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<br /> party or partaes therato,a� and when req��ir�d �ill notices� rcquest�, d�ta,rcports, .
<br /> � w� writings and other information required or permitted to be given by Gwner to any .
<br /> :�;,;;,�; party to the Loen Agreement.
<br /> ��; (m) kl�rnish to Ownar by no later than twenty (20) days after the end of
<br /> each month, unaudited cash and/or accrual basis monthly reports as to occupancy� �`_
<br /> � enaes roken down b all ma or �'`"°
<br /> Y � revenus(broken dawn by centers)and operating..xp (b y j �-
<br /> " cost components) showing results of the operadons for the time period involved and �"'
<br /> � �� year�to-date; �_=�
<br /> Et��=_
<br /> (n) Keep all books of account and other records hereiai required or which �;_
<br /> - - L Uwnes may r�sonably request Manager to maintain available in thc of5ee of �-:�u:
<br /> Manager for inspectio� by Owner at any reasonable time anci caoperate with the ��=
<br /> auditor designated by Owner in connection with the annusl audit and preparation of ■
<br /> annual�nancial statements of the Owner(including a balance sheat, a statement of �"
<br /> income and a statement of sources and applications of£unds) so as to obtain such _
<br /> ���.> report by the end of each 6scal year and to cooperate wIth such auditore in "`$
<br /> �-,N; preparation of federal, state and local inconae tax returns as reyuired by law. -
<br /> -�
<br /> �. (o) Report pramptly to Owner all inaterial events affecting the Properiy
<br />�:.;p;,,::.:' -. 8uu w iuFiu3ii io Ciwucr such oiher reporis z�Isiing io che op�ration of the rtoperiy �
<br />�-'i�- :'� and business of 0vmer as may be requested by Owner.
<br />-_'`:,�:.b�:;;
<br /> '-����" (p) All funds of thc Owner shaU be maintained in such bank acwu.nt or
<br /> r`'��'"��'' accounts in such bank or banks as may be determined by Owner ns more fully
<br />:.•�.,,�.,��.�
<br /> ��"�;�,�_ � provided in Section 1.9(b) hereo� Manager shall not combine or intermingle any
<br />--=- ' funds of the Pxoperiy with its own fund or funds of related entities.
<br /> _ --:���
<br /> '_:,�-.�
<br />_=�__- - fq) Take all reasonable, prudent steps within its r,ontrol whicl� may be
<br />- -'�"�' reasonably necessary to cause the Praperty and the ogeration thereof to comply with _
<br /> _�� all laws, ordfnancas,orders, rules, regulatlons and requirements of all federal, state
<br /> ====a and municipal govarnn�ent�, courts, dopartments, commissions, lioards and nf8ces,
<br /> -- ------ national or local boards of�re undenvriters or any other body cxercising functions
<br /> �� similar to those mentioned above, which may be ap�licable to the Properiy or the -
<br /> _ �-----, o�eratiau therco�. �
<br /> --_�
<br /> �� v-=. (r) Not la�s often than once each�iscal year,end at the dmes speclSed in
<br />_�,�. Sectiom 2.2 hereo� prepare and submit to Owner(for C?wner's agproval)a proposed
<br /> _'-� budget setting forth essimated rec�ipts and expenditures (capital, opera�g and
<br /> ---. �r=_.� other)of the Property fe�r the perlod covered by such budget and upon approval of
<br /> --:�...,o _
<br /> -==�:�r��, such budget by Qwner� Manager shall implement such budget.
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