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<br /> �-' 13.Notices.My nodce to IIorrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by deUvering it or by
<br /> " mailing it by fast class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The nodce shall be directed to the
<br /> Property Address ar any otha address Borrower designates by nodce to Lcnder. Any nodce co L.ender shall be given by „
<br /> C¢st class mail to LendePs address stnted herein or any address Lender designaus by nodce to Borrower.Any notice
<br /> provided for in thls Sccurity Insmimcnt shall bc deemed to have becn�iven ta Borrower or Lender when given as
<br /> provided in ihis paragraph. :�,;�--
<br /> 14.Governing I.uw; Severabtlity.'Ihis Security Instrument shall be governcd by Federal law and the law of thc __
<br /> jurisdicdon in which the Property is located.In the event that any pravision or clause of t�is Securiry Instniment or the . �: __
<br /> Note contlicts with appllcable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Securiry Instrumenl or the Nate ,. ,.,;_
<br /> whlch can be given effect without the contlicting provision.To this end the provisions of lhis Securiry Instrument snd : ��=-�
<br /> , the Note nre declared to be severable. � , �`
<br /> 13.Borrower's�opy.Horrower shall bc given one wnformed copy of the Note and of this Security InsuumenG .: .�'-_—'
<br /> 16. Fla�ardous Substaaces. Bocrower shall not cause or permit the presencc,use,disposal,storage,or retease of Y.�.
<br /> any Hazardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anything affectin8
<br /> the Froperty tbat is in vIoladon of any Environmental Law. The preceding cwo sentences shall not apply to the presence, `�
<br /> � use. or storage on the Property of small quanddes of Hazerdous Substances that are generally recogr�ize�i to be •• s.;�?'
<br /> '�F�y�.?_
<br /> appropriate to normal residen6al uses and to maintenance of the Property. „��.
<br /> � Borrower shell prompUy givc Lender writt,en notice of any invesdgation,claim.demand,lawsuit or other acdon by .�1;,:,:
<br /> any govemmental or regulstory agertcy or privete purty imolving the Property and any Hazardaus Substancc or :�:. �
<br /> y finvironmental Lew of which Borrower has acWal knowledge. If Borrower leams,or is notified by any�vee�ental o� ,: a?
<br /> '�P regulatory authcriry, that any removal or other remediation of eny Hazardous Substr��ices affecdn8 P�y' 't
<br /> uecessary,Bonower shall prompdy take a11 necessary remcdial acdons in accordance wtth Environmental Law. .�
<br /> °---''= ris u�i L� u`.i� pa.'��r'r�h 15, �� ° ° cloa�S!!L'SIBRrna" nM rh�ce substances defined as wxlc or hazardous ,y, •
<br /> " 4 substances by Environmental Law and the following substances:gasoline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic petroleum 'tti'. '� "
<br /> products, toxic pesacldes end herbicides, vole�le solvents, materlals wntainu►g asbestos or formaldehyde, and
<br /> �� radioactive materiaLs. As used tr► thia ParaBraPh 16, "Environmental Law" means federal iaws and lawa of the
<br /> � � jurLsdicflon where the Property is located that relate to health,safery or environmental protecdon.
<br /> �
<br /> NON-iJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agreo As follows: -< '
<br /> ' � 17.Assignment ot Rents.Horcower uncondidonally assigns and transfers w Lender all the rents and revenues of
<br /> " the Property.Borrower authorizes Lender or L.ender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and hereby dtrects each _
<br /> • tenant of ihe Property to pay the rents to Lender or Lender's agents.Howevca. prior to Lendcr's notice to Boirower of �.—,�,.�,�
<br /> Borrower's breach of any covenant or agreement in the Security Instrument,Borrower shall coAect and receive all rents �",�.��
<br /> • • and revenues of the Propesty as trustee for the benc�t of L.ender and Borrower.lhis assiAnment of rents consdtutes an
<br /> ;�. ,:,., absolute assignment and notan essignment for addltional security only. �l_
<br />�:. ..., If Lender gives notico of breach to Borrower: (a) all rents receivetl by Bor�ower shall be held by Boaower as �..,_
<br />>� Irustee for benefit of Lender anly. eo be applied to the sums secured by the Securiry Instrument; (b) Lender shall be F
<br /> entitled to collect and receive all of the rents of the Property;and(c)each tenant of the ProPecty shall pay all rents due F`
<br /> and unpaid to Lender or L.ender's agent on Lender's writien demand to the tenanG " �
<br /> ''`�5� ' .,. Borrowc;r has not cRCxut,e<l any prior assiRnment of the rents and haa not and wW noL perfnrm any act that would �=___«�__
<br /> � ., prevent I.ender from exer�cising iu rights under this parag�aph 17. _—__ _ --
<br /> _ ' . `-.'�' L.ender shall not be�uired to euter upon,telce conuol of or maintain the Propecry beforc or after giving notice of ^_ ��
<br /> bresch to Borrower.Howerer.Lender or a judicially appointetl receiver may do so at any time there is a baeach.My
<br /> - - � application of rents shall not cure or waive any default or invalldate any other right or remedy of L.ender. This 't��"�
<br /> _ . Y � assignment of rents of thc Property shall terminate when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid in full. __•------ ---
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