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<br /> �;;;,�;� 18.Forceloswe g'rocedure.It Lender requires immediate pAymeat in tull uoder pA�grAph 9,Lender may
<br /> :�„a,. ..w.. iavoke t6e power ot ssik wnd Aay other re�edies permitted by apptic�ble law.Lender shali be entitkd to coAp:ct
<br /> aU expenses Incurred in pursuWg the remedks under this paragraph I8� including,but noR Umited to,reasanable ,
<br /> . attorneys'tees and coste ot title evidence.
<br /> If the power of sak�is invoked,Trustee sh�ll record a notice o!defeult in each county ta wh[ch Aay part o! ;^
<br /> � I the Property tv locatgd and sdaU mvil copies of sucd not[ce in thx mAaner prescribe�Y by apppcable law to :�.}_
<br /> • j Borrower and to the other persons prescrtbed by app i ice b le l ww. Atter the time r e quired by applicabk Ww� -
<br /> Trustee shaU give p}�61ic�otke of sAle to We p2��p8 and tn the maaner prescribed by appllcable law.Trustee,
<br /> � without demand on'Bolnrcnver;Qdall sell t6e Propertr at p�blk auction to the highest bWder at the time Aad p{ace `:,..
<br /> �y'� and under the term�dcsig�µYt�in the�bdre oPt�alq in one or more pArcel�and In Any order Trustee determines. ,°,:'
<br /> �...--
<br /> •�' Trustee mAy postpdae sile of�II o�'AnY piu'cel af tlle Piroperty by public QanouncemQnt at tbe tiaoe and place of . :�-__-
<br /> � �� pny p�evEonsly schc�ul:d�!e.Lend:r or Ite des�"nee may pnrchase the Property wt any sole. "-`�
<br /> If the Lender's interest tn this Security Instrument Lv 6e{d by the Secretary and the Secretary requires ?�
<br /> immediate payment in fuU under ParagrA�6 9,t6e Secretary may fnvoke the noqjudktal power ot sAle provtded 4'�_
<br /> ,:����': in t�e Single FamU�r Mortgage I'orecfosure Act of 1994 ("Act") (12 U.S.C. 3751 et seq.) by requesting e _�;•-
<br /> `"``�' toreclosure commissfoner designated uuder the Act to commeace foreclosure and to seil We Property as
<br /> ' prnvided in t6e Act. Nothing W the preceding senteace shall deprive t he Secretery u t any r ig 6 t s o t h e r w l s e __
<br /> availabk to a Lender under tdts Paragrap6 18 or applicnbk law.
<br /> tlpon receipt ot pAyment of the prke btd,Trustee sdpll deliver to the purc6siser Trustee's deed conveying ^
<br /> � � the Property.The recitals in the Trustee's deed ehaU be primo facie ev{dence af t6e truth ot the stAtements made �� -
<br /> , therein. Trustee shatl epply the proceeds of the sak in the foilow(ng order:(a)to all costs and expenses of -
<br />= exerct�ing the power ot sak,And the sale,including tde payment of the'lYustee's fees actupUy incurred,not to -
<br />;*;; _ -- �� 3,.�nn �,�t�he nrincinal amount ot the aote at t�e ttme o!the declurAtlon ot defAUlt, —
<br /> - � ond reasonabk�ttorneys'tees as permitted by I�ev;(b)to aU sums secured 6y this Security Insdrumeat;and(c)
<br />_�'. . any excess to the persar or persons kgwUy enNtled to iA
<br /> :';::,,. ,.
<br />_�:., ..�:. ,�,
<br />'"�'�r�'���• •� 19.Reconveyxace.Upon payment of all sums secured by this Seciuity Instrument,Lender shall request Tn�.stee to
<br />�'�,.�.. �✓,: recomcy the Property and shall surrender this 5ecurity Insrrument and all notes evidencing debt secwed by this Securiry
<br />--_��r-��`�'. '''' Instrument to Trustee.Tmstee shall recomey the PropertY without warranry s�nd without charge to the person or persons
<br />.��. ��`���°� legally endtled to iG Such person or persons sha11 pay any recordadon costs.
<br />�,.:;..:..�
<br /> _�._ _.:;.;..., ,.:
<br />'�'�=�<.:r• ' 20. Substitute 'IYuatee. I.ender,at its opdon,may from time t,o ti►ne remove Trustee and appoint a succe.4sor
<br /> - :r.a�;,•:k*k,A..
<br />�,.�,-,�_, rrustee to any Tr�stee appointed hereunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Securiry Insuument�s
<br />�'�4°'°=':::' recorded. Without conveyanca of the Property, the successor tTUStee sholl succeed to all the dtle,power and dudes
<br />���.�•vql['-._.4:�1a�
<br />__.-�.-_::;� conferred upon Trusux herein and by appticable law.
<br /> �" "-_;'��!'�'ai
<br />_—-- - -_— 21.Request tor Notkes.Borrow�r requests that copies of the nodces of detault end sale be sent to Borrower's
<br /> - ''`''� address which es the Property Address.
<br /> �>;�• .�
<br /> ��T,�^:-::r�
<br />- �.t.._;,_--
<br />- -�_.xr -
<br /> ` -w+►�..- :.� 22.R�ders to tbis Securi�y YnsirumeuG I�'one or mora riders sre czceutr.�i by BoiroNer and re�orded togethcr � -
<br /> �..,„�; -
<br /> —�—_=`=_= with thiy Securiry �nstrument, the covenants of eact► such rider sheU be inco�porated into und shsill emend _ _
<br /> '�;"��°;�-4, supplement the covenants and agrcements of this Socuricy Instrument es if the dder(s) were e part of this Security =
<br /> —�-,��^:;�:" InswmenG[Check applicable box(es)J• _
<br /> •::';:';;-� ❑ Growin u� Rider �nc0 Other[sPecifYl _
<br /> �,r,.;, � Condominiiun Rider 8�1 �ry =_�
<br /> �;'�,.1„r , _ _
<br /> - � Pianned Unit Development Itider � Graduated Payrnent Rider Mortgage Addondum _
<br /> _�,, _
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