. , - ; �.
<br /> . �
<br /> � -�----
<br /> { I •---
<br /> 18. Borrower's Rl�ht t0 Rein�tete. II Bonoww meeta certah condttlone, Borvower eheil hove the rlpht to h�vs I
<br /> � en(orcement of thl� Securtty Instrument discontinued at any tlme prlat to the earlbr of: (u)6 days (or auch other p�rlod as eppi{cabAt
<br /> ! law mpy opeaHy for relnatatsment) before sale o1 Iho Proporty pureuant lo uny power of eflie con4ehod In Ihls Securlty Instrument; or
<br /> ;
<br /> 1 (b) ontry af a Judpmont enlorClnp thl3 Socurity Instrumcnt. Thoao conditlon� nro thnt Borrowar:(Q) puya Lcnd�r nil euma v+hbh thon I '�
<br /> would bo due under this Security Instrumenl and the Note ae if no nacoieretlon had occutted; (b) cures any dolauR of any other
<br /> I covonunt or epreem¢nts: (o) pays all oxpsnees rcurted In s�(orChp thls 3ocurky Inatru:r»nt. holudinfl, but not Iimked to, rearonable ; �`•
<br /> attameys'fees; and(d)takoa such actbn sa Lendsr may rwson�bly requke to aesure Ihat Ihe IiM ol thls Socurity Inatrumrnt, Lond�e �
<br /> I rlphte in the Propsrty�nd Bortower's obllpatbn to pay the aumti aeaund by ihls Securlty Instrument ahell oontlnus unchenped. Upon �
<br /> reh�tatemant by Bonower, this Sscuriry Instrument and the oblpttbne e�cursd h�reby sh�u remafn Nlry �ffsotNe ne :1 no �ccsMratb�
<br /> ' had occurtcd. Hov+tfve►, thle rfpht to rek�etete ehen not eppy In the case of acceleretlon undar perepraph 17.
<br /> 18. �ate of Note; Chanpe o}Lo�n Servlcer. The Not� or • p�Rlal htenSt n the Nata (topethar wKh thl� S�CUrRy� i
<br /> �� Instrument)may be aold one or more tlmes wRhout prbr not�e to Bortower. A aale may re�uRn w chanpe k► the sntNy(known�s th��
<br /> 1 "LOan ServfCer") thet Col{ects monthly poyment6 due under the Note end this Securky Instrument. There also may be one or more Cj ,
<br /> chanpes ot the Loen Servfcer unreleted to n a�b of the Note. If there h a ohanfle ot the Loan Servfce►, Bortower wlli be pHsn wrNtenF►, I
<br /> I notVice ot the ahanQe In acoordnnce wRh pampraph 14 ebove and appl�abb law. The nollce wlil et4te the name and addres8 0} the�
<br /> new Loan Servicer and the addrese to whlnh paymente shoukl be made, The notbe wlll aMo contaln any other Infortnatlon requlred by� I
<br /> eppl�able I�w. -
<br /> 20. Hezardoua SUbstAPiCC�. Borrower shail not cause or permk the presence, uso, disposal, storaqe, or release oi eny� ,
<br /> Hazardous Subatances on or h the Property. Borcower shall not do, nor albw anyone else to do,enythhg affectinq the Property that ��:
<br /> Is h vloiatbn o; eny EnvYOnmental Law. The precedinp two sentences shall not eppry to Ihe presence, uso, or storaps on the �• +�•� - _
<br /> Property of amall quantRles ot Hezardous Substunces that are qenereiy reoopnlzed to be approprlate to norm8l residentlal uses and to
<br /> malntenance of the Property. - -__
<br /> Bortowsr eha{I prompty plve Lendar written notfce of any hvsstipatbn, cklm,demand,IaweuR or othw aotbn by eny yovemmental , _ _
<br /> or re�pulstory nQenoy or ptNate party InvoNing the Property end any Haierdous Substance or Envhonmental Law oi whbh Borrower has � •=:�;� .
<br /> aotual knowfedQe. If Borrower feama, or Is notified by any qovemmentel or repulatory authority,that nny removal or other remediatbn "- �.--
<br /> of any H�rdous Substance affeatinfl the Property Is necessary, Bortower shall promptty take ell necessary remedial aotbns In , , -"-"'�
<br /> ;�r;
<br /> accordance wkh Environmental Law.
<br /> As used In this parapraph �, "Huerdous SubotenCes' flre those substances deFned es toxb on c��rdous substances by �� '
<br /> Environmental Law and the folbwhd su65tances:gasolhe,kerosene, othor flammabM or toxlc petroleum produCts, toxfc pestbides and �' `�--
<br /> herobldes, volatlle soNents,materials contaNhe esbestos or tortnaldehyde, and radbflcthre meteriels. As used h thls parapraph 20, • � .
<br /> -� •Environmental Law" means tedorai laws and laws of the Jurisd�tton where the Property fs bcated that relate to heaRh, satety or �`'�_
<br /> envMonmenul proteotbn.
<br /> NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Rortower and lender turther covenant and aflree ea fo�Ows:
<br /> • 21. Acceleratlon; Remedie�. Lender shell �Ive notice to Borrower prlor to acceleratton tollowin� r• •
<br /> ' Borrower'a breach nf eny covenent or apreement in this Securtty InaVument (but not prlor to
<br /> ecceleretlon under aeras�raph 17 unless spplicable law providea otherwl�e). The notice shall apecliy: . - �.�
<br /> (e) the detsult; (b) fhe acUon requtred to cure the deteutt; (c) a date, not iess inan su d�ys irom i�� -=..,- •
<br /> dete the notice Is �Iven to Barrowar� by whlch the detnult muat be c�ered; end (d) that tallure to cure ��
<br /> the defeult on or beforo the date apeciti�d in the notice mey reault In accelecatton of tha suma "�c'.'� �.
<br /> aecured by thta Securtry In�trument and sale of the Property. The notice shall turther Intorm " �7�:%�.�, � -
<br /> Bor�ower of the rloht to retnsfate afler acceleratlon snd the rlyht to brinp a court acUon to assert the ;� ;;Y. '
<br /> non-existence of• default or my other defense of Borrower to ecceler�+tlon end sale. If the deteult Is , ,,. � a�
<br /> not cured on or betore the d�te �pecified (n the notice, Lender at Its option may requtre Immediate . �
<br /> � � . paymant In fuli oi ati wms secured by this 8ecurtty InsVument without turther de�nand end mey ';;�•
<br /> invoke the power of salo end eny othzr remedtes permitted by epplicable Isw. Lender shatl be ���
<br /> � entitled 4o cotlect all e�enses Incurred In purautnq the �emedlet provlded In thls peraqraph 21� � ' ,
<br /> � includlnp� bat�ot Iimited to. reaaonsble attorneya' teea and coata ot title evidence. ,� ' ,a+�
<br /> • �' If the power ot �ale ts Invoked� Truatee ahalt record e notice ot detsutt in esch county in which �:, '�.��-�
<br /> ' �' any pert of tho Property ta lacsted and ahall meil copies of au�h noUce In the manner prescribed by nac;ti.-:_
<br /> � epplicsble law to Borrower �nd W the other persona prescribed by appliceble lew. ARer the time ���a��:
<br /> �- : re ulred by appilaable Iew� Truatee ahall plve publtc notice of aale to the peraons end in the m�r�ner ��" '"
<br /> . q �..�:.��..
<br /> ; � prescrtbed by aqplicable Iew. Trustee� without demend on Borrower� ahall sell the Property et public .,.:�____
<br /> aucUon to the hipheat bldder st the Ume end plece and u�der the terms deslqnated tn the noUce of '�A����=
<br /> y � ..T�:.��,
<br />_- ; , aale In one or more parcNa and in any order Trustee determinea Tru��ee may postpone �ale Af etl ��r�r=-
<br /> � . �' or ar�y p�rc�l of tho Property by pub�ic eren�uncement et the �im� er+d pla�e u4 �ny pr�vEously '���
<br /> �"� `
<br /> � r� scheduled �le. Lender or It�deslynee mey purahaae the Property at eny s�io. r� i,,,_'
<br /> � Upon recelpt of payment ot tho pNce bid Trustee shaU deliver to the puroha�er Trustee's deed ;�'��== -
<br /> � -.w-.•..-._--.�d--.
<br /> convs In the+ Pro erty. The recitsta In the T�ustee'a deed ahaill be prlma tecle evtdence of the Vuth � � �6-
<br /> Y � P :.R��:�
<br /> 3 of the atetemenU made thereln. Trustee aha�li apply the proceeds ot the eale in the followinq order: . �� � �'"
<br /> ;�, (e) to ell costs and expenses ot exercta�nq the power of eale, end the�ale, Including the peyment of � �"� �
<br /> , tNe Trustee'a tees actuelly Incur�ed� not to exceed 3 96 of the principel amount of the nota �'
<br /> ., at the time of the daclaration ot defauit� and reesonable ettomey's feea es permittod by law; (b) to ell
<br /> sums aecured by thia �ecurity InaVument; end (c) eny excess to the person or persons le�elly � �,
<br /> � entitled to It.
<br /> , 22. Reconveyence. Upon peyment of aN sums saoured by thls Socurity Instrumont,Lendar ehall request Truatse to roconwy
<br />_ • �� the Property tnd shaN aurrender thls Seaurity Instrument and aY notes evidenohp debt secund by this Securky InsWment to Trustoa.
<br /> j Truotas ehaN reconvey the Property wRhout warrenry nnd wkhout charye to the paraon or persons lepnly sntkled to k. Such person or „ .
<br /> . j peraona shaq pny any record�tbn costs.
<br /> i
<br />`• i 23. Subatitute T�u�tee. i_en�,at ke optbn, may trom tme to th�o remove rruatee and a�.fotnt a successor truatee to
<br />-. i nny Trubtes nppohtod hereunder by en InsWment recorded h the county k► whbh thls Securky Instn�ment Is recorded. WRhout
<br /> ' conveyanca ot the Property, successor Gvstee ahall succeed to atl tho title, power e��d dutiee coMerted upon Trustee horeln and by
<br /> _.J
<br /> _ - _.- ---j aAPibabk Isw. � �_=_---_--
<br /> � 24. Requeat for No4lcea. BoROwer requeste that cop{es ol the notfces of defauR end sale be sent to Borrowera addresa �
<br />= I wh�h Is the Properly Address.
<br /> 26. Rider�to thie Seeurity inatrument It one or more riders are executed bY Borrower and recordetl toperther wkh
<br /> this SeCUrNy InsWment, the covenaits and aQreanents of each suah ridef shall be hcorporated into and shall 4mend and supplornent �
<br /> = the covenante and aqreernents of this SeeurNy Instrument aa M Ihe rfder(s) were e part ot thfs Securiry Inetrument. �
<br />� i
<br /> � Form 90IIe V/QO �
<br /> 1
<br /> Ft04Y.LM0(?JiE) P�p��of 6
<br /> i
<br /> {
<br /> MO
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