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� . <br /> -, *�a� <br /> �-rh� <br /> . <br /> '''P'r - . i ... , . <br /> ���:yn„- - '• '� <br /> .� � yp �. .� . . <br /> -.t .utt�t ..... ...� . �:r, <br /> _ _ ... .__.��..�--._._.._ _ _-------�..—_.�_ � <br /> � �a�✓nil�.,� • - � .. .: . �_—.:......::-.:-.-�..------... ..._......_.�... .-._.._......._ — -_ <br /> .. *�at». ' ---�--.., _ .. ._,_.. _ _ <br /> •_ <br /> . -�--.._. .. . <br /> ----•-..... -•--.._�_—_._—_.... . ... B: <br /> APPLtk 001�00029441 Y <br /> CCD# 0100463509 �`=- <br /> 4 <br /> . <br /> � � � HOME �ED�RAL - Gi�ARID ISLAND <br /> 221 5AUth l.oQUSt St., P.O. BAx 1009 <br /> Grend leland, Nebreaka 88802-9009 <br /> aos•aez-a000 9'7� i0147� <br /> Y ACKNOWLEDGMENT TO DEED OF TRUST <br /> ,;_,,;;r,� •. The understgned "Truetor" e�Identlfled In the followinp Daed o4 Truat,whethAr ane or more, underetend that the <br /> . ��� document they ere ebout to execute le e Deed of Truet end nat a mortgage, end thet the power of eele provlded for , <br /> In the Oeed of Truet providea subatentielly different righte end obligatlons to the Bo�rowers then a mortgage In the <br /> event af e default or breaah of obltgation under the Deed of Trust�Including,but not Ilmlted to,the Beneficlery's right <br /> ' to heve the Property ldentifled In the following Daed of Trust aold by the Trustee wlthout any Judiciel proceedang. � <br /> 7ruetor repreaente and warrenta that thle Acknowledgment w ecuted by them bofore the executfon of the Deed R:_ <br /> .. ' � of Trust hereafter s�t torth. �` �-�- <br /> � � -- <br /> � sRiArr a McnowE <br /> � � a- c 71�l� �_ <br /> � DBSRA d MCDOWELL <br /> HOME EO.UITY LINE DEED OF TRUST <br /> ..� � THIS TRUST DEED made this • 2aTH dey of F�BRUARY , 1997 between <br /> BRIAN O MCDOWBLL Al7D DBBRA Ci lICDOWBLI+. HI188AND.}1tJA WIPB <br /> he��einafter cell "Trustor",whose meiling addreae is ai41 DRiFTWOOD DR, ORAND I6LAND�, NE 68903 <br /> ;es "Trustee";end Home Federal Sevings end loan Associetlon of Grand Island,whose <br /> mailing address Is 221 South locust, P.O. Box 1009, Grend Island, Nebraska 88802,e9'Beneficiery". <br /> . F0�velueble consideretion,Truator irrevocably grants, tranafere,cWnveys and eseigne to Yruatee, in truat,wlth <br /> paol�,c.'ssls,tas it!s hsnsf(t wnrl cpri�rity of Baneflciery,under end aublect to the terms end conditions of thfa Deed <br /> of Trust,the tollowing described p�operty loceted in �L • <br /> Nebreske,to wit: <br /> 1,UT SIX (6), IN Wg8TW00D PARK BECOND BiJBDIVI8I0N, aRAND I9LF1tZD, HALL _ <br /> COUNTY, NEtiHRA9KA. <br />--.:.. r3�. <br /> .:.:C',^7,, '"'�. ' <br /> :.Jn. <br />_T����y%L� <br /> . �� <br />__`(�,`4��T� <br /> -.-_ -'�� <br /> _---�,:iArt <br /> ..�_. ='=ui�.3n!� . <br /> _,�y�.i�ji� <br />-- _:-�'� . <br /> _��a�� <br /> �:_`„�.�� . � • . • ._. <br /> ° -�-�� togetner r�o:h&{I buildl:-�d��it�uray,I,::;�rov�m�ntc ant3 �ppurte.^.encee tt�ere!!n*o be�lnn�zn�, it beln�A�r�e�th�t ell nf <br /> =-'�''-��- the foregoing shell be here(naiter referred to es the'Properry". <br /> �'-=�"�"� FOR THE PIIRPOSE OF SECURING performance of each eg�eement and covenent of Trustor nerefn contalned end <br /> �.,,,, <br /> ° the peyment of the principal sum of TK� THOOSUao noraane � No/cs:rra <br /> -'-���"� Oollers(� Zo,000.00 ), as evide�ced by a Home Federel Home Equfty I�oen Agreement between <br /> _�Y�.ypa:t: � � <br /> _;:j,�. . � Trustor and Beneficlery(the Loen Agreement 1,pursuant to which Beneficiery will edvence funds to Trustor from ttme <br />__:;:�;:�";�;': � to time at the interest retes and upon the terms provided thereln, together with any sum or sums of money with <br /> •• ��� interest thereon which may hereafter be peid or advunced under the terms of thle Deed of Trust,both principal sum <br />- � � and Interest thereon being �eyable eccording to the terma set forth In 4he Loen Agreement, reference to which is - <br />- . . hereby made, et the office of the Beneficiary in Grond Islend, Nebraske, or et euah other place es Beneficiary mey _ <br /> designate in writing. _ <br />-F ' TRUSTER AND BENEFICIARY COVENANT AND At3REE AS FOLLOWS: <br /> � �. 1. W�enty of 7'itl�. T�uator Is lewfull�r seized of the Property;hes good right end lewful euthorlty to sell and — <br /> convey the Property;the Property Is free end clear af ell Ilens �nd encumbrences except Ilena now of record; end <br /> .� Trustor w{il werrent end defend the title to the Property unto the Trustee end Its euccesaors and esslgns torevor <br /> ��� ; egainst tho clefms of ell persone. <br /> _ _ � Davm�n�nf Prinr3nd and lnter�tt. TruBto�ehell OUfiCtU811Y D8Y th8 p�lilClpel Of, end interest on, ell advence� <br /> _ =--- =- -. _. . _,...--•- -- ------.. <br /> � , ' under the Loen Agreement and wfll punctually perform ell egreemente, conditlona and provlsiona ot eny other aecurlt� - <br /> ` Instrument gfven in connectton with thie trensactEon. _ <br /> 3. Pns�rvation�nd Meint�nancs of Prop�rty. Trustor will not commit eny wente upo�the Property et will,et <br /> e�l timos, meintein the seme In gooa ordar end conditlon and wfll meke, from tima to time, ell repaire, renewels, <br /> ' replecements,edditior�a end irnprovemente which are reesonebiy requlred to prevent weste,Impelrment or deterloratlon _ <br /> . ' of sefd property. No building or improvemont now or hereaftsr erected upon the Property shell be eltered removed _ <br /> �. or demolished without the prlor written consent ot Beneficlary. F <br /> ,� 4. Insure�ce. Trustor,et Ito expenae,wUl maintafn wlth Insurers epproved by 9eneticfary,Ins��rence with rospoct � <br /> • tn the improvements end personal property constituting the Property egeinat losa by flre,lightning.tornado end othsr � <br /> perlls covered by atQndard extended coverage endoreement In an nmount equel to et least ane hundred percant of tha � <br /> . full replecement vetue thereof,er.d Insuranco against such other hezards end in ouch emount oe Is c�etor�dt�1�;C�rrfed ; <br /> ' s�sa aoe•i , <br /> � - - _ _ - <br />