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� ' � , . � j-' <br /> .. .,��K+. . <br /> .. , wyM'w' . <br /> ' �ri' <br /> 7. P�oteotton of Lsndar'� Rlphta In the Properry. i� eorrowe iei�a co parorm sno oovw,anis and«�ie `'' <br /> oontnhed h tAls Securfty Inetruma�t, or Ihsre N s bpal proceedhp that rtNy eqnM��nty�Neat Lenders riphte In th� Property (euch ic , <br /> n pro�ea�infl In bankruptoy, probate, for oondomnetbn or farteRure or to enforce lews or repulaqons), then lender mey do and pay lor - <br /> wh�tw�r Is n�c�eetry So prot�ot the wlu� of thY Prop�rty and Undere riphte h lho Property. Lender's Qotbns may halude pAyhp ; <br /> ar►y�ums ��aund by � Ikn whbh hts prb►ky ov�r IhF�Fi�aurity In�trummt, �pp�arinfl In court, payinp rsaeontbla attomay's faes ond .- <br /> I Mteinp on th�PropMty to rtaak�np�ka, Akhouph LMdu m�y t�k��otbn und�r thN pangraph 7,Landsr doe�not hws to do so. - <br /> Any am0unt� dhbur4sd by Lsnd�r und�r thfs pan�r�ph 7 ehQli become addRbml debt oi Bortower eecured by this Securty <br /> 1 Instrum�nf. UnMs� Bortow�r and l.�ndu opr�e to othK Urmt ol ptymont, th�ae amounte aha11 bur Inta�st hom the dato of <br /> dlsbursan�nt�t tha Noto rata ond ahall be pay�b6e,wkh InNr�st, upon not�s hom Lendsr to Bortows requestinp payment. � <br /> � 8. �lAOt���Qe Insunnoe. It Land�t r�qut�al mortp�p� hsunnc� �� r condiibn ol r�wkLip thy I��n occurcd by <br /> ' I S�curky Inftrummb BortowK •haN pay th• pnmfums nqukb to mahtdn th� mortpap� hsuranc� h �tlaat. If, for tny na�on, � <br /> mortptp� Intunnc�oownQ� r�quind by Le�dw Msp��a or c�+s�a tn bo h et(wt, Borrowu shall p�y th�pramiuma requlred to obt�h � <br /> coveapa aubst�ntyly aquNahnt to th� mortp�y� hsuruic� prwbuey h �H�ct, ot ■ cost subetanti�lry equlvalent to t�e aost lo Q <br /> 8orroww ol tha mortqape hsunnCe pqvbuly In�fteot, hom an ahsm�ts moRytp� Inaurer �pproved by Lender. If Bubst�ntYy♦► '' � <br /> equNilent moRy�p� heunnc� covK�p� Is nol�v�tWbis,Bonowar ahall pay to L�nd�r etah month e aum equtl to onstweNth of Ihe� ' � <br /> ysarly mortQ�g�Ntunnc�premlum behp pald by BorrowK arhln the hsur�nce cownpe kpsed or ceased to be In effect. LendK wN1 N • " <br /> acc�pt, u��and ntah th�s� paym�ntt ts a bss rls�rw h Yw of mortpap�hsunnc�. Loat reserre paymwits mty no bnpr►b�� .. <br /> roqulred, at tha optbn of Lender, M mortp�ge InsurNC�cowra�s (h ths�mount and for ths perbd that Lend�r requires)provid�d by '"�� <br /> an hiur�r �pprowd by Und�r epaln b�aomea i►viNa6k and Is obtahad. Omrower shall pay the prcmk,ms requksd to mahuh � -=�"_� <br /> mortp�p� Inaur�nc� in �ft�ot, or to provld� a bse r�sww, untY th� requlr�t for mortpape hsunnce ends In accordanca wkh any ,"�?�•'_---- <br /> wrkt�n�pn�rn�nt bMwMn Borrow�r and I.�nG►or tppNabM Itw. �'r�;'=v- <br /> �. ImpecUon. LMidM ot ks dpint mty m�it��NSOnabk �ntrN� upOn �rld htp�Ctbna of th� Ptopwty. I.ender ehall �Fw !_'''�' <br /> BortowK notic�at th�ttn�ot or prbr to�n insp�clbn sp�oMyh� rNtsontbN c�uso for th�hapeotbn. <br /> 10. Condemnatlon. Th� procNds of any awud or a�lm Por dam+poa, dfaot or aonaoquentbl, fn cannsatbn wRh any =--- <br /> ' condKnnatbn or oth�r t�khp of�ny part of th�PropMty,or lor aonwy�na in Yw of condfmn�tbn,an hareby assipn�d and Bhptl be <br /> ' paW to Lendar. - <br /> . In tha w�nt of a total takinp nf th� Proparty,th� procNda ahaH b� RppG�d to th� auma ascur�d by thk S�curky Inatrurr�nt, . `�.� <br /> � wh�th�r or not thsn du�, wRh any �xca� pdd to Borrower. In th�evant of�partlal nkhp of ths Prop�Ry In whbh the faY markN , .:r�_:, <br /> valuo of th� Property knm�dlnt�y bafore th�tnk(ny Fs equai to or preater thm the �mount ot the sum9 socured by this Socuriyr ,:r-�. <br /> `' Imhum�nt ImnHdi�tNy bNon th� takhp, unMsa 8orroww and Lander oth�rwh� apns in wrkhy, tho aums a�curod by th[s S�cunly •:;:�� <br /> Instnim�nt thaA ba nduad by th� �mount of th�ptocwds muklplied by th� foAOwhp kactbn: (�) tha tottl amount of th� sumt ���`ti • = <br /> �� secund irn�ned�tey bNore ths takMp, dHided by @) the fair markqt value of the Property fmmed�tey beforo the takinp. My b�lana �'^� �:1 <br /> � shil b� pild to Bartow�r. In th�w�nt of a ptRW takhfl of th�Pcoperty tn whioh th�hlr market valua of the PropKty fmr►wdlatNy ,t''� <br /> � bMaa th�Wkinp b I�ss than th�amount of ths eums cacund Ynmedl�tey C�lon th� t�chy, unless BoROwYr and l.�ttd�r OthMwN� -_- <br /> syn� h wrkM�p or unb=s �ppNcabM kw oth�rvvis�providsa,th� procwds ehall b� applied to tho sums sacured by this S�eudyr •; <br /> - .--�-- insdum�nt wn�th�r or not tn�sums ur to� a�. <br /> � I}th�Pr�psRy b abandon�d by Barower,or N,aftar notke by Lender to Barower thtt the condemnor oHers to mtk�an award or ' <br /> �� settk a cYim for dunapos, Borrownr hi�to rospond to Landn wkhin 30 daya�Ror th�dete tha not�s Is pken,Lenda b authoH�d '- <br /> to colMct�nd appy th�prxwds,at kt option, sNhK to restoratbn or rep4ir of th�Proparty or to tha sums seourod by this S�curRy `h�- <br /> InsWm�nt,wh�thar or not th�n dw. _ <br /> Unbss Lender ond Borrowe�othar�xis� nprse In wrkinp, any epplicatbn of proceeds to prinoip�l ahall not extend or postpono th� • •_ <br /> dua dats of th�monthy paym�nte nlert�d to h panyrapha 1 Nd 2 or ahan�s tha unount of such p�ymw�ts. ' ` . <br /> - 11. Borrower Not Rele�ed:Forbear�nce By Lender Not�W�(ver. Extensbn o� �no �ime ror paym«�s or '''� <br /> _'+ modiflcatbn of�mortir�tbn ot th�eums s�cund by this S�curity InaWment Q►uitsd by Landsr to any succsssor M k►unst of BorrowK <br /> . L � -. <br /> sh�N not op�nta to nNas�th�N�bNity of th�orqhel eorrowu or Bor►ower's aucc�ssoro In ht�G UndK ehaA not b�nquind to <br /> '" aomn�tc�procs�dinps�pahtt�ny succ�ssor h inlecest or relusa to extend tine lor paymsnt or oth�rwlse modNy amortiutbn of ih� <br /> � � �i tums sacund by thf� S�curityr Inatr�mmt by rwson of any demand made by the oripinal BortowM or 8ottowere succaaoro h ,�+�� <br /> _ � ;a %'•" ' htw�sG My forbenrtnc�by LendK In exercbinp any riyht or romedy shell not be e waMrer ot or preciude tha wcerolse ot any ripht or — <br />;; � .;,� " rerrNdy. <br />_- �• � ��;,,� :' 12. Suaaeaors�nd ilssiqn��ound;Jolnt and Severel Lleblllty; Co-slpnere. Tne COVMYt116 �nd — <br /> � � agn�rn�nte of thla 8�curky Inatrumsnt ehaN 6ind md benelit the successon and aaaipna oi L9ndor and Bertower, eub�ct to the � <br /> •: . provbbns of panpnph 17. 8orrowws coven�nts Nd apnernenta ahaH be Juint and eeverel. MY Borrow�r who caspna thla&curRy _ <br />���• "�� w InsWment but does not execute ths Note: (a) b aaalBnNp this Securky InsWment onty to mortpapo, fl►e�►t, and Conwy th�t � <br /> � :.�� eonow�i htereat In tha�roparty undx the tertns of thkc Secu Inswme��t;@) is not pernona6 ab' tsd to pay tha aums t.aurcd �--'-'L�--- <br /> r�ty P � Y �Da ie-r=-� --- �— <br />'__ ;, by this SacurNy InoWm�nt; �nd (o) apreos that l.mder and�ny othor 8orrower may aprae to extend, modNy, fnrbev or m�k� Ny <br /> _�;:�.»�;��`':,.r'� aoCOmmodubna wkh ropud to t�rtns�I thl�Secur�y Ineuumant or the Ncte wahout th�t Bonowsra consenG �'-�_ <br /> ' ',•� ` 13. �oan Ch�r�es. ►t thA lotn ssCUted by thb S�CUrky InSWment b sub}eCt to a I4w whbh sste mutimum ban Charplt, <br /> -`��t ��' and that I�w b fln�ly ht�protsd eo th�t the hterost or other btn oharpes coifeoted or to b� coNeoted In connoatbn wRh ths lan �,X-�-__ - __ <br /> ` �. � �xcwd th�pem�ktW Ifmite, then; (n) any such b�n cherpes ahap b0 reduced by the amount necessuy to reduce the char�pe to ths �-°—� <br /> � pemtkMd knfh md(b)�ny suma atsady oolieot�d lram Bortowrr whbh wcceodod pe�mkted Itmfts wIN be relunded to Barrower. LanMr '����:---_---__ <br /> � may chooae to maks this reNnd by reduahp the princpal owed under the Note or by makin� a direot payment to Borcower. II a a� �i�i:- <br /> retund reducsa princpat,the reduotbn wiN be treated as e paAf�i prepayment wkhout any prepayment aharye under the Note. �`���'` <br /> r ,�t4���,=d,-. <br />-. 14. NOtICEa. My not[ce to Bortower provbed tor In this Security InsWment shall be plven by deliverYip R or by mailhy h by �'_�S���j;,- <br /> f tkst class mafl unless appNcab�e bw requfrea use of enothw method. The not�e shall bo dkeated to the PropeRy Addresa or �ny ;, T::�;�n . '-�`^• <br /> .r..,: :n:;,•��,�Ns <br /> i oth�r addross Bor.ower deslpnatss by not�co to Lender.My notfce to Lender shaN be pben by fkst class moil to Lendera add�oss ' . �.�z.`:j <br /> ' ;>�'�c: <br />- atnted hereh or nny other addrese l.endor deslpnales by notfce to BoROwer. My not�e provided for h this Socurity Inswment shell �.'� _�" x•r <br /> be d6am�d to havs Wen plven to Borrower or Lender �vhen yNOn os provided In this panpnph. ° .��t�• <br /> � 1b. Qovernln� I.�w; Severabutty. Trib S9CUlIty In6tNIY19flt shflN be povemed by federel Iaw end the law of Ne " ;':"_ ' <br /> juriadbtbn h whiCA ths PropeRy Is loctted. In the event that ony provlsion or olsuae of ihFs SSc►ccurity InaWment or the Note confNCte � <br />- � wkh appNc�bk ftw, suoh oontltot shap not afleot olher provbbns of thb Securky InaWment or the Note whbh Ctn ba qhren eHeot • � <br />� wkhout th�oonflictinp provlabon. To this end ths provisbns of this Seaurity lneWment and the Note are dealared to ba sevxable. <br /> _- -- - . _ <br />=•-- - �- . -'7 7�. etorrowara copy. BOROwer 3�Bn oepiven one coniomred copy oi ine ivoie irid oi ini5 oa:ii�nj u�buuu�n. - -� '-° �� " <br /> 17. 7ransfer ot�he Property or e Beneilctal Inter��t In Borrowe�. if aii or a�y van of the PropeRy or eny E � <br /> t Interest In R is eoid or tran8fe�r�ed (or H a benePickl Interest h Borrower Is soW or transferred and Borrower Is not a natural person) • <br /> " wRhout Lenders prior wrkten consent, Lender may,et ka optbn, requke YnrtwG�te payment h tull ot all sums secured by thts:feauriy <br /> Instniment.Nvwwror,thh optton ehall not be exerolsed by Lender If exerclso Is prohlbked by ted�trel law as of the date of thls Secur�j <br /> Inatrumerft. ' <br /> � If Lsnder exerafaes thfs optbn,Lender shtll qAre Bortower not�e ot eCCOleretbn,Th�notbe shall provldo a perbd Af not bss than ; <br /> 30 days from the date the not�e Is delivered or malled wRhfn whlch the Bonower must pay elI sums securod by this Secur�ty <br /> ` InsWment.If Borrower falfs to pay these sums prlor to the e�iratbn of thls perbd,Lender may hvoke any remodlas pertnitted by Nfs <br /> :' Security Inatrument wRhout tur4her not�e or demand on Borcower. Fo�m sose vno • <br /> - FfOZ0.LM0(2/06) P�g�8 0l 6 - . <br />_f, � . <br /> 1 I . <br /> � uo _ <br /> ____J <br />