`n�othor � „
<br /> _ right or remedy under this Deod of Trust or afforded by lew or oquity, end may be exercised concurrently, �
<br /> independently or successively. � �
<br /> 12. Aceele►etion; Remedtea; Sale. A default shell exist in the event of:
<br /> (A) Any fraud or misrepresentetion by the Trustor in connection with the line of credit which this Deed of Trust
<br /> � ' secures; .
<br /> . •
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